Next Marvel [Inactive]

Brooklyn glanced down at Crispin. "Beats me. I just got here actually. The gym, I mean. You're Crispin, right?"
Casper rolled her eyes and said "Yeah and also you need a job cause unlike me you are not going to inherit a boat load of money and the most successful company in the world" in a sassy tone.
"Yep," the kid obliged, giving her a lopsided grin. "That's me. And, um, sorry, I forgot your name..." he admitted awkwardly, looking down.
"I'm Brooklyn Rogers, nice to finally put a face to the name, Crispin," she replied sweetly, returning his smile with one of her own.
Pain seared through Damien's head as the claws dug into his face. He wasn't transformed yet so they dug deep into the skin. He could feel his rage growing as he took the chance to grab Tri's wrists and proceed to pull him away and slam him to the floor. Blood began to ooze into his eyes which were now turning from brown to green.

Damien clenched his teeth...."Are you certain this is what you want?"
"Give me 5 minutes and I'll find where the phone number who sent those pictures is located and who it is. Trust me I can hack into the number faster than SHIELD can. Follow me to the tech floor." She said to the two boys beginning to walk to elevator.
Tri stands up, with a difficult look on his face. He knows Hulks are strong. But Damien is different. He knew that from the last encounter but he's different, too, but in a similar way to Damien. But he want to test his own ability more.

"Thanks to you I nearly lost my leg, and wasted more time to kill that corrupted motherfucker. And I won't rest until I get something from you, an arm, maybe."

Tri bends over, in a stance that looks like an animal moving around its prey. He then suddenly speed up and thrust toward Damien. A hand grabs his face and lift him up.

"Nice move." Tri grins. "What about this?"

Tri bites Damien's hand and kicks his chest, use it to jump up and throw a big fist into Damien's face. Both him and Damien is collapsed to the floor.
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"I already know where it came from, Cas." He called out after her, slowly managing to sit up. "I've got it dealt with. Don't worry."
"Well are we going to kill the source of the picture or what?! I'll go get my sniper-rifle and we can get this over with then get something to eat cause I'm starving."
"Or, or we could just wait until every image file on his computer is replaced with a picture of an old guy's a** crack, and THEN we could go get food. I was thinking something made of meat, preferably encased in meat. Like a sausage, wrapped in ham. That sounds good." He replied, shrugging. He checked his phone, receiving an alert message. File transfer to Spencer-PC completed.

Damien smiled inwardly. He was about to let loose and it was going to feel good. As he lay on the floor his body began to change, he gets up as he feels the rage sear through his body. The cuts on his face heal as his skin turns green and dense. He muscles grow and bulge out as his voice gets deeper. He looked down at Tri and growls at him as his transformation completes. He took a step toward's Tri and grabbed him by the neck in one huge green fist. He brings him an inch from his face and roars before turning and pitching Tri headfirst into the wall.

Less than a second after he makes contact with the wall Damien leaps toward his body and grabs his face again to slam it into the floor.
"Somebody's a bit overprotective." Marcus replied, smirking. "I'm hungover, not an injured puppy. You can scale down the momma bear stuff."
"No I don't care about you. This person must be really tech savvy to be able to break into my phone. Plus he was near my home. And this person is almost as smart as me, almost so he must be dealt with." 
"Plus I sort of have a boyfriend in a way I guess" Casper adds quietly.
Tri coughs blood, his face still burying under the floor. Goddamn it, he started to regret fighting with this giant brute, but then his anger took over. He grunts.

"That's it..."

His body started to grow red furs as his eyes' turning black. His fangs becoming longer and his body's becoming a bit bigger.

A big roar comes out, Tri catches Damien's wrist and lifts it up, easier than before. Then he stands up, turns around, his hand still grabbing Damien's wrist. With a Lion-like face, Tri looking straight at Damien's angry eyes.


A heavy slap with claws runs across Damien's face and sent him into the wall. Tri slowly walks toward Damien and begin slashing him. Blood spills everywhere. Tri is enjoying his blood thirst when suddenly Damien catches his arms.
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"Hey, what is it a picture of?" Evan asked after a while of keeping quiet. It seemed to cause the other two members of his team to become really awkward, which made him wanna see it more.

And then he got the visual in Cas' head...and blushed insanely.
Casper saw Evans blushing face and said to him with a huge smirk "You wish" because he was looking at the picture.
"Just. Don't mind it Cas. I'm too busy to deal with keeping you in check." Marcus replied. It may have come out a bit insulting, but he was tired and just didn't care at the moment.
The rage felt good. And as Tri slashed at his body the rage fueled him even more. He could feel his strength growing with the rage and Damien reached out and grabbed both of Tri's arms. He smiled through the blood that seeped from the wounds in his face and body as the wounds began to heal up.

"My turn", he said as he walks himself out of the hole Tri slapped him into. Rubble fell around him and Damien swung to the side returning the favor. He then began to pound Tri into the wall, each punch burrowing Tri deeper into the wall. The whole gym shook with each force of the punches.
"We didn't do anything of the sort! I swear, I'm gonna burn that creep where he stands. Either that, or downgrade him to Windows Vista." Evan grumbled, clearly irritated with the world now. "Where did that picture come from, Cas? You can tell me on the way to a blueprint program."

They'd have to take those pics down...after he saved one for himself that is.
Tri kicks Damien back after 12 punches and drop down on the floor, but then got up. He uses what's left of his strength and pound Damien into the floor. That hit make the ground break and both of them went through the ceiling of the below floor. Tri is done. He went over his limit and can't get up. He turned back to normal. He's still concious and breathing heavily, but he can't move a muscle. It feels so quiet Tri thinks at least he could keep Damien down for at least half an hour.

A shadow rises from the ruins and Tri realizes he thought wrong.
Marcus sighed and put himself together, then put on his best face and a pair of shades to ease his headache. "Hey.. Evan. Thanks for.. watching me, I guess." He mumbled, feeling embarrassed about the whole event. It had been unprofessional and he felt compromised.
Ari stood, having finished fixing her system and headed downstairs. She walked past the gym to the Range room. She pulled out her bow and began to shoot. She hit bulls-eye multiple times. She got tired of this and switched to fireballs. She pulled out burnable targets. She hits center each time again. She left the room, hands smoldering. She stalked past the feuding men, sending a fireball at the wall. From behind it seemed her hair was on fire as she walked away. She ended up in the hallway, mad. She had accidentally activated one of her flaws, her temper. Using fire made her get angry as a side effect of the stupid experiment they did on her.

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