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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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(It's fine! And I usually try to match the others post length so that's why mine is so short)

Blake walked over to Ms. Ekaterina. "Sorry to bother you Ms. Ekaterina, but my leg got slashed during my fight, and I think it needs some medical attention" Blake said and sat down on a desk. He looked his teacher up and down. Why would a teacher wear something this revealing in a classroom? Blake pondered the thought for a moment before closing his eyes and rolling up the leg of his pants so that the teacher could see. He looked away and opened his eyes.

@Anaxileah @Kidokun
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Agito kicked off the ground and with all his force smashed his head into Maya's face he landed on his knees and rubbed his head. "Ow ow ow Yukari makes that look easy." He looked at Maya to see what his headbutt had done.

With the impact of Agito's head, the bone mask that covered Maya's face shattered and she fell unconscious. Maya returned to her original form and fell to the ground with a loud thud. On the way down, she had let go of her bow and it fell quite a ways away from her. A few seconds after hitting the ground, Maya was conscious again and she slowly sat up while in pain. "That hurt" she whines while rubbing her forehead, a clear red bump had formed because of the hit. Finally having a moment to think calmly, she realized what had happen and gasped. "Why am I so stupid?!" she yells in frustration.

@Nenma Takashi
Agito chuckled. "Even if it was for a few seconds you were unconscious that's my win. It's funny you got beat by a monster tamer who makes a werewolf fight for him all the time it's pathetic truly it is!" He began to laugh. "But I'd be lying if I said you didn't have me on edge there good fight Maya." Yukari ran over and began to throw Agito in the air and catch him repeating this process. "Yeah Master won Master won Master's the strongest there is!" Agito letnout a gasp in surprise. "Hey come on let me done hey Yukari stop I'm gonna be sick hey idiot werewolf listen to me!"

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Maya glared at Agito before quickly standing up and patting the dirt and dust off of her clothes. "Yeah, I guess it was a good fight, but if I had hit you with my arrows sooner then I would have won. We still have classes so I didn't want you to get hurt that badly" she says while pouting, trying to make an excuse for her own stupidity, but ultimately failing. She walked over towards her bow picked it up and transformed it back into bracelet and then placed it on her wrist. Her back faced the other students and her eyes starting tearing up. I'm sorry big brother. I'm still the same. Falling for the same trick like always. she thought and quickly wiped her eyes before turning around. Seeing Agito being lifted off the ground by Yukari, Maya started to laugh. "I guess you still need to get this one to listen to you better."

@Nenma Takashi

(Well I got to go to sleep so goodnight ^^)
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Agito put his knee out hitting Yukari in the face she didn't catch him that time and he landed sighing. "Sadly yeah while she's older than me and can seem like an older sister at times she's got the brain of child. So I'm forced to do all the thinking it's a shame but someone has to do it." Yukari looked at Maya and stared at her finally she grabbed her and held her up like a baby. "Maya smells sad?" She tilted her head. She held Maya out to Agito. "Master told lies again and mad Maya sad Master apologize. "Agito sighed and nodded. "Yeah your right you would had beaten me but you can't focus on the past like that you gotta look forward or something like that. Anyway I'm sorry but the next time an enemy pisses you off just shot an arrow right in their gut that'll make em shut up!" Yukari nodded and put Maya down.

Surfruaa said:
Surfruaa let out a yelp as she fell face-first into the floor, groaning tiredly before pushing herself up, wiping the dirt from her face and clothes. She shook her head and glared over at the machine, charging at her again with an angry snarl. This time she jumped up and hooked an arm around her neck, swivelling around so she was clinging onto her back.
(Piss biscuits? *snickers*)


Gadgena got yanked back by Surfruaa, the attack causing them to fall back and land on the ground. Her body was partially dented, which annoyed Gadgena. She got up and went to grab Surfruaa by the leg, proceeding to swing her around and throw her across the courtyard.


(I'll post the others soon, just give me a couple minutes, I just woke up)
Surfruaa let out a scream as she was tossed about like a rag-doll, swinging her bat around wildly in an attempt to break the 'bot's grasp. "Geddoff! Fuckin' 'ell!" She shrieked, her clothes, hair and limbs flailing about wildly.
Adam smiled, "yeah sure we can do that but first............. Ima grab a snack." he looks back at his suitcase a brought out a parfett dipped with chocolate and started eating as he walked with eve back to class.

Eve nodded and shook her head as he brought out a parfett out of his suitcase "You like to eat don't you? I mean we all do.. But how many deserts could you possibly have?" she laughed a little and nudged him playfully before walking along side him back to the classroom.
Adam unfortunately had both hands occupied and had to count in his hesd but by thr time he cot to 432, he lost count. "I think i have enough to feed an entire village for months. Im not really sure but I do love sweets, i don't mind also a little something else now and then."
Eve dropped her mouth slightly as she walked into the class "Well okay then, I believe you." she smiled and slid into a seat, hoping for no trouble from the teacher.
Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

"Come with me and we'll get it taken care of."
Ekaterina replied to Blake and released Emily, now that she was calm. "Does anyone else need babying?" She asked in an annoyed tone. She looked around the class, not caring about any late students. She'd record who was late and didn't fight later, when she wasn't lazy. She got up and began walking towards the doorway, her dress revealing her legs, which were covered in blood.

@Oliverfan @Kidokun @anyone in the classroom


"If you insist, ma'am."
Gadgena released her hold on Surfruaa, letting her fly off through the courtyard. Gadgena watched as the girl landed with her head tilted to the side. Did I mess up her hair? I do hope it is not messed up...It was amusing to pet. She thought to herself as she waited for the girl to get up.

I got up and headed to the door in annoyance. Looking around I realized that this class was almost over. Thank heavens I don't think I can stand to be in this class anymore. I notice Blake was going with ms Ekaterina Darkblood. I still wished that I could go for a small walk but I knew I couldn't.

Sufruaa skidded across the grassy floor with a long, tired groan, slowly pushing herself up with her bat, panting. She glared up at the robot and scowled, her hair was a mess (lol). Shakily she limped away and headed back up to the classroom, her lip and nose dripping with blood.


Gadgena frowned and approached the human before she could reach the classroom. "I am sorry for upsetting you, ma'am. I was only doing as ordered." She looked down, clearly not understanding what she had done. I am in error. How could I have been so unintelligent? She bowed to the human before leaving her and reentering the classroom, confused with human emotion.

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Surfruaa huffed tiredly in response, re-entering the classroom with a sigh. "Done." She muttered bluntly to Ekatarina, tossing her bat onto her desk and slouching back. Carefully she wiped the blood from her lip, shivering lightly. "Could've been worse, I suppose. She mumbled, trying to sort her hair out again.

zen , unable to find the one who had broken his scythe, returned to the class room wondering what he should do. he scanned the classroom to find anyone to ask about a new weapon that might be useful to him, one of which was beaten bloody , he decided upon not asking this one as she seemed to be in no mood to talk, as zen looked around more he saw no one of interest and sighed . he would have to as the one who was beaten and bloody. he did not expect this conversation to go over well, not only because she seemed to be in a bad mood but also because he had no idea how to ask his question let alone start a conversation,he thought about how to as his question ask he slowly approached her

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ZevVeli said:
Feeling the creature leap on his back Umbra continued his aerial maneuvers. He started flying in Barrel rolls, and Aileron rolls, J-hooks, and inverted loops. All trying to make his foe lose his grip on his back. I am impressed fleshling! Umbra shouted to his foe, But you should go ahead and surrender, I don't believe that the instructor wants us to seriously hurt each other, and I could slice your tail off with ease.
The xeno did a little laugh as he did barrel rolls and said he could slice his tail with ease so out of nowhere it talked in a monotone voice saying "it won't be that easy for you" as Acidic blood started cover it's tail as it tightened its claws piercing into Umbra as it wrapped it's tail around his hand trying not to do permanent damage to him.

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