Nightmares Alive

Xellos: now surely hell be back soon...but inn the meantime*bloodlust flows around him and he hopens his purple eyes and looks in the general direction of kink* xellos: we have a guest
Cross and Eclipse looked where he was looking.Kink was walking towards them,messing with his wounds he got as if they were nothing."Gees that brat...And this stupid body,it never heals well..."
*xellos sits at the table once again another chair apleating and xellos gestures to the seats still smiling* xellos: please, sit like to know who could survive a battle with lord hellmaster..good thing ive got his true staff or i doubt id be much of a match for you if it where to come to violence*he sips on more tea and bites a piece of a snandwich*
*xellos sighs remembering someone from the past* xellos: oh your so much like miss lina, i enjoyed seeing her rise to the first slayer...your both very bad listeners*he laughs and smiles* xellos: now, i belive the boys and you should speak ive been instructed to watch over them so if they decide to accompany you not i will not be far off.*he smiles carefree*
Kink crossed his arms,"...Fine..."He looked towards Cross and Eclipse who were staring at him."But I'm not speaking to them with you here..."

It wasn't like Cross and Eclipse couldn't believe he was still here,but the fact that he was here meant something happened to Rune right?Cross worried even though he figured Rune was alive at least,hopefully.
Xellos: whatever do you mean?*suddenly he dissapears but is really just split between two planes capable of telling what is going on but not really in their plane of existance*
Kink cursed under his breath,really sick of all this crap.But he pushed it aside for now and turned to the boys who now stared at him with there arms crossed,Kink sighed."You really don't want to go do you?..."Both shook there heads no."You out of all the people knew what he did and yet you still come after us?"Cross sounded irritated at the time,this wasn't the first time Kink had gone after them."But this is different,and if you knew what he was doing now you wouldn't hesitate to go..."

"And what might he be doing now?..."Eclipse asked."replacing you..."Kink now seemed a bit off from before,sad."Isn't that good for us?"Cross didn't get where Kink was going at,why would that make them want to go back,then Kink shook his head."He's replacing you two and shadow.."Now the two's expression changed,"What!? Why you two?"Eclipse now sounded worried and angry."Because we're the closest to matching you two....That's why I'm trying to get you back,he said he wouldn't harm Shadow if I brought you back..."Now Cross got why he was so eager to get them back.
"Did he say anything about you?"Eclipse said since Kink only mentioned the safety of Shadow,he was replied with a shake of Kink's head."No,I never asked...."Now Cross and Eclipse seemed stumped,"Now what do we do?"Cross asked peeking over at Eclipse,Eclipse shrugged his shoulders."I don't know,I wouldn't want others to fall for us... Especially for us..."Cross sighed and called out."Person!"Since he couldn't remember the dude's name."Come back!..."
"That's the thing...I don't know."Cross shrugged his shoulders."Never been in this situation,and you know the reason you left was 'not' to hear...."Cross glared at Xello.Eclipse smiled at the look on Cross' face.
xellos: well, i guess i tend to bend rules a little, only part of me heard while my main body was in another plane of existance*he looks around*xellos: hmm, thought i felt something, whatever. now, i think i may be able to solve both problems if i may just talk to this king of yours, i am a very good negotiator....(aka hes a smartass whos never lost an argument)
(I see xD )

Kink slightly stuttered."T-the King?You?He'd kill me!...."Kink couldn't imagine what the king would do if he brought someone un-welcomed.Cross nodded."Actually I wouldn't mind going if he came..."Cross smiled at Kink and Eclipse nodded in agreement even though he really didn't care.Kink figured if the princes said they wouldn't come if this other didn't then the king might be okay with it,might...
xellos: you seem very afraid of this king of yours....i wonder if he stands up to his reputation*he pulls a staff out of the air* xellos:just a precaution...this is called the staff of the gods, you probably have heard of the chip taken out of it called the philosophers stone...and this staff increases power millions of times more than that stone..
(-.- are you bringing Full metal Alchemist into this???)

Kink stared at the staff."So?...."He was confused on what Xellos was thinking on doing with it,why did all these people have such strange was of doing things and strange things to go along with it?It really puzzled Kink since most of the time things were just simple for him,not this complicated...
(Oh xD )

Kink sighed and pointed."About five miles that way on foot,up a big mountain and it's on the other side..."he explained,figuring they were all just heading there now. Though he wondered about the other guy that he fought,and the people Cross and Eclipse had spoke of before.Were they just going to leave them?
Cross and Eclipse took off after him as Kink sighed and tagged along with them.Kink was still worried this was a bad idea,but he figured there was no stopping them now.
Cross and Eclipse didn't take long to catch up and Kink followed right behind them,Cross and Eclipsed were talking to each other about what they were going to do and included Kink every now and then when they were wondering what everything looked like and how it was going.They wondered if everyone was still there from before and doing good,when they left everyone seemed happy and fun but it's been a while.
Kink pointed once again."It's hidden under ground....There's a passage that way..."Cross and Eclipse smiled,"At least he thought it all through."Eclipse added,since there was so many monsters here it would be stupid to put it out in the open.That would just be constant alert and no fun at all.
xellos: hmm, alot of monster here*one jumps out and xellos simply stares at it*xellos: leave me lesser monster*it turns around and runs, xellos follows kink*
Kink walked down to a opening in a big rock pile and headed into it with Cross and Eclipse following,it was like a pathway and it went down pretty deep.Kink didn't stop as he walked on though the tunnel until it opened up to a large dome like room,and there stood a large castle in the middle.

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