Nightmares Alive

*the spears start to dissapate and one of the hellhounds speaks*hellhound: we are not your normal see we are lord runes..adopted children through death and rebirth by his hands...and we will not die with such simple attepts to trap us* they star moving forward and rune stands in the middle of the barrage and yawns* rune: now, if your ok with it i will end this now *he speaks the words to an incantation*rune: dragon slavee!*a huge ball of fire blasts from his hands into the army completely obliterating it in a huge unimaginably powerful explosion* rune: damn people...
"Shoot..."Kink now seemed bored?His men and Kink were not even touched and Kink's smile returned."Like I said,a brat and one who still thinks he's the most powerful.Turns out oh powerful one,those weren't for stabilizing but for grading,your 'power' is just grade 2 it seems.Just one below the most powerful creature we've faced,how sad."
Hound: if youve faced a grade three...and we are grade two...what does that add up two when we are combined*they all chuckle* hound: we are nothing....compared to behemoth and lord rune though...*rune floats down to the ground*rune: hounds, you may take your leave now*the hounds retreat and back into the ground dissapearing*rune: no fear eh? I assume that you havent heard...what i truly am*his eyes go purple and energy flows around him in a dark cloud*rune: monster...god...overworlder...dragon..hells god...the master of death"hellmaster"...wizard, warrior, many other things that i doubt youd be alive from natural aging process when im done...get the picture now? Im not anyone who simply can be beaten by tricks like those silly little controlling techniqs you have...if you want to kill me...youd have to hold the power of the original two themselves!the goddess of nightmares...the goddess of energy...the two originals in creation and destruction and i hold their powers in me...a brat? Im 1600 years old...what people in this planet would call "old as hell", i doubt youve been half the places and don half the things ive done combined, cross eclipse, would you like me to handle them?
Cross and Eclipse now felt very awkward now that they knew how old Rune really was even though it wasn't the oldest age they've heard of,but to his question they just shrugged there shoulders.They knew all of them were finished for,but Kink,Out of all the people Kink had just smiled through it and they had never seen him lose.Get seriously hurt yes,but lose?It's never happened,and the fact that there people had a different 'God' then Rune's might change who has the upper hand.Kink just smiled as he stared at Rune,this boy seemed to get nothing he spoke of and that was to be expected but this boy seemed to have too much pride and stupidity to go with it.
Rune: if you dont descide...i can always cut through these men on the multi planee level witth tthe ragna blade spell(ledgendary spell that only rune knows hot to controll)rune: by the tension in here...i say this soldier*he looms at kink* rune: is undefeated....well what if you knew...ive never truely lost a fight? Ive been injured...usually past the point mortals would survive*he pulls out a dagfer slowly*rune: but then again...i heal a bit quicker than i should*he rakes it down his arm cutting deep the cut almost instantly heals itself*rune: if i have my defences up*he does it again but the dagger bends and breaks in half*rune: you now know whom your facing...
Kink seemed unchanged as he watched the stubborn boy in front of him act as a child showing off his new toy.Cross and Eclipse looked at each other and figured it'd be fun to see who would win this fight.So they nodded at the question Rune had asked,stating that they didn't mind him taking care of them.Kink crossed his arms as he stood where he was firm,he figured what was to come would be stronger than the ones behind him,just the ones behind him.
Rune: i assume this argument is over with(note ragna blade can cut through ANYTHING even dimensions and gods)rune: sword of the cold dark void free yourself from heavens bonds, become one with my power,one with my body. Power that can smash even the souls of the gods! Ragna blade!*a sword of pure darkness forms in his hands becoming refined and looking like a black void deeper than the darkest shade* rune: now that its cannot be stopped*he swings it and a ripple of energy foes across from him to the soldiers slicing throufh everything on every dimension*
(Can't stand it xD lets just say this is what Kink looks like: )

All the soldiers perished,but Kink,He stood there as he was but seemed to have moved out of the sword's range behind Rune with Cross and Eclipse behind him.He smiled."Fance little knife you got there boy."He chuckled.Cross and Eclipse had sat on the ground to watch the fight,figuring who ever won was the one they'd have to listen to which ether of them they hated listening to so.
Rune: it draws from destruction toutch and you are infected with pure chaos strong enoufh to destroy the body and soul, lets see how you reach*the sword sends four little barbs of chaos energy into him*rune: can you feel it? The chaos eroding you? Im the one who can handle the godess of nifhtmares...campion...if you will...i have her powers and serve her needs from time to time...
Kink had not changed and he smiled."Still not getting it boy?"Kink laughed,he couldn't believe this brat but he would take what ever he though just to see what he'd do next. Even though this boy's way of thinking was annoying,his effort interested Kink since it had been a while since someone actually went face to face with him without running off in the next five minutes.The only thing was five minutes hadn't passed yet.
Rune: two things...the creation of planets gods and planets...and the destructive force...if this cant beat you*he smirks* rune: then ill just call down the mighty goddess of nightmares down herself*he smiles madly* rune: nobody could survive her! She IS destruction! The destroyer who exists outside dimensions where mortals gods and immortals dwell! The place where the only things are those created and made by the two originals...she is also....completely merciless*he has a crazy and wild look i his eyes* rune: i will show you...the meaning of my powers!*the ground shakes and starts to crack from energy andpieces break off starting to float into the air untillthe entire forest is lifted*rune: do you see?!?!*he laughs crazilt* rune: this is only some of what my power naturally does to the area around me!
Once again,Kink seemed unchanged as he watched with his smile and he sighed."Such confidents for such a young brat..."He glared at Rune."Too bad it could get you killed if you push to far..."Kink had not made a more nor said anything about himself unlike Rune,So at the time kink would be the only one to know who had the upper hand,And that might've not been good for Rune.
*runes smile stops and the forest falls to the earth with a huge crash he looks kink directly in the eye*rune: call me a brat, one more time.

*xellos appears behind cross and eclipse* xellos: ohh, master rune is not in a pleasnt mood right now...this mite be interesting to see what happens if hes pushed too far...i hope he doesnt relese....that power*xellos shivers and sits down next to cross and eclipse* xellos: are you two are friends of master rune?
Cross and Eclipse nodded."Somewhat..."They both said,not sure what they were to Rune."But the one I'm worried about pushing to far is Rune..."Cross sighed."Kink Is being very tolerant with him though...Wonder why..."Eclipse looked at Cross and was answered with a shrug of his shoulders."What ever the reason it can't be good..."

Kink couldn't help but chuckle to himself,This boy was also too hot headed when it came to him just being called brat.But he couldn't help but push him more."What will you do?Come up with more power,try and destroy me again and again.What a childish move,Why do you think I call you out as a little brat?"He smiled.
rune: ive sworn an oath, an oath to protect my friends and my planet from any who wish to harm them, to stop anyone who wishes to make them do what they dont wish to, to not loose any more friends, family...or people like you*he gets in a defensive stance*rune: because of someone like you! my home planet was destroyed!the rest of my race is gone because of someone like you! and i WONT let people like you take anything more away from me!!!*golden flames explode around him catcching to his skin burning everything around him with unimaginable heat* rune: no matter who faces me i CANNOT loose! i will never give up defending the things ive got left! and if you try to take those two*he nods tward eclipse and cross* rune: then by my oath....i must kill you.

xellos: damnit...well, before those flames go out of controll and destroy everything....ive got some unimportant buisness to attend too*he dissapears*
Kink peeked behind him to the twins,his smile had vanished as he looked back to Rune with a more serious look."And I have an Oath to my king,to follow every order...No matter what it my be...So I will not let you stand in my way,especially an annoying child like you..."Kink stood his ground,tired of playing games with this boy.He had to get the two to the king no matter what cost it has in return.Cross and Eclipse just watched,seeing that they were part of Rune's oath they figured he wouldn't harm them.
rune: then, i guess play times over*he reaches his hand out and a sword of golden flames appears in his hands a 13 foot long sword of pure unimaginably hot heat* rune: lets see how strong you truely are.
Kink's smile returned,he was asked to show his power?That's the first time that's ever happened,but of course this boy doesn't know him so this shouldn't count,should it?Ether way Kink was tired of this and his red eyes turned a light blue as he stared at Rune with his mocking smile,as if waiting for a move of power from him.
Kink sighed,clearly he was stupid or he'd attack while he still could.Kink's way of fighting was not the large powerful blows,but the fast ones that never let you get another hit in once started.Unlike this one in front of him who was just a 'helper' of a 'god' Kink was one in there world,not the strongest or smartest but was able to scare all the others,The god of weakness.And in the blink of an eye Kink was right behind Rune and gave him a blow down on the head,not as hard as he could but he wanted to see if this would get the boy to attack.
*rune smiles the flames burning kinks fist badly with their heat* rune: you think your quick blows will be much to someone like me? if you think so...your sadly mistaken. No simple attack can do me in....*the flames explode outward hitting kink in the chest forcing him to go back and rune turns around the flames retracting still growing slowly* rune: my turn*the air huns with energy and rune puts his hands together* rune: isman feror *hundreds of bolts of lightning strike kink*
Kink stood,vanished,and once again appeared by Rune sending a blow to the side,a lot harder this time.The burns and wounds seem to have no effect on Kink's movement as his blows and power was still the same,even powerful now.He smiled as he also sent a blow to the side of Rune's face,a split second after the hit to the side and carried on getting faster.
rune: now that you have shown some promise in being the first worthy adversary ive had in awhile....i will not hold much*he smirks and suddenly has hit kink hundreds of time with exreme force and speed and is back in the same spot before kinks eyes can register him moving*
And like a robot,he didn't change as he stared at Rune as his target.He slipped beside Rune and using his leg he hit across his back along with bringing his fist dead on center with Rune's face,flipping him back and with his elbow hitting him down to the ground.His hits had become more powerful and had sped up once again,Kink looked at Rune now with no emotion.
*the flames continue to grow and rune seems completely unnacected he is suddenly on his feet again the flames now at least 13 feet high blazing like a pure gold inferno* rune: again...speed without force is nothing, force without speed is nothing be powerful...balance is neccisary* he swipes his sword at kink barely missing him but clipping off a bit of his hair* rune: i see....this makes a difference in this battle....*he smirks and the flames grow a little faster now easily 15 feet high*

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