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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Farm (just north of Niceville, FL)

Dr Greyson has a post hole digger that he used to erect the racks for the solar array. It will speed the process of building fencing / corals for the animal. It won't take long to get tractors ready for plowing, etc. And Duncan already gathered materials like he did in Albuquerque (though nowhere near as much.)

For the rest of the group, there is still a lot of unloading, checking inventories, herding livestock, starting winter crops, etc. And Duncan won't be a complete stranger. Assume he does get dragged out for meals on occasion.
@Iacentis Hey there. Long time. Okay, I like the character.

Couple points of practicality.

Age 15 ... that would be current age. It has been just a little over a year since the Plague hit. By the end of last winter the Plague had done its job. So .. she would never have had a driver's license. That does NOT mean she can't have a car. Heck, Duncan has taxied fighter jets on a runway for kicks.

Location ... The group has moved to Florida. And your character is immobile in Las Vegas. Now she COULD use a 10 speed. But is she goes it light or on foot,she pretty much has to lose the Lab.

I see two ways to get your character to the group.

1. Somehow stay mobile and end up in Florida. The group does plan to put out signs in a week or so to announce their presence.

2. Hoof it as far as Albuquerque and get "captured" by the military. After some basic interrogation, I have them send you by "train". (I am thinking one of those CSX trucks that can do highway or rail.)


or maybe

Yes ... not up to Greyson's usual level of proficiency. However it is unusually "green" in its efficiency. And they are unusually high in luxury. Wifi system throughout with the equivalent of Skype Vid conferencing. The master bathrooms include a roman bath with solar self heating walls and showers. (A couple of the units are designed for wheel chairs.) On the outside they look pretty utilitarian. He wanted Smarthomes, but lacked the materials.

He is still building more. He is planning on an initial population of 10,000. One man .... yeah. Workaholic. He is Montana raised (on a ranch), very much a family man, and easy going. he loves talking about his Honney Do jar ... and needing a bigger one.
Okies. Thhhaaank you. Just trying to imagine where they will be living. Babette's easy to please... No need for fanciness. :P
@Iacentis Tried to come up with a decent background for getting you character to Florida. I mainly worked off the description of the character. College made the most sense for a place for her to hole up until things got bad. Then the bike thing popped into mind. Easy enough to hit 10-15 mph several hours a day on one of those. That's less than a week to get from Las Vegas to Albuquerque. A couple days of processing by the military, and a day to get ready.

40 mph on that rail truck. 1200 miles. 30-40 hours. ... 4-5 days. She could arrive as soon as Sept 14, 2016 (about 4 days after the rest of the group arrives). They aren't going to be in as rough of a hurry to unload. The real chore is the animals. They ought to have the start of a small livestock farm
Hey @Mitheral! So, I have two 1x1s currently going on between Babette/Tamara and Babette/Jerry. Is it safe to assume that boys and girls will be in separate homes or would they be living together?
Well, there is plenty is space for everyone to pick their own place. However, now there are some adults looking over your shoulders. Truth to tell, the military is going to be pragmatic enough not to intervene. If the kids wanted it would be pretty easy for them to just disappear in the face of too many rules.
@Mitheral Hmm, yea, that could probably work, might need a while to figure out all the details however.

Hmm, otherwise one could just exchanges Las Vegas for somewhere Florida without any real trouble (As her 'starting location')
@Iacentis And so... I figured the people your character was heading towards were us.... So I had Babette spot you. If that's not accurate, let me know and I change change it. :D
@sodeviousxo Approved.

Guys, I made an exception for sodeviousxo Her writing is superb, personable, consistent. And with Duncan being so drawn in by his research, the new guy offers an extra male presence.

Oh ... aquaponics? hydroponics I know, but aqua? By chance algae farms, seaweed etc? Heh, Duncan knows where good floundering and crabbing is, as well as oyster diving in this area. He did all three as a kid. He also plans to build a prawn farm eventually - maybe after he saves the human race? Gotta have someone to eat them all ... right?
@Iacentis Just FYI, can't see faces through the eyepieces of a biohazard suit (But don't sorry about editing)


@RIPSaidCone Smoking not allowed in the Lab building or within 25 feet of fuel supplies or habitat facilities for the Uninfected (like Greyson). The smoke degrades the filters. Also, Duncan's home is no smoking. It is also strongly advised that you not smoke near the aircraft (jet fuel). Greyson also doesn't want it around the smaller kids.

@sodeviousxo Uhm ... to keep chronology the arrival date for Lia was Sep 13 (3 days after the rest of the group arrived. Again, don't worry about editing. Honestly we can move everything forward a little - like after at least some of the unloading is done.
heh .. easy enough for any of the group to be walking out and back, driving back, etc. I am describing a little of what Greyson is setting up.

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