New Sins [Inactive]

Dina didn’t seem fazed by Envy's uneasiness, still watching him with calm red eyes. This was a shy Sin, or maybe she was underestimating him. She went a little closer and sniffed close to his arm, before pulling back again slowly.

“Are you of poor health, mr. Envy?” she asked him, tilting her head, although it was more of a statement than a question. She didn’t mean to offend, but she always said what she was thinking. Common curtesy was a little lost on her once in a while. “Well, at least now you will grow stronger.”

When she felt Lust’s hand on hers she immediately darted her attention back to her with a smile. Food? The familiar blinked and looked around to see if there was anything. It didn’t look like they had set up refreshments. She send her a smile. “I can go look for you if you wish it, miss, but I don’t know if the food here will be… to your liking,” she said.
Karoku was a little weirded out by Lust's familiar suddenly coming close to him... Though it kind of made sense once she asked a question.

"I... Well umm.. Yeah.." He said, looking down at his feet to hide the embarrassment.

I'm always the weak one... Why can't I be strong... He thought hopelessly.

"I'll get stronger?! Really?!" He asked, turning to Luke, unaware that he was still holding onto his arm.
Vincent was surprised for the first time in a long time. Being asked not to call his master My Lady? It was probably the least formal thing he'd called a master. Usually they insisted on higher titles or just stuck with the inital lord and lady. "If that is what you wish. As for your questions a familiar, to stack it with other commonly used terms, is like a servant, a guard, even pet, or simply piece of property. It is my duty to protect you, my honor to serve you, And my life to please you. As for why we are going more information and proper details of the job await us." After a brief pause Vincent ventured a question of his own. "Um, just how would you like me to address you? Which title is it that pleases you?"

In the demon realm . . .

Dean wasn't sure liked being checked on so much but didn't complain as he might have back in the human world. The sneers and barked insults not only to him but to Jordan off set him. And he walked closer to Jordan. He stayed quiet as they walked until they reached a large room that seemed like a cross between an office meeting room, and a court room. He could feel eyes on him but he didn't see anyone but him and Jordan.

"Please wait while the other sins and their familiars arrive." A deep voice echoed throughout the room. "Feel free to converse amongst yourselfs until then.

Dean turned to look at Jordan wondering about her past, but figuring this was not the place to discuss that. So he opted for, "When do you think the others will get here, like how long should it take?" But just as he'd finished asking his question more people came in, and the message about waiting echoed through the hall again each time a new pair came in. Though he didn't know why as no one seemed to pay it any mind. "Hello, my name is Dean. But ah, I guess you can call me Greed." Dean noticed Jordan set nearer to him and was kind of happy. He didn't want his familiar going off to get distracted with other people and leave him. Leaving him would be unacceptable at this point. He refused to share or give anything that was his away. But, at the same time he didn't want to seem like some huge jerk right off the bat, so he gave a friendly smile and took in the people.
Persuilla had meandered into the kitchen while he spoke, as it was connected to the room. If she was going somewhere, she'd need provisions. Bags upon bags of chips and candy were thrown into a gargantuan backpack, along with a few sandwiches and four packs of breath mints. She continued to pack and answered him. "Sounds kinda borin' to me. As for what to call me, you can call me by my first name. Persuilla is fine or if that's to hard than just Sui." She straightened and hitched the heavy bag onto her shoulders. "If we're goin', I vote we go now before the mob outside gets real angry. So, I'm Gluttony. Does that mean there are others too? Like Envy or...Pride? That's pretty cool." She examined her outfit. She hoped that the demon realm was warm because what she was wearing was only suited for warmer climates. Suspender shorts and a tee-shirt. Oh, and glasses but those don't count cause she needs them to see.
Luke looked at his master with a small smile and nodded. "Yes, you will get stronger. You've no doubt noticed that you've already begun with the transformation. You will only grow stronger from here on out." He looked off to the side. "Once you're strong enough you won't need my protection anymore, but will still have my eternal servitude. I exist only to serve you, Master."
"Depends upon the master." Vincent admited. "Then I shall use Persuilla. And yes there are others, six others to be exact. Would you like me to carry the pack?" He asked as he began walking towards the door. When he reached the door if they ran they could reach the portal before the people outside recovered for the initial shock of them shoving through so suddenly. Placing a hand on the door nob he gave a quick glance back at Persuilla. "When I open the door we're to run to the portal, it's not to far off. But it'll be best if you follow me." He paused considering. He be plenty big and strong enough in his beast form to carry her, and it'd be just as fast as running if not more so. "Or if you like I can carry you there."
The pack was no trouble, in all honesty. She thought it was because, since she didn't get fat, that all that food made her stronger. Though she was probably deluding herself. With this thought, she slipped a pack of M&Ms from under her hat and began munching on those. She was a perpetual eater since she's a glutton and all. Or more specifically THE glutton. Gluttony. She mused and barely heard the next words that Vincent spoke. She heard them, her face froze in a look of disbelief. "Eh?! How are you supposed to carry me and my pack through that?" She gestured to the doors. Sure he was a guy and all, and probably stronger than her but there was no way. Of course, she hadn't realized that he could turn into an animal. The pounding on the door became louder and the old wood started to creak.
"I can do it don't worry, Persuilla." He assured her. "Just climb on and I'll show you." With that Vincent released the door handle and changed into a large wolf- like creature. Covered in dark blue fur with bright blues eyes. Then he positioned himself so that she would be able to climb on easily. Getting through this crowd would be easy to him, plus the sight of a giant canine would likely keep the unwanted worshipers away at least for a while.
Tora jumped into the portal after Zeen, and then turned and closed it back up. "By the way, my name's Tora Tsume." She said, relising she had forgotten to tell him in her rush to get through everything.

Beginning to walk again, her tail swayed behind her, and she headed toward the meeting hall.

It's Ren's turn~

Ren turned back around, upon hearing someone call wait. He saw a girl with cat ears, and he stared at her for a while. Then, when he heard her say, you called, he began to put things together.

"Wait a minute!" He said, hitting his palm in realization. "You're here about that job, right?" He now had a stupid grin on his face, of course he was right about that person being nearby, he was awesome, so why wouldn't he be right?
"W-wha-what?! This is so weird but okay..." Adjusting the backpack she climbed onto his back where she clung to his fur like her life depended on it. "Just so you know I was never good at theme park roller coasters so please don't do anything similar!" Her eyes were clenched shut and her clenched her fists. On one level this was pretty darn cool, but on another she was completely terrified. She never liked heights and although Vincent was something akin to human, this still reminded her to much of a roller coaster. So she opted to hide her face in his fur. "Don't make me fall!"
" Tora.....Tora the tiger chick." Zeen said more to himself so he could try and remember her name,since he wasn't so good at remembering them. He had followed her knowing she'd know where to go,walking behind her he couldn't help but watch her tail swing back and forth. Then he grabbed it and pulled it up so he could look at it," is it fun having a tail and ears?" He asked casually as he messed with her tail.
"I shall strive for as smooth a ride as possible." He said his canine mouth moving as he talked though it was out of sync with the sound. Using his powers he unlatched the door and darted out, the door slammed back shut behind him as people scattered in all directions. As soon as he was clear of the crowd he slowed his pace a bit to smooth out the ride more. "Are you okay, Persuilla?" He asked as he neared the portal. "The portal is just up ahead, and then we'll have to do some travelling to get to the meeting hall. But that won't take long." He assured her.
Persuilla's face paled and she tried even harder to avoid looking at the world moving past them. "I'm all good." Her voice came out muffled and she refused to look up. "How long until we get there, I mean I know you said a little travelling but how much is a little?" She found it easier to speak, and lifted her head from his back, her eyes opening slowly. "Woah." Things looked different. They were still in the human world but it just felt different to her. Well, it wasn't everyday you get to met someone who can turn into a giant canine and let you ride on their back. "Cool." She smiled, finally getting used to it.
Tora winced as her tail was grabbed, "I don't know." She said. "I've had them all my life, just like you've always had any of your limbs. So, it's no different than normal."

She touched her tiger like ears, "What? Is it really all that weird?" She asked. "I'm a tiger familiar, so I don't see it as strange at all." A small smile appeared on her face, and she chuckled quietly, under her breathe.

"This guy's pretty funny. I've always loved a good laugh. Everyone I know is to serious. Or rather, everyone I have to respect. Except, I may get along with this guy. . . Maybe."

She thought.
"I wouldn't say weird...more like interesting..." He said still messing with her tail," a way to find out is get rid of them and see how it'd feel..." Zeen said very bluntly," though you might not get them back so that'd be a bad idea...." He sighed." But having a tail and ears makes it easy to see your true feelings since they react in certain ways to show different emotions....or are you not that close to being like a cat?"
Strong? Me? He thought to himself, smiling widely and removing his hand from Luke's arm. Karoku then clapped a little bit, seeming even more so like a child...

"I have been changing, but I'm an idiot so I'll probably always need you Luke... By the way... Stop with this 'Master' stuff. You can just call me by name, or Karo is fine.." Karo told the other, giving him his nickname.

Karoku was a bit intimidated by the other people in the room, and he knew that even more would be coming... Though, he wouldn't be able to stand it too much if they were mean to him, as Karo was all bark and no bite.

Someday I will be strong too, just like other people have said... Maybe one day I'll be more than normal, and be extraordinary... He thought, daydreaming about a glorious future to come.
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"If we keep this pace not more than maybe seven minutes travel." Mentally Vincent commended Persuilla, as she was clearly not never comfortable at first but was trying hard not to show it. "As we travel, please ignore the comments." He warned as he stepped through the portal it disappearing behind him as he stepped out on the other side. As he'd figured the more load mouth demons had assembled outside all nearby portals to jeer.

"Nothing but a family of pathetic slaves." Came one voice.

"Even when he's not serving full human he manages to disgrace himself." Hissed another.

But it was not until he heard, "Look at his carrying his sin. It can't even walk good for nothing ." That Vincent snapped his jaws together in the direction of the voice, and uttered in a growling voice a curse towards the speaker. Promising that if he heard such disrespect to his sin again he would hunt down the one who said it and kill them. Before continuing on his way.
"Since I have a form that's a cat with wings, I have these, and I'm harder to handle than any dog demon. . ." Tora said. "I guess I am a lot like a cat."

Her ears lowered themselves, as she began to get tired of having her tail messed with. But, not wanting more trouble, she decided to keep quiet, even though it was hard for her.
" dogs are usually a lot more loyal to masters then cats so I'm not surprised there... Though being able to fly could have came in handy." He sighed.Looking up at her ears when they lowered Zeen thought for a moment and then let go of her tail and stared at them to see if they would react.
As soon as her tail was released Tora's ears returned to their usual, more happy position. She kept walking, still not saying anything, and not planning to until they got to the meeting hall, or if she was asked a question.
Jordan stayed close to Dean as the others started to file in. She said a brief hello or nodded in acknowledgement to others as they appeared, but she couldn't help but feel nervous with growing crowd. She knew that none of them would mean any harm here, but she found herself shifting uneasily and tugging at her fingers and hair anxiously. Jordan glanced over at Dean and smiled softly. She was proud of him for making it through the demon realm so far. Although he was a Sin now, he had never been around so many demons before, and this world was more than many people could handle. "Hey." Jordan put a hand on Dean's shoulder. "I know we heard some nasty things back there, but just remember not to believe any of it, okay? They're demons, and that's what they do. But you can't let it get to you." Jordan nodded sincerely. Then, she quickly removed her hand. It was probably very rude to touch her master. She shouldn't have done so. "Sorry," she mumbled, looking down.
Zeen clapped his hands happily after seeing her ears react,so she did act very similar to a real cat. now it'd be hard for her to lie about her feeling to him, he continued to follow her wondering where exactly they were going. though he knew thatd be answered soon so he didnt ask,looking around them he observed the area curiously.
Dean was a little surprised when Jordan put a hand on his shoulder but he didn't mind it, it was a nice reminder that she was right there by him. And he listened as she spoke nodding a little. "I won't, and there's no need to appoligize. It's nice to know that you're just right here without having to actually look." He said glancing between her and the door and back again. "So ya know don't worry about it." He tried to sound casual as if he didn't really care either way.
"Okay. We're here." Tora said, walking into the meeting hall. "This is the meeting hall. Some of the other sins and familiars have already arrived." Her ears pinned themselves, as she hoped they weren't the last two there. If they were the last, they might have been late, and if they were late, she'd be getting an earful from the head demons, and a punishment too, probably. Just thinking about all that made her angry.
Jordan relaxed a little at Dean's reply. Some masters would have yelled at their servants for a simple gesture or for merely speaking out of turn. But Dean seemed like a pretty laid-back person. Jordan didn't know much about him, but she was beginning to think that maybe he wasn't quite the delinquent she expected. But all the same, Jordan reminded herself. This is a partnership, not a friendship. Still, no one had ever told her it was nice to have her nearby.

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