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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno managed to wake up after his alarm went off on his phone. Groaning, he gets up, and walks over to his closet, where he pulls out a white T-Shirt, black Denim shirt, and black khakis. After grabbing them, he walks into his bathroom to take a shower. When he reached the door, he figured he should wake the others up. "Hey, wake up you two," he shouted. "We got classes to go, students to see, and asses to kick!"

@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir
Hazel just looked at her phone as she text reno" wake up big brother i'm nervous about classes i'm scared that the others will pick on me since i'm death' she texted him all she wanted to do is hug her legs and cry but she was trying to be strong she just looked around the room as she saw the others was talking she heard nothing she went to the cafteria she saw some bullies but she pretned she could hear so she won't be judged for her deafness @ShadowSaber331
Reno managed to wake up after his alarm went off on his phone. Groaning, he gets up, and walks over to his closet, where he pulls out a white T-Shirt, black Denim shirt, and black khakis. After grabbing them, he walks into his bathroom to take a shower. When he reached the door, he figured he should wake the others up. "Hey, wake up you two," he shouted. "We got classes to go, students to see, and asses to kick!"

@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir

Issac sighs and then gets up and quickly makes the bed and says "i was already awake from before and your too loud for this hour of the morning, well since i'm up i may as well finish getting my clothes ready and to be frank i'm not really that interested in pointless fights if i'm going to fight it has to be for a dam good reason".He then starts getting getting his clothes ready after minutes or so he's done and nodded to himself and puts his bag on a make shift hanger and then grabs his towel and puts it on the bed and starts to get undress.
Reno walks out after his long shower and puts on his clothes. "What can I say Isaac," he said. "I like to learn everything I can before I'm out of this school. This is my last year after all." Reno got everything on and grabs his phone, where he recieved a text from Hazel. "Anyway, since you're up, mind waking up Arcus? I swear, that kid may be a lightning elemental, but he sleeps like he's out of energy...no pun intended." Thinking that now may be a good time to test out his teleporting skill that he read in some book, he turns into energy and disappears instantaneously, only to appear right next to Hazel the next second. "Wow," he said. "I think I can get used to having lightning powers." Reno turns towards Hazel and taps her shoulder.

@Leo Radomir 

Nobuyuki opens his cold, gray eyes at the first tone of his alarm. He sees a good view of his plain room's ceiling. Normally he would have two roommates, but he currently has none. He never understood why. In a way, it kind of suits his personality. After all, it's normal for him to be alone. But it isn't like he doesn't want to make friends; he just never put forth the effort to try. It's the same way vice versa. Something about him, probably his distant personality, makes him seem... unapproachable. It was hard for him at first, but now it's just grown on him. Sort of like an extension of his original self. He's just too awkward around people, taking everything literally, not understanding humor and sarcasm, remaining 100% logical about everything. It's as if a recipe for social disaster had been poured into his soul. And somehow, he's okay with that. So this year, he's decided to change himself. He's decided to help others and maybe even make a friend or two.

So he stands up, changes into his school clothes, and walks out the door. The only thing he brings with him is a small leather sack full of who-knows-what. His expression is still blank and his mind is thinking of thousands of different thoughts. Nothing political or social. All of them just being about how the earth works and physics; logical stuff. Even so, it's as if one tiny little thought, almost inaudible, is screaming at the top of its tiny little lungs. It says to Nobuyuki, "Make a friend today!" And even though the thought is so small, it's the biggest thing on his mind right now. He walks into a hall of the dorm building. He doesn't actually know where he's supposed to be headed. Probably a class that he hasn't yet attended this year because it is "impractical". He's ever been to an actual class, so he just stands there, lost in thought outside of all of the dorm rooms, trying to figure out where he should be headed right now.
Raiven slouches into the cafeteria and drapes herself over Hazel's other shoulder with a "pshuuu" She rests there for a moment before mumbling "Good morning" to the others. It's clear Raiven hasn't had her morning sugar rush to get her going. The sleepy lightning elemental moves off slowly towards the cups of tea growling slightly at a couple of first year elementals who skipped happily by.

Once she has her tea in hand she pulls out her phone and texts Arcus, her spelling abysmal as she's falling asleep "GoOd MorNiiiingu, IN cAfe, come Joiin mE"



@Anyone Online
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Hazel fell out the chair" ack" she say as she just looked at him" don't do that again" she say she felt like slapping him but she didn't like being scared like that i hate when people scare me espically i can't hear' she signed as she looked at him as she tilt her head' how did you got lighting powers anwyas' she say as she just looked at him as she just looked at him trying to understand why he had lighting powes like raiven she just looked around' i'm nervous about the classes will they like me or not i always get picked on cause i can't hear' she sign as she sat back on her chair she was so close to slapping raiven she got scared twice" don't.... do....that....me....no....like....scaring" she say as she was struggling to speak to her friend @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
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Raiven, being Raiven and it being morning simply laid her head on the table and answered Joseph with a "Pshuu" When one of the students moved and a sunbeam fell onto her face she grumbled and buried her head into her arms "Pshuu" She muttered as she moved, desperately in need of candy to start her day.



Arcus just got out of bed and flashed to the cafe not thinking. He was wearing pajama pants, that hung low showing the v of his lower parts. He didn't have a shirt, and his abs showed. The white ink of his tribal sleeve popped against his tan skin. His silver and gold hair was a mess, and he walked towards the tea and Raiven. AS he walked girls gawked at him and stared and lustfully looked at Arcus. He walked up to Raiven and hugged her form behind. "Good Morning my queen." Arcus then kissed her cheek, and started to make some tea.
'Don't worry,' he signed to Hazel. 'You got a few good powerful elementals here to help you when things get hairy. Just text us whenever you're in trouble, okay?' Reno looks over at Raiven, who looked like she's suffering from a hangover. "Raiven, what the hell happened to you," he asked. "You look like you need something like.." As he was about to finish his sentence, he sees Arcus right behind her. "Hey Arcus, I was wondering when you was gonna wake up," he shouted. "Mind giving her some energy, she looks like she had too much to drink."


@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online
Raiven simply muttered another "pshuuuuuuuu" snuggling into the hug. Slowly she took a sugar cube out of the pot and dropped it in her mouth. Within a minute or so Raiven lifted her head from the table "Needed sugar to get going " Now she could actually think she sat up, twisted around and gave Arcus a kiss before smirking at the girls who were staring at him.

@Anyone Online @ShadowSaber331 @Zeldafangirl
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Hazel just looked at raven as she just pull out some lollipops as she had from yesterday" foo yoo" she say as she just looked at her pulling out more gummy bears that were made for her" heere" she say as she looked at her she looked back at the other boy as she turned away she didn't know what he say' what did he say' she thought as she just sit at the as just looked at her" i wont frieend has cannndy" she say as she looked at her as she just smiled looking at her as she looked at reno' okay big brother you guys are powerful i'm just a worthless deaf human girl' she signed as she haven't smiled since yesterday since her mothers death @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Issac sighs and gently shakes him a few times and says" everyone is heading to the cafeteria if you want food then i'd recommend hurrying up", he then leaves him be and goes to take a shower not needing food right now because he has food rations with him and wants to finish them before they go off. ' I'm not doing this every time and why wasn't reno doing it's not like i'm their friend he needs something to wake him up in the morning'.

Hazel just looked at raven as she just pull out some lollipops as she had from yesterday" foo yoo" she say as she just looked at her pulling out more gummy bears that were made for her" heere" she say as she looked at her she looked back at the other boy as she turned away she didn't know what he say' what did he say' she thought as she just sit at the as just looked at her" i wont frieend has cannndy" she say as she looked at her as she just smiled looking at her as she looked at reno' okay big brother you guys are powerful i'm just a worthless deaf human girl' she signed as she haven't smiled since yesterday since her mothers death @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331

Ruby goes and knocks on her sisters door and says" I came to get you for breakfast i've had mine but i'm still thirsty so i'll have a drink with you and remember no talking to others about what we talked about that's the rule i was told by big brother".Ruby then steps back and waits for her as she leans against the wall with her bag by her side ' maybe i should ask clair if luna can help with coucil it would be a good chance for her to grow and make another friend'.
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Raphael Moreau


        As I kept the person who I was fighting to myself, I then began to think of the first class I had to go to. Naturally, with a snap of a finger and along with the new technique I had learned yesterday, I had teleported to class. I still continued to be a bit off balance from that, as suddenly having one's body mass disappear and reappear in a split second may make someone feel, uneasy at a minimum. I then took a seat, and I waiting for everyone else to arrive as I read a book about teleportation, a Notre Dame Report from another student there of course.
Luna just was already dressed as she just open the door and pick up her bag" okay i got it i won't tell anyone its our secret i promise i won't say anything" she say as she braided her hair as she smiled she just wanted to train be with her plants" so how was breakfast do you like your roommates" she asked as she goes with her sister she was smiling looking at her big sister if her big brother was saying not to say anything she wouldn't she was very oboident to her sister and to her big brother @Leo Radomir
"At least I know you're feeling better,' he signed. 'To hear that Raiven is going to take you in gave me the impression that someone close to you...um, you know.' He didn't want to accidentally mention something as touchy as death, so he figured he'd divert the topic to something more pleasant. "Hey, my mom and dad said it was okay to make a home for me," he said and signed. "It'll be made of shadow magic, meaning it'll be an illusion, but it'll be as real as the air we breathe." It was going to be like a base of operations for the Elites, but considering that the whole house would be made by shadow magic, it would automatically adapt to the changes of it's inhabitants, and to how many there are, but that's something he'll explain later.


@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online 



After the week of settling in, Kat got the feel of the new year. She woke up with a stretch, pushing her white comforter aside revealing her wearing a thin tank top and booty shorts. First official class: Element Training. Of course Kat could control her element very well. She was the head of the Elites after all. With a yawn she got up wan walked to the kitchen while playing with her fallen hair. Once she reached the cabinets she got some oatmeal and a glass of orange juice. She then sat at the table, eating and scrolling through her social media and texting her parents as she ate her breakfast. Of course she was going to attend class, but she was going to procrastinate. Kat even took a selfie with her hair down which no one had seen except for her roommates. As time passed, Kat contemplated what was going to happen today.
Luna just was already dressed as she just open the door and pick up her bag" okay i got it i won't tell anyone its our secret i promise i won't say anything" she say as she braided her hair as she smiled she just wanted to train be with her plants" so how was breakfast do you like your roommates" she asked as she goes with her sister she was smiling looking at her big sister if her big brother was saying not to say anything she wouldn't she was very obedient to her sister and to her big brother @Leo Radomir

Ruby face palms herself and says" I hope no one heard that it could be used against us given the wrong person this is why i'm not sure about giving you harder work but for now lets head to breakfast". Ruby starts walking down the hall and after a couple of minutes says" Oh did the manual me and big brother brother make any sense it's made for higher lv plant users so it may be a bit tricky". ' i'm glad she's so happy and loyal but given her personality i hope he doesn't blow a brain cell trying to learn the advanced material'.
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Nobuyuki, still standing in the dormitory hallway, feels an uncomfortable sensation in his stomach. It rumbles and growls at him, as if demanding something. I'm hungry... he realizes. An awful sensation indeed. Rather than just continuing to stand in the halls, he decides to grab a bite to eat. The cafeteria is the only place he knows how to get to, besides his dormitory. He walks slowly, his thoughts focused only on eating now. Upon entering the cafeteria he notices a group of students, presumably friends, eating breakfast together. They look like they are having fun, he thinks to himself. Shyness overcomes him when he thinks about approaching them to talk. I'll just leave them to themselves. They probably don't want me butting in on the fun. He gratefully takes his meal and walks to a table a few seats away from the group of students. His head looks down as he walks past. As much as he wants to make friends, he's too scared to mess up his opportunity.



@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online
Homura awoke with an annoyed voice buzzing in his ear, or what looked like someone yelling in his ear but was really just in his head "Hey idiot wake up! You're seriously boring me right now" said the dark Homura aloud even though no one else could hear him "Do you seriously need to make so much noise? It's morning we can be a little quieter, there are still kids in this room that need sleep" he said pointing at Adrian lazily to show his darker self what he meant. As he moved to get out of bed he tried to focus his other self out of vision "Damn it's getting worse" he was starting to see his darker self more and more and didn't like what it could mean "Hey Nathaniel, nice thanks for the food" he said after getting dressed and sitting at the table as he demolished 60 percent of the remaining pancakes in mere minutes "Don't worry about Adrian he won't eat high carbs, he eats like a girl that way" he smiled a little at his own comment as he mock insulted Adrian while he ate. "So how's the watch feeling, have you tried anything since last night?" He asked as he wiped off his face and proceeded to bring his plate to the sink to wash off "Mock battles are starting today so the better you get with that thing he better off you'll be" he said as he remembered the drafted schedule that was sent to him from the academy. He turned around to head to the washroom and found his other self right in front of him "Seriously, stop!" He harshly whispered to his hallucination of himself before walking right through him "Anyway I'm going to head out early and hand Graham my report and then probably go to the forest for a while" he said before grabbing a red leather jacket that looked slightly similar to his Elites jacket, only without the embroideries and symbols. "Hey Adrian wake up! Nathaniel made breakfast. Please do me a favour and be polite for once" he said as he nudged Adrian before walking toward the door with a shoulder bag with his report inside of it. He left his dorm and walked by room 101 'She's probably still asleep. I'll try talking to her later' he thought when he remembered wanting to apologize to Kat. He began walking to the teachers offices and found Grahams room in the place it's been for the last two years. Homura dropped it in his mail slot and then walked outside "Such a beautiful day! Well better get started" he said aloud to himself as he walked toward the main gate.

Homura walked up to the wall beside the closed gate "Hey mind giving me a hand since you won't go away" he said as if to no one until in his vision his darker self appeared "So demanding! Just know hat with this I'll have more ground to stand on when ttrying to take back control" said his darker side before vanishing. Homura felt a surge of energy and started a flame in his hand. The flame looked normal except for the black flame right in the centre of the overall red flame "Thanks me! I'll have to really work to keep you under control" he said to himself before looking up to see an almost transparent purple layering that spread from the campus walls "This will be a breeze" Homura enveloped himself in his flames and jumped straight up to he edge of the wall. Homura quickly grabbed the edge and climbed over with a little difficulty. After he was over the other side he spotted his old path and headed down it into the forest. 

@JayEmperor7 @eero-prince
Ah yes, the first day of school. By this time most students would be preparing for school and class. But folks, this was Adrian. He wasn't "most students". What was he doing at the moment right now you may ask? Well sleeping of course. He did attend the " last day of freedom" event last night which lead to him sleeping at around 12:00 am. Poor child. And just to make the starting of his day he heard Homura's "sweet" voice forcing him awake. "10 more minutes old man..." He muttered before turning away to face the wall. "Fuckin' alarm clock, best friend hurter, bimbo.." It was quite obvious Adrian was both too tired to be aware of his words (and only 2/3 comments of those comments he actually meant) and not a morning person. Hah. It would take a miracle to make Adrian polite this early in the morning, to a human no less.

Once Homura and his motherly attitude had left and after a few tosses and turns Adrian couldn't go back to dreamland. Thanks a lot Homura. Adrian tiredly got up, did a few stretches, then walked to the kitchen. Not even bothering to wear his glasses. And because if that you could both see his gold eyes a bit more clearly and see Adrian bump into a wall or chair a few times. He squinted at the food. Not McDonalds. Adrian was very picky when it came to food that WASN'T McDonalds. And Adrian was fully aware this was not a happy meal whatsoever. So yes, Adrian was picky with his food, kinda like a girl. Unless it was McDonalds. Adrian took only one pancake and got himself an apple (which was rare) and sat down, starting to munch on his food, not even greeting Nathan whatsoever or thanking him for the food. Just give him time to take a good shower then he would magically turn into his usual obnoxious, funny, normal self. But for now he was a grumpy jerk.

@GreyGremory @JayEmperor7

Raphael Moreau


        After looking bored for a long time, I was so efficient I looked at the time on the clock; 6:45 AM. This usually happens to me because I always want to be punctual, or at least early in some cases. I got up and I left my books at my seat and I teleported back to my room. Then I began to think about what to do for now. As I was done, ready, and prepared, I would once more think about my dormitory and my life back at Notre Dame. I thought about waking up peacefully... yet that didn't make sense. Something was missing. Something... didn't happen yet that happens back at home. Something's missing. After giving it a long thought... a smirk surfaced on my face.

        I then created a clone of myself to jump back to in my room, still in my nightgown clothing, still 'sleeping'. Afterward, I took on a disguise of a maid, with a wave of a hand, I was in  a maid's uniform, and my hair color turned from black to pink in mere seconds. I would then tell you about everything else that changed but, the differences from being a female instead of a male are too many to count. Along with that, I summoned a set of 'maids' to help me with this 'task'. Once I had everything set... I then summoned several instruments, tubas, drums, bassoons, trumpets, any loud instrument that causes noise. You can tell what happens next, once I put the instruments in the hands of my 'helpers', we created a ruckus that notifies people to wake up. Once everything was in motion, I then teleported to my room, and I merged with the illusion I created who was still sleeping and in bed.

        From that, there was a rule of illusions that was also applied to a certain set of items. My school supplies. Since I merged into an illusion, the actions taken by the real body today were to be reversed. Hence, my books are back in my bag, ready to be 'taken out' again. As the loud instruments played, I then woke up in shock, and I patiently waited for everyone else's reaction.

Arcus sent a spark or electricity to Raiven. "Hey Raiven." Arcus said numbly He didn't even care he didn't have a shirt on, or that he was still in his pj pants. When Raiven kissed him Arcus just sparked with excitement. His tattoo glowed as another source of powers was coming to him. "Raiven do you have my shirt in your bag?? I don't feel like going back to get mine??" Arcus said as he yawned, and winked at Raiven.
"I think I do" Raiven gave a lazy grin before looking in her satchel "Here it is" She handed the neatly folded and washed shirt to Arcus "I washed it in my usual conditioner, lavender and cherry blossom scented" She kissed him on the lips again with a purr, her eyes glowing softly as she gazed at him. She blushed as she noticed his tattoos glowing, hiding her face in his neck

@Anyone Online
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