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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Nathaniel followed beside Homura and Clair to the party in the auditorium down the hallway. Nathaniel then looked at Clair, and smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you Clair. My name is Nathaniel Reed, who is Homura's and Adrian's human roommate," he said. After he introduced himself, he turned to Homura. "The training went well, manage to focus on making it a reality and it was a success," he said enthusiastically.

@Mr Swiftshots @GreyGremory
As Nobu walks around, he realizes more and more that he didn't actually plan on going anywhere specific. Actually, he doesn't even know where many of his classes are. He never bothered spending any of his time trying to figure it out. "Where am I?" he thinks. Nearby, he hears people talking in a large room. Beside the door reads: "Auditorium". He walks in to ask a student for help. He sees three people talking to each other. He takes a seat next to one of them without saying a word. He doesn't really know how to properly ask for directions, so he sits there, hoping they would notice him. He keeps his regular emotionless expression on his face, not even thinking that this was the slightest bit awkward.

@Mr Swiftshots  @GreyGremory  @JayEmperor7
Joseph, bored as his dorm mate was God knows where, walked out, locking the dorm room behind him. He walked around the halls, making his way out to the courtyard. He was singing along with "Nightmare." He ambled his way over to the audiotorium and saw a kid just being awkward. He quieted himself, though he would probably grab someone's attention as he wanted to finish up the chorus, saying fairly loudly. "It's your fuckin' nightmare!" He paused the song and walked over to the kid. "Need somethin?" He asked.

Raphael Moreau


        As she was talking about her accomplishments, I was a bit inclined to show off what I had done at Notre Dame, to tell what I was known for. From my undefeated record, with several draws of course, to the illusions and masks, I could don. To even my agility and my quick thinking. But I didn't. I continued to act with resolve, with patience. I continued to take a sip of my wine, I noted, "How interesting." It wasn't like I didn't care that she could do that, in fact, I took great note of it. The reason I did not give away my skills is that I do not like to give away my abilities, even if it is just to cause some jealousy. Of course, this trait does not prevent me from performing shows of my bravado and skill just to make things easier for me, like when I summoned the waitresses. I had taken a few more bites from my dish, as I awaited her response.

@Eternal Dragonchild


 "I should be heading back to my room now, It was very nice eating with you" Hanako stood and bowed "Arigato" Turning on her heel she left the cafeteria and returned to her dorm room. She needed the time away to think about her feelings towards Raphael, he was certainly interesting.

Reaching her dorm she took her pajamas out of her dresser and changed into them. Her day clothes went into the laundry hamper. Climbing into her bed she picked up her diary and wrote about her day. 
Nobu looks at the person asking him a question. He nods softly. "Where do I find my classes?" He looks into the person's eyes, expressing no emotion or feelings. He spoke with sort of a monotone voice, further implying his lack of feelings. In his hand is a small glass figurine that he crafted while he waited. He stands, expecting the man to lead the way. He had no opinion on his choice of music or action, for it was impractical to think in such a negative way. It would not aid him in any way.

Joseph looked at his schedule, and after a few minutes handing it back. "Your classes are in the building across from this, so just walk straight out the door, look for room 1-205." He told him, patting him on the shoulder. "See ya." He said, then resumed him music, taking a seat in the audiotorium.

Raphael Moreau


        "Hmph," I had noted, as I continue to eat my food slowly as ever. Of course, that said, I finally finish my meal. Of course... I would linger here for a while, if anyone else wished to speak to me.



Seeing that Adrian volunteered himself to get the food, Kat looked for a table. Before she could see any, it had seemed Reno had found one which she reluctantly followed suit. When they arrived, she smiled at the view that was picked. Lakeside. Being a water elemental she enjoyed being close to her own element. It was calming and reassuring.

After a bit, Adrian had came back with some food and two ice cream cones. She didn't mind the fatty food, she didn't care about her figure. As she got her burger and fries, Kat listened to the conversation about the fries. She blushed slightly at the gesture as Adrian had even picked out her favorite flavor. "Adrian I can't." She pushed the ice cream to him and began to eat her food. As the two boys were conversing about how Adrian got all the kiss marks, all Kat could do was roll her eyes and shake her head at his words. 'Typical.' She thought jokingly as she listened while eating.


Nobu, even though he had just been directed to his class, sits back down. He doesn't say thank you or anything of that sort. He just sits there. He isn't eager to go to class, and realizes it was a waste of time asking for directions anyway. He decided that he would just skip all of his classes until asked to report to class. He wouldn't argue. He wouldn't whine or cry our pout or object. He'd just do as ordered as to avoid trouble. The idea that he is at a party fails to cross Nobu's mind. He'd never been to a party and was unaware of such an "insignificant" term. Waste of time and energy to go to these mass groupings. Yet he is here now. Not that he is having any fun or making friends or helping out.
"Hey Kat," he called. "You look like you're lost in thought, what's going on?" Reno did show a bit of concern when she didn't eat her ice cream, or her food. He already ate his while he was listening to Adrian's story, though afterwards he got one nasty case of brain freeze, which is ironic considering his elemental base. "UGH, god damn that hurts," he shouted, luckily the music drowned out the noise. "You'd think with me being a water elemental, and that I'm used to ice, I'd be able to shrug off something like brain freeze!"



Raphael Moreau

        I got up, seeing this place as a lost cause for conversation, I decided to call it a night. I got up, had my waitresses take away my food, and then, they vanished. As I began to walk towards my dorm room. As I walked outside of the cafeteria, and even the building itself, I could see the moon illuminating the area around me. Showing snow falling, not at a fast pace, but fast enough to be noticeable. I was utterly cold, but I really didn't care as I had abandoned all my ties to my liking of any weather in general. As I continue to walk towards my dorm room building, I took the stairs. I then got out my key to my dorm room, to my surprise, the door was open! Although, I was sharing this dorm so it is to be expected in some cases. I stepped on in to see a red headed male in my room. Must be my dorm-mate, I had thought. Naturally, I wanted to introduce myself, so I said, "Bonjour, je suis Raphael Moreau. Je crois que vous êtes mon compagnon de dortoir?"

Jason Theyrill

Jason turned to see a male who he could only assume was his roommate, he was speaking what he guessed to be french, he recognized the accent from travelers that usually passed through his and Akira's hometown. "Sorry I don't speak french; I only got your name, Raphael right. My name is Jason Theyrill, I'm guessing you're my roommate." He smiled. "My friend is just in the bathroom, her name is Akira Adhern, she's shy and not the greatest when it comes to meeting new people, so don't take it to heart if she doesn't say anything." He warned just as she came out of the bathroom. "The bathrooms are nice, which is..." She trailed off when she noticed the new male and looked to Jason with a questioning look that disappeared indicating that she had put it together that he was the roommate. "H...Hi." She said weakly and walked over to Jason slightly hiding behind him. "Akira this is Raphael. Raphael this is my best friend Akira." He smiled casually. @XxCharColexX

Raphael Moreau

        "Bonjour Akira," I said as I began to teleport myself across the room to my wardrobe. My section of the room, which was by the window was decorated by myself, and it also had very chic and stylish designs. Gold plated, pure white, and with grace I opened it. As I continued to pick out clothing, I'd notice her silence and I'd glance over to her, "...A shy one, are you not?" I noted. As I continue to pick out nightwear, as Frenchmen do like to be stylish, even when it comes to laying down on a bed for 8-10 hours. I had then picked out the perfect nightwear outfit. Then, using my illusion powers, I temporarily affected their vision to cut out the part where I changed my clothes. Once I was done, I took a seat on my bed, and then I continue to question the girl who was behind my other roommate, "...You had looked at me with a questioning look. Is there egg on my face?" I joked. "Homesick, perhaps? Or maybe you're just not at all sociable," I continued. As with a wave of a hand, the door had slammed closed behind them, as I then created the image of what it a dormitory room from Notre Dame looked like. 

        There would be 3 beds, each with scarlet colored blankets, fluffy pillows, and a very soft comforter. The walls would be colored a more regal yellow, gold-like almost, and there would be designs embroidered with many Fleur-De-Lises. The bathroom contained a golden toilet, a massive mirror, and a deluxe bath. There would also be a stock of French Shampoo, Bathing Products & Towels. The flooring was even more magnificent as a soft and comfortable. All their stuff would still be intact too, but that was a minuscule detail. I lay down on my bed and I sympathized with her, "I know the feeling." The illusion disappeared mostly, all for my side, and the bathroom. I then seemed to be sleeping, but in reality, I was just waiting for her response.

Akira and Jason looked around the room as the male made things look different and then the same. Akira looked in awe, it was amazing what he could do. Jason on the other hand wasn't as impressed as he thought he should be considering he was a human with no powers, but he had become accustom to people with odd magical powers; his best friend after all could build sound structures simply from plants. "She is a shy one like I had stated before, and she was simply questioning who you are but realized the answer on her own. Also, she isn't the most sociable due to the fact that many have rejected her and turned her way." He stated indifferently indicating to her to sit on his bed. "That's amazing." Was all Akira could manage as she sat down and continued to look at the objects that were still covered with illusions. Jason then sat beside her. "So are illusions your only power?" He questioned Raphael curiously, knowing that Akira was just as curious but that she wouldn't utter many words to his roommate until she understood his personality more. "Aki can control plants and build sound structures out of them, her home is actually solely made of plants, and it’s quite the sight.” He smiled down at her but she was still admiring Raphael’s powers; he couldn’t blame her, she hadn’t met many people with powers other than her parents and a few travelers. @XxCharColexX
Homura smile as he walked toward the auditorium with Clair, gradually meeting up with Nathaniel as they walked passed "Hey man come on, we're going to be late to the party" he said toward Nathaniel as he walked with Clair down the hall "Clair please meet Nathaniel, he's my human roommate" he said introducing his friend to Clair. As they walked he started to wonder more about Clairs history and her powers 'There isnt any possible way that she was involved with him' he thought to himself while he glanced over at her slightly 'She could have been brainwashed, you never know' said Dark Homura who had appeared leaning against a pillar in the main hallway that had been the battleground for everything that had happened earlier in the day. Homura looked to his friend "So how goes watch training? Did you get the hang of that fire ball trick?" he asked Nathaniel hoping to break the silence "Clair, you should see this device my uncle made to help humans, its incredible and ive made Nathaniel the first tester" he said hoping he wouldnt get in trouble for a second time that night.

@Mr Swiftshots @JayEmperor7

Nathaniel followed beside Homura and Clair to the party in the auditorium down the hallway. Nathaniel then looked at Clair, and smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you Clair. My name is Nathaniel Reed, who is Homura's and Adrian's human roommate," he said. After he introduced himself, he turned to Homura. "The training went well, manage to focus on making it a reality and it was a success," he said enthusiastically.

@Mr Swiftshots @GreyGremory

Clair followed beside Homura as he direct her towards the dinner's venue , it was a fairly quite walk up until the point Nathaniel was introduced. Thankfully Nathaniel was fairly social and spared no time introducing himself despite the tension. With a genuine smile of relief Clair responded with " The pleasure is all mine , I've read your report and I must say your one of the few student's that haven't been causing trouble. Commendable really , however I'd expect no less from a human."

With the others moving on with the conversation Clair proceeded on her way , distancing herself from Homura via Nathaniel. In fact Had Homura not addressed her , Clair would have more than likely zoned out completely. " Your uncle is always making these devises..... Yet I can't seem to fin a single file on the man within our database. Rightfully I should confiscate that watch and report the 'devise' to the principal. But ! The last thing I need today Is more paperwork like that."

Smiling innocently Clair finished with "Count yourself lucky I'm in a good mood"
Homura got a slight shiver down his spine 'What would happen if she wasn't?' He thought to himself while they walked along toward the dinner hall "So Clair you haven't met my uncle then?" He asked as casually as he could. He continued to lead them forward to the dinner "Did you do any training over the break? That power you showed off earlier was incredible" he said with certainty as he referenced the events from the day "I didn't know you could create black holes....that must take a lot of magic" he said hoping she didn't try to use it on him again "It's none of my business but what kind of training did you do to be able to do that much damage? I kind of want to try it to" he said mocking jealousy as he decided to change the tense mood. "Hey guys look they're here, the others are just at the table over there" he found his friends from across the still crowded but somewhat less full venue "Should we give them an entrance to remember? Clair how about it for old times sake?" He asked Clair after stopping just outside the no longer standing doors.

@Mr Swiftshots @JayEmperor7

Raphael Moreau

        "Perhaps it may be my only power," I said, "And maybe I also have a secret weapon or an ace up my sleeve," I continued. Taking note that Akira has been rejected and looked down upon by others is indeed bad. "Poor thing," I said sympathetically, as I then began to sleep. Of course, if they had anything more to say, I would then gladly still be awake then. 

"Because getting a girlfriend or boyfriend to date who is easily wrapped around your finger is no fun!" He huffed. "I want someone who is challenging, someone who is almost impossible to make swoon, basically my ideal match." Wow it sounded like he wanted that kind of person soon. Adrian glanced to the side and noticed Kat pushing her icecream towards him. He frowned. "Hey, it's yours. I don't really like that kind of flavor anyway." Adrian pushed it back to her. 

He laughed at Reno. "If you even have a brain." Adrian joked. "But seriously Kat, you okay?"

@demnkiller @ShadowSaber331
"Want me to place another electric trap Ronald McDonald?" Reno still found his hair turning into an afro funny as hell, even though it was mention for Homura. "Anyway, once school begins, Clair's gonna be busy with a shit ton of paperwork," he commented. "If she loses it again, all hell will break loose...literally." Figuring now was a good time to tell everyone, he pulls out his phone and texts every single Elite, and of course Luka, Hazel, and Karoline. 'Guys, I just realized something. Since Clair's the student body president, she'll be overworked to the point where she might crack...again, and literally let hell break loose. Do what you can to keep her from going batshit and tear apart the whole school again.'



@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online




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Raphael Moreau

        I woke up from my slumber to see that my alarm clock next to me read 6:00 AM. Naturally, like a normal person, I would get up and make myself some breakfeast. Like from earlier, I had used the kitchen set I had brought along with me from France. I had cooked up some scrambled eggs for myself, and I would be eating in my usually slow manner. Afterwards, I had gotten my clothes set up as I entered the shower. As the water had rained down, I had began to bathe myself. It was quick and easy, and not a waste of water. I brushed my teeth, added deoderant, you know, stuff males do to keep their hygene in check. I then opened up a backpack I had which contained all the books I would need for the rest of the year. Once I got out what I needed, I then took my attention to the list of offical fights that was conviently slipped under my door. As I read it, I was shocked to see that... (Well, I'd tell but I'm just going to cut to black at this point, so @Mr Swiftshots can decide on that.)
Raiven woke up with a yawn. Her first task was to get up and have a shower. Once dried and all her hygiene tasks were complete she looked through her wardrobe for something to wear. She settles on a white blouse and dark purple skirt, to match she wore brown ankle boots and clipped her hair back with hairgrips. For breakfast Raiven buttered herself some toast and jam. She'd set her satchel on her desk the previous evening. 

As she took a seat at the table she noticed that the fight rota had arrived, perfect!



Hanako awoke by falling out of be. She met the floor with a thud, swearing the teen got up and stumbled over to her closet. She chose a simple outfit of jeans and a jumper with trainers. Brushing her hair she made herself a fruit salad and sat down to wait for Trinity 

@Leo Radomir


Joseph woke up with his headphones blaring "Not Ready To Die" as his alarm. He paused the song and got out of bed, showering then changing into a simple black T-shirt and jeans, as well as some sneakers. He slipped on his gloves and went back to him music, waiting outside his dorm for his dormmate to get out.
Raiven woke up with a yawn. Her first task was to get up and have a shower. Once dried and all her hygiene tasks were complete she looked through her wardrobe for something to wear. She settles on a white blouse and dark purple skirt, to match she wore brown ankle boots and clipped her hair back with hairgrips. For breakfast Raiven buttered herself some toast and jam. She'd set her satchel on her desk the previous evening. 

As she took a seat at the table she noticed that the fight rota had arrived, perfect!



Hanako awoke by falling out of be. She met the floor with a thud, swearing the teen got up and stumbled over to her closet. She chose a simple outfit of jeans and a jumper with trainers. Brushing her hair she made herself a fruit salad and sat down to wait for Trinity 

@Leo Radomir



Ruby got up when she smelled the toast and smells the jam and rubs her eyes and the trenches after a few minutes of sitting there she is awake enough to get out of bed and want to take a shower so she gets up and grabs her sippers gown and towel and then heads to the bathroom uninterested in her roomate and once in starts getting undressed and thinking' I have a ton of paper work being vice president and with the fights starting i'll have to stick around for that as well what a bore i don't give a crap about most of the students here but i still have to show i'm capable so i'll play nice ish for now'  Ruby gets into the shower and sighs after ten minutes or so she gets out and quickly starts to dry off and when she's dry enough puts on her slippers and gown. A couple of minutes or so later comes back out and hangs her towel up and looks at the list and then goes to the dry storage and picks out some dried meat and fruit and some juice she made and then goes and sits at her table and starts to slowly eat them.
Nathaniel woke up at around a little before five o'clock while is was still a little dark. He usually wakes up very early eagerly to watch was TV shows on his phone. Forgetting he was at Sakura Academy, he then realizes that he is at the dorms in school. He turns to get his headphones and phone to watches some TV while trying that to disturb his fellow roommates sleep. A little after six, he got out of bed and stretches his arms and legs, looking around the room, watching the two resting in their beds for a mment. Feeling a tad bit famished, he went to the kitchen. He was a decent cook, learning from his father who was a cook in the military. He cooked a turkey and sharp-cheddar cheese omelet, Belgian-style waffles, turkey sausage and put it between an English Muffin, and poured a glass of orange juice, along with a book of cereal; using vanilla almond milk, of course. He made some extra waffles, sausage, and scranbled eggs for the other two, that is if they wanted it, and would gladly finish the waffles and sausage for them with an English muffin. He sat down and enjoyed delicious meal while reading online articles.
Hazel just woke up as she gave out a big yawn as she took a shower and changed her clothes she was a bit shy to say good morning she just looked at her roommates she ate some of the candy she was given she gave some to raiven" waant seme" she say as she looked at her she just looked around she braided her hair as she just smiled a little bit she was nervous about the school day she was scared she was going to get laugh at because she was deaf she was curious what her friends were doing she just start to draw as she smiled she loved drawing in her free time she was just confused what to do now she was bored @Eternal Dragonchild

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