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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Blue would remain the common area now as she moved to an area of her own as she groomed herself a bit with a broom, She once again wasn't sure what to do as that point as she didn't really know anyone there. But it didn't help seeing she didn't trust anyone and those who usually did approach her she gave off a snarl as she wasn't very trusting of others
grand walked around, looking at his surrounding as he seemed to have a lot on his mind, he saw a young man that looked to me a interesting looking experiment animal. "you there, what is your name boy?" grand asked as he slowly walked towards him with a look of curiosity and intrigue. @mewbot5408
Björn scrolled through Netflix, trying to find something good before giving up and going to continue what he had been watching for a bit. "ARE YEH KIDDIN' ME!? THEY GO' RID O' MAH SHOW!" He was sooooo done with technology. Instead he looked it up on YouTube and just watched it there. If anyone were to look over they might see the animoo, Black Butler. "Damn Netflix an' ge''in' rid o' th' good shows bu' don' even 'ave Lion Kin' or Aladdin...." He grumbled. 
   Jack would narrow his eyes at Kilgrave as he called for those who hadn't been tested, but walk over anyway. It was quite obvious that the wolf did not enjoy being tested on. @akumashioni

Common room,my character is miko a jellyfish/eel mix leans more towards the jellyfish DNA)

Miko soon stood up seeing the doctor. His chest rose then fell a few times deeply as he rubbed lightly at his bruised throat trying to sooth the sharp irritation.  he tilted his head wondering what the doctor ment. He moved his head to look at grand. "Miko..and whom are you??"he asked
grand grinned just slightly at the corner of his mouth. " I'm grand the mutants savior, well future savior that is, you look very interesting boy, as you can see my mutant animal is a snake, even though i no longer look human I've been granted with powers to make up for that fact, im sure you have as well, correct?" grand said as he was trying to get information out of this person of interest. @mewbot5408
Cuban heard the doctor ask for anyone who had not yet performed their tests to come but he chose to ignore it. He walked back over to fridge to drink another glass of milk. "Doctor...or vetrinarian." He muttered to himself as he walked back to couch to watch whatever had been left on the tv.
Land looked at grand a scuffed at the idea of being a Savior. He observed grand and chuckled at the idea if a mutant snake being a Savior. "Hey Mr Savior why do you call yourself that?!"asked lance with still a small stench of dead corpse in his breath. @Aaron775
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grand turned and look at the new face and couldn't help but chuckle. " look at the situation us "hybrids" are in, were in the dark and were in a hole right now, but ill be the one to bring us out of this hole, look at the power we possess, we should use it for something meaningful don't you think?" @LuckyLucifer
grand grinned just slightly at the corner of his mouth. " I'm grand the mutants savior, well future savior that is, you look very interesting boy, as you can see my mutant animal is a snake, even though i no longer look human I've been granted with powers to make up for that fact, im sure you have as well, correct?" grand said as he was trying to get information out of this person of interest. @mewbot5408

"If you mean by powers that my body can produce extremely high levels  of electricity  then.. yes? " He anwsered with a deep exhale still rubbing his throat. It was burning irritated and a dark fluid was leaking from his gills. he needed water. Miko moved his head to lance. His eyes weren't visible but he was probably glaring at him. Lance was currently on his bad side. He moved his head towards grand. "I'm both jellyfish and eel..."
grand deeply hummed and took in the new information. " well that is quite interesting, a cross between two animals.......... what do you think of your life? do you like being a caged animal in here? i know i don't, we have been made superior with our mutations, but yet we're treated like NASA monkeys. you have great power, you should be thankful for your gift, but im wiling to bet you don't use it" @mewbot5408
"I've only sent it went I almost killed him" said lance in a dark tone looking at grant them at mikos neck. Lance chuckled at grands idea of the hole. Lance really didn't like humans he despised them. "See grand I don't feel like you are a Savior you feel like a.... Faulty hero" lance brushed on grand back with his wings as he walked around everyone walking back to his original spot.  @Aaron775
"That would be both. I've a doctorate in experimental sciences, trauma surgery on humans and animals, and a bachelors in botany." He smirked at Cuban at the fridge, "I don't recall you being tested on. Line up if you would so kindly." @Seraph

he propped himself up on his tail, hovering over lance who was staring down at him. "That goes for you too, on the couch." @Slothtastic

"as for your questions Kath, they will be made with haste." @Deadly Darkness

"And for you two." He pointed a finger at lance and jack, "You'll be doing separate testing." 

@LuckyLucifer @coold00d12
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"i've never been called a hero of any kind before, you see i hate non hybrids, they're inferior to us but yet we're treated like this while they get to live the lives of luxury, i wish to end it all and put this superior race of hybrids on top." @LuckyLucifer
"I'll kill every one of them like I have did yo the inferior hybrids price by piece.." Said lance making ripping gestures and smiling insanely. @Aaron775
Kath looked at the snake with an uncertain look. I don't like the way he's acting. He's saying what they all want to hear. She watched for a moment before drawing her attention back to Kilgrave. "Yes, so sorry. I was wondering about the arena," she paused in hesitation. "I'd like for it to be demolished. It was designed to allow us to work on fighting skills, but all it is is a death pit. So I'd like to request that it be shut down." She stood straight and confident, but her ear twitched slightly at ludicrous words of the snake. She turned back to him, gritting her teeth. "But they're the ones who made us 'superior,' we aren't above them because we once were them. And except for a had full of the people in here, we all volunteered to be a part of this. We all knew what it meant when we signed up. They only keep us in here to make sure we stay stable. We will be let out when there aren't anymore outbursts." Kath shot a look at Lance. "These ideas of superiority are another reason we're in here. With these new found powers we have to be certain that crazy, power thirsty animals like you don't promote as threats to the human population."

@LuckyLucifer @Aaron775 @akumashioni
lance once again made grand chuckle. " i like you kid, you think how i think, i can tell your'e not the submissive type and i won't ask you to do that, but i will ask you to join me and my cause. we can't do anything right now but we can gather troops and i have a plan for the hybrids dominance." grand said almost whispering. @LuckyLucifer
"Wo' do yeh mean signed up?" He looked to Kath, "Aeh don' recall six year ol' me signin' up tuh become ah mu'an'." He snarled. He looked to the doctor and gave a simple answer, "Fock off. Aeh did mah mornin' lif's Aeh'll be fine." Björn was no longer in the best of moods. @Deadly Darkness @akumashioni
grand gave a stern look to kath. " yet another foolish hybrid that is too blind to see that we're be treated no better than caged animals, just as you said we're humans deep down aren't we? why can't we live freely? i hate humans because they first hated me, humans have me locked up here, you may be comfortable in this oppresive environment but i am not." @Deadly Darkness
Kilgrave hid a smile under his paw, this girl truly understood the purpose of the facility.

"the arena had only become a death pit since the addition of "blood thirsty animals" he made a quotation gesture with his hands as he said it.

"though I do understand your concerns.." he thought for a moment before speaking, "listen up everyone! Due to the recent deaths in the COMBAT TRAINING AREA!!!!" He paused for effect, letting the purpose of the area sink in.

"we will be shutting down the area until further notice." 

He stood up straight on his tail again, looking around and frowning. 

"Come on! Chop chop! We've got tests to run!"

he was growing impatient with the laziness of the other specimens.

@Deadly Darkness


@everyone else 

Kilgrave brow furrowed at the disrespect, "you will not speak to me in such a manner and you will march to the laboratory." 

grand deeply hummed and took in the new information. " well that is quite interesting, a cross between two animals.......... what do you think of your life? do you like being a caged animal in here? i know i don't, we have been made superior with our mutations, but yet we're treated like NASA monkeys. you have great power, you should be thankful for your gift, but im wiling to bet you don't use it" @mewbot5408

"I've only sent it went I almost killed him" said lance in a dark tone looking at grant them at mikos neck. Lance chuckled at grands idea of the hole. Lance really didn't like humans he despised them. "See grand I don't feel like you are a Savior you feel like a.... Faulty hero" lance brushed on grand back with his wings as he walked around everyone walking back to his original spot.  @Aaron775

"i've never been called a hero of any kind before, you see i hate non hybrids, they're inferior to us but yet we're treated like this while they get to live the lives of luxury, i wish to end it all and put this superior race of hybrids on top." @LuckyLucifer

"That would be both. I've a doctorate in experimental sciences, trauma surgery on humans and animals, and a bachelors in botany." He smirked at Cuban at the fridge, "I don't recall you being tested on. Line up if you would so kindly." @Seraph

he propped himself up on his tail, hovering over lance who was staring down at him. "That goes for you too, on the couch." @Slothtastic

"as for your questions Kath, they will be made with haste." @Deadly Darkness

"And for you two." He pointed a finger at lance and jack, "You'll be doing separate testing." 

@LuckyLucifer @coold00d12

He exhaled deeply. "Nearly killed me? More like the opposite, my body releases a toxic venom and I was about  to fry you up due to the voltage building up. You are a stupid suicidal chicken!" He told him with a hissed irritated with lance. He was still really pissed off.  Miko looked at grand. "a little flamboyant aren't you? also I wouldn't exactly call it a gift seeing as I can't always control myself and that I could at any moment kill someone from just the slightest contact." He stated bluntly with a sigh. "Not like either of you would understand anything I go through anyways."
Björn looked at Kilgrave, becoming more angry by the second. "Disrespect? Where th' fock was my respect fer my life?! Do yeh know wo' Aeh could've done if Aeh was still with mah paren's?! Aeh could've go''en ah job, Aeh could've had some firs' loves, make mistakes an' live ah life! Yeh thin' Aeh 'ave tha' respect 'ere!? If yeh don' give respect don' expect aneh back."

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Lance just blew over kath and grand but then heard kilgraves comment. "Hey. No what am I suppose to eat and what am I suppose to fight" exclaimed lance raising his wings extremely in a pussed mood. "I'm the only one that rights there maybe make better hybrids and they won't die! " he yelled looking at kilgrave with and extremely unwanting tone.  @akumashioni
"oh but i understand all too well young boy, i've killed before, it isnt wrong to kill if you do it for the right reasons. dont be afraid to kill because it is always neccesary in war, and soon the war between us and the humans will come to pass." @mewbot5408
Kath turned to Bjorn with a sad look. "I said with the exception of a few of us." She let out a sigh, dropping her head. "Yes people have made irreversible mistakes, but that doesn't mean everyone should die for it." She paused, looking between the different people with melancholy eyes. "Yes, we're stuck in here, but they've given us anything we've asked for. Yes, they're strict on their tests, but it's only to benefit us and keep at our best performance. You all have such incredible abilities and have now become so high and mighty. Well what about us who don't get amazing powers. I'm a cow! What's so great about that?" Her voice began to waver. She had let her emotions take over and that was never a good thing.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you Bjorn, but it's in the past. You didn't die, you can still have all those things." She waved a hand in dismissal. What did it matter? She was talking to a brick wall anyways.

Kath turned and headed back to her room. And to think those were her friends.
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