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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Yeah I noticed that :3 I did enjoy reading that post. At least Khloe's doing something with her time now, and not just sleeping in all day, every day xD
Folks, I have sort of been on hold for my next post- waiting for comments about the next event you guys want to deal with. Jerry made an excellent post - though as an email rather than a meeting. (Probably his best yet though, in my opinion.)


1. Greyson Starts the Eglin Clean Room Building (Mar 20). Slow process with all the interruptions.

Probably a little on the boring side with little to talk about.

2. Duncan initiates Election Program with Council (Mar 20). This will be the development of a new Constitution. The Old US Constitution was designed around states and capitalism as the driving force. He is setting a tentative date for Nov 2017 to announce the elections, with the Elections to occur in Nov 2018.

Jerry replied to this one via email. I held off with a response to see if you guys really wanted any sort of discussion here. This one COULD be handled via OOC as well.

3. Duncan and Kyoko Wedding Apr 7. (or any events leading up to it.)

We kinda know what is going to happen. Just HOW it happens depends on you guys. The thousand giant origami swans is actually possible, but rather wasteful. And if spaced every 10 feet on each side of the aisle, 500*10 feet ... about one mile ... That one hell of a long walk for an expectant bride. Even at 5 foot spacing ... half a mile. Hahaha ... Kyoko's idea? Or was that Duncan's?

4. Arrival of Immigrants in Panama City (Apr 15) about 6000 total.

-plan to split some to Mobile, AL scrapped to ease of logistics to a single location. Barges and smaller boats used to handle the docking situation. Eglin put through a vaccination program against foreign diseases in advance. (Most military and those used to international travel likely already vaccinated, but may get boosters if no records.)

Can't really skip this one. I have two major NPC's to introduce early on with this who will stand out as new council members 2 from the European group; one from Australia. (One of the 2 from Europe is actually from the Congo, but moved up to Northern England.)
Well, that is why I asked for feedback above. Tell you what:

1. Skip .. I can allude back to it or make a brief mention.

2. Can be an ongoing thing with brief emails back and forth ... or mentioned. Politics was just one of the items on the General's list before he ends martial law.

FYI: New Duncanism: "General, Marital law trumps martial law every time."

(oops .. hit send early)

3. Wedding: Yeah I know it is important,but it feels like a series of forced posts. And sodevious has been busy with work. So I am going to skip this as well and move on to the arrival of immigrants #4. I have a couple NPC's (new council members) to introduce there. Still working on the third.
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Now this map is scary

Honestly, I hadn't heard from anyone in so long - neither posts nor responses to questions in OOC - I thought you guys had quit. I take it as a cue to close an RP when people don't respond to such questions or say they will post and days later still haven't.

If folks want me to reopen the RP, let me know. I got so bored waiting that I finally started developing a new RP.
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I had posted that I had been working long hours. By long I mean like 12+ a day. After work, I eat and have been knocking out. I'm sorry I have not had much time. But I haven't gotten any reaction to my posted actions trying to win over the trust of the new people either. Even on addressing a specific npc. Did you consider sending out a pm asking before deciding we'd quit?
Yes, I did. And to be very honest I found your most recent post some of your best to date. But one of you does not make a group. I didn't PM you because I saw no need. YOU were posting. FYI, my usual work day is 14 hrs.

As I said, I'll pick this back up if enough folks want, but I haven't heard from any of the others. And yes, I have PM'd some in this regard - who have said they are still playing, but I have yet to see a post from.
Dad is home now, he had another stent put in his heart and is now on oxygen. It's sad seeing nothing new here. I guess it really is dead. Good luck with your new RP Mith.

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