New Sins [Inactive]

"I tri-ied......" He sighed lowering his head." To much noise....I wanted to know,do you know any of the other familiars?" He asked curiously since they were all given the task to find their masters maybe they knew one another, " and do you know anything that's going to happen after this.....meeting or whatever?..."
"I don't really know them personaly. We may have spoken once before. But, I was only told their names today I think." Tora answered. "And, I don't know what will happen afterward really. They told us familiars practicly nothing, which I find rude, since we're supposed to be protecting and serving and whatnot."
Zeen puffed his cheeks out disappointed, then after thinking a bit he smiled again." Ya think we can find out?...." It seemed none of the familiars would know this stuff but maybe those big dudes Tora was talking about earlier would tell him,besides waiting for people to come and not being able to sleep really sucked so he wanted something to do at least.
Lasarra halted. "Of course not, my Sin!" Lasarra was the familiar of Wrath. No matter the status of the other sins, none came close to her own. Well-respected? Well, it depended on the demon you spoke with. However, in the world of demons, there was no question that Wrath was a powerful Sin.

"Well, a lot of demons like Pride quite a bit. But, to my knowledge, you're the most feared. And yes, Vixen. She's your guardian!" Lasarra continued toward the portal. They were now in the alley they would need to access the portal through, and she knelt down to open it. "After you, your Sinliness!" She said, gesturing to the portal.
"I'm not sure how you plan we do that." Tora said. "But, we might as well try. I see no point in just doing nothing." She was a bit worried about how they were going to find anything out, but she was more curious. Usually curiousity didn't get the best of her, but in this case, she could just say it was on Zeen's orders, and she wouldn't get punished. . .probably.
" ya got any idea where those big dudes are?" Not knowing much about this place,if Zeen were to lead they'd be lost in a heart beat. Besides Tora has seen and been with them before so she'd know at least more then he does.
Naria nodded silently and politely, curiously gazing at the boy's expression as of now. She expected no less from someone who was to be Pride. "That's right, master." She almost, nearly, hesitated, but it wasn't like she had any problems with calling him that. "I'm your familiar," the half-demon stated matter-of-factly, just like the next few words she gave out afterwards. "I'll lead the way," she stated without any further statements. If Pride had questions, she could answer them on the way.
Jordan noticed most of the others were here now. Dean didn't seem like he was the most social of people, but he wasn't being unpleasant or anything. To be honest, Jordan didn't know much of anything as far as the duties the Sins would have to perform. She doubted anyone here knew much of anything. It was an uncomfortable state to be in, but there was nothing to be done about it at this point. Jordan looked around the room, trying to make note of who was who, for she assumed they would all be seeing each other fairly frequently form now on. She noticed Tora and Sloth off to the side- they were easy enough to spot. Though when she looked back, she didn't see them anymore. Lust was pretty, but Jordan expected no less from the infamous Sin. And her Familiar, Dina, seemed happy. Jordan had always found people like her rather peculiar- how could they live in a place like this yet be so unaffected? She sometimes felt a little jealous of such people. Jordan and Dean had already spoken with Envy and Luke, both of whom Jordan had decided seemed relatively nice and unthreatening so far. She noticed that Vincent had arrived with his master, Gluttony, who had candy hanging from her mouth. So cute, Jordan thought. Persuilla, of course. Not that Vincent wasn't, but... Jordan quickly averted her gaze and pulled at her hair again. "Ah...hopefully it won't take too much longer," she said to Dean, feeling pretty awkward but not knowing what else to say.
"Call me the Almighty. Lord of the New Worlds. Or Cethin works. But if you want to live, Lord, okay?" Wrath offered her a well rehearsed smile, bordering lunacy. Indeed, despite his torturous tendencies and innocent appearance, respect and fear was something he evoked from others around him. It was just the way he chose to present himself. As a heavenly demon who couldn't be reached by just anybody. Except his Familiar. But, that was the cruel twist of fate.

With flourish, the Sin entered the portal, having never travelled in one before. But, as a true Sin, he faced challenged head on. "Dog, I don't care much for being liked. Let them hate, as long they fear." He quoted a rendition of his favourite tragic poet. Because Wrath demons could totally enjoy beauty. Cethin was living proof of that.
Cirith nodded, "yes, milord." Following him through the portal, Vixen sensed they had entered her domain. In the human world, Lasarra held power. But in Hell...

Vixen ripped control of the vessel she inhabited from Lasarra, and landed with a heavy thud behind Cethin. The dire wolf was extremely large. Even bowed down on her front paws, her shoulders reached to just below the Sin's head. "Milord, if you would..." she gestured for him to climb onto her back. "We're running rather late, already. Climb on, and we should reach the meeting in time, after we've got you cleaned up." Vixen hated to sound so demanding, and under normal circumstances would not address her beloved Sin as such. However, they were running very late. The pup had seen to that, with her frolicking in the field. "Mind the tails," she said, as she beckoned Cethin to climb aboard. Vixen was no ordinary dire wolf. She was a demon hybrid, naturally. Each of her tails, beneath the purple fur that coated them, was riddled with barbs, along its entire length. The barbs contained a very strong poison, that could kill even demons within just a few minutes.

Taking care to move her tails to the side, she once more gestured for Cethin to climb upon her back.
Tora shrugged as much as a tiger could, "I'm presuming there are some on their ways here." She said. "So, we should be able to find one pretty easily. But, I'm not sure if that's a good idea."


"Why'd you just call me master?" Ren asked, following the girl with cat ears. "You should call me High and mighty, awesome, kind, amazing, super, master of all, who everyone loves, Ren Lero Subarashii." He made sure to keep his cat ear hood up, and walked in an excited and childish, but proud manner. "Or, Ren Lero Subarashii, the great one. Or possibly, Lord High and Mighty of all that is Awesome His Majesty the King, Ren Lero Subarashii, oh how about The Super Amazing Spectacular One, Ren Lero Subarashii."

"No, I know the perfect one. Ren. That's what I want to be called, because that's awesome, awesome me." He said, large grin still there, even when asking questions.

"Also, what is this job even about?" He asked. "I only signed up to show off. And then, I grew these boss fangs! You wanna see 'em?"
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"Why....?" Zeen pouted wanting to do something and this was the most interesting thing he could think of,but now he can't do it? That really sucked,he wanted to know more about what was going on but the others were taking too long to get here.

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"Oh, because my excuse might not work, and they may do something to punish me." Tora answered, like it was obvious. "But, if you really want to, I'm curious, and have to follow your orders anyway, so I'm game if you're sure."

She just thought she might as well give Zeen a warning, but not start sounding like she's trying to boss him around. Plus, she was still curious, and if he backed her up if she got in trouble, it would probably be fine.
Naria silently listened to everything Pride was telling her. There was no denying that he was indeed, Pride. It was in his stance, his actions, his words, his everything. She wasn't sure if she would prefer him over the others, but this was where she was now. There was no going back. She nodded upon Ren's decision to be called Ren. It seemed... normal enough. "Not all details have been shared with us," Naria stated, walking and leading Ren through a secret way where she knew most mundanes wouldn't see them. "I'll be taking you to the higher ups, where we'll get details and instructions." And when Ren started talking about some fangs that he grew and if she wanted to see them, Naria blinked. "...Yes, please."
"Alright!" Zeen said happily," onward!" He said pointing forward to no where figuring Tora knew where to go,and already being on her he figured might as well take a ride instead of having to walk. Or maybe she could fly there,he thought that could be fun too.

" and no worries,I'm sure everything will be dandy" he smiled not knowing how these big dudes worked but didn't really care,he just wanted to find everything out.

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Aw, so there were different beings within one indeed. Cethin could say he despised this... Vixen one less. Much powerful. Many strength. It was a perfect match to his natural wrath. The Sin easily climbed on the wolf, dodging the aforementioned tails, quite enjoying the comfy seating. The Sin overlooked Vixen's frankness though he wasn't gentle while climbing on. He hated walking a lot; physical exertion was overrated, especially in hell. Humans did such things for fun. And they wondered why they died so easily. Hmmm.

Time to ride in style. "Let's go, wench."

(you can skip after he gets a shower/clothes since he'll take too long. may be even more vain than pride lmAO).
Tora stood up, and nodded. "Right." She said. "I'm trusting you." With that, she started toward the exit, with only a little hesitation. She needed to bump into one of those big guys, or maybe it would be better if she didn't.


Ren jumped in front of the girl, and stuck his face in hers, before smiling even wider, and pointing to his teeth. "See?" He asked. "They're awesome, aren't they? But, not as awesome as me, myself, right?"
Naria blinked once more in surprise. She couldn't say that she liked what happened, but she couldn't say she disliked it either. For the record, Ren was probably the first to get this close to her. Well, that wasn't surprising. It was either anyone would stay away from her, or she's the one who'd put the space between her and others. Her scarlet-red eyes scanned what Ren was pointing at. It was indeed a physical change, but at least he liked it. "You're... right," Naria said clearly, nodding. "Nothing can be as awesome as thee," she said.
Ren set one hand on the girl's shoulder, "Right you are." He said. "I like you, cat girl. What's you're name? I'm sure we're going to get along well."

He already had Muffinz the cat, whom he got along with, and now he met this girl, who could acctually speak back to him, and compliment him in a language he understood.

So, how could this not work out?

It seemed perfect to him.

Getting out of her face, he walked ahead of her, because obviously, he deserved to be in front.
Vixen approached the meeting hall, laying down for her Sin to dismount. Once he had managed off of her back, she preceded him into the room, though it was a tight fit, to ensure things were in order before beckoning her Sin in. "Milord, the other Sins await." She would remain in control, for now, as things could quickly go downhill in Hell. She nodded, acknowledging the others before introducing him. "I present to you, Wrath, my Sin." She emphasized the word, as if daring anyone to challenge her, or her master. None in this room would, she knew. The Seven Sins all shared a purpose. They worked together, to ensure the world remained tinged with evil. Vixen knew how hell worked, though. She was centuries old, and had cared for many Wraths before this one. She needed to help him establish his dominance early on, to ensure that all others residing in Hell knew he was protected; he was hers. True, he could defend himself. But that wasn't his job. And if Vixen did her job right, no one would need defend him, for no one would dare challenge him. She appraised the others in the room, gave a curt nod, and lay herself down on floor, just behind one of the chairs provided, inviting Wrath to sit.
Zeen smiled." I'm a very good person to trust." He chuckled sitting up to sit on her properly," though are these big dudes literally big? If so then they shouldn't be that hard to spot....right?" He looked around wondering if even he could tell them apart from the rest.

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A small tinge of warmth was what the half-demon felt upon feeling the hand on her shoulder. For the record, he was the first to ever do that to her. And for another record, she found it pleasing. "I'm Naria," she stated, letting Ren walk ahead of her. She might have not allowed it if the portal was far off, but just a few meters and steps and she knew they would be near the closest portal. "Naria Heallor. Nice to meet you."

A few steps left and they reached the portal which was supposed to be invisible to human eyes. But unlike those mundanes, she knew that they both saw it. With the memory of Ren wanting her to call him Ren, she decided to do so. "A step into that portal and we'll be on our way... Ren."
"Some of them are." Tora said, as she exited the meeting hall, being careful of her wings. "If we just patrol around here for a while, we should run into one, hopefully not literally."


"Woah, a portal!?" Ren said, hurrying over to it. "I knew this job would be the right one, I'm just awesome like that!" He put his hands on his hips, and stepped through, without hesitation.

When on the other side, he made sure to make a good landing, and looked around. "Well, this place looks. . .nice I guess." He said. "Can't wait to introduce myself to everybody! I bet they'll be crazy happy to see me, even if they don't know me! Because, I'm cool!"

Whenever somebody passed by, he had to introduce himself, even though most walked off in the middle of his speaking, whether saying nothing, or making threats.
"Well wouldn't running into them literally make them notice us at least? It would make it easier then trying to get their attention." He smiled looking around," they got anything that makes them stand out at least.?..." he saw a lot of different....Demons?...he couldn't tell them important ones apart for the others at all.

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"Who the heck is this boy?!," a demon scoffed to another and they both glared at Ren, which Naria successfully countered with her death glare. Naria needed to say no words, given her silent but deadly reputation in this place. That sent those two scared demons running off, however.

She simply let Ren do as he wished, introducing himself in ways unsurprisingly prideful, and she did her job of countering any form of threat or annoyance that was given to him.
"They are not worthy to know you," she stated with a light nod, pausing as they reached the main hall where all of them were supposed to just wait for the superiors and their orders.

"Inside that room," she stated. "there are others who answered the advertisement on the newspaper, just like you. And they have familiars too." Ahe opened the doors, and waited for Ren to enter before she did. Just as earlier and always.


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