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Fantasy No Longer Human?

    Jack would turn to Miko, looking the Jellyfish-Man over. His eyes would then flick down to the sketchbook, a curious expression appearing on the wolf-man's face. He would then begin to offer his hand, but slowly pull it back down as he realized the man's mutations. " Greetings, I'm Jack. I would offer you a handshake but.. Er... The whole Jellyfish thing kinda persuaded me not to."

Miko moved his head up. His eyes were completely hidden from sight but he could still see somehow. "I'm miko....and this level of electricity is completely harmless. I can control my voltage pretty well,long as I don't get too over excited I can keep my shock to the lowest levels." He explained. Miko looked back down. He was drawing a sketch of a guy. He couldn't remember the significance of who they were but he remembered a sort of deep feeling.
Cuban had been sleeping in his room that was like a sandy beach on a slope leading to an underground large tank. The only reason he had awoken was because of all the loud noises that had been spreading through building. He could even hear an occasional sound underneath the water. His crab legs moved slowly raising him out of the water and squeezed it from his blonde hair with a claw. Cuban took one of the towels that he kept in his room and did his best to dry off his torso with his claw. His joints felt stiff like it had been weeks since he had come out of the water. Exiting his room he sighed and moved into the commons where his shell like body would click along the floor. He took notice of a couple people he remember seeing before and others that he hadn't particularly paid attention to. "...hungry...feed me." He walked to the fridge in the commons and took a half gallon of milk chugging it on the spot. Glaring around he decided to avoid interaction and put himself in the rest position in front of the television. Then noticing the voice of Kath he did basically a back bend to look at her and give a brief smile then returning to the t.v. struggling ever so slightly with the remote. 

@Deadly Darkness
     Jack would chuckle and offer his hand. " Ah, my apologies. Didn't mean to assume. Nice to meet you, Miko." He would then flick his eyes back to the sketch. " What are you drawing? If it's not too personal for me to ask, of course."
Lance was satisfied with the normal answer as not many knew much about him for obvious reasons "well then what you've seen me do or what I've done? " said lance gesturing at kath and occultuss

@Deadly Darkness

Lance moved on down the Commons and just felt a little bit more lifted as he at least got to talk to someone. Lance looked down at the pit nobody really liked fighting in there but that was lances favorite place. Lance walked over to the tv not noticing a crab creature until e bumped into him. "Oh... Wow cool mutations anyway sorry about that" lance said observing the crab like creature. @Seraph
     Jack would chuckle and offer his hand. " Ah, my apologies. Didn't mean to assume. Nice to meet you, Miko." He would then flick his eyes back to the sketch. " What are you drawing? If it's not too personal for me to ask, of course."

Miko shook his hand briefly only to continue drawing. "This man I think was important to me....but...I do not remember a thing.... "He anwsered only to push over his sketchbook to show him the manu drawings of the same man.

The guy:


    Jack would frown and continue to examine the picture. " That's a shame. You're a great artist, however." He would then lean back and stretch, looking around the common room. @mewbot5408
Lance later thought of te uselessness of talking to someone who he just. Interrupted so he moved back a round the Commons flying to the pit to get some remains of dead cow parts. He saw a wolf and jellyfish subject talking. Lance thought that it was a good idea to talk to them. Lance quickly jogged to the two and introduced himself "hey guys I'm lance don't ask why I'm willing to you out of the blue Im just trying o stay... Friendly" said lance handing out his left hand gesturing a handshake.  @coold00d12

    Jack would frown and continue to examine the picture. " That's a shame. You're a great artist, however." He would then lean back and stretch, looking around the common room. @mewbot5408

Lance later thought of te uselessness of talking to someone who he just. Interrupted so he moved back a round the Commons flying to the pit to get some remains of dead cow parts. He saw a wolf and jellyfish subject talking. Lance thought that it was a good idea to talk to them. Lance quickly jogged to the two and introduced himself "hey guys I'm lance don't ask why I'm willing to you out of the blue Im just trying o stay... Friendly" said lance handing out his left hand gesturing a handshake.  @coold00d12


"Thanks I guess... " He said with a shrug pulling the sketchbook back and added his signature at the bottom. He turned the page starting another drawing. Miko had been kept away from most of the others here for the longest of time due to instability. Once he had figured how to control his electrical levels properly they started letting him have more free will around the faculty. He still kept to himself mostly with the occasional interaction. Miko moved his head up to look at Lance despite his eyes being completely hidden beneath his bangs. His hand continued to sketch this time he had ended up subconsciously drawing jack without looking at what he was doing.  " To be friendly?? Is that to say you dislike conflict or you are merely afraid of getting beat up?? Or perhaps you need allies??" He asked listing out possibilites due to his own curiosity. Little green sparks shimmered around his hair and tentacles as he grinned.
Lance looked very confused but went with it. "I take it your miko right it's nice to meet you. " lance said smiling with his plague mask. "Sooo whats the drawing of wolf boy for? " asked lance chuckling eating the rest of the cow prices. 
     Jack would look up to the raven, then stand and shake his hand. " Nice to meet you, I'm Jack." He would then chuckle as Miko mentioned the crow being afraid. Then, as Lance mentioned it, Jack would look down to the drawing, then smile. " Maybe he likes to draw handsome men? Who are we to judge?" He would then sit back down, watching Miko drew.   @mewbot5408 @LuckyLucifer
"Nice self promotion there wolf boy" chuckled lance as he stood behind Jack"so Jack you like fighting? " asked Lance glancing to his pit shortly but going back.  

"Nice self promotion there wolf boy" chuckled lance as he stood behind Jack"so Jack you like fighting? " asked Lance glancing to his pit shortly but going back.  


     Jack would look up to the raven, then stand and shake his hand. " Nice to meet you, I'm Jack." He would then chuckle as Miko mentioned the crow being afraid. Then, as Lance mentioned it, Jack would look down to the drawing, then smile. " Maybe he likes to draw handsome men? Who are we to judge?" He would then sit back down, watching Miko drew.   @mewbot5408 @LuckyLucifer

Miko nodded. "Yes. I am miko. I guess you heard of me?" He asked raising a brow. He continued to draw jack. Miko couldn't help to giggle a little as he looked down at his sketchbook. He was doing various drawings of Jack's face."yes.. I do like drawing handsome men.." he responded with a smirk.
   Jack would turn to Lance as he asked about fighting, to which Jack would shrug. " I don't seek fights out or anything, but I can and will defend myself." Then, as Miko replied Jack would laugh. " Artistic and charming? You must be the apple of every mutant's eye!"  
   Jack would turn to Lance as he asked about fighting, to which Jack would shrug. " I don't seek fights out or anything, but I can and will defend myself." Then, as Miko replied Jack would laugh. " Artistic and charming? You must be the apple of every mutant's eye!"  

Miko tilted his head grinning. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with a little giggle as he added the finishing touches on his sketches of the guy across from him.
   Jack would chuckle. " Just saying, my man. You got a lot to bring to the table." He would then stand up and stretch, yawning. " I hate to cut this short, but I had best be finding my room." He would then walk off in search of a room.


(( gonna head off and get some sleep.
   Jack would chuckle. " Just saying, my man. You got a lot to bring to the table." He would then stand up and stretch, yawning. " I hate to cut this short, but I had best be finding my room." He would then walk off in search of a room.


(( gonna head off and get some sleep.

Miko nodded and smiled. This guy was interesting indeed. He watched as jack got up and walked off. "Bye. Have a good nap.." he said with a little wave. He rested his chin on his hand as he began doodling something else. He blushed a little. 

(Kk. )
Lance returned to his cell and relaxed watching a couple movies. Lance whirled as he was relaxed all the way threw his body. Lance went to the pit to train. He suprissingly didint kill many others until they bosted about winning so he killed all of them. Lance went back to the Commons tv and sat angered and splattered with blood and body parts. 
Björn came out of his room finally. Stretching he moved to the common area, glancing at Miko. He sat down on the couch and finding no other thing to do he did what any bored kid would do. He got out his laptop, plugged in headphones and began playing games, he had no idea what to play so he decided to play some good ol' fashion Skyrim, he liked offline games surprisingly, he got to play in a world by himself besides the NPCs. He got on his Orc and began playing. All the while he grumbled to himself, exploring the world and killing the adventurous bandits now and then. 

"OH GOD DAMMI'!" He shouted, this was the fifth time he had died by the Ebony Warrior. And it was getting on his nerves. 

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Lance watched a fight on one of the ufc channels. Lance was smiling as his aviriote firghter was winning and then got knocked out. Lance got extremely pist and flew at great speeds to his cell. Passing by bjorn outside with great force. @Slothtastic
Kath smiled, nodding in agreement to Occultus statement. She watched as Cuban then exited his room and made his way towards the TV. It had been sometime since he had come out of his room, or at least it had been awhile since she last saw him. She smiled gently and returned the wave as he then fumbled with the remote. Kath considered going over there and helping him, but an overpowering stench stopped her in her tracks. She placed a hand over her muzzle and tried to keep herself from gagging. She looked up to find the source of the smell and wasn't entirely shocked when she saw Lance, dripping in blood. Letting her hand drop she walked into his room where he had just gone to, a serious expression on her face. "I hate to be rude, but killing isn't right. You shouldn't be killing others. I can understand fighting for fun, but you're just ridiculous. I'm glad you're comfortable in your own skin, but I, and imagine a number of others, can't stand that awful smell and you constantly walking around eating what used to be someone else!" She snapped. She no idea where all the anger had suddenly arose from, but she wasn't going to apologize. She had to stand by what she said. "Now go take a shower." She commanded.

@LuckyLucifer @Seraph @Wick
Lance turned around hearing kath. "Hey killing maybe right or wrong but I do it and yg I do smell but it's their fault for making me the way but I'll try a shower. "Said lance taking his cloak off and walking off to te shower rooms. He started to shower as the blood made the water look redder then the blood it's self. 
Björn was at his last nerve. He had died 9 times to the Ebony Warrior and he was close to just abandoning the quest. "Okeh, firs' use Unrelentin' force on 'em then use berserker rage, then use whirlwin' sprin' up th' moun'ain an' then load 'me up with arrows until he dies." He muttered to himself. He had heard of the frost giant spirit in Solsthiem he could get but he too was also a boss and was extremely difficult to kill. At this point in the game he had maxed his smithing, two handed and one handed. As well as his Heavy armor. His Archery skills were at 53, so he was getting there. He spent most of his skill points into the first skills that improve the damage dealt by the weapons. Now he just had to try out his new strategy...
Lance came back with his cloak on and his wings fluttered. Lance smiled as he went to the edge of the pit to see it be empty. He walked back and asked kath "hey you at least wanna test your fighting on one of the mutants in the pit or on me? No worrys I won't kill you" lance smiled in a wierdly comforting way but evil at the same time. @Deadly Darkness

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