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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Yeah in my drawer take which ever one you want. I don't mind." Arcus unwrap his arms and quickly kissed Raiven before he looked down into the pillow. He was so embarrassed that Raiven asked for one of his shirts. He tried to get rid of the thoughts that were playing through his mind. "Come on Arcus don't think like that. You're just a hormonal teenage guy cut it out." Arcus thought to himself as he hid his face.
Raiven found a nice simple shirt to wear. She changed in the bathroom. Once she was ready she took her hairband out and left it on his table before snuggling back into bed with him. She smiled and nosed her way back into his arms, finding the space she'd just occupied.

With a final adjustment of his arms, Raiven fell asleep, holding one of his hands in hers as she slept. In her sleep, she snuffled and grumbled before settling down and falling quiet.

@Anyone Online
Arcus kissed the inside of her neck a few times before he to fell asleep. Through the night he kept, dreaming about a big battle and Raiven getting hurt. He kept seeing himself become pure electricity and wreaking havoc on anything in front of him to get to Raiven. As the dream went on Arcus had become pure lightning in bed and was crying his eyes out.
Raiven instinctively squeezed his hand and sleepily brought it up for a kiss, as she slept on she kept a tight hold on him. She mumbled his name in her dreams, her dream mirroring his own.  She didn't want to lose him, she had to keep hold of him right now or she might lose him.

@Anyone Online
Hazel just looked at the notebook as she smiled' okay lets go get something to eat i'm starved' she wront on the notebook as she grabbed some money she had as she put it on her notebook as she walked with her to the cafteria her stomach was growling loudly but she didn't know it was loud she just felt it' i wonder what music sound like i never heard it before or feel the music' she thought as she walked with her roommate she liked being deaf but there were times she hated it like when she was picked on because of her speach she just smiled a bit as she looked around she just tapped ruby shoulder as she wrote something on her notebook' do you have any family' she wrote' i only have my dad left but he the miltary so i'm liveing her for now and raiven took me in' she wrote as she was smiling @Leo Radomir
Hazel just looked at the notebook as she smiled' okay lets go get something to eat i'm starved' she wrote on the notebook as she grabbed some money she had as she put it on her notebook as she walked with her to the cafeteria her stomach was growling loudly but she didn't know it was loud she just felt it' i wonder what music sound like i never heard it before or feel the music' she thought as she walked with her roommate she liked being deaf but there were times she hated it like when she was picked on because of her speech she just smiled a bit as she looked around she just tapped ruby shoulder as she wrote something on her notebook' do you have any family' she wrote' i only have my dad left but he the military so i'm liveing her for now and raiven took me in' she wrote as she was smiling @Leo Radomir

Ruby sighed and writes on her pad i do but things are complex so it's not what many would expect of a family the only i can say i'm some what close too is my half sister, well were both hungry so we can talk more at another time, Ruby holds it up for a couple of minutes then puts it away then turns around again and starts walk again'. ' i know she didn't mean any harm by it but between mr know it all and talking about a subject i'm not fond off it doesn't help my mood, she's so naive very much like luna it's possible even i'm not very chummy with her luna will have a friend'. Ruby smiles ever so slightly at the thought and glances over her shoulder to make sure she didn't leave her behind boys and girls saying all kinds about her but she just ignores them her movements graceful and fluid.

@Eternal Dragonchild Zenith face palms himself and then says" You really need to learn to hold back as for being deaf well there's pros and cons to everything in life i don't want to come over as nag so i'll only say this what ever you do i hope your don't regret it because some things can't be taken back". Zenith puts her artifact back and then waits for luka to do the same and looks into the distance unconcerned with anyone else and just having a good time right now. ' even if it's just a friendship she seems like a sweet girl and with a few humans here i don't see the need to rush my real with the elite after all it's not like we have any kind of bond that is note worthy'. 
Luna just walked into the cafeteria as she smiled she was pretty hungry as she saw her half sister she just wanted to be like her to help her with the family as she smiles getting her food as she was very hungry she been training a lot lately she was almost as strong as her big sister she went to a table and start eating she saw her sister writing to a girl' why she writing oh well' she thought boys we looking over her she just ignored them she was very graceful @Leo Radomir

hazel just looked at her as she smiled walked to get some food as she text Luka' hey there luka doing anything I'm at the cafeteria if you want to come' she text as she smiled she liked luka a lot she was the one for her she made her so happy @Eternal Dragonchild
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Homura decided he would leave Nathaniel to his practice while he went to think about what he and his friend had been discussing 'I wonder what Clair thinks of me now....i mean its been 2 years...' he thought while he walked back toward the battle field area where he had kissed Clair. He looked around the scarred field and saw all the marks left by when she destroyed the other parts of the academy and almost killed Reno 'If you want my opinion, i think you should let me have my body back you fake' said the dark voice from inside Homura's head "I told you im not the fake, you are! Now please leave me alone" he said out loud toward his darker half. he sat down on one of the strewn about rocks from past battles and remembered what he had done to get Clair to stop her rampage 'I honestly didnt think i meant anything by that kiss. It was just impulse to get Clair to stop' he was trying to rationalize what had happened but he still couldn't help but blush. After he thought about the events from the day he started thinking about Katalina and how sad and disappointed she looked after he had stopped Clair. He felt bad and wanted to apologize "Maybe i should go and say sorry" he said to himself as he got up from his sitting place 'Yea thats a great idea, tell me when you need those crystal shivs melted out of your cold bleeding flesh' said his dark voice in the back of his mind, almost mocking the idea. Homura decided he would go and check on Clair since he had time before the Elites demonstration at the dinner "Maybe she is awake now" he said as he made his way toward the dorms. When he arrived he walked over to room 101 and knocked "Hey Clair, its Homura, are you awake. Im just checking to see how you're feeling" he said outside of the door while he waited.

@Mr Swiftshots @JayEmperor7
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"Ms. Cereza.... I know you want to watch me bake b-but..." Karoline stuttered, back inside the spare kitchen baking with......the all famous "Madame Lust" Ms. Cereza. No surprise there since she already knew her from somewhere before this. But the way she acts as if to rape her, even if she didn't intend to makes her feel weird and want to avoid her. Her huge breasts resting right on top of the human student's head while eating one of her rose lollipops. "Not like this! How am I supposed to concentrate when your assets are bringing me headaches!!" She growled in annoyance then struggled as the teacher kept a strong grip while not move at all and instead, leaned closer to her ear. 


"Awe... But I want to be close to my dearest top student~" She said, her voice lustful and deep, hugging the human student close to her as she snuggles. Karoline was unable to focus on baking anymore and instead placed the spatula down before sighing in defeat as she lets the teacher snuggle her to death.
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Luna just walked into the cafeteria as she smiled she was pretty hungry as she saw her half sister she just wanted to be like her to help her with the family as she smiles getting her food as she was very hungry she been training a lot lately she was almost as strong as her big sister she went to a table and start eating she saw her sister writing to a girl' why she writing oh well' she thought boys we looking over her she just ignored them she was very graceful @Leo Radomir

hazel just looked at her as she smiled walked to get some food as she text Luka' hey there luka doing anything I'm at the cafeteria if you want to come' she text as she smiled she liked luka a lot she was the one for her she made her so happy @Eternal Dragonchild

Ruby opens the doors to the place many men and women look at her but she's not interested in them and looks over her shoulder and waits for her room mate and mouths hurry up you can always come back to your phone.

In her mind' I honestly don't care what people think i'm not here to cater to the wishes and ways of them i here to run a more organized school and help people grow'.

Raphael Moreau


         I woke up once more. I slept often as I worked tirelessly at my time at Notre Dame, and at the lax and laid back academy such as Sakura, I needed as much sleep as I can get. I then remembered there was a dinner party as I began to get dressed up. I unpacked my fancier set of clothing, which is completely separate from my already dapper set of clothing I wear normally. All right, I lied. I wore the same formal clothing I always do. I began to open the door and locked it behind me, as I made my way towards the cafeteria.
Nathaniel turned to face the tree stump and opened his hand again and concentrated on forming a ball of fire. He was pondering on him creating fire from his hand, intently. As he was meditating, he heard Homura's footsteps slowly fade away as he left the room.Slowly but surely, the fire was slowly igniting, and forming into a ball; the temperature increasing. Then the ball dwindled down into smoke. Annoyed, he breathed in and out and then tried again. To calm his mind, he started to sing a hymn, he and his family would sing around this time in Hebrew. "Ma'oz tzur yeshu'ati, lekha na'eh leshabe'ah..." he chanted. "Tikon beit tefilati, wesham toda nezabe'ah..." (This song is Ma'oz Tzur (Jewish hymn for Hanukkah) As he sung, his mind started to clear up and he started to picture him wielding the fire. The fire started to appear again, glowing brighter, and is grew to the size of grapefruit. Nathaniel looked at his creation and was overjoyed. His father taught him archery and was quite skilled at it, having great aim. He looked at the target, the tree stump and threw the ball and it pierced it right in the middle. "Yes! I did it," he said smiling. He then turned to go and find Homura to tell him the news. He turned to the dorms and found Homura in front of Clair's dorm room. It seemed as he was talking to her right now to he waited for him at a distance.

Hazel just looked at her as she just smiled she just nodded as she just follow her she just was happy she was ready to eat something she just hold onto her notebook in case she needed to say something she just looked at the others she always wandered what music feel like she just looked around she kinda mused raiven she was thinking about her she looked back at ruby" where" she say one world than she turned off her voice she didn't like to talk in public getting made fun of her voice @Leo Radomir
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Homura decided he would leave Nathaniel to his practice while he went to think about what he and his friend had been discussing 'I wonder what Clair thinks of me now....i mean its been 2 years...' he thought while he walked back toward the battle field area where he had kissed Clair. He looked around the scarred field and saw all the marks left by when she destroyed the other parts of the academy and almost killed Reno 'If you want my opinion, i think you should let me have my body back you fake' said the dark voice from inside Homura's head "I told you im not the fake, you are! Now please leave me alone" he said out loud toward his darker half. he sat down on one of the strewn about rocks from past battles and remembered what he had done to get Clair to stop her rampage 'I honestly didnt think i meant anything by that kiss. It was just impulse to get Clair to stop' he was trying to rationalize what had happened but he still couldn't help but blush. After he thought about the events from the day he started thinking about Katalina and how sad and disappointed she looked after he had stopped Clair. He felt bad and wanted to apologize "Maybe i should go and say sorry" he said to himself as he got up from his sitting place 'Yea thats a great idea, tell me when you need those crystal shivs melted out of your cold bleeding flesh' said his dark voice in the back of his mind, almost mocking the idea. Homura decided he would go and check on Clair since he had time before the Elites demonstration at the dinner "Maybe she is awake now" he said as he made his way toward the dorms. When he arrived he walked over to room 101 and knocked "Hey Clair, its Homura, are you awake. Im just checking to see how you're feeling" he said outside of the door while he waited.

@Mr Swiftshots @JayEmperor7

Clair could hardly believe what Reno was telling her , she was left speechless , it really was unbelievable. Just as she was about to question Reno , he left ! Now she was left both bewildered and filled to the brim with unanswered questions. 

Of course Clair being Clair took to her work in order to distract herself. And for the most part it worked. Until of course she heard a knock upon the door. 

The sudden knock prompted Clair to jump slightly but after recovering she made her way out of her room and opened the door. Upon realising it was Homura Clair's face promptly lit up. 

Clair had known the boy for two years now and not once before hand had she ever blushed as a result of seeing him. So why now. Surely the kiss wasn't that much of a deal ! 


All she she could say was his name , but why could she only say his name. Why no more than that ?  
Luka checked her phone "Sure I'll join you in a minute,  can you get me some chicken Ramen." 

She smiled at Zenith "I'm just going to get some food now"  she waved goodbye to him and wandered off to the cafeteria looking for Hazel. 

Excuse you Adrian was very focused on getting them food. You know, besides his constant flirts with girls, not to mention a few boys he found attractive enough to flirt with and the considerable numbers of kisses he got on his hands and sometimes even cheeks. But that was usual for Adrian. People either adored him or hated him. "Sorry beautiful but gotta dash, friends are waiting for me. But don't stop smiling." He winks at the boy then runs off with the food he of course payed for and went looking for the table Kat and Reno were sitting. 

"Hmm.." He hummed looking around until bingo! He found them sitting near a good view of the lake. Very romantic. Adrian respected that. But it was time to bash the romance into tiny little pieces until they are just dreams and fantasies. Just kidding. But he was going to ruin it. 

He swiftly went up to the table, his hands were covered in faint lipstick marks and his cheeks had a lipstick mark and a Chapstick kiss mark dangerously close to his lips. But that was only visible once light was directed to his face. Adrian grinned at the two and placed the tray of food infront of them. He was sure to get the food they wanted. Not to mention two ice creams. "Hey guys!" He slid into his seat. "Seems like you two actually thought of me."

@demnkiller @ShadowSaber331
Hazeljust dragged ruby to get some food she got chicken ramen for her luka as she smiled she just got roast beef ramen her favorite and some poky she just went to the table as she sat down on a table as she was waiting for luka she just looked for her @Eternal Dragonchild
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Taking her seat Luka greeted Hazel enthusiastically,  happy to see her friend again "I met a really really really cute teacher as I was coming here, he had a pretty shiny thing too"  

Luka giggled and dug into her ramen "So yummy"  she signed. When she had finished she went to get a second bowl. 

"Dude, why do you look like you've been attacked by a bunch of women?" Reno, on the other hand, was not so surprised by how much attention Adrian was getting, being the youngest Elite has it's perks sometimes. He noticed the food and recognized a few of his favorites, as well as...two ice creams? 'Two ice creams? Does that mean one of us is left out...or am I going to share with someone.' He looks at Kat and blushed a bit from the thought of having to share one with Kat. He then looked at Adrian, which brought out possibly one of the worst of any worse case scenario ever. "Um, Adrian," he called. "Why are there two ice creams here? There's like three of us."

Hazel just giggled as she smiled' really that cool my roommate is here she to ruby she okay I gira' she signed to her friend she just looked at her friend as she was eating her ramen' yummy ramen' she signed' not as good as mine or was my mom but it good' she signed @Eternal Dragonchild
Luka signed "I'm a HAMSTER".  The girl had crammed her cheeks full of chicken ramen with a big grin on her face. "Looking around at the other tables she spotted a cheese platter" Oooh cheese,  yummy, must get one."

With a huge gulp Luka swallowed her ramen,  stood up and walked off to find a cheese platter for herself,  as well as some curry and maybe a third bowl of ramen. 

She came back after a few minutes juggling her curry, ramen,  cheese platter and some jelly.  "So much to try here"  She grinned like a Cheshire cat before stuffing her face. Luka, who was stick thin,  could probably out eat a rugby player. 


@Leo Radomir
Hazel just looked at her as she was giggling as she was blushing' you made me laugh thanks luka' she signed as she just looked at her she looked at her stuffing her face' if you want I can make the best ramen ever tasted u make the best ramen I just need to get the ingredients so I can make you some' she signed to her' can you talk a little I try to but comes out wring' she signed as she was finishing her ramen @Eternal Dragonchild
Luka swallowed the last of her curry and nodded "No muc" She spoke, clearly needing more practice too. She immediately started on her cheese platter and offered it to Hazel and the other girl "Want some" she signed. Cheese was her favourite thing, alongside ramen. Being offered it by her was lucky.

@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir

Hanako walked into the dining hall, looking for Raphael. She spotted him and snuck up before jumping on his back
"Konnichiwa Raphael-san" She greeted him, incredibly perky. She wanted to sit with him for dinner and talk more about their powers. 

Hazel just looked at her friends as she smiled as she got her chopsticks as she ate some she was so stuffed" twank yoo" she say and signed as she looked at her noticed she eat a lot she wanted some candy as she smiled she really didn't want to sleep with her roommate tonight she just looked at her friend @Eternal Dragonchild
Luka swallowed the last of her curry and nodded "No muc" She spoke, clearly needing more practice too. She immediately started on her cheese platter and offered it to Hazel and the other girl "Want some" she signed. Cheese was her favourite thing, alongside ramen. Being offered it by her was lucky.

@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir

Hanako walked into the dining hall, looking for Raphael. She spotted him and snuck up before jumping on his back
"Konnichiwa Raphael-san" She greeted him, incredibly perky. She wanted to sit with him for dinner and talk more about their powers. 


Ruby put on a smile trying not to be rude but they lacked manners which annoys her a bit, then takes some cheese and says" thanks for the and not trying to be funny but eating so fast may not be the best idea for your stomach not to mention the combination of food, well i'm glad you two are having fun and enjoying each others company, i'll leave you two to talk after all i have to catch up with my sister because there's things i forgot to tell her before we got here and there important". Ruby nods to both of them then politely gets up. A few minutes later she sees a half pounder and chips and gets a apple juice then goes to find her sister after a couple of minutes she finds her and sits down and says" I forgot to tell you some important things about some of the arrangements so after supper lets go somewhere where people can't eavesdrop on us".  Ruby cut her burger in half then began to gracefully eat it, in between she drinks some of her apple juice but remains silent waiting for luna to answer her.

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