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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Folks, feel free to keep going with the Halloween party and any 1x1's you had going. For posts that take place between Halloween and Mar 01, 2017, just note them as a (Backpost) and make it a point not to mess with chronology.

For example: Babette wanted to do a trip back home. So long as we don't have people dying, etc on the trip, it is really a trip down memory lane much like the one Chase does. She does hers in sync with an existing mission. Easy enough for Babs to do the same. Military runs a mission into the area. (The site where a 6 person solar powered plane was under development is close to where she needed to go. Plus, they are starting to transport civilians and dependents to Eglin from all the other sites.) She makes a road trip out of and returns for the trip back. (C 130's are great, aren't they?)

Road trips like that should at least make sense.
Oh well, it could easily happen moments later. Might leave Khloe a little distracted.
"Beautiful beach though.." LMAO ... yo DO realize how Chase would hear that. (Hint: just imagine 'beach' pronounced slightly different ...)
Well, all we saw was him taken captive. We've no idea what they did with him. I figured he'd escape on the train to the military base or something.
lol .. You know the anesthesia they use in hospitals where they ask you to count backward from 100 and you are lucky to make it to 98? That's the sort of knockout gas they used. And they did so at concentrations that can cause damage to the voice.
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@aspectwarrior This is a detailed RP. Your CS? Not detailed in the slightest. Take a look at some of the other characters. (Even the dog has more detail.)

Also, you need to read the RP itself. It is centered in the USA.

Lore has a chronology of the RP, with someannouncements of future events.
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Was up all night throwing up (Food poisoning). Couldn't even keep Gatorade down. Doing better, but still pretty blah.
Well, I think I managed to flush my stomach completely .. multiple times ... lol. I still have a sense of humor.

I think Eglin is about to have a population explosion.
don't we already have nearly 1/3 the living population of the world there already?
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2/3 (12,000 out of 18,000) ... what is heading your way is most of what is left ... There will still be some stragglers.

The downside of the arrival of the others will be cultural differences.
Oh no ... Duncan and General Cotton planned for this sort of thing. They have enough rations to more than feed everyone. And farms are being plowed to feed everyone.
So we're just going to have every square inch of Elgin covered in tents and inability to police the incoming masses, and even verify who they are, unless they are on a military watch list. Let alone the ability to make them work. lol it's gonna be a clusterfuck. Everyone coming in better start learning english asap. I don't think we should allow signage in any language but english.
Just had to share this one.

Odds are that .. and even Kyoko's motorcycle will be a thing of the future. Li Lianjie's ULEV has a transparent solar film. That is one thing the colony is close to being able to do cheap reproductions. For really decent ones they have a ways to go. (Being able to make the solar film, the actual parts).
Anyone want to talk to "Jet Li" before I turn him loose on the colony?

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