Nightmares Alive

rune: hmm, i know he plans to use them forcefully, i dont think theyd like that....wich leads me to a conclusion that we have reached an imass....*he lets the outside edge lighten showing they are in the astral plane* rune: so, will you choose to fight me on a plane that i may access even more power on, or withdraw?
Kink sighed,what the hell was the point of him trying to find the nicest way to explain then have to fight anyway."Sure a pain in the butt you are...I will not leave with out them and this is the last time i'm going to say it..."
rune: oh well, shabranigdo, gavv, darkstar,hmm...who else...pretty much all of my dark lord allied i think, okay! by the power of the golden lord, i call thou fourth!*suddenly the dark lord shabranigdo and darkstar appear along with gavv the demon dragon king.* rune: still think you can win?



( gavv, doesnt look like much but hes awesome!)
(What the hell,gangin' up now -.- what a weakling...You chick!!)

Kink smirked."So you need friends to beat me?I see..."He chuckled,what an irritating brat this one was.Making so much fuss yet has to call friends to fight along? How pathetic,such big talk for a small little twerp.
rune: theyre dark lords...i just intend for them to watch as i dont need them too win*he smirks* rune: i just need to show them my power from time to time so they dont forget their loyaltys to me* they all nod and step back* darkstar: we leave this battle to you godslayer

rune: fun...very fun...
Kink stared at Rune,this was it. This brat did not deserve to live one more single day,he was annoying,seemed to be a gloater,and really reall got on Kink's bad side way to easily."Your really the exact definition of a brat..."Now he could understand why the two would have liked this one,but he knew this one had to go.
rune: oh, you take offence to me showing my generals the power of their master? gavv once turned against the army before i became its leader...along with shabranigdo, ive chosen this battle as a demonstration.... if you think im a brat, you shouldve met hellmaster phrizzbro*he smirks* rune: i enjoyed killing that idiot...trying to get the universe destroyed is a dangerous game,now where where we? the part where we fight? *the dark lords and gavv chuckle*
If this boy got on Kink's nerves this much he really didn't want to meet the one he spoke of,Kink was ready as he stood like he was.As always he wasn't going to make the first move and he decided not to comment on anything the boy said,just this once.He tried to calm himself down and hummed a tune that one of the two had done before,it was never good for him to get too annoyed.
*rune shrinks down to normal size and sighs the fire going out* rune: thjs has gotten boring*his eyes turn red* rune: its time to end this*the datk lords gasp in awe awaiting the mass destruction soon ti come*
Kink still stared at him,he shrunk now so at least he wouldn't have to sprain his neck to look at him.He just sighed waiting for what was coming,he smiled as he just couldn't wait to see.
*rune wispers i bind my soul to thee so thou may take it to a safe place and the piece of hair dissapears* rune: well, now i can really use some power

lord of dreams that terrify, he who shines like gold upon a sea of chaos great golden lord! come to me and join with my power! conquer all foes who stand in our way o great lord of nightmares! *runes body is enveloped in a golden light that seems almost black and it fades leaving him in a pure merge of him and the great lord of nightmares*


(cross between)
Kink's eyes suddenly turned yellow as he watched,still not making a move as always and wondered if this boy really always took this long to start.
rune: well, let us begin * suddenly millions of balls of chaos and destruction appear and rune flicks one ar kink causing a huge super powerful explosion*
Kink smiled,finally.The ball didn't react Kink,it all stopped right in front of him and went around as if a shield had been placed.He looked around."That's more like it...still on the boring side though..."
*rune smiles* rune: people like you are those who make the monster race so happy...because you interest us, i suppose i shall return the favor then*suddenly hundreds of them shoot at kink exploding just a few feet away causing a huge explosion making a nuke look like i firecracker*
Kink had now moved,appearing behind Rune."Is that so."He smiled.There was just a spot of rotten earth where he stood before and now.
rune: yes, but vessal asked me i must destroy you*he turns around and hits kink with so much force it shakes the foundations of the astral plane then as he hits kink causes a ball of chaos energy to form in his hands detonating it right on kink*
Kink's body had turned to dust before and gathered after,he placed his hand on what Rune hit him with and smiled."Then I guess your 'vessel' will be taught a lesson..."Rune's body began to rot and die."Everything has a weakness,even you.It just takes a bit to find it..."Kink held onto what he placed his hand on and kicked Rune to the side with enough force to send him flying."Of course,there are two types of Weakness so I might be using the wrong one."He chuckled to himself.
*the body recreates itself as it rots* rune: within this vessel lies creation and destruction, chaos and order, to try to destroy your idiotic*suddenly a wall of force hits kink sending him flying hundeds of feet* rune: i am the lord of nightmares, darkness beyond blackest pitch, he who shines like gold upon the sea of chaos, and you....will die.*he says it with complete seriousness and not a bit of doubt, the dark lords dissapear fearing if they stay longer they may be ripped apart with the astral plane*
Like the robot way before,Kink stood with no problem."Even you have weakness,trust me those who don't know it are only weakening themselves."He spoke to himself and walked back,if he,the god Of weakness had one,then the one in front of him does too.This one continued to say he was lord of nightmare,darkness,chaos....What is the weakness of that?Kink smiled,it was pretty clear if he was right.
rune: i do have a counterpart, but this vessel allows us to get along and not fight...and now, ive conquered my only weakness..this vessels weakness is its soul being vunerable..but the one you call rune decided to send it somewhere you cannot toutch it*he smirks and suddenly hundreds of thoulsands of the chaos balls hit kink and explode*
Kink still stands after,though it began taking tole on his body.He sighed as he still walked,placing a hand on his forehead."So annoying this one is....Too pushy with my death too...."He glared at Rune,this one he hated.His way of work was too complicated and Kink did not have extra time for this play date,he had to get the two but this one was the only tank in his way."Why on earth would you need a vessel again?I see it as strange and selfish....well in my part anyway..."
rune: because we two originals lost out forms years uncounted ago, we longed to feel what it was like to have a form again, while we still could battle eachother feeling what it was like to have a form eluded us...this one gave us a chance, he had the will,the capability, and the knowledge to do it. he made a purehearted oath to us, we took it, this is why.

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