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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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I looked at zen and smiled. " I'm glad you figured it out" I said to him. I stared back at the ground hoping the stinking teacher would open the doors soon. Geese I'm getting seriously bored gahhh. Well it lease I help this person maybe?

@zenreaper and @Anaxileah
as zen examined the sword he realized that for it to cut cleanly and swing accurately it would need more weight. but he did not want needless weigh for fear that it would just be a hunk of steel with a sharp edge zen got an idea 'ill add the weight by turning it into a broad sword' he though . a few seconds later the sword dispersed then began to reform itself , the blade became heavier and wider "perfect" he spoke out loud this time as he swung the black broad sword over his shoulder and turned to Emil "you've been a great help thank you" this was the first time zen had ever uttered the words 'thank you' the words felt sour as they left his lips but he tried to ignore it

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Eve hiccuped and shook her head as she tried to remember who they had next before looking to Adam "Who do we have next? And is just me or does this teacher scare you too?" she looked around slightly before raising her eyebrows and looking back at Adam.

@general ostruppen
Umbra laughed as we felt the slick blood flowing down his arms, and the creature's claws piercing his flesh. I am shadows given form fleshling! You are brave, and that is good, it gives you a chance, but bravery only will take you so far. You willingly give me your blood? You willingly give me power! You think in terms of the physical fleshling! You know that your claws can cut through some things, but not other things, and presume mine are the same. Is your flesh made of metal? Do you generate light to burn me and rob me of my power? If not then I can cut you with ease! With a flick of his claws he removed a section of the xenomorph's exoskeleton then brought his other claw, covered in the acidic blood up to his lips and licked the blood off swallowing it. A little tart for my tastes, but not bad! Laughing again he contemptuously pulled the xenomorph's claws from him and whipped around quickly, the creature was in a precarious position now. Upon hearing the teacher inform them that class was over he dove down slamming his full weight into the xenomorph on the ground before letting go of him and slipping over to the teacher, bowing low. Do you have an assessment for us ma'am? @Aqua @Anaxileah
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Latinus, who had been standing in front of the Toxin classroom for some time now, scowled at Zen and his brutal methods.

"Simpleton, if it's within your power to give shape to objects, then you should simply make a key," they chastised, lifting up their hand and conjuring the very item they'd suggested into their palm with a rather bright glow, "It would benefit you greatly to understand that there are simpler ways of approaching problems than simply smashing them with brute force."

To demonstrate, Latinus simply unlocked the door and let it swing open... effectively releasing the miasma of vitriolic vapors that had been trapped within, onto all of them.

@zenreaper @Anaxileah
"No it's okay, I'm not really sad over that. It's more like the battle brought back some bad memories, so I'm fine" Maya says with a small smile. Maya knows very well not to live in the past, but there were some memories she can't ever forget and she chooses not to forget them. Those memories were the only thing that was driving her to live and without them, Maya would have long given up on life. She wanted to live for the ones who sacrificed their own lives for hers and so she'll never forget those people. As long as she remembers them, they'll always be alive in her heart. Maya will remember everything, even the moment they all died in front of her. "Yeah, I'll do that if I ever face an enemy. I'm not going to shoot an arrow at a fellow schoolmate...well, unless I have to" she says jokingly. Hearing the teacher tell everyone that class was over, Maya says "We should probably head to our next class."

@Nenma Takashi
zen blinked looking at latinus and sighing " and it's nice to see you again too..." zen was slightly annoyed by the fact the every time he came across this person he was defeated in someway . he remembered his earlier question and even though he already had a new broad sword he thought 'it couldn't hurt to ask' he went to tap on latinus shoulder

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The Ur-daemon glanced over their shoulder at Zen, raising a singular brow, and asking, "Do you need something?"

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Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath watched as his smoke unfurled towards the students, causing them to cough. In each of their eyes, a ring of green appeared, surrounding their irises. Ysgrath chucked to himself as they entered the room, which they would find completely empty. Well...in reality it was completely empty, but in their minds the room was filled with all sorts of horrifying creatures. The room was protected by one of Dinah's spells so that the students wouldn't destroy his room, so Ysgrath was very much interested in the reaction his students would have upon his first lesson...how to determine what's real, and what isn't. He stood off to the corner of the room, giddy with his new experiment that was underway. He'd yet to test this fog, and was eager to make observations. He had a notebook in hand and a pen in the other, waiting on the students to react.


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The Xennomorph screeched as it's tail was ripped off knowing it wouldn't regrow until it went through an evolutionary change and nothing could change it. It hated getting badly injured since it had to go through this twice already, so it turned to it's male form saying "asshole my next evolutionary step is a light one so I can give you hell and torture you" with a pissed voice because of the tail.
Surfruaa hacked and coughed loudly as she took a deep breath of the thick, green fog, stumbling about a little and rubbing her watery eyes as she made her way into the room. Once she opened her eyes she let out a loud gasp and almost fell flat on her arse, letting out a weak scream. A large crowd of people stood before her, all staring and grinning wildly, in the corners were large UV lights, humming loudly. "N-NO! SHIT!" She cried out, trying to find the way out.

Umbra bowed and stepped into the shadows, coming out in another patch outside of his next class. He stepped into the room as a smoke filled the room, he coughed a bit as he inhaled the smoke. His vision becoming slightly hazy he started to hear his parents speaking to him. Vhisthianx! the familiar voice of his scholar-mother called out to him. What are you doing in this world? You have obligations here! To the Rhisthirane! Return home immediately! The Scholars demand it! Umbra stepped back in shock to see his mother's thin, robed form. This is impossible, the only way in is through the Headmistresses Portals. He thought. Listen to Bharianth, dear. A sweet voice came from behind Umbra he turned to see his nurture mother standing behind him, smiling as always. You have to come home, your siblings cannot be bound to a Hunter-Warrior unless you duel them, it is the way. She sighed. I have accepted that you will never true-bond, but think of Lhishar, Vhoronkail, and Fhaengeir, should they be forced to suffer a life of barrenness for your stubbornness and pride? Come home son. Umbra shook his head Further impossibilities! Nurturers cannot leave Rhisthir, in any form, in any manner!

Vhisthianx! A lithe figure in robes, carrying a scythe stepped up. Return home, Fhaengeir needs you, he cannot provide for us without you, he has no true-bond! He needs you, we all do! Vhisthianx! I am no Hunter-Warrior, but I will strike you if I must to bring you back! You will provide for us! You will take a provider-husband! And you will fulfill your obligations as the son of Rhortian! At this point Umbra's Provider-father lowered the scythe threateningly at him. Umbra turned to him, spreading his wings wide, claws splayed and began to growl menacingly. Ready to fight him.

DO NOT RAISE A CLAW AGAINST THOSE WHO GRANTED YOU LIFE! Boomed a great voice. Umbra turned and saw a figure, virtually identical to him, only twice again as tall towering above him, massive wings unfurled. YOU DARE TO THREATEN THOSE WHO BROUGHT YOU UP? YOU DARE TO RESIST YOUR PROPER PLACE IN OUR WORLD? YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO RHISTHIR! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO RHISTHIRANE! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR BROOD SIBLINGS! YOU ARE A DISGRACE! TO! ME! With a mighty shout the figure of Umbra's father charged at him, Umbra had a brief flash of panic, before his training set in. YOU ARE DEAD! He shouted as the claw crashed down atop him. DEAD AND GONE! I SAW YOUR CORPSE! SLAIN BY AN ARTHERIAN! WE BURIED YOU! I DUELED OTHERS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE WAYS OF THE ORDER AS SUCCESSOR! He pointed to the figure of his father, calming himself. I denounce you as an illusion! He turned and pointed to all of his parents in turn. I denounce you ALL as illusions! Begone from my sight!
Within seconds, Latinus succumbed to the affects of the hallucinagens. They experienced a mimsy sensation, like the whole world had suddenly begun spinning in reverse. Then, the mirages came- ineffable, inconceivable figments and effigies, each many feet not only in height, length, and width, but also depth. Their eye-defying colors alone would have have driven humans mad. But their actual biology, their ichthyotic flagella and rugose membranes and uncountable coils, that went beyond mere madness, outside the realm of petty insanity. It was only a rotoscoped, inconsequential rendering of their true forms.

But amongst these Cyclopean terrors, the Ur-daemon spied a rat, a pathetic figure cowering in the corner, clad in a gasmask. That sniveling poison-brewer, Mr. Ysgrath. So, they were to be his test subjects, then. Latinus found no qualms with this- so long as he was prepared to have a taste of his own medicine. The Ur-daemon pointed at the teacher, and a tiny javelin of crystallized light lanced from their fingertip, perforating one of the filters of the man's mask and causing him to inhale his own nefarious mist.

"H-hand over the a-antidote, you're in the s-same b-boat as u-us, n-now," Latinus commanded in a voice that broke and stuttered from terror. It was not a demanding voice at all, but it didn't have to be. Momentarily, Ysgrath would be just and hysterical as the rest.

After Umbra vanished he started to walk to the next class thinking about how he actually came into existence it's been a while since he thought about it but he stopped thinking about it as he got to the doorway of the room and looked through it seeing everyone acting got weird so Annabel got scared and transformed into a female a backed away from the room thinking "W-What's going on" as her eye's welled up with tears from what she was seeing in the class.

Walking in the room I started to cough violently. I looked around seeing other students reaction. " what the heck is this?" I look around seeing lots of stuff.

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Evelyn blinked at Ms. Ekaterina for a good 2 minutes before bringing herself back to her surroundings "Alright Ms. Ekaterina.. Have a good day." she smiled slightly, she didn't want to be a teachers pet but she certainly didn't want to get on the teachers bad side.

With that she cocked her head at Adam "Come on. I think I already made us late just sitting here.." she laughed a little and walked off to Mr. Ysgreth's class, slowly just to make sure that Adam had followed.

@general ostruppen
(Hehehe I feel so evil. By the way, he has something that'll prevent him from being in the same boat as you all ;) heh.)
zen was about to ask his question as he succumbed to the effects of the gas . he had never faced such a threat before " w-what the" he stifled a cough looking around the room. not knowing what else to do he slowly summoned his broadsword just in case. having never face such a threat he was on edge and did his best to isolate himself from the others while covering his face with one hand
(He wears the gas mask cuz he likes to, otherwise he wouldn't be creepy in people's nightmares. Like how scarecrow put on a mask for the same purpose?)
As Agito walked into the class and saw a group of monsters only when they got close enough did he see they were high level beast that lived just outside his village. For a test run of Yukari he slaughtered them all he held his hand out. "Yukari!" But no one came to his side he backed away slowly trying again. "Yukari!" Yukari was seeing a vision as well one of her father in his wolf form Yukari's family was strong too strong sometimes. In wolf form neither her farther nor her mother could control their selfs but her farther really scared her. He walked closer and she got ready to fight. "Master what do I do!? M-master?" She couldn't find Agito nor could she find his smell.
Eve smiled until she walked inside the classroom, her eyes growing wide as she noticed the monsters jumping around wildly. "What in the world?? Adam?" she blinked rapidly and looked around for the teacher, a bit afraid but putting on her poker face. "Would a teacher truly allow this tom-foolery?" she squinted around the room slightly, folding her arms as a few monsters tried jumping up and nipping at her fingers, the others giggling in her face. "No..No." She kicked a few of them away and sniffed, sliding into a desk with monsters on the top. Afraid to push them away she buried her face in her hands.

@general ostruppen
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