New Sins [Inactive]

Luke shrugged. "Whatever you wanna do is fine with me. We can stay here or go back to the mortal world, though you might not fit in there much longer, so you may have to come live in the demon realm eventually. I don't know for sure, of course, but a lot of the Sins' appearances have been changing, becoming more demonic, so yours might too. If that happened, you'd either have to find a way to hide yourself or throw away the home given to you." He glanced at Karoku before looking away once more. "I'm not trying to dictate your decision, I'm just trying to help you make a decision based on information we have. There is still a possibility that you will maintain your human appearance, so these may not be concerns that you will need to worry about. Either way, it's still up to you where you wanna live."
She'd noticed Bone's stare, and bristled, not sure what the meaning of it was. Vixen wasn't stupid enough to challenge Bone, but she didn't much like the way he was looking at her sin. Vixen stood, purposely placing herself between Wrath, and Bone, and shot him a quick glare. She uttered her deep laugh/growl. "I believe that would be frowned upon, Milord. Alas, he is another Sin, and I believe that would be frowned upon... Ahh, technicalities. If it is your desire, I live only to help you fulfill it." She laughed again, forming a mental picture of the boy. She had nothing against the new Pride, but anyone looked funny with their tongue ripped out. She glanced again at Wrath as they exited the room. "Where would you like to stay, Milord?"
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Persuilla had stayed absolutely silent through the whole ordeal, only raising an eyebrow when they were told they would have to spread sins. How was she supposed to do that? Then the topic of living arrangements came up. She had no desire to return to the church, with all its pesky visitors. So that left living in her own flat or with Vincent. The thought of having to live alone in this new world seemed rather daunting and Vincent had said that he was supposed to protect her and the like. She stepped up and tugged on his sleeve slightly. Her face was flushed in embarrassment and she couldn't look straight at him. This was definitely the most awkward thing she had ever done. "Um...would it be alright....if I, stayedwithyou?!" The last bit came out rushed and she squeezed her eyes closed, fingers crossed.
"I was just kidding. Slicing a tongue takes a lot of effort." The Wrath Sin explained with a bright laugh. That wicked smile almost never left his face. After fixing his sleeve, he looked up to see a pale demon - the big deal kind - staring at him. Legit staring. How rude. Cethin mused, his grin growing even wider. He got up from his place, noticing that his Familiar had moved in the meantime.

"Where to live? I have a choice between hell or earth, huh? Not much of a choice. They're both the same." The demon was still staring at him.
Blood or Bone? Which one? The Sin returned the demon's gaze but his eyes held mischief, contrasting with the demon's more dull one. In a fluid motion, Cethin made a jack-in-the-box motion parallel to his head, flipping the other off. With his grin still on, he turned to his Familiar. "Hell it is."
Vixen laughed. "You'd be surprised what I can accomplish with teeth like these." She turned to face Wrath, and cocked her head to one side. "Hell, it is. I beg your pardon, but my home is rather untidy as of late. The bed is rather comfortable, though, and you're welcome to it, of course, my Liege." Watching Wrath's exchange with the demon, she laughed once more. Then, she turned, and quickly caught Blood's glance, nodding to indicate that they would be staying in Hell. Turning around, she knelt, waiting for Wrath to climb onto her back.
Wrath grimaced. If there was one thing he despised, it was messy homes. It was a home, not a pig's sty, after all. But Cethin was confident he could get Vixen to tidy up before he set a step in. So, he gave a small nod and climbed onto her wolf form. His hands enveloped the soft fur tightly. Falling off would be embarrassing.

"So, is that all to our purpose? To be evil villains no one wants?" He wondered aloud, not really expecting an answer.
Vixen responded, though the question sounded more rhetorical, than not. "Oh, we're wanted plenty! Well, you are," she amended. "Wrath is one of the most important sins on earth. The others have their uses, of course. But behind nearly all of the other sins, you're at least partially to blame. You're practically a hero in Hell." Feeling him adjust his grip, she took off toward her home. When last she'd stayed at home, the pup had caught her dozing, and had taken control of the vessel they shared, undoing her work at keeping it clean. She sighed, wishing she'd had something better to bring her Sin home to. While running toward her home, her stomach suddenly rumbled. She suddenly remembered she hadn't eaten this morning, and resolved to find something (or someone) to eat, once she'd made sure Wrath was comfortable.
Tora nodded, "Sure I've got a place." She said. "It's kind of small, but comfortable enough I guess. Although, it's not very clean. I don't tidy up often."

She sighed a bit, before rubbing it off. "But, are you planning on staying here or something?" She asked. "Or, are you still trying to make up your mind?"

Stretching her wings, she awaited an answer. She'd had her wings in about the same position for a while, so it was nice to stretch them out.
"Well... You have a valid point... But there are still some things I wanna take care of there..." Karo said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.. He had hoped that such a decision wouldn't bother Luke too much, as he didn't want to be like a burden. Besides, he always had pinkish red eyes due to his condition, so at least that much was explainable to the humans, as well as his family.

Karoku would have to unfortunately call Ichirou when he got back, in order to even ask anything. Sure his father kept some contact here and there with a phone call on his birthday or a fruit basket for when he felt worse... However those things stopped when they knew his medical condition wasn't going to get better.

Karoku was seven when he suddenly got his last call from his father, telling him about how his mother was pregnant with Ichirou.



Luke nodded. "Alright. You can always get a flat here later if you need to." The redhead wasn't at all bothered with his master's decision. If he wanted to stay in the mortal world for a while (or forever, though that might not be the best idea), it was his own choice. Luke just figured he'd make sure it was really what Karoku wanted to do. Turning towards Blood, he said, "Envy wishes to take residence in the mortal realm for the time being." With that, he began to lead his Sin out of the hall and towards the portal.
"Actually having my own house here sounds good,then I'll have a place here and in the human world which would be nice." He smiled,he scooted over in his chair to the big dudes and poked one of them to get his attention.He tried remembering his name,Blood was it? Well his hair and eyes were red so it should be easy to remember it,"ey....." He said making sure he got the dude's attention.
"Dog, will you try to keep those rumbles to yourself? At least while I'm on your back." The Wrath Sin remarked, yet his tone was light. It was often hard to pinpoint his emotion to just one. Thinking back to the meeting, he felt disappointed. Cethin hadn't the chance to anger another Sin, to battle one. How else was he supposed to have fun? As a human child, Cethin had always dreamed of fighting a demon whilst the other cute children swung on the playgrounds. Not to say Cethin wasn't a cute little boy. But happiness only occurred when he was pulling a girl's braids or pushing a boy off or burning an ant. Sadistic young boys, best young boys.
Vixen gave a quick nod of acknowledgement to her master. They ran for miles, through the main cities inhabited by the demos, toward the outskirts of the city. Finally stopping outside of one home, set apart from the others. Vixen laid down, allowing her Sin to dismount. Conversing with the human spirit, Lasarra, within herself, she demanded she take over for the time being, and clean up the mess the pup had made earlier. Vixen spoke a quick farewell to her sin, relinquishing control of the body to Lasarra.

"Well, hello, again!" She chirped, turning to open the door. "Let me make sure everything's in order for you, Milord." She quickly ran about the house, cleaning up. The house wasn't very messy, but by Vixen's standards, it was atrocious. Lasarra sighed as she cleaned, wishing the beast spirit could be a bit more friendly. I wouldn't mind cleaning up at all, if she'd just ask, Lasarra thought with frustration. After just a few minutes of cleaning up, the house had been restored to it's previously spotless condition, with everything in its proper place. Lasarra offered a quick bow to her Sin, and invited him inside. "It's not much.. But, it's home! Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?" Without waiting for a response, she ran into the kitchen, and began preparing a meal. He must be famished!
Bone didn't react to Vixen sitting in between himand Warth, nor to the sin's gesture simply continuing his stare. Blood nodded back at Vixen before prodding the pale demon next to him and saying something. Finally Bone removed his gaze from the sin, going to look at nothing in particular.

Vincent dipped his head down as his sleeve was pulled on, and Persuilla asked if she could stay with him. "Yes, my sin. You are more then welcome to stay with me. You never need to be embarrassed to ask anything of me, Persuilla. I live to serve you." He said noting her red cheecks, and after informing Blood Vincent returned to Persuilla. "Would you like to leave now?"

Blood also motioned to Luke that he understood, quickly writing that down. When he was poked he seemed a little stunned before turning to look at who'd poked him. "Ah, Sloth have you made your decision of where you'll be living?"
Zeen stared at him for a moment before pointing to himself," Zeen......" Once again not liking being called anything other then his name. What was with these people,they were worse at remembering names then he was." I wanted to know,we can keep our house in the human world even if we get a house here,right?...." He asked curiously wondering if that was aloud.
Blood chuckled a bit at Zeen's insistence to be called by his name. "Okay then, Zeen. Yes, you can keep your flat in the mortal world even if ya get one here. In fact if I remember correctly that's what most of the sins last time did. Right Bone?" Bone nodded as Blood addressed him. "But I'm getting off track. Is this what you wish to do?"
Zeen looked very happy when he was addressed by his name,and even move cheerful when he was told he could keep his place in the human world." Yes~" he answered smiling," couch....hmmm...." He had to decide where he'd put his couch though. Here or there?..... Oh he hated decisions," ey,is there like.....a demon that can duplicate things or something?" He asked wondering,if there was he'd have two comfy couches! His smile grew at just the thought.
Cethin smiled at Lassara's bustling and anxiety; she took the Sin-Familiar stuff seriously. More-so than the demon himself, at least. At least his cute little minion was interesting. So, one is the yin and the other yang? That suited the Wrath Sin fine, especially as he tended to get bored of others quickly. And when Wrath got bored...

Slowly, Cethin followed after his Familiar. He'd wanted to decline the offer of food; it disgusted him, quite frankly, but she'd already disappeared. The house was clean but the Sin spotted a few red decorations here and there. A burgundy couch, a splash of red in a painting. Cethin had a complicated relationship with red. It was the colour his mother had worn when she'd slept around. It was the colour that the Sin often saw the world in. It was the colour that emerged from humans. It depressed, angered, joyed and enlightened him. Brought out too many emotions, a colour wasn't supposed to have that power. He entered the kitchen with the thought clear in his mind.

"Get rid of all the red stuff, okay?"
Karoku nodded and then followed Luke out of the meeting hall.

"So... When we get back to the mortal realm I think I should go back to the hospital and tell them that I'm okay... Then from there I can probably get a hold of... My brother..." Karo said, saying the "My brother" part a bit sourly. Even Karoku could be a bit angry and conniving at times, though it's out of character for him.

Maybe now that he was a Sinful Demon, things would be easier for him. Already Karoku could stand and walk on his own, so maybe he would begin to gain more intelligence too...
Lasarra hesitated at the odd request. "Umm... Yeah. Sure thing..." She pretended to understand the request, but after a moment, added, "....all of it?"
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"You want your couch duplicated." Blood murmmered thoughtfully. "What think you, Bone?" Not hesitating a moment Bone pulled out a pen and a note pad writing something before holding it out to Blood. Taking the pad Blood nodded. "We can do it but your duplicate will take a day to complete." He said handing Bone's note pad back and writing down Zeen's requests.
Jordan adjusted her glasses nervously. "Oh...yeah, I mean...I don't spend a lot of time here or anything, so I never really felt the need to have a lot," she responded. Jordan wasn't used to having people over often, but she figured he would try her best to be hospitable for her new master. She quickly went into her room, grabbing some linens on the way and changed the sheets. Jordan already figured she would let Dean have her room and she would sleep in the living room. "You can have my room, and I'll sleep out here," she said as she re-entered the living room. Jordan folded her arms and looked to the side. She didn't know why having people over made her so nervous. "And well...I'm a protector and servant, but I'm not a housewife. I actually like cooking, so I'll make something for you if you want...but don't expect me to pick up after you all the time," Jordan mumbled, her attempt at being strict sounding pretty weak.
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Zeen watched as Bone handed Blood the note and such,he watched very curiously and when hearing it could be done he was way too happy for someone who just wanted another couch. Clapping his hands in excitement he raised them up in victory." Yay~" but then he scooted over a bit more to be in between the two,looking to Bone he asked very simply." can't talk or don't want to?..." He had fully noticed the note book deal and wondered since he had also noticed Bone hadn't said anything so far ether.
"It's cool we can fix the emptiness problem later." Dean simply skipped over speaking about the sleeping arrangements, it really didn't even occur to him to refuse the offer or anything. Even if it ha d he probably wouldn't have been able to make himself give back the room. "Something to eat would be nice, I'm kinda hungry. And I'll keep that last part in mind." Dean wasn't exactly a messy person he just had lot's of stuff, but he'd try to keep tidy for Jordan.

Bone cracked a small smile and wrote on his note pad, then held it up for Zeen to see. It had one word written out in neat hand writing: Can't.

"Your the first one to ask about my poor brother in seven thousand years. It's about time we got an inquisitive bloke again." Blood said. "I like you Zeen. Here take this and let me know if ya need anything I might could 'elp with." He held out cellphone to Zeen.
Looking at the note Bone showed him and smile." I see,not its obvious why your hand writing's so good." He chuckled." Oh,and I bet you amazing at charades!" He said excited,he REALLY liked that game especially when he was the guesser.

Turning to Blood when he spoke Zeen slightly looked confused at the words 'inquisitive' and 'bloke' having sworn he had heard those before but not really knowing what those meant,he figured they were good,right? Being handed a cellphone Zeen examined it," Alrighty." He smiled then remembered and spoke out loud more towards himself then the two." British?...." His head slightly tilted as he thought,he knew he heard the word Bloke before.

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