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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Adrian was now walking around the hallways, humming an unfamiliar video game song. He was at the moment, alone and was walking to his class. He was very calm at the moment. But that was probably because no one was with him. If you didn't notice, he was wearing the jacket Homura got him and the rest of the Elites to wear. It gave him a bit more pride than usual, maybe because it was very nice jacket. His first class was but of course, the ever so favorite, History. A very boring subject in the eyes of Adrian. But it was nothing he couldn't handle. Well, off he went to history class. He was younger than his fellow Elites, or well the Elites he considered his friends. He was 15 going 16 in a few days so that meant he probably won't have classes with people like Reno. Or maybe classes were different this year. Sakura Academy always had at least some surprises Adrian couldn't wait to see. 

Raphael Moreau


         "Bonjour," I greeted as I turn my head around. Although I barely moved my neck, so it was as if I was an owl. It was indeed creepy, but it was all but an illusion. "I'm good," I replied to her question, as I turned back and I readjusted my body back to normal, lifting the illusion of my owl-like head. Afterward, I had begun to take out the supplies I always had out when it comes to classes. A pencil, a notebook, and my book. I then began to write; "Period 1 - Home Economics" in it, as I wait patiently for class to begin.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hanako giggled at Raphael's illusion "Sugoi" She clapped her hands together before retrieving her things. At the top of the next clean page, it took her a while to find one due to most the pages being filled with scribbled calculations in Japanese. Once she'd checked it for important work on the other side she added the date and lesson title. She found it easier to write in Japanese. Writing in Japanese  helped her to think. Of course, like Raphael it would appear in English or French to anyone reading it. 

Once that was done she bookmarked the page and looked back through her calculations, waiting for class to start.


Raiven took her place in the class, currently wondering where the other Elites were. She hated Home Economics. Bored she began to twirl her pencil around in her fingers as she hummed a tune. She felt snuggly warm after her time with Arcus and enjoying breakfast with him. She loved fresh pancakes, 

Hopefully class would start soon. or she would go insane. Quickly she dropped Arcus a text "Home Economics, Teacher will kill you if you're late"
Spotting Clair she decided to text her too "Hey Clair. Can I set up the Brass Band Club again? I want to get it established as it's my final year"

@Anyone Online

@Mr Swiftshots


@Leo Radomir
Arcus just lightning traveled in without a shirt. He walked up the isle not even noticing the look form other girls. Of course Raiven would notice the looks. Arcus just walked until he was next to Raiven. He sat down and leaned back in his chair making his tattoo show. It was still glowing white and Arcus didn't know why. Arcus looked over at Raiven, and said, "Hey do you know why the girls are looking at me?" Arcus asked with a cufised look on his face, and his brow furrowing.
Raiven kisses him quickly "Your shirt is missing again, not that I am complaining at all, She tapped his chest with her pen "Makes me all hot under the collar" She took this oppurtunity to glare at the other girls and bare her teeth in a growl, a small storm gathering over her head "Mine" She said simply, leaning against his side, if he looked he'd get a very very nice view 

@Anyone Online
Hazel was just in her class room as people ripped her hearing aid out of her ear she just felt blood dripping down her ear she just got up as she just ran out of the bathroom she just felt the ear she just got of the bathroom as she saw some bullies she sighed' why me i hate bullies' she thought as she just sit in the bathroom she texed reno' um reno i'm kinda stuck in the bathroom one of the kids in my class ripped my hearing aid out of my ear now i'm bleeding and stuck in the bathroom can you or raiven help me i just don't want to bug raiven' she texted as she put her hand on her ear she just put her phone back in her pocket as she just frowned that she had to go to him  @ShadowSaber331
Reno didn't have classes to go to yet, and his was about a few hours away, so he figured that he should go to the auditorium and train some more. He was already adept in Taekwondo and Jeet Kun Do, and he mastered all forms of weapon styles with his Ice, but he felt that he needed to improve more on his lightning and shadow side. A couple of days ago, Reno found out that he was able to create illusions like his father, but he didn't want to train on it yet, since he already had another newfound ability to worry about. 'I swear, if another element shows up out of nowhere, I'll be pretty pissed,' he thought. 'It's bad enough I have lightning, now I got shadow? What's next, I start talking to ghosts!?' As he was learning how to use his newfound lightning abilities, he receives a text from Hazel, telling him that her hearing aid was ripped out of her ear and that it's starting to bleed. 'Don't worry Hazel,' he texted. 'I'm on my way, just tell me where you are and I'll find you.'

At Raiven's touch Arcus glowed with more power. His eyes turned neon blue, and the tattoo on his arm transformed. The tattoo now started to cover his whole left side of his chest, and his arm. The words Alway's Raiven's spread acrossed his chest. Arcus then looked at Raived, and looked down. Arcus knew he saw what he did because of Raiven wanting him too. Arcus just leaned down and bit Raiven's ear. "I will do anything you want my Queen just say the word." Arcus then light bit Raiven's neck leaving a mark.
Hazel felt her phone buz as she just texted him back' i'm in the girls bathroom by the humans classrooms' she texted back as she just looked at the bullies as she was still hiding from the bullies she just looked around as she hid waiting for her brother to come and save her from the bullies she was still stuck in the bathroom she just sighed thankfully she was still stuck in the bathroom' go away bad bullies' she thought holding onto her bleeding ear as she was hurting she just felt bad she had to go to the nurse she just kept holding her ear as she jwaited @ShadowSaber331
Reno rushed over to the bathroom that Hazel described, while following the blood trail she left behind. When he arrived near the entrance, he pulls out his cellphone and texts her. 'Hey, I made it near the entrance,' he texted. 'If you're ready, I'll take you to the nurses office.' Reno waited patiently for Hazel to come out, hoping that she didn't suffer too much. 'I know I can't use my powers if it's a human,' he thought. 'I'll just have to use my martial arts if things get hairy.'

Hazel just looked around to see if the bullies was there she just picked up her bag as she went to find her big brother as she had her hand on her ear she didn't like the fact that she was bleeding" i'm ready big brothe i'm sorry' she signed she just put her hand back on her ear she didn't like the bullies she was going to the nurse office her ear was hurting like a lot' i hate bullies why every school i go to they always pick on me i'm trying mom wanted me to come here for a diffrent life i'll try my best her for mom' she thought as she was looking around hoping the bullies won't stop them going to the nurse office' can you stay with me at the nurse office please' she signed @ShadowSaber331
Raiven kisses him quickly "Your shirt is missing again, not that I am complaining at all, She tapped his chest with her pen "Makes me all hot under the collar" She took this oppurtunity to glare at the other girls and bare her teeth in a growl, a small storm gathering over her head "Mine" She said simply, leaning against his side, if he looked he'd get a very very nice view 

@Anyone Online

Akira looked up and immediately remembered sitting with him at the cafeteria. "Oh..r...right...Isaac i...isn't it?" She asked. Jason smiled she was doing good considering, he had done it on purpose to send her to Isaac, the male they had met at the cafeteria so that she would be able to gain some courage in talking to him. "How. a..are you?" She asked, not entirely sure how to spark up a conversation with someone, Jason was usually the one to take care of the talking. "J...Jay says...hi by the w...way." Know damned well that Jason had sent her to Isaac on purpose, she knew him to well to think otherwise. She would get him back later for having sent her to someone she already knew while making her think she didn't know him at all, it had made her look like a complete idiot by making her ask what his bloody name was when she already knew it!

Ruby watched this for a few moments then says" Agh i think i'm going to puke from the show of narcissism and animal behavior well i guess there always a few people that can't keep their pants or nickers or egos in check so it just goes to prove my experiences with so many to be like this and i wish the teacher would hurry up i find this class fun it teaches one how to balance and make money and so much more".

Zenith gently laughs and says" i'm good and no worries were both new here so it's overwhelming in lot of ways, say would you like to have lunch with me later i promise i'll be a gent it's i don't really know many people here or feel at ease with many of them maybe it's because i work all the time". He goes silent and waits for akira to speak up his eyes calm and looking directly at her to show that he's not just faking it like so many people would do if in the same boat". ' jason is cunning but not in a bad way and he's far more ease to talk to then my room mates because he's not over friendly'.

Zenith turns up and the nurses office and walks to hazel and see her ear and says" Oh gezz they were pretty vicious i was hoping not to have to write a bulling report, i don't know where the nurse is but i do have some medical skills so i can clean it up and what not if you want me to".


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Hazel just looked at the teacher moving his lips as she looked at him' what i can't understand you please i don't know what you saying to me' she signed as she frowned looking at him as she just was looking at him as she didn't understand any of the words that he was saying she just looked at her brother as she just looked around at her phone as she got smiled she just' write down what you said i can't hear you i'm deaf' she text as she showed him the message as she just looked around" ow" she say rubbing her ear a bit she felt tears coming down her face she just wanted to cry' are you a teacher mister' she texted  as she just frowned she just frowned she missed her mom terible she lost her mom due to cancer @Leo Radomir
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Raphael Moreau


        Normally, one would be disgusted at the actions Raiven and Arcus were doing. I mean sure, it is alright to love someone, but not in public. That said, I am French. Although, if I were to criticize anything, it would be Arcus's indecency to put on a shirt. Star-Crossed Lovers once might call them. I once more paid attention to what I was writing. I then realize, I had several other things to do back in France. Even though I am a transfer student, this still does not exempt me from piano performances. I had a knack for it, and I was even going on a tour around the country. Orleans... Bordeaux... Montpellier... Lyon... Dijon... and more to come. I thought, if those two had time to make out, I had time to practice. So, with disregard towards anyone or anything, the desks in the middle of the room... vanished. Hopefully, no one was there, but out came a piano. I had sheet music. Sheet Music + Piano + Raphael = A Song Being Played. I played music. Simple as that. I had to squeeze in some practice time, and 5 minutes will do for me.

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Reno uses his water powers to heal Hazel's ear, the bleeding managed to stop, but her hearing aid's still out of her ear. 'There, that should help stop the bleeding and stop it from hurting you.' he signed. Reno knew that Hazel won't be able to be safe without him around, so he thought about how she could be safe even in his abscense, then it hit him. It was a technique that his mother taught him called "Elemental Transfusion," which can allow elementals to transfer their powers to anybody, but it was considered a taboo skill by a lot of elementals. Reno gave it some thought for a bit, and he figured that it was the best option he's got. 'Meet me in the auditorium, I think I know of a way to help you defend yourself from these bullies.' He gets up and walks over to the auditorium and pulls out his cellphone to text Clair. 'Clair, when you're done with classes, meet me in the auditorium. I may have found a way to help Hazel with this bullying problem, but it's risky'


@Mr Swiftshots
Homura looked at Raiven with a some what relieved face "Didn't you try to establish it for the last couple years? Why keep trying?" He asked Raiven as he grabbed out any and all materials he would need to make a brilliantly sculpted cake "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad you finally have another goal besides telling Arc how you feel but still" he was wondering what was bringing on everyone's new sense of future and passion. Homura thought about his future and what it would be like and he only saw a blank white screen. He flashed back to reality "Sorry I'm not trying to be rude I'm just a little tired...and somewhat irritated thanks to a friend leaving me in the dust" he said remembering his conversation with his seemingly giant teacher in the cave outside the academy. He looked to Clair "If this is one of the few times we are able to make what ever how about we brainstorm and make something sweet" he suggested trying to change the subject away from his own issues.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Mr Swiftshots
Raiven turned redder than a tomato "Sh-shut up Homura" She whispered "Anyway the new girls don't know yet.  First Years always need a good old kick, especially if they're gazing at Arcus. 

Leaning back she listened to Raphael play.  Several minutes later she spoke"  I might be getting the concert band together Piano boy. You interested in joining? I'm a trombonist myself " Raiven liked the trombone,  she could hit people accidentally on purpose with the slide.

@Anyone Online



Raphael Moreau


         "...I would, but I have performances all over Europe..." I replied. "I do not simply play piano for fun, how else does one achieve the funds to keep one's suit tidy, or keep up with the latest fashion trends," I continued. I sighed as I once more as I to put my hands on the keys, as I then flipped the negotiation question on her, "I have an appearance in London, might not seem much to you, but hey its the best I can offer for your trombone performance," I requested. I practically slyly denied her earlier request and reversed such negotiations on her. Naturally, I would await her response.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Hazel just touch her ear as she felt the blood stopped she just smiled' he wants me go to the audioruim i wonder what he wants' she thought as she picked up her bag as she walked over to the audoirum as she just wonder what he was going to do about the bullies she didn't really understand she walked in the auudoirum as she just looked around' i'm here big brother why am i here' she signed she just looked at her phone she saw the last text she had from her mom she just sighed as she smiled a little bit she was watching reno she just got something out of her bag she just started to sketch she haven't drawn anything in a while @ShadowSaber331
"You're right,  it's not.  I usually play in London over the holidays. I was playing with the Philharmonic over the summer" 

She smiled to the other Elites as she point blank refused Raphael "I'm good friends with the conductor,  naturally, considering who my daddy is" 

She'd practice her trombone later.

Reno walks over to Hazel, figuring that the Elemental Transfusion might work, but before he could explain it, he remembered a watch Homura game to Nathaniel, which allows him to use any ability. 'Well, I did recall a watch Homura gave to a human before that allows him to use any ability by way or thought', he signed. 'But I'll need to contact him first to see if he has another one. I was going to suggest something else...but that's a risky move.' Reno pulls out his phone and texts Homura. 'Hey, you know that watch you gave Nate, do you have another one?' 'I really hope he has another one, it'll make my job a hell of a lot easier.'


Hazel just waas watchig him as she was really confused what was going on she just sighed' can you please just tell me whats going i don't understand please big brother reno what does it have to do with me with the mean bullies' she signed as she just looked at him sh was just annoyed with all the bullies she just sighed' did i do something wrong big brother reno' she signed as she just hold onto her bag as she just smiled she was really nervous about what was going on @ShadowSaber331

Raphael Moreau


        "...Hmph, expected from q snobbish, stuck up, and arrogant girl who seek their father, or rather I should say, "Sugar Daddy", when something doesn't go your way," I replied. As I then made the piano.. vanish. As I then reassumed my position of taking notes, waiting for what to happen next. Although even though it seems as I was vulnerable to attack, I was with alert, as if I had eyes in the back of my head.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven I don't understand why are they looking at me??" Arcus said as he tattoo finished glowing, and is said Always Raiven's. "Um Raiven, I am really confused as to what is going on??" Arcus said as he started to blush and spark form embarrassment.
Raiven sighed "French jerk. He's no sugar daddy" she muttered under her breath before turning to Arcus "Want to hear me play later. I practised a lot." She had a proud beaming grin on her face "I have Music next and I have permission to practice alone" She snuggled him, ignoring Raphael "They're staring as you're shirtless and we kind of accidentally did a PDA"

@Anyone Online @XxCharColexX

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