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Realistic or Modern New York's Gifted.

Dante nodded slowly and started walking. "There's a bakery slash coffee house down this way," she called back to him. She walked quickly and looked down as she did. "Okay. New York etiquette rule #1, we don't talk to others unless were at a bar or something like that. All those romantic movies? The screen writers have never actually been here. If you start talking to strangers they think you either want to sell them something or that you're flirting."
Nina tilted her head, watching the artist draw. She decided he was a professional of some sort, being able to draw such details so quickly. Not to mention even getting the shading correct when he had a shadow obstructing his view.

"Shame. It would do the world some good to have something such as that exist in the world." Her eyes gave off a gleam of mischief as she admired to creature. Nina than looked up, taking in the man before her. He quite large, probably more than a foot. He was sitting taller than her even when sitting. The dark nature of his skin also made the small girl look like a ghost in comparison. However, the glasses on his face gave him a soft look. It made him seem approachable. Nina bent down, placing her shoes on the ground before lowering herself, sitting on top of her legs. She pushed some of her thick curly hair away from her shoulder and cleared her throat.

"Where are you from? I can tell you have an accent. It's nice." She spoke kindly, giving a toothy smile as she looked up at him. This man has interested her and now she was ready to find out more.


Alexander made a final loud stroke on the bird's wing and stopped moving his hand at that point. His mind felt satisfied with his picture and his attention slowly turned to the presence that has been observing him.

Alex turned his head to finally gaze down upon small pale girl who wore a strange attire, had a choker around her neck and a black purse around her arm. Brown curls or ringlets of silky looking hair run down along to her shoulders save for the few locks of hair covering her forehead in a neat and explicid fashion. A face of a doll; small pink lips, faint pink cheeks as though she were blushing, a cute small nose and even more astonishing were her eyes. As a doll's, her eyes were like an abyss that seemed to peer directly into his very soul with ease and curiousity. Startled for a moment he replied to her praise.

"How kind of you young lady." Alex rewarded her with a bright toothy smile.

"I'm from Germany." He had answered.
At some point between Allen's last delivery and now he had apparently checked back at Bo's then returned to the relative safety of his crummy apartment. Well at least that seemed likely. Allen tended to blank for long periods of time then come to with very hazy or nonexistent recollections of the events that had transpired during his "absence". His fellow delivery boy ,who was only known as "Curds" to everyone who worked at Bo's, had theorized that Allen's condition was some sort coping mechanism or a form of psychosis. "Gee" Allen said as he stared at the obese rat crawling across his bare left foot "Ain't that just the way."
Agent Irizzarry

The middle-aged woman zombied her way through her typical morning routine. Wake up, brush teeth, eat breakfast, pack things, lockup, leave apartment. Walk to subway, get aboard, ride till at work. Leave subway, walk to work, sign in. Isis could do it all in her sleep. Purportedly, she even had once, although she still wasn't completely convinced that wasn't just a prank sprung by her co-workers. Once inside the NYPD HQ, she made her way to the suite designated for the Anti-Gifted Subdivision, AGS.

AGS had originally started out as a wetworks, off-the-books program run out a government-owned warehouse just across the river. Special Agent Irizzarry had watched, and not to toot her own horn, but even facilitated its growth into a full-fledged subdivision of the Police Department. But enough reminiscing; Isis went ahead over to her corner office, setting her briefcase on her desk and taking a seat behind it, before picking up the stack of reports that had accumulated overnight and starting to chew through them.

The Dark Mariner

Beatrice Iscariot traversed the concrete bowels of the Island. Once, these sub-subway catacombs had been used to house the research facility of the infamous Manhattan Project. Now, they were derelict, home to little more than colonies of rats, and the occasional sewer alligator of legend. Or, at least, those were the rumors which had been spread about the place. But in reality, its denizens were much more hostile than any overgrown lizard could hope to be.

A skeleton crew of Gifted and mundane thugs, built up from the original cadre Beatrice had left Mexico with. The crimelord's daughter had recruited this band of lost souls and cutthroats during her years on the run. She trusted them completely, for if any of them had second thoughts about her leadership, they'd have defected or mutinied by now.

However, they were not enough.

The Dark Mariner needed more. Her current entourage could serve as her inner circle, her generals, but she needed foot soldiers, and she needed many of them. And where better to start looking than New York City?
Nina gave a small laugh, hiding it behind her hand.

"You have a nice accent. But your English is impeccable if i do say so myself. Did you learn in school? Actually, more important, what brings you to the United States?" She rambled, moving her hands to subconsciously smooth down her skirt. She liked the way the man was so kind. Most people weren't like that in New York. They were rude and mean. She assumed it's just because he was foreign. Nina shifted her focus from her lap back up to the man. She tilted her head as she studied his face. She then sighed slightly, giving another small grin.

"May i ask you a more personal question?" She blinked.


Alexander felt slightly awkward and yet intrigued when the girl had asked all of those questions. This conversation felt off from the get go and Alex knew that. This girl didn't come here for an idle chat, no rather she seems to be interrogating him in a manner that's rushed or excited. The questions came all at once and he couldn't react in time to any of them save the last question.

"May i ask you a more personal question?" As if Alexander's curiousity hadn't been piqued enough. He can't leave such a question unanswered and carefully chose his words.

"You may ask." Prepared to listen to her question, the man pushed his back against his aluminium folding chair, placed his hands over his sketch book that's lying on his lap and gave his full attention to the girl.


Nina clasped her hands together giving a grin. This was exciting. She looked around the park taking in their surroundings. No one was in listening distance but she still felt the need to be a secretive as possible. Nina reached into her bag, pulling out her doll and twisting the doll's hair around her fingers.

"Well sir. Do you have a.. gift?" She asked, looking up at him with a childish gleam in her eyes. She looked like a child instead of a 22 year old honestly. She could pass as one. Hell, she even act like one at times. But, it just means she'd be the last suspect in a murder case.

@NeoLeaf ((Sorry that took a while))

The world around the two seemed to have come on a stand still. No wind, no sound and no specific temperature seemed to push the reality foward. Alex felt speechless as he stared onto the small face that had asked him a question that no normal person would dare ask him.

At that point Alexander's mentality seemed to have shifted into a different persona. His lips curled up into a mischievous smile and the eyes seemed to reflect less than before. The cool and mellow atmosphere that he had around him had been quickly replaced by something 'darker' and 'warmer'.

"Yes." He sounded every letter of that word and left it with a hissing 's' sound. Alex looked away for a moment to take a glance at the doll that the girl took out not too long ago.

"--Might you have one yourself?" His toothy smile emerged from his dark brown face.

@Halcyon(( No problem ))

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It wasn't what she should have been doing, but she needed to eat. Eliza sat against a brick wall with a tin cup in front of her. What little money she was able to take with her when she was kicked out was stolen from her while she slept. Father always stopped at gave whatever he could. Why can't these people be as generous? She thought. A man in a black business suit dropped a five in and looked down at Eliza expectantly. "Thank you sir." She said. "How old are you?" He asked, offering a hand. She didn't take it. "14."

"A girl your age shouldn't be living on the streets. What if I gave you a way off?" He asked, smiling. "No thanks. I don't want what your asking for." Eliza said, looking for a police officer. They usually were around at all times, but she guessed they were on lunch.

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