Also that is kind of a big issue with what @Sputnik said not that she just skipped the roll but anyone who chooses to be a defensive type apparently has an overwhelming advantage
Well I guess Rurnur is right because some of us will have 1 point stats for awhile but, then it becomes a weird toss up. I mean if someone has lets say 5 agility versus 3 accuracy then if the agility rolls a 4 or 5 they instantly dodge without the other character standing a chance?
@Rurnur I have to go to bed now. I'll probably post more around 8 hours from now. When I wake up, my character can spar with anyone else who hasn't gone or just wants to spar for the practice. Night, y'all.
Eh, I guess. Just saying that there seems to be something off with it. I mean if you can instantly block or evade stuff everytime because they don't have a chance of reaching the same number those stats take further Priority over all others.
Ok even if someone has 1 strength and they go up against someone with 10 defense they still have a chance to hit them. If they have only 1 in a stat then the probably have higher stats that they can use to counteract and bide their time until that chance comes.
In vaguer terms of anyone has a higher number in a defensive stat over someone's attack or defense and they roll a number that the other character has zero possibility of achieving they would instantly win.
For instance how Sputnik got a three, even if I had two points in strength then I still wouldn't be able to pass her barrier at all because I lack the ability to reach the same number as her.
Well that is the whole point of each character having different stats, it's so they are better than other characters at some things and worse at others
@Lana Valentine ... Then that means that I blocked you for 1 attack. The next attack I may get a 1 and then you get a 2 or we could both get 1's and you would hit me or we could both get 2's and you would hit me. There is a lot of random chance involved as well.
I'm just saying that there's a simpler and fairer idea for everyone that is also less confusing >_>
Don't make the stats equal faces instead equal die amounts.
So I have two Dice to roll with two strength and she has Three dice with her roll for Defensive but all dice has six faces it's fairer to everyone else instead of giving someone an instant win number
Well you shouldn't be attacking twice in a single post anyway O.o
And then it's just numbers I roll 2 dice and get 4 and 6 and she rolls three and gets 5, 2, 6 she still has an advantage due to the extra dice but can't instantly win due to my incapability to reach the number 3