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Fantasy Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls (FallingFire & Calisto)

What are the best glasses style?

  • Nerd Glasses 4 The Win! XD

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Reading Glasses. . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Normal Glasses!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fake Glasses /\/\(fake nerd glasses)/\/\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Like Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Trinity shifted so she was looking at J'zar.

"It's okay. I'm not hurt, other than my headache. It was more my fault. I went running off when Dylan was right there and had the chance he took." She leaned closer to J'zar, leaning her forehead on his.
Reyna shook her head at the girl. Girls these days; so petty and girly, she thought. "Okay, I'll leave," she told Bryan. "Just so you know, lunch is next. Feel free to sit with me." Rey walked away. Cleaning her Trap Making table, Rey grabbed her books and walked to her dorm. She put everything away and sighed. "Amnesia, mind-power thingy, what the hell is wrong with this school?" she asked herself. Even then, standing in the protection of her dorm, Rey could feel power tugging at her soul once more.
Dylan shook his head, slamming his hand down hard on his nightstand.

"Dammit!" He yelled, getting up and leaving his room. He needed to get back at J'zar, one way or another ((I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha xD ))


Trinity snuggled closer to J'zar, shaking a little from shock. She wrapped her arms around him, just to make sure he was still there.
~ Reyna

Reyna sighed and walked along, leaving Bryan and the girl behind. If he doesn't remember me . . . she thought, then he probably doesn't remember liking me . . . She put her books in her room and left, putting as much space between Jasmine's room and herself. Down the hallway, she saw Jazz open her door. Jasmine looked at her, a dark smile creeping up her lips whilst her eyes gleamed with mischief. Rey quickened her pace, not daring to look back at Jasmine.

~ Jasmine

Jasmine watched Reyna walked away, before stepping into her dorm room. She grabbed the chair from her desk and placed it in the middle of the room. A rope was sitting on the seat, it's golden-brown fabric glinting in the darkness. Jazz smiled coldly. "Oh, Reyna," she spoke, her voice low. "You don't know what's gonna happen." A laugh escaped her lips, filling the air with madness and torture . . . Which is just what Jazz was gonna to to her.

~ Reyna

Rey entered the lunch room, grabbed a tray, and received some lunch. This food looked homemade, and it was delicious. Reyna noticed that Jasmine had entered the room, and looked down at her plate. She didn't notice that Jasmine sat beside her until she poked her arm. Looking up, Rey saw Jazz smiling darkly. "What do you want?" growled Reyna. Jasmine shrugged, pointing her index finger at Rey's forehead. "You," she giggled.

~ Jasmine

Jasmine pressed her index finger into Rey's forehead. Magic pulsed through the connection, sending Reyna into a a deep sleep. Thinking harder, Jazz managed to use her power and make Reyna fly, instead of the alternative; carrying her. She cried out in alarm, telling the other student not to worry, and that Rey was going to the nurses office. That was a lie. Jazz made Reyna float to the dorms, then into her dorm room. She had left the door open in order to make things easier. Setting Rey in the chair, Jasmine began to tie her up. First her legs, then her arms, her hands, and her waist. For good measure, Jasmine also gagged Reyna's mouth, to stop her from calling for help. "There we go . . ." muttered Jazz. "When you awaken, you will be driven insane!"
Trinity laid next to J'zar, comforted by his warmth and prescnce. That is, until her stomach growled. She blushed a little, wondering what time it was.

She looked at her schedule, then at her watch.

"It's lunchtime, we should probably go get something to eat." Trinity said, placing a soft kiss on J'zar's lips.


Dylan stared at his tray. His stomach growled, as if there was a little monster trying to escape, but he truthfully had no appetite. He was still debating how to get back at J'zar and Trinity.
Trinity looked up.

"True... You need something as a back up should Dylan do something to me. You know, like how he said if you did anything to any of the villains, he'd make sure I died. So, find something as a... Weak spot. His achellies tendon." She said, thinking as she spoke about a pressure point for Dylan.
Trinity glared, smirking at him.

"I advise that you do... I have a bad habit of subconsciously munching when I get bored." She said with a laugh.
Trinity stuck out her tongue before closing her eyes and burying her face in one of J'zar's hoodies laying near by so she couldn't see.
"Then I won't get into your food until you leave me alone and I tear your room apart looking for it." She said with a mischievous snicker.
J'zar laugh a bit, grabbing the snack bars from under the bed, inside a small bag.

"You owe me one, this are my last ones..." He hand it to her, smiling.
Trinity arched her eyebrow.


Dylan finally ate some of his food before lunch was over.

"Great, what class next?" He asked himself as he looked at his schedule. "Free period... I should talk to Brian... Oh. Yeah. I've gotta get him caught up first..." Dylan muttered as he threw his food away and walked over to Brian.

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