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Fantasy No Longer Human?

"Perhaps it will, perhaps it won't.." The air behind Miko shimmered, and Occultus' scales changed color, reverting to their normal green color. Both of his eyes rotated directly toward Grand's slit ones. "..and if it does.." His voice became a harsh whisper as he glared at the snake. "..defective experiments like you will fall."

His eyes flicked between all of the other's who were revolted by the workers. "It appears we have yet to unlock the full ability to combine animal genes with those of humans.." His eyes moved back toward Grand's one last time. "At least not in a successful way." With that, he turned and moved back around, following Kath back into her room to see if she was okay.

@Deadly Darkness @Aaron775
Lance just walked off and accidently bumped into kath and said "oh sorry... Oh jeez kath sorry I didn't see you there.... Hey what you said back there was kinda true I'm no perfect hybrid but yeh I do have a lot of problems so thanks" said lance with a uplifting tone and smiling. Waving bye and walking back to his cell.

Lance just walked off and accidently bumped into kath and said "oh sorry... Oh jeez kath sorry I didn't see you there.... Hey what you said back there was kinda true I'm no perfect hybrid but yeh I do have a lot of problems so thanks" said lance with a uplifting tone and smiling. Waving bye and walking back to his cell. 
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Bjorn saw how she had gotten sad, "Lass... Aeh didn' mean i' like tha' Aeh jus'-" He stopped as she left and moved to her room. He sighed and looked at the scientist, "Jus' leave me be. Aeh didn' ask tuh be 'ere." He said calmly, no longer was he angry, well at least very angry.

@Deadly Darkness @akumashioni
grand seethed at his failure to gather anyone to his side, but he was determined to complete his goal, whether those house trained hybrids agreed with him or not. he sat down once again plotting to himself
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Cuban yawned but as he listened to Kath speak up on the behalf of the mutants and he sadly looked down at the ground chewing on his lip. He stood up quickly and with haste walked over to the doctor looking down on him even with his tail. "Fine, hurry up with the tests and know I'm not doing this for you...I am doing this to make my shield stronger to protect those I care for." He said looking back when Kath had decided to retreat to her room seeming sad and returning his attention to the doctor. "Now...what are we doing...as long as it makes me the ultimate shield I don't care what it is."

@akumashioni @Deadly Darkness
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grand over heard cuban and decided to interject. " whats the ultimate shield exactly, and why haven' t i heard of it." grand asked walking over slowly with a plain look on his face. @Seraph
"oh but i understand all too well young boy, i've killed before, it isnt wrong to kill if you do it for the right reasons. dont be afraid to kill because it is always neccesary in war, and soon the war between us and the humans will come to pass." @mewbot5408

"Young boy? I'm 21...and no it would be impossible for you to understand me. Nobody can. " He told him shaking his head a little crossing his arms. He sighed. Miko wished he had a boyfriend or some friends or something. Maybe then he wouldn't feel like crud so much or just plain out lonely. he then started to go out to the hallway and decided to head for the pool.
Lance felt that he was at least up. To eat with apoligeez until he heard miko. Lance walked out and walked behind miko and his hand on mikos shoulder."hey miko sorry about the neck thing just don't do that" said lance in a guilted tone. 

Björn looked at Kilgrave, becoming more angry by the second. "Disrespect? Where th' fock was my respect fer my life?! Do yeh know wo' Aeh could've done if Aeh was still with mah paren's?! Aeh could've go''en ah job, Aeh could've had some firs' loves, make mistakes an' live ah life! Yeh thin' Aeh 'ave tha' respect 'ere!? If yeh don' give respect don' expect aneh back."


Lance just blew over kath and grand but then heard kilgraves comment. "Hey. No what am I suppose to eat and what am I suppose to fight" exclaimed lance raising his wings extremely in a pussed mood. "I'm the only one that rights there maybe make better hybrids and they won't die! " he yelled looking at kilgrave with and extremely unwanting tone.  @akumashioni

Kilgrave sighed and shook his head as Kath left.

"look gentlemen, I really don't want to get ugly, I've been nothing but good to you, be a sport and do it for good ole grandpa Kilgrave!" He forced a very obviously annoyed smile, his spotlight eyes boring directly into Bjorns. 

He spoke to lance without looking away from bjorn, "you will fight nothing unless you're scheduled to do so, and you will eat nothing until your testing is complete." 
Lance listened and just gave up on the argument. "So when am I going to testing I'm hungry" said lance in a annoyed tone wanting to get it done with. 
Lance listened and just gave up on the argument. "So when am I going to testing I'm hungry" said lance in a annoyed tone wanting to get it done with. 

Miko shrugged him off. " Just Don't  touch me.  " He told him shaking his head and moved quickly heading for the pool. he got there as fast as he could. he tried to calm himself taking off his clothing before diving into the pool and let himself float to the bottom of the pool. He stayed under quietly as his body glowed lighting up everything.
Kath made it into her room and continued to pace around the perimeters. She looked up from her pacing to see that Occultus had followed her in. "I-I'm sorry about that," she stuttered. "I just can't help it when people start talking like the way they were." Her hands were balled up into fists as her hooves continued to lightly clatter on the hard wood flooring of her room. "I should've known too. I always get like this when I haven't lactated." She continued rambling, unaware of what she was sharing.

Lance for annoyed for kilgrave to answer so he went to walk around to at least fins someone to talk to. He wanted to at least say sorry again to kath fpe the mistakes so he walked to her room. He went to the door and knocked on it lightly. "If you don't mind Kath I wanted to say sorry for being kinda a disgraceful mutant toward the others the ones I killed and the scientists" said lance smiling trying to bring remorce to his mind. @Deadly Darkness
Occultus spun around and his eyes bore down into the crow. He appeared almost taller than he actually was, his horns risen in the air, and his scales changed color to a strange bright cyan, that was disorienting, and incredibly difficult to look at.

"She will be fine." He spoke firmly, his voice full of hostility. "She simply needs to calm down. Leave."

@Deadly Darkness @LuckyLucifer
Kath stopped her rant to look up at Lance. "Well, thank you for apologizing." She spotted out of the corner of her eye Occultus beginning to shift colors. The hostility in his voice made her flinch, but he had every right to be upset; didn't he? Gently Kath set her hand on the chameleon's shoulder. "I'll be fine Lance. I think you should just go for now." She looked back to Occultus. She had never seen him so upset before. Sure he got mad on occasions, but this was unheard of.

@Wick @LuckyLucifer
Lance looked at the chameleon in a very outright look. "Hey man you see it's people like you that male me this way I try to be forgivwful and then you ruin it and when I'm not then people get pissed, this is why I like being in my pit but it just ain't gonna be the same anymore. " said lance walking off after putting a almost deadly threatening tone. He walked of to the 'hero' of some sorts. He got to him and said "hey grand I have a question. "What's your opinion on mass killing? " @Aaron775
Occultus huffed, his scales dulling again. All the tension that had been filling the facility today had been affecting him too. He relaxed a bit as Lance left. Couldn't any of them see that they were a major part of the future? The facility was here to help, and by the looks of things, all the subjects that seemed to hate the scientists appeared to have been complete successes. Most of them still had most of their human DNA, including their human traits and morals. Occultus had been struggling to keep himself from going full chameleon instinct for a while. It was difficult to do, but he was still grateful for what they did for him.

He shrunk down again, his eye looking down at Kath's hand on his shoulder. "I'm, sorry."

@Deadly Darkness @LuckyLucifer
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"It's alright, no need to apologize. Today's just been hectic, to say the least." She left her hand on his shoulder and offered a soft smile. She hadn't taken into account how all this sudden pressure affected these others. It was no wonder Occultus responded like this, and even Bjorn (@Slothtastic). A lot had occurred. "Want to take a walk outside? Being cooped seems to have everyone going stir crazy." The "backyard" area had often been one of Kath's favorite places to go. It was a sealed off area with a large glass dome over it. It housed many different biomes and an artificial waterfall. 

Cuban listened to conversations happening around him and paid particular attention to what the black was saying things like '...you that male me...' and '...forgivwful...' and chuckled to himself as he waited for the doctor to give him his test. Some people love to just add violence where its not truly suppose to be and he shook his head in disapproval. "When you're ready doctor...I'll be in my room...bring some milk." His legs clicked on the ground as he made his way to the fridge grabbing the rest of the half gallon of milk in his claw doing his best to open the cap. He struggled with it as he walked by the cow and chameleons. "Um...could one of you open this...please?"

@Wick @Deadly Darkness
Lance felt no importance to talking to grand even if he had what idea he had. Lance went to his cell. He started yo ouch hole after hole making small craters in the walls. "Stupid others no importance they can only think blindly of there ideals" said lance with a huff every time he punched. Te sound of the pinches spread threw the Commons and kept going until he stopped and h came out with scratched knuckles and a dirty cloak. 
Occultus was about to respond to Kath when the crab walked in, asking if somebody could open a jug of milk for him. Occultus turned and sent his tongue at the lid, sticky enough to rip it off by force, without unscrewing it, and accidentally spilling some. After a moment of awkward silence, he pulled the cap off his tongue and vaguely whispered.

"Suppose that would have been the same as you pinching it off." He placed the cap down and smiled awkwardly at the crab. He looked back at Kath. "Yes, fresh air would be nice." Before beginning to leave, he returned his gaze to the crab and squinted. "Sorry about that..." Occultus pointed at him, urging him to respond with his name.

@Deadly Darkness @Seraph
Miko hair floated above him as he sat alone curled up at the bottom of his pool.  Being in the pool put him at a bit of ease as all he could hear was the water around him and his heart beat. his pool was set up like a sort of tank in which others could see inside. Miko the started singing something as a sort of way to comfort himself.

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