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Fantasy Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls (FallingFire & Calisto)

What are the best glasses style?

  • Nerd Glasses 4 The Win! XD

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Reading Glasses. . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Normal Glasses!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fake Glasses /\/\(fake nerd glasses)/\/\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Like Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
~ Reyna

Reyna stopped swinging. The spirits were made of air, pure air. She couldn't kill them, so she ran. She sprinted as fast as she could up the steep path, getting closer to the top. But it wasn't fast enough. The spirits lunged and dove, stealing Rey's oxygen as she ran. When Rey couldn't breathe anymore, they kept away until she started running again. How did I get caught up in this? she wondered, focusing on her breathing.

~ Jasmine

((Just, well, just waiting))

It's actually Typhon, but hey! I don't give a crap!
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Dylan wanted to help Rey so bad it hurt.

"Selina'" Dylan shouted, jumping up and running out his door.

'You're pathetic.' The voice spat.

'No, you are!' He roared back in his mind.

He rushed to her dorm, banging on the door rather loudly.
((I actually don't know))

Reyna ran again. She didn't look behind her, because the spirits were there. They seemed to be going slower, the wind whipping slowly around them. Reyna was almost at the top when she tripped on a rock. "Shit," she mumbled. She tried to get up, but a spirit attacked. The wind lashed at her back, ripping her clothes and cutting her flesh. Rey screamed, for the pain was sudden and swift. It became a dull throb as the other spirits attacked.

((I'm gonna call the spirits 'Venti' from the 'Heroes of Olympus' books))

((@AtlasTheShapeless @Jennifer Marie @FallingFire, anybody else gonna post???))

Bryan rub his forehead, gasping after what one of the Heroes told him.

'I...phuck....i need to save her.... hetold me that i had a crush on her....but....Selina....i....damnit....' He tought, as he take a seat, covering his face, with a horrible headache.
Dylan slammed his head against Selina's door.

"Shit, I've missed class. What class is it even?"

He looked down at his schedule. Last class of the day was fighting.

'She's probably in class...' He thought as walked quickly to the fight classroom.
Trinity frowned a little.

"I'd wait, if I were you," She said, playing with J'zar's hair. "If you screw up Jazz's concentration, you're going to take the place of Rey."
Trinity giggled before yawning quietly.

"I'm tired. I'm taking a nap." She said sleepily.

She rested her head on J'zar's chest before closing her eyes, drifting off into a well needed sleep.
Reyna rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding another attack. One of the ventis lunged again. "Shit!" Rey yelled, jumping to her feet. She began to run to the top of the cliff. Almost there, she thought, her feet hurting. She looked down. "What the hell?" she cried. "When did I lose my shoes?" She continued running.

((I'm back!))

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