Nightmares Alive

(Have you ever posted a picture or described Rune???)

Out of habit,Kink moved away from the blade and with no time to spare sent a downward blow to Rune,grabbing his neck and slamming him down once again."A child like you wouldn't know...It take a lot of experimenting to find what fits,and with that a lot of time..."He held Rune up releasing his neck once he had hopped him up to his feet and shoved his elbow into his side causing Rune to fly that direction.The Flames didn't bother him a bit as did anything."You have not had enough time..."
(idk if i have posted a pic yet but i think i described him)*rune still seems unnafected by the blows*rune: you think you knew what that attack was for...wouldnt you like to know...i wasnt TRYING to actually harm you with that? some things can be not testing them, but by testing another similar thing...and you failed the test*he starts chuckling* rune: youll never be able to harm me with the things your doing...or wear me not as young as you may think...and also...ive got a demon older than almost any other creature inside of me*suddenly there are several of him each equally the same* runes: can you see? you arent even facing my full power*they each split into several more dividing multiple times after and return to one* rune: im only using a fraction of my power, ill make a deal with you. no holding back on either side. deal?*he smirks wanting to get a grasp on kinks power*
Kink stared at him,or well one of him and sighed and held up one finger."One,you've already told me how old you are,so I do know.Two,"He held up two."What i'm doing is testing,and a test can not be done until the tested is fully out...Three,"He smiled."I'll accept your deal only if you start."
*xellos appears by cross and eclipse*xellos: time to take you two away for a bit, i feel a....big explosion coming*he grabs them and teleports them far away on top of a shining tower* xellos: untill the battles over you two should stay here

rune: im not going to make the first blow..but i will stop concealing my powers* a bit of blue is infused in the gold flames and they grow to thoulsands of feet tall and also cover kink burning him as time passes* rune: In this form...this is my highest level*he grows to 25 feet tall his sword growing too*
Cross and Eclipse both went."Awww,Not fair."They had enjoyed it so far,but the winner still couldn't be decided just by what they saw.

Kink smiled,"he grew" is all that went though his mind,is all that he saw change,he grew.He just couldn't help but chuckle to himself,the fires of course caused damage as always but still didn't effect Kink."Is that all?Are you sure that's your highest?"He couldn't help but ask.
rune: it isnt my highest form...but it is my highest in this form....i wont go into my second here....this planets makeup is too flimsy for that.
Kink sighed in relief,because if this was it he'd be dead.Kink then figured it was his turn,for him nothing really changed but his eye color changed to a darker blue and his white hair went black. At the time he was thankful he didn't grow because it seemed really dumb to him,because the the higher they stand the harder they fall right?He smiled.

( xD Figured you'd pop up sooner or later but not like that ahahahahaha!)
rune: you may not notice it*suddenly he has a glass of tea in his hands* rune: but now im much, much faster*he drinks it and sighs*rune: standing in 3000000 degree temprature makes me a bit thirsty...of course it doesnt damage me...whereas you arent a flameborn, so your not as fully resistance to fire as i if you cant defeat me, this is just a waiting game before this flame destroys you or this rather it you but if i must i can create a new one and save the inhabitants of this planet if it comes to it.
In translation.All Kink heard was "Bla,bla,bla" He sighed."You talk to much...which is another bad thing you have a habit of it seems..."He said bluntly and held his arm across his body,seeing as this fire was not just for him but it could harm the king he decided to keep it at a minimum.He whipped his arm across and the fire went out,nothing came and effected it,it just went out."No need for tea anymore right?"

Now Cross started to think,the others still in the house...This made him freak and run off without thinking towards them,he couldn't leave them to die.Eclipse followed not knowing what the hell Cross was doing,but figured he couldn't let him go along so...
*the fire continues to burn(its runes fire, to put it out his will has to do it or hed have to die) and burns even stronger* rune: i rather like tea, now, before we fight...i have a question that ive needed to ask, what does your' king' want eclipse and cross for?
rune: if that was the only reason, wouldnt you think hed simply ask them? all have their will of betting hes got some other motive, arent you? if i was told this motive...i could tell if harm would befall them if i where to loose or if i where to trust them with your care......
Kink looked down to the ground,"It is the only reason I know..."He was hiding something and it was obvious."He just wants his pla-......Sons back..."
Kink now looked at him confused,then shocked,and then irritated."So that's your game,and you don't want me to call you a brat...."Kink did not agree to that,or he thought he didn't.
rune: calling me that is pretty much a death wish...ive calmed down a bit and im able to think, will you awnser me, or will i have to send some of this flame to the places id think your king would be held? *he smirks having full seriousness about doing it*
*rune smirks* rune: always think about what you agree too*the flames thicken around the edge making the outside world invisible hiding the shift rune makes to the astral plane of being so he may fight more freely if needed*
"What I agreed to no holding back on power,not intel..."He would never agree to something stupid as to not hold back anything,but this brat apparently was.Didn't he know that if this was the deal he could ask him what ever and he'd have to answer truthfully.
*rune wags his finger* rune: tsk tsk, watch your context...*rune chuckles* rune: but of could use this to your advantage, how about you ask me a question first and ill awnser it then you awnser mine? it seems a fair deal to me....
Kink glared at him,brat read his mind.He felt as if he was being dragged into a trap that had already been snapped,but it was ether chit chat this out or fight and the victor gets the prize which might have been a better choice for Kink right now.He sighed and crossed his arms,"Fine...Why are you so worried about those two,how is your connection with them so great?..."This just stumped Kink and he wanted to know why anyone would become friends with them,and why they would let anyone.
rune: well, hmm...honestly..ive got no idea, their friends i of the two saved my life from the one thing that could fight me on the normal plane and win so id guess that helped me becoming friends with them.*he smirks refferencing that they wherent in the 'normal' plane* rune: now, you already know my question.
Kink didn't understand,how could it possibly be that simple.Well for this boy it would be possible but for the two?For years they never let a soul speak to them on the same level as they were,what was so different about this brat?Kink wondered and figured he'd ask the two since he seemed to have this one's side of the story,but now he had to answer the question that was given.And he had no idea how,"Well....."He tried to think of a 'proper' way to explain the king's reason,but there was none."The bast-....King..."It was obvious he was having trouble thinking it though."got tired...of the people he has around and decided to dest-....lighten it up a bit....Since the boys were always keeping him entertained with there bo-...ideas..."

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