New Sins [Inactive]

"I've been thinking of that ad." Dean began as Jordan questioned him. "What if we can do something like that? Make . . .something that we could market, put out an ad that makes people think they gotta have it. Or gotta go there. Think we could start a casino certainly a lot of greed stock piled in those places." He rambled on about ads and casinos as he swept up his cards and stuck them back into his pocket, so that he could eat without worrying about getting them dirty.

Blood waved a hand as to say 'too easy'. "Of course we've heard of Skeletor."

Bone held up his notepad. Skeletor is a fictional character and the primary antagonist of the Masters of the Universe Franchise. He is the archenemy of He-Man.

Give us something hard." Blood prodded.
Zeen laughed." Not the person Skeletor....the game." He explained." Of course the person would be easy to know....course with now a days kids I bet they'd never heard of most old shows...." He sighed knowing all too well how dumb kids could be now.
"Um okay, sure." Jordan shrugged. Not like she had any ideas anyways, so she would just go along with whatever he said. The advertisements seemed like a good idea, and not too difficult. They would just have to think of a good sales pitch. A casino, of course, would be a perfect place to go to find greed already instilled in the human world. "Whatever you like," she said nonchalantly.
She was happy that she needn't be embarrassed. It was good to know she could be comfortable around her familiar. She nodded.

"I'd like to head out now. But we should definitely pick up a few snacks on the way to your flat." She held up the now half empty backpack, distraught. She kept one hand on his sleeve, the other shaking the bag lacking the one thing that brought her joy. That's when a question popped up. "How am I supposed to spread gluttony?"

(OOC: Gomen, I have been suffering from writers block)

Naria nodded at every detail that Ren said, soon standing silently as she watched him think. She could only hope that he was not at all considering living where she did. In truth, the only thing closest to a home that she got was the one she left a long time ago. And she had no interest in getting back to live there, no matter how big and luxurious it was and seemed. After all, it belonged to her father, who went to the human realm a long time ago in search of her human mother. She couldn't help but think just what had happened to that house while she was gone. And it was a long time all right.

Ren's words separated her from her thoughts. She already mentally agreed with Ren's idea of her living with him at his place, but she knew the next thing that was coming. And she had nothing to do but do as he said so.
"My residence is not so far from here," Naria said. She gazed at the hall's doors, with the thought of a few of the head demons inside. Soon, Ren would have to make his choice and tell Blood or Bone. Looking back at Ren, she spoke, "We may take our temporary leave after informing one of the heads."
'Hmmm... If it's lust?' The sin sat thinking where to go first, "ah!" She pulled out a coin, "heads NYC tails Las Vegas!" The coin flipped many times in mid air...
"Oh . . . " Blood said seeming a little stumped.

Bone held up a note: I told you we should have spent less time on tv and more on other things.

Blood shrugged. "We investigated other stuff. Maybe not as much as we could have, but I like tv." He said smiling. "Guess we still have a lot to learn. So what is this Skeletor the game?" He asked turning back to Zeen.

Dean sat quietly eating for a while before speaking again. "You're not very talkitive are you?" He said pausing moving the last of the food on his plate around to focus all his attention on Jordan. "It'll take a while to get plans, and a place, and all that crud so let's do something fun tonight. We should go to a casino ourselves, kind of a night to get a feel for the business." He said standing up a bit of an excited smile appearing on his face.

((It's fine.))

"Of course." Vincent said nodding. "Let's go then." The with that he began to lead the way out and to the nearest store they could get food at. But when Persuilla asked how she was supposed to spread gluttony he stopped briefly looking at her before resuming walking. "I'm unsure. Maybe by simply encouraging stinginess of food . . . ?" He said unsurely placing a hand thoughtfully on his chin.
Jordan shrugged. No, she wasn't really that talkative. She was more used to just getting things done with minimal excess conversation. Though this job was unlike any of her previous ones. And now a casino... Jordan shrugged again. "Fair enough." She didn't know much about gambling or casinos, but she assumed Dean knew quite a bit about them. "Where would you like to go? We should be able to travel there quickly."
Zeen stared at the two as they spoke," what!? Neither of you know what the game Skeletor is?" He chuckled." Its an American game that I played at a camp a while ago,I figured it would be one demons would love... "then he began to explain the game." To play you need a lot of people and a whole bunch of these plastic balls or anything similar,and you spread the balls out along this path through the woods or forest or somewhere with a lot of cover, then one group at a time that's playing the game usually start in the middle of the woods at this big bag of the balls.... the object of the game is to grab the big bag and all the other balls along the way and keep them till they get out of the woods. The trick part was only girls can hold the balls,the boys had to defend the girls.." he smiled." This is where Skeletor comes it. As the team will go and get the balls and follow the path theirs one man,usually a strong big guy with a mask on, who would come and try to touch one of the girls. If he touches one they have to let go of all the balls they have and they can't be picked up again,its the boys job to keep 'skeletor' away from the girls and get him down on the ground. Once he's down on the ground he has to leave for a bit then is aloud to come back...course we weren't aloud to like tackle the guy or anything...just block him and push,but the group that came back with the most balls left won....make sense?" He asked with a tilt of his head knowing he wasn't one to be good at explaining things.

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"Can we go, anywhere? Like even some place not close by?" Dean asked thinking that Las Vegas it's self would be nice he'd never actually made it there yet, but if they could it would be the perfect chance.

Blood and Bone both listened quite intently as zeen explained. "I think we've got it." Blood said when Zeen had finished. "Quite interesting and it sounds fun, maybe a little docile for most around here. But then again most things are." Blood changed his voice as if he were immitating someone. "No fun unless someone dies or at least gets maimed." Then we went back to using his normal voice. "Not so much fun when they're the one being killed/maimed, though."
"Sure," Jordan nodded. "I'll just find us a portal, and I can help us travel fast. My other form happens to be a horse, so...yeah, it shouldn't be a problem." Jordan rose from the table to clear away the dishes. She would never admit it, but she was slightly curious about these casinos Dean seemed to find so interesting.
"Awesome. We're hit'n Las Vegas tonight then!" Dean smiled getting up as well, he was excited to head out and do some gambling. He waited by the door while Jordan dealt with the dishes. He wasn't exactly the tidiest person not to mention that he couldn't wait to go. The sooner they got there the sooner and longer he could gamble.
Zeen had noticed the change in his voice and stared at him confused," I'm guessing someone important ordered that..." He figured since even big dudes like Bone and Blood listen to it." And the fact that they would order something like that would mean they haven't been the one killed or I'm guessing their pretty strong too..." He huffed,he had a feeling he knew who this person was too.
Jordan finished washing the dishes, noticing Dean was standing by the door. Just like an impatient little child, she thought to herself and internally sighed. "Alright, I'm coming..." Jordan opened the door for them to exit. "You said Las Vegas, right?" Jordan wasn't too fond of switching into her other form for whatever reason, but she did appreciate the ability. It would save them a lot of time, she figured as she transformed into a large black horse. If it was storming, she could easily channel that energy through her body, but for now she was simply a powerful, dark horse. "Hop on," she said simply.
"Mm, yeah." Blood agreed with the entirety of Zeen's words.

Bone held up his pad. Strong as the full big group was. We challenged 'im once.

Blood nodded. "Bloody lucky we came out as good as we did. Only down one, there used to be six of us big chaps. But our youngest brother died." It seemed like there should be more but Blood just ended there, before shrugging. "No use in crying over spilt blood I s'ppose. S'just the way things are."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, Las Vegas." He said. When Jordan transformed into a large horse who's muscles rippled under a sleek black hide. After having a little trouble mounting, Dean sat a top the large equine. He grabbed the end on Jordan's mane in his fist remembering from one of the many fairly random books he owned that it wouldn't hurt if he held here. "Alright." He said signaling to Jordan that he was on properly and ready to go when she was.
Zeen chuckled," I know how it feels to lose a brother...and the feeling of just getting over it." He had grabbed the sides of his hat and pulled it down a bit more then it already was." And I wouldn't mind having a chat with this strong dude, sounds like he needs a talkin to." Zeen huffed puffed his cheeks out a little.".........where do demons go when they die????" He asked out of the blue never knowing they could die till now.

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Horse Jordan nodded and let a small smile ease onto her face as she started cantering at a moderate pace. After a few moments, she assumed that Dean would be okay if they went faster...he could get used to this quickly, right? she reasoned. "Hang on," Jordan warned before tearing across the dark and empty land. "We'll be reaching a portal soon, and it should land us right outside of Vegas." Soon enough, Jordan saw the portal ahead and raced through it. Once they landed on the other side, she switched back into her human form and looked at Dean. "So what now, boss?" she asked with a slight smile.

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