Nightmares Alive

Eclipse walked to the front door and placed his ear against it to hear."check here."he heard in a familiar voice. Eclipse suddenly ran away from the door and to where Cross was.
Jem blinked confusedly,"what's going on"she mumbled then went over to the door then jolted and turned into a table to hide.
A knock came from the other side of door and eclipse hid under the covers of Cross' bed,hiding him as we'll.Cross woke up about to yell at eclipse but he covered his mouth before Cross spoke a word." Shhhh...."
(Gah, i forgot abt this, can we just say rune and raven got separated and somthing chased rune and put the charas back intonplay?)

(Meant into the roleplayXD)
*rune walks twards the cabin to see the people around it, he wonders why people would be doing this and clears his throat getting their attention*rune: hello, what have you come to my home for? Are you perhaps....looking for something?
There were at least 6 people all dresses in the same outfit like knights but without all the metal. One looked at Rune and said."yes.we are looking for the two bra-....princes...."he had stopped himself for some reason.he continued."we heard they we're here in this place so we're checking everywhere possible they can be" he had stopped himself again.
Rune: princes? I dont know any princes here...except me, the daedric prince of madness...well technically*he chuckles* but i never allow my daedric side to come out. I wonder though, why would you be looking for princes if they dont wish to be found? Surely your not going to do anything...rash*he smiles wildly and taps his sword in a barely noticable fasion as it was seathed*
"We will do anything nessisary to get them back,as the king has ordered."the man replied with." So,is there anyone in your house?"
Rune: i dont see anyone ...or hear, any other explination? There was a few here before...two emotionless derps whom didnt know what a woman was a girl whom was petrified of everything and a girl named raven...i was a drakon(giant serpent whose older than dragons) i think they may have left
*rune walks into the cottage and shuts the door loudly*rune: oh! I guess everyone left! Too bad, even if someone was here it would be pointless for them to hide...unless they wanted me to light them on fire*he sits down on a couch*
Eran stepped in," Oh hey there Rune! Haven't you in a long while," he said casually and flopped on the couch," Urggh I missed your cooking," he groaned, twitching this way and that.
Rune: yeah, i was eaten by a drakon...looks like he liked my cooking so much that he decided to try me*he chuckles and walks into the kitchen and starts cooking*
Rune: agreed! *he flips some hasbrowns on a pan and cooks several other things and lays them out on the table, enough food for an army he starts eating the hell out of it*
"NOMMEH!" Eran squealed and ran in, and sat next to Rune, also eating the heck out of the food. But he kept a mental note to save some for Jem, Raven, and the brothers.
Eclipse peeked out from under the blanket,he was still covering Cross' mouth and Cross was still trying to speak.finally Cross bit Eclipse's hand so he could speak."what the hell?!" He was answered with a "shhhh.guards came,we have to be careful now that there looking."Eclipse explained fast and quietly,Cross seemed to understand since he got quiet. Cross slipped out from under the sheets qnd walkked to the door out of the room, Eclipse tried to stop him but ended up goint along. They left the room and walked around seeing who was here.
Jem transformed back to normal and slipped falling on her face,"a moths curse to blend when she's afraid"she said softly and sighed.
*rune looks over at them and laughs* rune: oy! im guessing you two are the people the idiot guards where searching for? the one lacked enough brains to finish his sentances*rune leanss back in his chair and falls on the floor* rune: ay yi yi...
Eclipse heard Rune and walked over since Cross did,he hadn't really met him before so all he knew what that Cross knew him."Kank is his name....and he's a pain to deal with when you've known him for nine years and still can't get over his talking issue..."Cross nodded."So dad is here like you said.Well there goes my fun...How on earth did him,and is crazy 'followers' get here?They were all suppose to have been wiped out with the rest of the planet after plan Blow Up...the main purpose of that plan was to make sure They would die..."Eclipse chuckled."Seems they took the same route we did and missed heaven going straight to hell."

"Not a laughing matter here... If they stay,we can't go.That's a problem we were trying to fix before remember?..."

"So plan Blow Up again?"

"No! This was the only back up!"
Rune: well, they havent caused any trouble...just in case*he snaps his fingets and suddenly the outside of the house morphs into a fortress complete with ballistas,cannons and explosive crossbows* rune: if they attack...automated defences for precaution very tired, i was recently eaten by a drakon
Eclipse just chuckled."Sucks for you."He thought it was pretty funny as did Cross who began to laugh to."Who gets eaten by a Drakon?...Wait,Drakon?Do we have those?"Eclipse shrugged his shoulders."We have Dra'g'ons but I don't know about Drakons...I'm just picturing a type of Dragon eating him."He laughed.
rune: dragons are big flying things....drakons make dragons look like puppys. they are serpents the size of skyscrapers with eyes that paralize you if you look into them*he rubs his ear*rune: and mite i add they screech loud as HELL.

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