Nightmares Alive

"Duh....we know what they are...we just wondered if our world had them..."Eclipse corrected Rune and smiled.Cross nodded in a agreement.
"Well now no one will know since it's gone,now will they..."Eclipse tilted his head slightly as he smiled."Now there's an issue we have to deal with that I was hoping was already taken care of..."Cross smiled."Doesn't that mean more fun?I mean it was fun last time."Eclipse thought it over for a sec."Well yea,I guess...But now they should know we're coming and what we'd do so it'll be a lot harder...And the fact that your not suppose to be moving too much right now makes it even harder..."Cross nodded."Yea...True..."
Rune: do anything stupid and ill feed you to ogres okay? I like this planet so long as ive been on it...better than most planets that i know about...especially planet erom*rune shivers*rune: boring, cold, dry and desolate...what is worse than that?!?
"Hot,wet,Has many people who kill each other for no purpose what so ever..."Cross said,not knowing a planet like that but it sounded pretty bad.Eclipse sighed."Or the place we lived...I rather go on that Erom planet then go back to that..."Eclipse and Cross both thought that,heck any place would have been better to them.
Rune: people litterally can die from loving on and wet? Well thats a contradiction is it not? Water is a coolant...water stops heat so theyd stop eachother and killing eachother*he smiles wildly* rune: sometimes...a little bloodshed is good*rune chuckles at his thiughts and a tree falls far outside* rune: well, i assume the question of weather a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it will it make a sound?well, were in a house, not the forest and we heard it did we not? I wonder...*he gets up and walks to the door*rune: what is about to break through this door, dont you,drakon?*the door explodes in a fury of slime and a horrifying screech rings out* rune: hehe...wanna play again?*he dives out of the door and a new one aplears as explosions come from outside*
Cross and Eclipse just stared wide eyed as they crept to the door and looked out,Eclipse just couldn't help think this one was completely crazy but who wasn't here.Cross just sighed and smiled at the look he got from Eclipse,He knew Eclipse was thinking how in the world are these people his friends and this even stumped Cross when he thought about it.
*rune has the drakon pinned to the ground with his foot on its head* rune: vviccttoorryyyyy! Who wants drakon steak? Ive never cooked ir eaten drakon....i wonder if it is good or if it will turn you to pudding...either way it cant hurt to try and......IM FRIGGIN HUNGRY! stupid drakon! Im so damn hungry i could eat three of you!*he grabs its tail and spins it like a skyscraper sized huge azz mace and smacks its face into a huge rock*rune: thats for making me hungry, now, who has any idea in HELL to cook this thing?
Eclipsed just stared at this crazy person in front of him,Cross raised his hand with a smile peeking over at Eclipse from the corner of his eye."I got an idea...."
Voice: oh really? Now, tell me how this feels before you loose it. Does it hurt? Does it tingle? Does it....tinkle?!?!

Runee: xellos, if you dont stop ill blow you to guatemala....and back...

Xellos: fine fine lord hellmaster*runes eyes flare* rune: never call me that! Go! *the voice stops and rune lays down on the now dead drakon*
Eclipse leaned over to Cross and whispered in his ear."Where'd you pick this one up?..."Cross thought before answering."Actually,he was being attacked by some weird guy and I helped...It's been a while since I've spoke to him until just a while ago..."

"Weird guy?"Eclipse wondered if this dude was in some kind of trouble as well."Hmm..."
Rune:wierd guy you say? I must say...there i no saying called wierd*he smirks*rune: all of us are not the same, so in a sense all of us are wierd are we not? But the person i was being attacked by...the ultimate bane to any wizard...the accountor...the one who hunts those who become too powerful, and kills them.
"Wierd?You mean Weird?...."Cross corrected him,and now got what all that was about from before."No eavesdropping!"Eclipse yelled poking at Rune,he was finally talking,not yelling,talking to Cross.It's been so long since he finally had a simple conversation with him and Rune drove himself right into the middle of it,this irritated Eclipse very much.
Rune: well, i can see now....whatever*he flips backward floating and landing in a tree far away*rune: ill let these two talk...for now..i shall wait...damn siblings im guessing*he closes his eyes and rests*
Eclipse still seemed irritated even after he left,all of these people weren't just crazy but annoying.Cross had watched Rune leave then looked at Eclipse."What got you so fired up?..."Eclipse froze from Cross' question as he slightly blushed."Errr,well..."He turned to his brother."It's just we were talking and it seemed rude of him to do that,not to mention that he didn't even say sorry."Eclipse rambled on and on as Cross listened to a simple question becoming a math problem to him,Eclipse was never like this before nor did he think this way ether.It puzzled Cross as he wondered what could be wrong,or if something was wrong at all.Then Cross chuckled,stopping Eclipse's rambling as he looked at him."What?..."His ears had folded down when he spoke.Cross just patted the top of Eclipse's head and smiled,with his face only about 2 inches away from Eclipse's."Your such a good older brother."And with that Eclipse's face turned redder then blood that is freshly spilt and chills went down his spine as he jumped back stuttering."Wh-wh-what!?N-n-no I'm not!That's just..."Cross laughed at Eclipses reaction.
*rune glances over at them and goes back to resting*rune mutters: i am never wanted...thankfully this planet has shown a decent tolerance to me in these many years..
Then Cross' smile faded into a shocked look as he quickly grabbed Eclipse's wrist and pulled him inside the cabin right before four arrows shot past them and stuck into the door frame.Eclipse looked over at surprised and know exactly who shot them.

"I knew it!Found them!"A familiar voice yelled from the tree line,it was the Kink and the men from before.

Cross slammed the door shut and held it until an arrow shot through the door right in front of his face."Crap.."Eclipse grabbed him as more shot through and they both slammed down to the ground."I thought they left!"Eclipsed yelled looking back at the door."I thought they did too,why are they back!?"Cross also had looked back at the down,then turned to Eclipse.Eclipse just shrugged his shoulders.
Rune: hello, i suggest you leave*he lifts his hand and flicks it sending a barrage of explosive flaming balls in front of the people not close enough to hit them with the explosion though* rune: before things get bloody*his face twists into a smile*
Kink pointed a sword at Rune."Says the lier who said no one was in his house!"

The arrows had stopped and Cross and Eclipse wondered what happened.
Rune: did i know that at the time? And what could compell you to point a fmimsy sword at me, the one whohas just slain*he looks at the drakon its size looming over all of them* rune: do you really want to make me mad?
"I want you to mind your own business you pai-...brat!"He didn't seem scared or worried at all about Rune,he was just focused on getting Cross and Eclipse.
*rune looks a bit angry and his eye twitches the sky darkening thunder cracks in the distance and he growls*rune: did you just call me....a....brat?!?!*lightning flashes in front of him showing the bloodlust in his eyes he lifts his hand and a huge ball of fire grows in it becoming the size if a boulder*
Kink still didn't budge and smiled."Yes,a little snot nose brat!"As if he wanted to get Rune angry,he continued to push him on.

Cross and Eclipse opened the door to see the scene outside,Cross yelled."Rune stop!!"He ran out towards them,Eclipse ran after him."Wait idiot!" The men had aimed once again at the two ready to fire.
*a black aura starts to form around him and he growls* rune: a-a snot nosed b-brat?!?! *he flicks the fireball away decimating a mountain and jumps in front of them breaking all theyre arrow tips off* rune: a simple death is too good for you....i intend to let you struggle first*the ground rips open behind him and 20 hellhounds come out, just then a fireball hits rune in the face from over the horizon exploding*voice: surrender now! your crimes for destroying seyrunn must be punished!*rune sighes* rune: ive told you a million times, i didnt destroy seyrunn! hounds, play with these people while i am busy*he floats up into the air to look at a massive army approching* voice: sorcerer team, fire! *hundreds of thoulsands of fireballs shoot at him simply exploding a few feet away not affecting him but making the ground tremble with force, the hellhounds slowly approach the men growling and licking their teeth*
Kink just smiled."And start..."Suddenly spears flew up and landed straight unto the hounds and held them there,Cross and Eclipse saw this coming.Out of all the places they have seen,there kingdom was one of the best to control the worsts evils.That was how Cross could contain Rune before,they were happy that Rune hadn't gotten caught this time or it would have been a lot harder to handle.

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