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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Pele is a great name! Also is the name of the goddess of fire in Hawaiian mythology.

CuVallen is at work at the moment and I don't want to post before he does since Babette is interacting with his character.

Which brings me to ask if, since you are leading this RP, if any of us wanted to do a 1x1 scene, would you be okay with us making one on the forum or doing it in gdocs?
I would use Gdocs ... and post with a post title or pretext like

Babette Give Jerry the Cold Shoulder

Jerry's Trailer

Sept 3, 2016 Evening

Babette and Jerry

If you do this the two could Joint Post writing up via G Docs and even reply to it separately afterwards. Just reuse the pretext. (LOL, couldn't help a little humor with the title.)
I was honestly in the middle of cleaning eye makeup off of one eye, so with it closed I read: "Babette Give Jerry the Cold Shower" =\ LOL!

Sounds good. And then once the scene is complete we just go and post the IC thread?
Right might even want to add (JP) after the list of people present. I'd know what you were doing, but a new member might not.

I am thinking Tamara might be the one to follow Duncan and catch him playing with the goat.
I will wait for you to post first. it might take a bit--im feeling pretty rotten and also have a lot of hw/readings
No worries. My schedule for the next few days is going to get sporadic. Hours flip flopping a bit.
lol ... the earliest recorded Rap that I know of ... They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha-hah! ... ca1966 (re-issued 1973).
Oh .. if folks want to write us getting back together at some point, that is fine. Or we can do both types of threads ... ie a 1x1 at one point in point in time ... and a group thread at another point in time. We just need to mind chronology.

I do have some events that will get triggered eventually if certain actions are taken. And I am debating a timed event.
Please excuse the short post, been awake for 33 hours. Gonna lay down. I'll check back in a little bit if I wake up.
Oh, timed event? Sounds interesting.

Abouts when do you think they're going to make their big move? When that does happen, are we just jumping ahead in time? @Mitheral
Mitheral said:
Oh .. if folks want to write us getting back together at some point, that is fine. Or we can do both types of threads ... ie a 1x1 at one point in point in time ... and a group thread at another point in time. We just need to mind chronology.
I do have some events that will get triggered eventually if certain actions are taken. And I am debating a timed event.
@aergie Idk, Mitheral said it in his post. It actually sounds pretty scary. Like, are one of characters gonna die from blood loss or something? :P
The only "timed event" I'm familiar with is in games where you have a goal that you need to accomplish before the timer goes off. If you don't reach that goal, you fail. </3
Of course, we won't know for sure until @Mitheral elaborates, but I have this bad feeling that someone's gonna bleed out. Heheheh. But that's just my paranoid nature coming through.

It's probably nothing too serious. @aergie

BUT! I was thinking that, if he does reveal his plans, you and I could do a 1x1 with the girls sometime this weekend. :D LMK!
I'm pretty excited about it! I feel like their bond needs to be strong because I feel they will be the backbone of the group. :P
Well, it is currently Sept 3, 2016 in the RP. A timed event is just one where I have set a date for something to happen - ready or not. In this RP that could mean anything from the arrival of other survivors (friendly or not) to a plague of locusts just in time for harvest.

A triggered event is some that happens if the RP takes a certain turn. Example: a bunch of explorers decide to look into a matter they have put off and upon disturbing a set of ruins they unleash horrors on the world. Or perhaps they uncover some prophecy of doom.

Sometimes I combine them. For example: the arrival of three new people in the area starts a timer of a future event.

Funny you guys should all say "bleed out".... I mean the world is idyllic. You can go and take anything you want. The world is your oyster. What could possibly be wrong?
Well whatever you have planned I'm sure will be fun! :D

And accidents always happen. :D *accidentally shoots Jerry in the foot.*
Hey guys :) Im Boondox.. Or Boon which ever you would like to call me. If you would like the genders even I can double up as another male if Jack falls Inactive.
@Boondox @aergie is correct. You aren't supposed to post until your character is approved. It is a little on the skimpy side, but passable. If you would, add in a reference to where she lived most of her life / started from.

All - motorcycles have a rather limited lifespan in a post apocalyptic setting - unless you remain constrained to one small area and maintain a fuel dump. Once that fuel is gone, the motorcycle's lifespan is about 6 months. Max time ... about 2.5 years .... unless you go to the extremes Duncan used. The problem is, a motorcyclist can only carry so much fuel with him. Once that is used up, you have to rely on what you find. Gasoline has a 6 month limit. Diesel about a year. Jerry was the smartest of them all on this account by protecting his fuel from the very start.

Also - Really, pistols have poor accuracy and very limited stopping power against any threats you guys are likely to face. Most threats are large predators (mt lions, bears, African lions, tigers, etc ... or worse). I'm not counting pack animals like dogs gone wild.

Finally ... this isn't a Zombie apocalypse.

Why would someone's parents be grunting and snarling?

That skimpy stuff Chase wears on her wrists are going to offer virtually no protection here. When that half blind rhino charges prepare to become a speed bump.

Note: I have avoided mentioning human threats. There are no gangs as there weren't enough survivors to really form one, much less anyone to attack, nor competition over resources. Uninfected survivors are locked away in bunkers. Unless they have bio hazard suits, exposure to you alone is fatal (a slow lingering death). If they are military they might represent a real threat.

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