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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Björn came out of his room finally. Stretching he moved to the common area, glancing at Miko. He sat down on the couch and finding no other thing to do he did what any bored kid would do. He got out his laptop, plugged in headphones and began playing games, he had no idea what to play so he decided to play some good ol' fashion Skyrim, he liked offline games surprisingly, he got to play in a world by himself besides the NPCs. He got on his Orc and began playing. All the while he grumbled to himself, exploring the world and killing the adventurous bandits now and then. 

"OH GOD DAMMI'!" He shouted, this was the fifth time he had died by the Ebony Warrior. And it was getting on his nerves. 


Kath smiled, nodding in agreement to Occultus statement. She watched as Cuban then exited his room and made his way towards the TV. It had been sometime since he had come out of his room, or at least it had been awhile since she last saw him. She smiled gently and returned the wave as he then fumbled with the remote. Kath considered going over there and helping him, but an overpowering stench stopped her in her tracks. She placed a hand over her muzzle and tried to keep herself from gagging. She looked up to find the source of the smell and wasn't entirely shocked when she saw Lance, dripping in blood. Letting her hand drop she walked into his room where he had just gone to, a serious expression on her face. "I hate to be rude, but killing isn't right. You shouldn't be killing others. I can understand fighting for fun, but you're just ridiculous. I'm glad you're comfortable in your own skin, but I, and imagine a number of others, can't stand that awful smell and you constantly walking around eating what used to be someone else!" She snapped. She no idea where all the anger had suddenly arose from, but she wasn't going to apologize. She had to stand by what she said. "Now go take a shower." She commanded.

@LuckyLucifer @Seraph @Wick

Lance came back with his cloak on and his wings fluttered. Lance smiled as he went to the edge of the pit to see it be empty. He walked back and asked kath "hey you at least wanna test your fighting on one of the mutants in the pit or on me? No worrys I won't kill you" lance smiled in a wierdly comforting way but evil at the same time. @Deadly Darkness

Miko soon stretched his arms with a yawn. He then put up his pencils and closed his sketchbook. He could really use some water. Miko then stood putting up his art stuff in a drawer.  He proceeded to grab a bottle of water pouring it right on top of himself. He then got a idea on something he thought was hilarious. Miko smirked then shuffling his bare feet as he began to swarm in electricity and walked up behind poked Lance in the ribs sending a powerful shock to him with a snicker.
Björn looked back as he heard Lance challenge Kath. He didn't trust the raven, of course looking at them caused him to die once more but he excused it. "Raven ki'. Calm down wi' th' challenges. An' wi' th' killin', nobodeh wan's tuh see th' blood or smell i'." He looked at Lance with eyes that looked to say, 'back off'. Björn doesn't like to fight, but if he has to he will. 

@LuckyLucifer @Deadly Darkness
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Lance felt the shock from Mike he swiftly turned around and knocked him heavily to the ground with his wings. Lance tried snapping mikos neck with his plague mask. "You touch me and then shock me so be prepared to be hurt" said lance with mikos neck in his mouth. @mewbot5408
Occultus had watched surprised, as Kath @Deadly Darkness followed the crow to his room and began chewing him out for killing and eating the other specimens. He was concerned that the crow would retaliate, but he instead went to take a shower. Relieved that conflict had been avoided, he went and sat down in the commons area, his eyes moving about the other specimen. He had been here longer than most, and it still seemed like he was seeing new people. Sure he had already met the jellyfish, whose name was Miko, @mewbot5408 and the crab, @Seraph whose name he still had yet to memorize, but when his gaze moved over to the wolf, @coold00d12 he had never seen him before. He didn't look like he wanted to be messed with, and Occultus wasn't planning on messing, but he did extend his clawed hand, his dorsal spines rising and falling a bit.

"Are you new? I'm Occultus, by the way."
   Jack would look up as Occultus approached. He would shake Occultus' hand and shrug. " Something like that." Then as he heard the commotion outside, he would walk out the door. " Excuse me for a moment." As he saw Lance on top of Miko, he would instinctively sprint over to the two and pull Lance off of Miko. " What do you think you're doing?!" @Wick @LuckyLucifer @mewbot5408
"If he wants to shock me I take that as a sign of aggression and I'll fight him if e don't want to do it then don't shock me" said lance walking back to his cell slamming it shut almost breaking the hinges. 
Lance came back but went back to the pit killing and ripping mutants part extremely fast. Some stabbed him but he kept going you could here the sound of flesh being ripped apart for miles. Lance blew off as much steam as he could but it didn't help. Lance got to the point where the scientists had carry lance out of the pit and put him under with anniestia and send him to his cell. 
Björn watched as he moved to his cell. Moving to the kitchen's fridge and picking out a soda, root beer to be specific. For his size the whole bottle was about the size of a can. So instead he took one of the many unopened bottles and went back to the couch. He took the occasional glance at the cell. He didn't exactly like the Raven but he could understand where he was coming from. But even then, Björn's instincts were saying to protect them, so he'd have to hold off the raven if he got angry and wanted blood. 
   Jack would look up as Occultus approached. He would shake Occultus' hand and shrug. " Something like that." Then as he heard the commotion outside, he would walk out the door. " Excuse me for a moment." As he saw Lance on top of Miko, he would instinctively sprint over to the two and pull Lance off of Miko. " What do you think you're doing?!" @Wick @LuckyLucifer @mewbot5408

"If he wants to shock me I take that as a sign of aggression and I'll fight him if e don't want to do it then don't shock me" said lance walking back to his cell slamming it shut almost breaking the hinges. 

Miko seemed oddly calm despite being strangled as his voltage started raising drastically as it swarmed him. That was when jack came over pulling Lance off of him. He wasn't afraid of the stupid bird one bit. Miko sat up rubbing his neck as a sort of fluid was dripping from his gills as his flesh seemed a little bruised. "I swear I was just playing friendly a joke and he just blew up on me....next thing I know I'm on the floor and good thing you got him off me. He was about to become fried chicken." He told him with a deep exhale.

his eyes were visible and they changed from blue to gold to red to green to orange to every color possible. He then realized his eyes were visible and slapped his hand over them brushing down his bangs. "Please tell me you didn't see them!!" He squeaked.
Lance woke up in his cell only remembering the last fight he had. He quickly got up but the stab in his ribs was sour but fine. He walked out of his cell as his door creaked extremely loud. Lance walked over to the pit seeing it be a sea of body parts and blood. "Wow someone posed me off" said lance surprised. He walked over to miko and felt like an ass for almost killing him. "Hey miko I'm sorry I'm just not stable for jokes with shocks and anything to do with pain so sorry on my part" said lance in a guilted tone. 
( @LuckyLucifer, could you please stop with all the subtle time warping, it's making the role play a tad bit confusing.. o,o)
Kathy glared at the raven. "What's your problem? Why can't you just stop?" Her eyes were filled with anger, but it quickly faded as Bjorn intervened. She let out a soft sigh before mouthing "thank you," to the ape. Slowly she walked over one of the tables and sat down. She growled in annoyance as Lance then attacked the jellyfish boy. An idea formulated her mind and it seemed to be the only thing that would help: they would remove the arena entirely.
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Cuban smelled smiled when Kath had acknowledged him and watched from over by the couch when she had become frustrated with the black bird thing. His legs clacked on the ground as he walked over Kath and placed a claw on her shoulder. "Hunny, I think that you would benefit from a quick deep breath. Whatever is botherin you I'm sure you could just ignore right?" He cocked his head to the side and his blond hair fell to cover one of his blue eyes. He stood tall over her looking down to face her and came down to a rest position to be closer to her height.

@Deadly Darkness
Björn moved back to play Skyrim, he was certain Lance would be gone for a while, or he just wouldn't be bothering anyone for a while. "OH FER FOCK'S SAKE!" He shouted, the 12th time he had died to the damned Ebony Warrior. He was getting tired of it obviously. He sighed and simply stopped playing it altogether and just sat and watched whatever was on TV. Which was of course his worst enemy, redecorating house shows. He flipped through the channels to find something entertaining. 
Kath turned at the familiar voice and offered Cuban a kind smile before sighing lightly. "I don't usually upset, but he has a way of getting under my skin." She tightened her hands into fists before relaxing them. "I bet he's a decent person, if he'd quit being such a dick." She snarled. Bjorn's yell silenced her for a moment before she smiled, watching him set his laptop aside and begin flicking through channels. "Anything good on?" She questioned lightly, standing and stretching her arms over her head.

@Seraph @Slothtastic

the scientist scribbled down her request and nodded, "of course! Kilgrave said within reason and that seems reasonable to me!" The team escorted blue back to the common area before hurrying off to accommodations to put in the request.

Kilgrave returned to the common area, seeing all the shining faces and smiling, "I'm going to need those who have not been tested to line up and follow me to the labs." 





Lance went to the showers to wash up to at least get the stench of dead mutants off of him. Lance tooke a quick shower and washed his claok. He walked slowly over to the kilgrave as he spoke for what ever testings. He got over kilgrave and looked down at him with no facial expression. "I'll be here at least so old man what's the testing for? Asked lance in a almost palyful tone which was almost never. 
"Nothin' good sadleh, fock i', Aeh'm turnin' on Netflix. Anyone know if they have anythin' new?" He asked before the scientist came in. He had done his daily weights, that's testing enough. So he didn't line up, instead he stayed on the couch. 

@Deadly Darkness @akumashioni
KAth swerved around to see the doctor standing the common area with his usual smile. "Doctor, I have a few questions to ask you!" Her voice died down as she saw Lance standing beside Kilgrave. Would she be able to still ask him what she wanted to if Lance wasn't willing to leave. She looked between the two anxiously.

@akumashioni @LuckyLucifer
Lance looked up hearing kath. "Hey kath ask away I don't care."said lance smiling ina friendly way. He stopped away and gestured for her to talk to kilgrave. @Deadly Darkness
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