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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Luna just looked at her sister as she smiles" okay I understand we can go to my dorm room if you like I haven't meet my roommate yet so we can go there it's empty for now" she told her big sister as she just drink her juice as she just was looking at her it sounded serious what her sister wanted to tell her" I didn't do anything wrong right" she say as she got up she finished her food she went back and drink her juice she didn't eat fast as some people she always eat gracefully as she was taught her family was like rich @Leo Radomir
Luka swallowed the last of her curry and nodded "No muc" She spoke, clearly needing more practice too. She immediately started on her cheese platter and offered it to Hazel and the other girl "Want some" she signed. Cheese was her favourite thing, alongside ramen. Being offered it by her was lucky.

@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir

Hanako walked into the dining hall, looking for Raphael. She spotted him and snuck up before jumping on his back
"Konnichiwa Raphael-san" She greeted him, incredibly perky. She wanted to sit with him for dinner and talk more about their powers. 





Raphael Moreau


        Normally, I would turn around and kick the person who had tried to jump on me. But I didn't. Although once she got on, it was incredibly hard to get her off. I was a bit amused at this gesture, said, "Bonjour, j'aimerais vraiment que tu me quittes le dos." I translated my words, "Hello, I would really like it if you would get off my back." As I continue to walk towards a seat that I would prefer. Taking into account that Hanako will probably be sitting with me as well. I then began to take a seat, as I awaited her to get off my back.

@Eternal Dragonchild

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He chuckled. "Yeah, I kinda did. And a boy I think." Adrian pointed at the Chapstick kiss. "But hey, who can blame them? I'm irresistible." He was aware of his perks being the youngest Elite and him as well being second in command gave him even more perks. Adrian rose a brow, pretending to look confused before looking at the tray with a surprised look. "Crap I only got two..." He tried to hold back a smirk. 

"Well, I guess I can take a little break from ice cream." He took the two ice creams and placed one in front of Reno and one in front of Kat. Adrian made sure it was their favorite flavors. Adrian then took his burger, fries, chicken nuggets, and soda oh! And don't forget the small box of apple pie. This kid basically ordered a McDonalds meal for himself. He flashed Reno a devious smile before looking at Katalina with a natural one."Welp, eat up!" 

@ShadowSaber331 @demnkiller
Reno looks ar Adrian and then at his ice cream, thinking that he may have spiked it as payback for placing an electric trap on the doorknob. He then looked at his food right near him, which looked like he spent more on fast food than actual food. "Uh, why does it look like you just robbed a McDonalds," he asked. "Also, why did a boy kiss you again? I don't really have a problem with homosexuality, I got a few friends back home that rolls that way, but how did that happen?"

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Luna just looked at her sister as she smiles" okay I understand we can go to my dorm room if you like I haven't meet my roommate yet so we can go there it's empty for now" she told her big sister as she just drink her juice as she just was looking at her it sounded serious what her sister wanted to tell her" I didn't do anything wrong right" she say as she got up she finished her food she went back and drink her juice she didn't eat fast as some people she always eat gracefully as she was taught her family was like rich @Leo Radomir

Ruby smiles softly and says" of course not you should know by now what happens if you badly screw up, but that aside i hope your first day has been good i start work tomorrow and will have my hands full for some time and brother will want to hear from me soon so that's another part of the reason i want to get this sorted out quickly as possible". Ruby continues to eat and after a few minutes or so says" i'm glad that's the case because they don't need to know and besides there's to many people here that are overly loud and draw unwanted attention to themselves, that aside i've been thinking i've been holding back on a lot of the stuff so far because i wasn't sure how fast you would learn but maybe it's time i allowed you some other tasks".

Ruby pauses for a minute or so then says" I almost forgot something else i got a letter from a certain person which is very interesting the question is what is the catch to such a letter, if the risk is higher then the reward it's not worth it so that's where you will come in, of course like the other matters we can talk about it your room".

Issac notice the interactions between the many people as he sat on his own eating his food, ' so he's bi and from the looks for things reno has a thing for the girl known as kat probably an elite as well not that it matters but it does make things interesting, reno seems a very direct guy but i'm not so sure about the other one that's with me well only time will tell on that front'. 
Luna just looked at her as she just nodded listening to her sister words" okay i understand wait you want me to work with you with some other tasks" she say as she just smiled she just nodded" okay i understand let's go to my room Ruby" she say as she was messing with necklace she had a little problem with it she just was nervous " i learned a lot i can do anything you ask i can do the jobs just give me the chance i'm not that weak little sister anymore i promise i do good i won't screw up in this school what about this letter what did it exactly say" she say as she put her hands on the table she just was just watching her sister not paying attention the unwanting attention" come lets go to my dormroom plus i haven't meet my roommate are you finished with your food big sister" she say as she just had a serious look on her face @Leo Radomir
Joseph walked to his dorm, 108. "Welcome to an amazing year..." He said to himself sarcastically, tossing his stuff onto the free bed. He unpacked his stuff, then layed in bed and waited for his roomate to show. In the meantime he put in his earbuds and played his playlist, currently playing 'Demons.'
Luna just looked at her as she just nodded listening to her sister words" okay i understand wait you want me to work with you with some other tasks" she say as she just smiled she just nodded" okay i understand let's go to my room Ruby" she say as she was messing with necklace she had a little problem with it she just was nervous " i learned a lot i can do anything you ask i can do the jobs just give me the chance i'm not that weak little sister anymore i promise i do good i won't screw up in this school what about this letter what did it exactly say" she say as she put her hands on the table she just was just watching her sister not paying attention the unwanting attention" come lets go to my dormroom plus i haven't meet my roommate are you finished with your food big sister" she say as she just had a serious look on her face @Leo Radomir

Ruby flicks luna's head slightly hard and says" catch your breath little sister in this world being to impulsive will come back to bite you in the ass more times than not because it can be taken advantage of, but i suppose watching you flip out is slightly amusing but not as much fun as i'm going to have with other stuff but that will have to wait to another time since company is around". A devilish smirk lites up on her face as she says this she pauses for a minute or so then says" very well i best not tease you to much". Ruby got up and starts to walk towards the door and thinks' i know she means well but if she's going to do the expert work i do she has prove she can handle the intense two year course i went on to get my licence, i just hope me not being on as tough on her as i the rest of my charges in the demon tamer group doesn't come back to bite me in the ass'.
Jason Theyrill

Jason gathered the last of his things and placed them in his bag. He still couldn't believe Aki had convinced him to go to this school meant for elementals and humans, and because of where they lived they where one of the last ones to arrive at the school, missing orientation and meeting everyone like the rest of the school. He didn't like it but he hated the thought of leaving Aki's side, they had been together for so long and he had a feeling he would follow her anywhere, she was like a little sister to him and she was just to kind and innocent to be left alone, she would only get herself into trouble or worse, hurt; and Jason was not going to let that happen in a million years. He had made it his job to watch over her and ensure no one took advantage of her in any way and if that meant having to go to a ridiculous school then that is what he would do. He grabbed his bag and went down the stairs and out the door heading for Aki's house, where the car would meet them to take them to the airport.

He knocked on the door. "Miss Adhern may I come in?" He said loudly. "Of course darling, the door is open!"  He heard Aki's mother yell back. As he went to open the door it suddenly opened and he saw just what had opened it; a very green vine spurting from the floor. "Jay up here!" Aki yelled down at him from upstairs in her room. He walked into the house as another vine grabbed his bag and placed it near the door. "You know I can open a door and place my own bag down all on my own!" He stated in a raised voice as he kept walking up the stairs and towards Aki's room. Her door made from branches and vines with purple flowers all over it opened, allowing him to enter her room. She beamed at him. "But it's good practice, I'm trying to get used to not having to look at the plants when growing and controlling them. It's not the easiest thing. I'm used to simple magic."  He gave a heavy sigh. "I guess if that's what it is then it can't be helped." knowing exactly that she was just messing with him, she was capable of creating several homes out of her plants without even a second of hesitation while she planted lily seeds and grew them. "Are you almost done packing?" He asked trying to sound annoyed and exasperated.

Akira Adhern

She turned back to her bags with a grin on her face, he was always trying to sound annoyed and serious, he seriously sucked at it. "Almost, couple more things and I'll be done." Vines brought her the last of her socks, shirts, and skirts. A vine of leaves zipped her bags up after she placed the last of them inside and then carried them to the door. "There all done." She turned back to Jason and turned her grin into a simple smile and walked over to give him a hug. "We are finally going!" She stated excitedly and he smiled back. "You know you can always carry your own bags down. It'll help keep you humble about your powers." He said and she gave a heavy sigh as she let go of him and walked past making her way downstairs. "I know I just can't help it, I'll probably be the only one who can do primitive things, for crying out loud Jay I'm an elemental who's element is plants and I can't even do any herbology!" She threw he hands up in the air. "Akira honey, the car is hear, you two need to hurry up! And for crying out loud you can carry your own bags!" Her mother yelled. "Ok mom we're coming!" She yelled back ignoring her mother's last comment.

She walked out the door grabbing her bags while Jay did the same behind her and approached the car. "Where do we put our bags?" Jay asked the driver of the car. "Just in the back." He replied and Jay grabbed her bags and went to put them in the back. "Thanks Jay." She said, he smiled in response and she got in the car; couple seconds later Jay was beside her and the car was off. After a couple of minutes Akira fell asleep leaning on Jay's shoulder only to wake up when he shook her gently. "Aki, time to get up, we're at the airport." Akira grumbled in response. "How long was I asleep for?" "About 7 hours, did you even sleep last night or did you stay up too excited and playing with your powers?" "Why do you ask if you already know the answer?" She grumbled at him and got up and grabbed her bags. Once on the plane it was Jay's turn to fall asleep on her shoulder for the ride to the school. What did you do last night, lay awake and read books all night?! She thought sarcastically.

After a 13 hour flight of boorishness and sleep and music and books they finally arrived at the school. "Well I'm in 106 and you're in 109. Try to make friends with your roommates ok? I know you get shy around people you don't know but I wont always be there for you to hide behind ok."  Jay said to her with a hand on her shoulder. She knew he was just being protective and trying to help but it bugged her that he thought she couldn't take care of herself. "I know that Jay, unlike you may believe I am capable of taking care of myself!" She said trying not to sound to mean. "And same to you." She added to sound less mean. They headed to their rooms and started to unpack.  Akira opened the window right away and grew some vines from under the snow into the room and started to get them to help her unpack. 
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(Sorry I've been a little under the weather by I'm back now)

Homura looked shocked at Clair opening the door "Oh sorry I didn't mean to disturb you I was just.....sorry I can come back another time" he started to ramble on with his words as he tried to find the correct thing to say. He took a deep breath and exhaled "I was just checking to see how you were feeling after earlier....and to apologize for breaking your big rule" he wasn't sure what else to say. He knew that he needed answers to go with the questions he had about her powers but he knew that I wasn't the right time "I was just about to head down to the dinner. Maybe you would like to tag along?" He said toward her as his dark side formed a body inside his vision "You know that she's one of us, just ask her about it. She seems like she would be very forth coming with the guy who had been hiding his true self this whole time" said Dark Homura with a sense of sarcasm and a mocking tone to go with it. Homura was almost taken off his feet till he remembered he was the only one who could see and hear him. He turned his attention Back to Clair "Im meeting with another friend so it wouldn't just be he two of us if that helps anything" he said trying to sound normal while his face went a bright shade of red.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Raphael Moreau


        Normally, I would turn around and kick the person who had tried to jump on me. But I didn't. Although once she got on, it was incredibly hard to get her off. I was a bit amused at this gesture, said, "Bonjour, j'aimerais vraiment que tu me quittes le dos." I translated my words, "Hello, I would really like it if you would get off my back." As I continue to walk towards a seat that I would prefer. Taking into account that Hanako will probably be sitting with me as well. I then began to take a seat, as I awaited her to get off my back.

@Eternal Dragonchild


Hanako nodded "okay Raphael"  She jumped off and took a seat opposite Raphael.  She had a great big grin on her face,  after all Raphael was the first person she'd actually connected with.  

"So you're also a transfer student, What elemental base? "  she enquired. 
"Because that's basically our school, robbers of McDonalds for the pleasure of students like myself." He took a bite of his burger. Adrian swallowed his food and snickered. "You want to hear the details? Someone is interested in my "love life"." Hah the funny thing is Adrian never had a love life. He had people he flirted with and hung around but they never interested him. He wanted a lover who can interest him and a bit of a challenge. He wants to have a lover who is hard to obtain. Because getting someone with just a snap of a finger was no fun."Well since you are curious it kinda went like, I was going to the line and it was a very loooooong line. So I did what was natural and persuaded the ladies there to let me cut in front of them." That explained the lipstick kisses he got. "And the final person I needed to cut to get our food was a guy. A rather attractive fellow so yeah I did a few flirts with him, he didn't budge so I tried to joke with him a bit, get up and personal, until yeah. The kiss happened. Then the guy just kinda was wrapped around my fingertips like that." He shrugged like it was nothing. Because kisses like that were nothing. Adrian sure has high standards. "Did that satisfy your curiousity?" He took a sip of his soda.

@ShadowSaber331 @demnkiller

Raphael Moreau


        What an odd question. To ask me what my elemental base is.That said, I never told her, nor have I shown any signs of it. "...Shadow & Light," I stated. As I begin to summon illusions of waitresses who were going to serve the two of us. I told mine what I wanted, now I said to Hanako, "Go on, tell the waitress what you want for dinner."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hanako nodded, impressed with his skills "I'll have a plate of sushi, chicken teriyaki and natto" 

She smiled at him as the waitress left "So another light and shadow elemental, much like myself" with that she shaped a pair of chopsticks from pure light and rolled them in her hands. 

"I focus on using light" Nervously she brushed her hair backwards off her face. 


Raphael Moreau


        "I see," as my plate of Coq Au Vin, chicken that was marinated in red wine, along with a glass of champagne, was served to me. Concequentently, Hanako's order of Sushi and Chicken Teriyaki and Natto was served by the waitresses. I began to properly eat the dish, cutting out small pieces for myself. Lastly, a plate of french fries. Unlike Americans, I also used my knife to cut the fries. As I also noted to Hanako while I was done eating a few pieces, "I can never tell which one I focus, perhaps I use both of these elements equally, to create illusions, and then to add detail, to add meaning..." as I took a sip of my wine, I continue to eat a bit while I awaited her response.

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Yes," he answered. "Yes it does, what I really don't get is why you couldn't date any of them in the first place." Reno thought about it for a second, and then it hit him. "Are you waiting for someone to play 'hard to get' or something?" He knew Adrian wanted a good challenge, something to test...well, anything really. "Look, you can't expect a girl, or guy, don't really know which side you're leaning on, anyway, why do you want someone to give you a challenge when it comes to flirting with them?"

(Sorry I've been a little under the weather by I'm back now)

Homura looked shocked at Clair opening the door "Oh sorry I didn't mean to disturb you I was just.....sorry I can come back another time" he started to ramble on with his words as he tried to find the correct thing to say. He took a deep breath and exhaled "I was just checking to see how you were feeling after earlier....and to apologize for breaking your big rule" he wasn't sure what else to say. He knew that he needed answers to go with the questions he had about her powers but he knew that I wasn't the right time "I was just about to head down to the dinner. Maybe you would like to tag along?" He said toward her as his dark side formed a body inside his vision "You know that she's one of us, just ask her about it. She seems like she would be very forth coming with the guy who had been hiding his true self this whole time" said Dark Homura with a sense of sarcasm and a mocking tone to go with it. Homura was almost taken off his feet till he remembered he was the only one who could see and hear him. He turned his attention Back to Clair "Im meeting with another friend so it wouldn't just be he two of us if that helps anything" he said trying to sound normal while his face went a bright shade of red.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair listened to Homura while half hiding herself behind the dorm door. Up until now she had somehow managed to surprise her blushing but once he himself brought up the kiss. Well that surpression ended rapidly and her face became more red than a tomatoe in season. 

Upon on listening to his request , Clair couldn't turn him down. It was only mannerly to accompany him. And that was the ONLY reason she agreed. "Dinner sounds wonderful. Just let me get my coat."

Upon redressing , Clair accompanied Homura to dinner.

(if every one is ready I'll timeskip) 
Akira Adhern

Once she was done unpacking she let the vines back out of the room and closed the window. She then headed to Jay's room, she walked over to the door and knocked. "Jay, you done unpacking, I'm hungry and wanna get some food!" She said through the door as it began to open. It had been Jason to open the door and he smiled. "Since when are you NOT hungry." He teased moving aside so that she could enter. She giggled. "I like food, give me a break." She defended. "SO are you done unpacking, you had less stuff than me and I'm done!" "Yeah well I don't have plans that can help me unpack, now do I?" He shot back at her. "I'm almost done, just got to place my books away and then I'm good." He walked over to do so and Akira sat on his bed watching him, waiting patiently. "You think we'll make any friends?" She asked. "We didn't back home." "We didn't back home because people were uneasy about your powers, they liked that your mom helped heal people but they weren't sure about your building abilities, it was new and different to them, your family is the only group of elementals to ever come to the town after all. I think we'll be fine, it'll take some getting used to but we'll be fine. Now let's go, I'm done." He held out his hand for her to take and she did, like she always did and always would.

Jason Theyrill

Jason walked her over to the cafeteria, it had taken so long unpacking because unlike Akira, he had read the map and where to find everything. They walked into the cafeteria and over to the food. "What do you want to eat?" He asked, knowing perfectly well that she was gonna ask for something sweet and or salty. "I'm ok with fruit, but I want to get some sugar packs to throw on." She lowered her voice a little embarrassed at wanting to add more sugar to the fruit like she always did. Jason grinned. "Like always huh? Sure, you grab the fruit, I'll go grab the sugar." He said and let go of her hand and walked off to grab sugar. Once the sugar was in his hand he turned to see Akira was already walking towards him with a huge bowl of fruit, extra for him but mostly for her, she had the stomach of an ox, it was incredible for such a small girl. They linked arms when began looking for a spot to sit. "Do you want to try sitting with someone?" He asked her and she nodded in response beginning to become shy like she always was around new people.

Jason spotted a white haired male and decided to try him. They walked up to him. "Hey mind if we sit with you? My name is Jason, and this is my friend Akira. We just arrived today." He gave a smile to the new male. @Leo Radomir
Akira Adhern

Once she was done unpacking she let the vines back out of the room and closed the window. She then headed to Jay's room, she walked over to the door and knocked. "Jay, you done unpacking, I'm hungry and wanna get some food!" She said through the door as it began to open. It had been Jason to open the door and he smiled. "Since when are you NOT hungry." He teased moving aside so that she could enter. She giggled. "I like food, give me a break." She defended. "SO are you done unpacking, you had less stuff than me and I'm done!" "Yeah well I don't have plans that can help me unpack, now do I?" He shot back at her. "I'm almost done, just got to place my books away and then I'm good." He walked over to do so and Akira sat on his bed watching him, waiting patiently. "You think we'll make any friends?" She asked. "We didn't back home." "We didn't back home because people were uneasy about your powers, they liked that your mom helped heal people but they weren't sure about your building abilities, it was new and different to them, your family is the only group of elementals to ever come to the town after all. I think we'll be fine, it'll take some getting used to but we'll be fine. Now let's go, I'm done." He held out his hand for her to take and she did, like she always did and always would.

Jason Theyrill

Jason walked her over to the cafeteria, it had taken so long unpacking because unlike Akira, he had read the map and where to find everything. They walked into the cafeteria and over to the food. "What do you want to eat?" He asked, knowing perfectly well that she was gonna ask for something sweet and or salty. "I'm ok with fruit, but I want to get some sugar packs to throw on." She lowered her voice a little embarrassed at wanting to add more sugar to the fruit like she always did. Jason grinned. "Like always huh? Sure, you grab the fruit, I'll go grab the sugar." He said and let go of her hand and walked off to grab sugar. Once the sugar was in his hand he turned to see Akira was already walking towards him with a huge bowl of fruit, extra for him but mostly for her, she had the stomach of an ox, it was incredible for such a small girl. They linked arms when began looking for a spot to sit. "Do you want to try sitting with someone?" He asked her and she nodded in response beginning to become shy like she always was around new people.

Jason spotted a white haired male and decided to try him. They walked up to him. "Hey mind if we sit with you? My name is Jason, and this is my friend Akira. We just arrived today." He gave a smile to the new male. @Leo Radomir

Zenith looked up and says" i'm zenith i'm also new here, how are finding things here so far i find my roommates are nice just a bit to much to be honest it's not something i'm used to but enough about me, just out of curiosity is all akira going to have is fruit i can't picture it holding one up for very long they have ramen and all kinds of things here". ' she's pretty but it's clear she's awkward well not that i blame her  this place is kinda weird well they seem like decent enough people question is will she get scared off when she sees my scary side'.  
Jason Theyrill

Akira blushed at the mention of her fruit, Jason just smiled. They sat down across the Zenith "She likes sweet and salty food, she's just peckish right now, we did eat on the plane. And we like things so far, we are used to having summer all year round so snow is a new thing for us, I mean don't get me wrong, we have seen it before. As for roommates, we haven't met ours, we literally just got here like half an hour ago." He pulled out the sugar packs and started to pour them on Akira's fruit. "There, good?" He asked her.

Akira Adhern

She blushed again. "Yes." She said in a small voice and nodded. "Thanks Jay." He smiled and responded. "No problem." She looked up from her fruit to the male that had introduced himself as Zenith. "Sorry, I'm a little awkward around people." She took a bite out of her fruit and smiled, it was so good, she did really love sweet foods the best. "So...a...are you a...an elemental?" She asked a bit squeamishly. @Leo Radomir
Hanako appraised him carefully as she took a sip from her sake "Very interesting, I, myself use light to redirect and trick my opponents. Back in the Morishogo Academy, I was known for my unique skill of creating a hall of mirrors." She placed the small cup on the table before taking a piece of sushi and placing it in her mouth. It was rather delicious. She dipped it into the soy sauce as an afterthought.... Perfection

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Raphael Moreau


        As she was talking about her accomplishments, I was a bit inclined to show off what I had done at Notre Dame, to tell what I was known for. From my undefeated record, with several draws of course, to the illusions and masks, I could don. To even my agility and my quick thinking. But I didn't. I continued to act with resolve, with patience. I continued to take a sip of my wine, I noted, "How interesting." It wasn't like I didn't care that she could do that, in fact, I took great note of it. The reason I did not give away my skills is that I do not like to give away my abilities, even if it is just to cause some jealousy. Of course, this trait does not prevent me from performing shows of my bravado and skill just to make things easier for me, like when I summoned the waitresses. I had taken a few more bites from my dish, as I awaited her response.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Nobu walks around the campus alone, a narrow eyed yet content expression on his face. It would give others the feeling that he is missing a piece of his mind. Actually, that wouldn't be too far off. But that's beside the point.

He has enrolled at this school for a few years now, but he's stayed in the background for most of his time here. Occasionally he would help someone in need, but he didn't bother purposely getting involved in day to day activity. His grades are phenomenal... or at least, they are when he feels like doing his work. His mind is simple yet complex at the same time, and only thinks logically. He doesn't see any reason to keep up with grades because he believes they are a waste of time and "unpractical." His element, like his mind, is simple and complex. It's a unique mix of Fire and Earth: Glass. Like his father, a fire elemental, and his mother, an earth elemental, his mind is extremely refined. Unfortunately, Nobu was never taught to use his elements separately, and thus always created glass instead.
Homura smile as he walked toward the auditorium with Clair, gradually meeting up with Nathaniel as they walked passed "Hey man come on, we're going to be late to the party" he said toward Nathaniel as he walked with Clair down the hall "Clair please meet Nathaniel, he's my human roommate" he said introducing his friend to Clair. As they walked he started to wonder more about Clairs history and her powers 'There isnt any possible way that she was involved with him' he thought to himself while he glanced over at her slightly 'She could have been brainwashed, you never know' said Dark Homura who had appeared leaning against a pillar in the main hallway that had been the battleground for everything that had happened earlier in the day. Homura looked to his friend "So how goes watch training? Did you get the hang of that fire ball trick?" he asked Nathaniel hoping to break the silence "Clair, you should see this device my uncle made to help humans, its incredible and ive made Nathaniel the first tester" he said hoping he wouldnt get in trouble for a second time that night.

@Mr Swiftshots @JayEmperor7

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