New Sins [Inactive]

"Well, they seem more full of themselves usually, get angry a lot, make threats. . .you know. . .a lot of different demons are like that. . ." Tora sighed. "They'll be on their way inside here, so just keep an eye out, and I guess we can see who passes by."

~Lord High and Mighty of all that is Awesome His Majesty the King, Ren Lero Subarashii~

"I guess you're right." Ren said. "I am really awesome, and probably shouldn't be talking to random passerbys like that." He wasn't going to stop, he loved the attention, but he had to admit that Naria was right.

When they stopped outside the meeting hall, Ren introduced himself to a flying tiger and a guy wearing a hat, as he walked inside.

~Hey look, Tora gets another turn!~

Tora shook her head, when some boy came by, introdicing himself as, Ren Lero Subarashii, the mighty slayer of bad days. Someone like that just made her shake her head, and she knew he wasn't a big guy. A big guy would have probably ignored her.
Continuing to look Zeen noticed Ren and smiled waving Hi,"ey buddy,so now that he's here the big dudes should be coming any minute.Right?" He said very happily. He could also tell that wasn't a big guy,but with the way he looked and then fact that he was here must have meant if he wasn't a big dude he was one of the Sin dudes like himself. Which that should add up to everyone by now,unless he miss counted.

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Naria entered right after Ren did. She silently stood by him as he introduced himself to a fellow demon and familiar. "Naria Heallor. It's nice to meet you," she stated to both of them. Sloth, she thought. It wasn't so hard to know which was which among the Sins, really. Or at least, when one was She noticed that there were a few memorable beings around too, like her sister and a few others who weren't that interesting, but enough to raise her curiosity.
"Yup." Tora answered. "All we have to do is wait now. Although, I've never been a patient girl."

When she heard another person introduce themselves, as Naria, she looked over, and nodded, to show she had heard them.

~Ren Lero Subarashii~

Ren looked around, at all the people, and then walked to wahat he assumed was the center of the room. With a big smile, he got ready to introduce himself, and that's when he relised his headache was back.

"Man right as things were getting really fun. What should I do now though? Tell someone? Or, just ignore it? Just ignore it, nothing super bad can be happening to such a cool guy like me."

He thought.
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Zeen clapped happily." Sweet~" now all they had to so was wait and then big dudes would come straight to them,course now theyd be learning everything with the others like they were going to in the beginning but oh well. He had heard Maria as well and slightly bowed his head to her,he had to try and remember all these people but it was going to be a pain.

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Tora smiled, it sounded like Zeen was happy, although now all the sins were there, and there was really no point to the whole thing. But, it had been entertaining, so she was pleased.
Naria silently followed Ren towards what seemed to be the middle of the room, with no complaints or concerns. It seemed that Ren was about to introduce himself in front of everyone, just as he liked, but somehow stopped. The half-demon wasn't sure what to make of this, so she just gazed at him curiously. Maybe it's the changes, she thought, walking to an empty chair and dragging it towards Ren. "Do you wish to sit?," she asked, soon transforming into her small-cat form, and lounging beside him, on the floor. She liked that form of hers.
Ren rubbed his head, "Uh, sure." He said, sitting down. He didn't want to introduce himself with that headache, it was really cramping his awesome style. "I'll introduce myself later. I don't have all the stuff to make a proper introduction to everybody anyways."

He sat criss-cross, with his hands in his lap, he was leaning forward. A look of disappointment was on his face only temperarily, before his smile returned.

"So, you can turn into a cat, huh?" He asked. "I'm liking you more and more. At this rate I'm going to have to make you my apprintice. Although, you're already my familiar. . . Would apprintice be a step up or down from familiar?"
Naria nodded calmly with the small feline head of hers. New-found warmth was what she felt upon hearing what Ren was just saying. Admittedly, she felt a little elated. Perhaps, this whole thing wasn't bad after all. For her, an apprentice seemed to be higher than to be a familiar, but she had no intentions of being higher than what she should be, or was instructed to be. So, she just spoke, "I'm not sure, but I don't mind being either." She looked up with glowing scarlet-red eyes to her master, and asked curiously, "Are you fond of cats?"
Anee said:
Mal sat there, off in her own world. 'Who's our boss? Why me? What time is it? I wonder where I can buy a new wardrobe around here? Are we gonna be living here now? What do we even do as sins? If curiosity was a sin I would've gotten that wouldn't I have?' She thought, looking around at her fellow sins and their familiars.
Dina looked at her master, who seemed deep in thought. “Would you still like me to go find you something to eat?” she asked her, curious to what the woman was pondering so much about, but didn’t pry.

Then she turned her head when she noticed more sins entering. Among them was her sister, with the sin Pride coming with her, his demeanor shoved his Sin pretty obviously. Her gaze followed them, before she turned back to her master again.
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(I go to sleep and wake up to 4 pages.... I skimmed them, but I barely know whats going on so.... Bleh here you go;)

There was multiple things happening all at once and many voices blended together as everyone was in a conversation of some sort. Everything seemed to be going rather lively, making an exception of course for Sloth, who was taking it easy... Questions filled the snowy-haired boy's mind, though he didn't want to trouble Luke with asking anything.

What are we supposed to do as sins? Karo wondered silently, as he gazed across the room at the others with red doe-eyes.
Hiddencard said:
Dina looked at her master, who seemed deep in thought. “Would you still like me to go find you something to eat?” she asked her, curious to what the woman was pondering so much about, but didn’t pry.
Then she turned her head when she noticed more sins entering. Among them was her sister, with the sin Pride coming with her, his demeanor shoved his Sin pretty obviously. Her gaze followed them, before she turned back to her master again.
"Hm? No actually you're fine, Doll." Mal grinned at Dina, "But if you don't mind me asking, what exactly do we do as Sins? And why do we have familiars?" She began sitting up straight, cracking her fingers.
Mal had a really pretty smile, and she smiled back. “You will get more information when we are gathered, but I assume that your main job will be to manage the sin in the human world. I don’t know if there are other tasks for us first though,” she answered honestly.

The next question she definitely knew the answer to though. “I’m here to protect you, and serve you in any way you want, miss Malissa. I only exist to be your familiar,” she explained.
Luke watched silently as the last pairs came in. Now all that was left for them to do was wait until they were told what to do. Looking at Karoku, the redhead wondered if he was nervous. He looked like he was. "Mas--Karoku..." He murmured, just loud enough for his Sin to hear him. "I, um, don't know if you're really nervous or not, but if you are... Don't be. All of you Sins are on the same page right now... Us familiars, we're here to help you any way we can... So... If you're feeling nervous or upset or something... You're always welcome to tell me... or..." He averted his eyes, frowning slightly. "Should you ever need a... punching bag... whether it be verbal or physical..." He trailed off, shrugging. "Anyway, even though no one really knows for sure what's going on, I'm always here for anything you need," the familiar finished, rather lamely, as he ran a hand through long red hair. He'd probably got it completely wrong and just said all the wrong things and now his master was going to think he was an idiot and...
"Hm?" Ren tapped his chin with his finger. "I guess I'll have to proclaim you as both my familiar and apprintice, since I don't know which is better. . ."

When he heard the question, are you fond of cats, he laughed. "My second best friend is a cat I named Muffinz." He said. "I'll always hold first place in everything though. Although, I think cats are more fond of me, than I am of them. Strays come by all the time to chat with me."

"Cause, I'm awesome!" He rubbed his head.

"I'm the best. I'm so cool."

He sighed a pleased sigh, as she laid down.

"And, I can't wqit to get this job started. And, myself introduced."

Just thinking about all that extra attention made him want to jump up and introduce himself even though he had the headache. And, after introducing himself, he would have to brag and show everybody his fangs.

'They'll be so amazed and happy.'

He thought.
Dean nodded. "Yeah Jordan and I had practically just gotten here when you guys came in." He said confirming Luke's statement. Then looked back over at Jordan as she spoke. "I hope your right. All this waiting is getting boring." The swept his gaze across the gathered people again, several of them seemed like they'd be fun to play poker with sometime. And briefly he wondered if demons sat around playing poker on Saturday nights like he so often did, the mental image making him chuckle quietly.

Vincent nodded in a respectful manner when Wrath and Vixen came in. The challanging tone she used to introduce her sin was un-needed but well placed. It reminded him a bit of his introduction, of his own sin. When suddenly he felt the unmistakably oppresive aura of the high demons.

Walking through the halls and into the meeting room came five demons, the real big guys. They completely ignored everyone until they were seated comfortably at one of the long tables. The first one was a tall slender male. He had red hair and eyes with no whites just slit pupils, and he had a dark tan. He wore a T-shirt, torn jeans, and a name tag that said: Blood. Next to him was an equally tall and thin man. Though he had white hair And extremely pale skin. His eyes were hidden behind dark glasses and he was wearing a black trench coat on which was pinned a name tag that said: Bone. The middle was a huge draconic looking creature covered in shimmering golden scales, it also had big rams horns and leathery wings. In front of it sat a name plate that said: Bellathrin. The forth was a very small green goblin looking creature with a disapproving scowl on it's face. It was sitting a top a name plate reading: Skarvil. And the last looking oddly normal, something like a tv show host with dark slicked back hair and a winning smile. He was wearing a business suit with a name tag clipped on it that said: Head of news Calvin.

"Why, hello there everybody nice to meet you all. My name is Calvin and this is Skarvil, Bellathrin, Bone, and Blood as I'm sure you can see." The Last demon said motioning to each demon and name tag/plate in turn. "If everyone is ready and listening, we'll begin explainations. Please take a moment to rerun through introductions to make sure you've all be properly introduced."
"Oh, there they go." Tora said, walking back into the meeting hall. "Now, we can listen to them explain." She kept her voice low, and laid down. She was ready for some answers, and she was sure Zeen was too.
Seeing the five big guys aproach the meeting room Zeen got excited and just as they passed them he had hopped down from Tora before she had done anything and went after them,not waiting for her to follow. Though had kept distance he looked at each of the guys as if scanning them, then he quickly took a seat before the big guys did and got ready for the info he needed to know. He smiled looking very happy that they finally got to know what was going on,and what was going to happen.
Vixen nodded a quick bow to each of the demons in turn, as they entered. She had worked with each of them before, and knew her place in the demon world. While being the familiar of Wrath was a prestigious position, Vixen was definitely inferior to each of the beings that just entered the room. She lay her head on her paws, waiting for the proceedings to start.
Karoku looked over at Luke as he spoke, happy to know that his familiar was there for him, but also sad to know that some Sin's treated their familiars like a punching bag...

"Thank you for reminding me Luke..." Karoku started as he looked down at his hands, realizing that they were shaking this whole time. So he really was nervous after all.

"I guess I am nervous.." He said with a chuckle as he began running his shaking fingers through Luke's red hair, taking deep breaths as he did.

"I'll be okay since I have such an amazing familiar." Karo said with a smile, still playing with the long red hair.

I bet my familiar is the best one here... He thought happily and obliviously to the bigger situation.


It took Karoku a moment to realize that there were five large and mysterious demons in the room. He gulped and grabbed onto Luke's arm as he listened to them speak and introduce themselves.

"They're scary..." Karo murmured into Luke's ear... Is this what he would become? Karoku wasn't sure if he would want that kind of life and to look that scary...
Tora sighed, and laid down. She acctually didn't really want to look at the big guys, but she was definetly still listening. Closing her eyes, she exhaled, irritatedly, and tried to refrain from getting to mad at the head demons.


"Hey, wait just a moment." Ren said, sitting back up. "Why'd they get a bigger entrence than me? I'm the awesome one here! This is an outrage!"

He crossed his arms, and glared at the demons with name tags. "So, they have name tags. . .who cares?" He asked. "And, that guy on the end is the least cool looking! He got the biggest introduction of all!"

Standing up, he wrinkled his nose. "I excpect to be shown more respect around here after this." He announced. "My name is Ren Lero Suberashii, and you all better not forget it!"

With that, he turned away, and huffed irritatedly. "I am not going to stand for this kind of insolence." He then turned to face Naria. "Familiar apprintice! Throw them in the dungeon!" He pointed at the demons he was complaining about, as he said the last bit.
Mal had decided just walking in would be a better and less...degrading way of going in.

"Malissa. Call me Mal, I assume you know where I'll be staying since you guys brought us here, visit me sometime~!" She said with a wink, taking an empty seat nearby the self proclaimed awesome one.
Persuilla paused in her munching and swallowed. The big guys looked like a bunch of eccentric LARPers to her, but she didn't want to judge them to quickly. She packed away her food and placed the pack in a safe place against the wall. She returned to Vincent's side and cleared her throat.

"My name is Persuilla." She introduced herself quietly, not adding anything extra like the two before her.
Vixen lifted her head, and turned to watch the one called Ren make his introduction. She laughed, which came out as more of a low growl, than anything else. So, that one was Pride. She was surprised. Usually they made a bit of a bigger entrance than this new one had. All the same, he'd managed to work his introduction in, and she'd found it amusing. She nodded slightly to each Sin in turn, as they introduced themselves, not particularly interested in any, save her own Sin.

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