Nightmares Alive

Kink still didn't get it,though of course he's always had a form whether human or not."So two are in there?..."He pointed to Rune's body.
rune: three, although the third is sealed in him and is much more demonic and evil than we ever where. we where but a sea of chaos and a sea of order fighting before...clashing together uselessly without forms to do any real damage to the other with, that is why we chose him as a regain a form.
"...So how do you fight when your in the same body???"Three in one,now Kink got why he couldn't do much.Each had a weakness yet there all already balancing them in one so if one weakness is used it will be canceled out with the other that is there.Clever child,Kink thought as he smiled but this was no good news to him unless they all had the same side weakness with is always the most annoying to find.
*rune starts speaking in a different higher voice* rune: oh if only he had a clair bible! then hed know the secret, but it isnt much of a secret now is it?*he starts speaking in a normal voice of the lord of nightmares* rune: true, even my last vessel hundreds of thouldands of years ago knew that before even toutching the clair bible itself
And now they were talking to each other in a...strange way...Kink wasn't sure what do to with these...four?Yea,four.All he knew was that he was getting a major headache from thinking to much and his boy would start losing before his mind did which was never good."So the Clair bible has all this in it?..."
rune: the clair bible, a source of knowledge intrusted to the earth realm thouldands of years ago at the war of monsters ressurection where the water dragon king was slain, a flood of knowledge so great that it never short, it does.
rune: it has all knowledge in it, the way to defeat me is no tricky one, to defeat any opponent you need a greater power source than them, i no longer know its location and it may be gone as i cannot feel the existance of its subspace, shall we continue?
Kink wondered about this 'bible' and knew to report it to the king after all this...if this would ever end...Kink figured Rune won't go down since no matter what he does it'll just heal or not even effect him,and on the other hand he is using the wrong way so Kink won't be going'll just be an endless battle if one of them don't change,the only thing is how should Kink change?If he goes the wrong way it will only get worse for him so he must be careful.
* a million of the balls hit kink suddenly but they do not explode but sink into his skin harmlessly and more reappear to take their place in the area around rune*
Kink looked at his body confused,but knew this couldn't be good.He just sighed figuring this wouldn't work ether."Your very troublesome..."
Kink once again just sighed as he stood there,his body was now in very bad condition but seemed not to effect him as always."You never learn do you...How many times around you going to attack without thinking?Or are you just thinking you'll blow me up and i'll die or until there's nothing left..."
rune: my natural goal is to return everything to chaos...i saw that was a bad choice....but i think i could spare to return you to chaos*he smirks with a murderous look in his eyes*rune: or maybe i could destroy your soul therefore killing you...gods like you still need souls...
"Soul?...Ah that...Sorry,it's been disposed of.I only need one weakness thank you,and that was just a burden..."Kink stared at Rune,his eyes had turned green then red in a flash.
Rune: then i guess ill blast you into oblivion*the chaos energy balls form a bow and arrow in runes hands(darkstar weapon: galvayra or something like that name) and he pulls the string back* rune : five stars rotate arouns a single point* energy flows around him* rune : darkness beyond blackest pitch, brilliance beyond the stars, they meet in the middle and creation from that undone, now i let loose a single arrow*the air hums with power showing that this attack is going to be big(seriously this is the attack that the first slayer used to defeat a combination of god,dark lord,monster and anciwnt dragon)*
(Seriously he has to use this on Kink just to kill him? xD gees)

Kink sighed again only hearing Bla bla bla once more,'screw it....'He thought to himself and walked to the side forgetting Rune and just planning on finding the boys and asking them to just come along,he'd explain everything to them as well since he and them knew one another.It had been a long time since he had actually seen them though,and they had an issue before so maybe that's why they were freaked out?
Rune: wich shall split the heavens apart!*he lets go of the string not focusing on kinks movement completely mmissing it lands in the ground and the ground starts to shake* rune: well, this isnt good....
Kink looked back at where Rune shot and then glared at Rune."What the hell did you do you idiot...."And he thought this guy couldn't be any worse then what he already thought of him.
Rune: well, you see....that attack was meant to turn nothingness into power untill it ripped apart whatever it hit...i just litterally hit the astral plane itself so...i think we should go*the golden light fades along with the bow and in a flash rune teleports them to the regular plane and with the last bit of his energy rune puts an unbreakable barrier around himself* rune weakly: shouldnt have plaged around for so ling...the lord of nightmares takes a toll on me if i keep using his power too much...xellos....protect the kids..*rune passes out inside tje barrier*
Kink stared at Rune,and smiled."Well,there's a weakness."he chuckled as he walked over to him,stopping about three feet away."Hmm...Guess That does count..."

Cross and Eclipse continued to the cabin,not really knowing what had happened yet.
Xellos: now what are you two doing*he picks them up by the backs of their shirt collars* xellos: lord hellmaster told me ro keep you out of harms way, i doubt he lost but it would be stupid to go near the place he transferred planes from*he puts thwm down and suddenly there is a table with chairs and food on it* xellos: are you hungry?*he sits down and sips on some tea*
"We have to help the others that stayed in the house."Cross said trying to get out of Xellos' grip,then when he put them down Cross stared at him."Why are you keeping us out of harms way anyway?I mean why did Rune tell you to?"Eclipse sighed."We can take care of ourselves you know...We've been doing it for a while now..."
Xellos: well, in short, its a secret* he smiles using his trademark not a care in the world smartass smile* xellos: all i know is if you two go there you may find dangers as after lord hellmaster fights the biengs called the wifhts come...evil creatures worse than mosoku like me...but that doesnt matter*he sips the tea again*
Cross and Eclipse stared at him."So you think we'll just stand here and wait for Rune to come back,if he does that is..."Eclipse asked crossing his arms.

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