New Sins [Inactive]

Watching her Zeen smiled," ey,chill a need to get all stiff and tense." He chuckled following her into the meeting place. Looking around the place he sighed not seeing anything really comfy looking to sleep on,but he did notice the others in the room. Turning back to Tora he asked," what do I do?....." Not sure where to go from here.
Tora turned to face Zeen, and just had to smile a bit. "For now, you just. . .do whatever I guess." She said. "I think, or rather hope, we're still waiting for another pair or two." She preferred to just stand in the corner in situations like that.
Seven minutes wasn't long and Persuilla was sure that she would be used to this by then. In fact she promised herself that she would be. Feeling a little better, she pulled a Nerds Rope from her pocket and bite down. The portal was neat looking and she couldn't help but watch as it disappeared behind them. What comments? She wondered. Then she knew. The minute they had stepped through, Vincent was assaulted with verbal attacks. She was tempted to throw something at them, but he had told her to ignore them as so she did. It was a little hard though, when they insulted her. But Vincent took care of it, threatening them and as they carried on she curled her fingers in his fur. "Hey, thanks. That was pretty cool of you." She called. She grinned like an idiot, candy dangling precariously from her pointed teeth.
" do whatever....hmmm...." Looking around he walked off a bit and looked down,looking back to Tora he smiled." Ya think you can change into your tiger form thingy?" He asked not really sure what she'd call it.
"Thank you." Vincent replied grateful for the completement, it felt good to be praised. And the grip that Persuilla had on his fur was less for hanging on then it was earlier, showing that she trusted him. Soon they reached the meeting hall and positioned himself for her to slide easily off. "This is the meeting hall." Once she was off Vincent returned to human form and pushed open the doors leading the way in. Once inside he saw that there were already several sins and familiars in the room. He spotted eight people in The room besides he, himself and his sin. So it seemed they were waiting on two more pairs. Nodding a quick greeting to the others he gave a quick introduction. "Greetings." He gave a small bow. "For those who do not know my name is Vincent Kilen. And to everyone, this is my sin Persuilla or Gluttony." He said the words boldly not the slightest bit in anyway ashamed that his sin was often seen as weaker then the others. In fact there was pride in his voice challanging any to speak against her. But still with enough lightness to the tone that it wasn't really hostile.
"Sure." Tora said. "I'm the familiar after all." Bending down, fur began to cover her body, and wings sprouted from her back. Her body changed shape, and her bright eyes looked more black.

"There you go." She said, looking back over at Zeen. In this form, she didn't have to open her mouth when she spoke, and her voice sounded more like a thought rather than someone acctually speaking. "So, why did you want me to do this?"

When she noticed another pair come in, she was relieved, but then realised that she had forgotten to introduce herself and Zeen when she had come in.

Sighing, she decided she'd better do that before other demons came to yell at her for forgetting and being incompitent. "I know I forgot to do this earlier, but I'm Tora Tsume, and this is my sin, Zeen, or Sloth." She said, then she turned back to Zeen.
Persuilla stayed behind Vincent as the walked into the meeting room, intent on observing quietly. After had introduced them, she poked her head from behind his back munching happily on her second Rope. The glare on her glasses made it impossible to see her rapidly moving eyes as they tried to take in every little bit of the room and the people in it. "Say, Vincent. You lived here didn't cha? That's pretty neat. Do you guys get your own houses an' stuff?" Suddenly she stopped and gasped. "Do you have different food here?!?!" If one looked hard enough, they could practically see the steam pluming from her nose. She turned and waved a hello to the pair. "Hello there Tora and Zeen. Nice to meet cha."
Seeing the new pair Zeen simply waved,"yo." Is all he said before turning back to Tora. He really didn't care about being announced or what ever,though he had to admit the new pair seemed nice. Seeing Tora changed he quickly ran over and started pushing her over to a clear spot."" He said still trying to push her.
Vincent gave a small smile. "I don't know in specific but I believe everyone has their one houses, I know I do. And yes we have different food here. After the meeting if you'd like I will show you my house and even make something for you to eat." He told Persuilla she certainly seemed quite excited now that they were here. And as soon as the last two groups got here so they could get the meeting down with he'd be more than happy to show her some other places.
"Really? Ya mean it?! Yahoo!" Persuilla was practically jumping for joy. She'd get to try new food and see a place! Despite the odd morning, this was turning out to be a really cool day for her. The in a split second she was on the ground cross-legged and unpacking the backpack. "Speaking of food..." She muttered, opening a bag of chips and popping them into her mouth as she continued riffling through the pack. "Ooh, hot, hot , hot!" She stuck her tongue out and fanned it holding the bag up to eye level. It was a bag of jalapeño flavored chips. Instead of putting them back, she upended the entire contents of the bag into her mouth and crunched down. "Tasty!"
Luke nodded in response to Karoku's words. "You're not an idiot," the redhead told his Sin firmly, almost glaring at him. Then his eyes softened and he nodded again. "Right, Karoku... I guess that'll take some getting used to..." He looked over and watched as two more pairs came in, and Vincent announced himself and his Sin, followed by a belated announcement from Tora. He raised his hand in a small wave. "Hi. You might not know me, so I guess I'll do this again." He then mumbled something under his breath about probably having to repeat himself again later once the last pairs arrived... "I'm Luke. This is my Sin, Karoku, otherwise known as Envy. Nice to meet, or re-meet, you all."
"I'm goin'! I'm goin'!" Tora said, as Zeen attempted to push her along. When she got over to the spot, she sighed. "Why's it so important I'm over here?"

Her feathery wings were tucked up, and she was giving as much of a wondering look that a tiger really could. No one just shoves a familiar around, literally, for fun. . .right?

She blinked a few times, before hearing someone else introduce themselves, again appearently. But, then she turned all of her attention back to Zeen.
"To each his own I guess..." Karoku replied, rubbing the back of his head... He also looked and listened to all of the new people who had shown up just moments prior, and he was actually looking forward to getting to know fellow Sins... After all, they were in almost the same kind of situation as he was.

This also make Karo realize how much he still wanted to learn about Luke. As it stands now, it would appear he would be spending a lot of time with the red head, not that he minded all that much.

"Y.. Yes, hi..." Karo said shyly, in introduction.

I wonder if confidence is a part of becoming this whole demon thing... I sure hope so.. Karoku thought to himself as he bit the corner of his lip...
"Of course." Vincent assured Persuilla as he watched her munching down snacks happily. It was quite amusing to watch and it was certainly nice to see her so happy. And he gave a proper greeting to the Envy demon and his familiar. "Hello, have you been here a long time? I hope not while we weren't the last ones to arrive I feel like if we took a long time to get here the others might."
Hearing someone else introduce themselves again it seemed he looked to them,"ya know.....wouldn't it be a lot easier if ya just waited till everyone was here...then introduce yourself so ya only gotta do it once...right?..." He said once again very bluntly,then feeling Tora move he fell over onto the floor losing his balance. Looking up to where she moved he smiled." Perfect!" Hopping up he ran over to her," now....." Then he pushed down on her back." Lay....." He said trying to get her to lay down.
With a sigh, Tora laid down. Her tail swayed back and forth behind her, and her wings adgusted themselves. She set her head on her paws, and waited to find out why she was being told to transform, move, and now lay down.
Luke shook his head in response, looking Vincent up and down. The canine familiar made the redhead nervous; he didn't like dogs very much, mostly because dogs didn't like him. He rubbed absently at a scar on his arm (hidden under his shirt) that he'd gotten when one particularly violent dog demon had bit him, shuddering slightly at the memory. Luke kind of hoped that it would appear as a nervous gesture since there were quite a few people here now, and he wasn't exactly known to be very good at being around people. He didn't want Vincent to be insulted that Luke was comparing him to some childhood bully. "No, we only got here a few minutes ago, just after Jordan and Greed, and they were the first ones here, yeah?"
Zeen raised his hands up in victory when she laid down and smiled,then walking over to her tail he faced away from her and fell backwards onto her laying across her whole body. He sighed happily as he relaxed,"hmm.....20% better then my couch~" he said happily as he got comfy. He was going to sleep....
'Okay, so appearently I'm being used as a bed. Though, it's not the worst thing I've been through. . .acctually it's not half bad. It's kind of. . .warm under him.'

Tora thought, and closed her eyes.

She guessed she would take a nap too, since she didn't wish to mingle. Trying to keep her wings still, she finally decided being a familiar wasn't all bad all the time. Though, it so far had more down sides than up sides, she was going to stop hating her life. . .or at least try to.

Who knew what was going to happen next. . .
Zeen laid comfily on Tora,making sure his hat wasn't falling off he sighed. Tora was so fluffy and comfy,though he couldn't sleep with the others here since they were too noisy and the echoing in this room was terrible. It was worse then Tora breaking his door,but just laying there was enough for him. He just listened to the others talking and tried to figure out about them as he watched them,like a complex puzzle he could solve.
Mal sat there, off in her own world. 'Who's our boss? Why me? What time is it? I wonder where I can buy a new wardrobe around here? Are we gonna be living here now? What do we even do as sins? If curiosity was a sin I would've gotten that wouldn't I have?' She thought, looking around at her fellow sins and their familiars.
Tora attempted to block out everyone else in the room, and curled her tail around herself. She was content with just laying around, this acctually beat standing in the corner, and looking like she hated her life. But, if the last people took to long to get there, she might get bored if she didn't fall asleep first.
Continuing to watch the others Zeen rolled over onto his stomach,feeling Tora's soft fur against his chest he sighed happily burying his face in her fur." So fluffy~" he chuckled,then looking up at her he smiled."Ey...." Zeen poked Tora in the nose," ey.....ey.....ey....." He continued doing it till he got an answer from her.
"Vixen." The Sin repeated blankly. "Of course." His Familiar wasn't the best at hiding emotions, Cethin was sure of that. One day, he's teach her how to appear fearsome. Or plain maniacal. They both drove people away. It seemed to him as though there were two conflicting yet oddly in sync beings with the one shell that made up his Familiar. He'd loved to have asked more. Too bad he didn't care. Whoops.

"Hell. Great. I'm already going there anyways. Must we go any earlier?" It was a theoretical question, no need for an answer. But, he supposed demons relished the place. Or did they hate it? It was their cage, after all. The thought of a shower sold the deal; he wasn't going to meet any of the other Sins looking like a bloodied (albeit hot) mess. Lasarra could scrub him clean, brush his hair, choose his clothes, let him poke needles into her...

"Tell me, dog. Are any of the other demons as godly as I?" Demons. Godly. Irony. hahahahaha.
Tora opened her eyes, and looked up at Zeen. "Yes?" She asked. "What is it? I thought you were going to nap." She lifted her head up and off of her paws.

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