New Sins [Inactive]

"I'm not worried though..." Karoku started, as he looked around the place...

"After all, I have a lovely familiar right here, who promised to protect me." He continued, running his fingers through a strand of Luke's red hair, admiring it's fiery shine.

I wonder if I'll ever become a beautiful creature... He thought to himself, ready for whatever happens next.
Luke felt himself blush lightly and quickly began walking in the direction of the meeting hall, mumbling, "Yeah, yeah, I'll protect ya if I have to... Just, don't get in any trouble or anything, yeah?"

((Aaaannd this is where I must leave you for a little while, as I am hungry and Mom wants me to go buy dinner! Be back in a bit!))
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Jordan didn't answer as they approached the portal. Instead she turned to face Dean. "Well here we are," she said. "It may feel a little strange, but you'll get used to traveling through these." Jordan had noticed he had fallen behind for a few moments. Perhaps he was having second thoughts. "You're not gonna chicken out on me, are you?" she smirked. No...she needed to use a different approach. Something more appropriate. "Besides, if you're not up for it- we'll just have to give your job to someone else." Jordan held the portal open and gestured for Dean to enter.
@AshenLily (so late, ughhh, sorry (._.)'')

"You're late... Dog." Cethin lowered the steaming cup of tea from his lips as he studied the lavender puppy. The young man was seated cross-legged on the grass; a rather odd sight in his elaborate silken kimono. But, the cold aura that he emitted and the dark, void gaze kept anyone from laughing. Or, it could be the blood coating his lips, cheeks and forehead. Or, the deep scratches on his arm. Who knew? Whatever it was, it kept people at a distance. It was a surprise none had called the police yet. A miracle indeed.

Cethin had to go meet his familiar himself, pissed at the prospect. This one's already failing. Oh yes, his parents would be laughing at the irony of their demonic son being turned into an actual demon. Cethin found it adorable, as well.

"Let's go, shall we?" He suggested, smiling as he got up. Every move was carefully calculated, presented to be graceful. "Everyone will think it's strange I'm talking to an ugly dog. Turn human already." His muscles twitched involuntarily, as if unable to control the violent urges.
Dean was about to reply that he wasn't chicken when Jordan mentioned them giving away his job. "Oh, No you won't it's mine." And without another though or word he entered the portal.

Jordan was right it did feel kinda strange, but the sight that met him on the other side made him forget that. It was a huge city and a dark sky and there were demons of every shape and size wandering about. So many things he'd never seen her new food, and strange items, and more. And he wanted it, all of it. "It's amazing, Jordan." He breathed when she had come through the portal.
"You're late... Dog", the words rang loud and clear in Lasarra's mind. That was.... The nicest greeting she'd ever received from a new Wrath! Maybe, just maybe, this one would be different! She began to get excited, before the elder wolf inside of her spoke its mind: "You do remember what happened last time you got carried away, don't you?" The pup remembered well. In fact, it was one of the few things she remembered from her former Sins. He had set her ablaze. The pup had howled and howled in pain. struggling frantically to put it out. She'd finally managed to, but not before enduring several major burns, and the loss of nearly all of her hair. She sighed, her ears falling, as she stifled her emotions. The pup was so caught up in the excitement over Wrath's greeting, she hadn't realized all the blood.

Shifting into her human form, she checked him. "All that blood! Are you alright, my Sin?" She expected to be berated, though he was her Sin. He was the embodiment of humanity's sin, yes. But he was her Sin. She glanced at the deep scratches, and then the blood on his lips, cheeks, and forehead. The scratches looked painful, but was the rest of the blood his? She couldn't tell.
Nailed it, Jordan thought, internally chuckling over Dean's quick response to her words. After he went through, she easily followed behind and closed the portal after herself. When she heard Dean's awe at the demon world, she couldn't help but laugh just a little. "You might not feel that way much longer," she said. "Welcome to the realm of demons." Then again, his amazement might be a good sign that he was cut out for this kind of work. "Alright, now come with me. You've been expected. You and the other new Sins. We're going to go meet them now, and you'll learn about your new job." Jordan looked back over at Dean to make sure he was listening. "And don't get lost. I don't wanna have to save you this early on," she said before turning to walk into the ominous darkness.
Karoku followed after Luke with a smile on his face, and he mock saluted him.

"Yes Sir!" He said happily, wondering where they were off to... The demons that swirled around in the sky kind of frightened him a bit, but he wouldn't admit to being a scaredy-cat about it all. The scenery was dark and ominous, a much needed change from the stupid industrial view from his old hospital window... Hospital... Oh, that reminded him... He was still wearing the odd gown.

His face turned a deep red as he put his hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Umm... I'm still in the hospital gown..." He said quietly...
Ren woke back up, soon after he'd finally gotten to sleep. Muffinz had moved from his chest, to the bottom of the bed, so he could get up. "Hm...the headaches getting worse." He said to himself, as he sat up, he noticed he felt something wet on the top of his head. So, he hurried over to his mirror.

Pulling down his cat hood, he blinked a few times, seeing there was dark blood in his blonde hair. "Woah." He said. "Whatever happens better be almost cooler than me. Because, nothings cooler than me."

He touched the red liquid, before he felt something that he didn't remember being there. Something hard and kind of sharp, he also noticed that his blue eyes were now bright pink. "That's really weird." He said. "But, kind of cool, I mean, besides the blood."

Grabbing a towel, he began to exit the room to go clean the blood out of his awesome blonde hair. It ruined the look, although it still had to look a bit cool, it was Ren after all.
Of course it was his blood, mixed with some whore's and her dumb, jock man's. They were too cute. Even marred and disemboweled, they'd managed to give Cethin a few scars here and there. It's what the Sin loved the most. When they fought back. That pain gave him a euphoria better than any drug. The couple had fought with futile motions. Until finally he'd silenced them with a dull butter knife. The way the writhed in agony still gave him shivers. The fear had been so raw. It had already been an hour; excitement usually didn't last long. How unusual. Maybe it was because they were a couple. A cute couple. A cute dead couple. Or maybe it's because I'm a... Demon. He laughed his signature; quiet, creepy, endless.

Cethin grinned at Lasarra's question, "Of course I am. Never been better. Now stop talking and take me somewhere... Fun." He kept it vague, but offered his Familiar a hard look. As if to say, 'if you don't comply, or the place isn't fun enough, your old master will seem like an angel.' But, of course, Cethin always had a cute smile on his face. Such innocent. Much wow. Very pretty.
Luke looked over his shoulder at him and sighed. "Fine... You can borrow some of my clothes for now..." They were fairly similar in size, after all, and Luke liked wearing slightly over-sized clothes so that could make up for the bit of difference in their height. He took a turn where he should've gone straight to get to the meeting room and headed to the place he called home instead. Quickly leading the Sin up some stairs, he entered his room (of course, it had been defiled by some punk demon kids while he was gone, cruel words painted on the walls in red, probably blood) and grabbed some random clothes, tossing them onto Karoku's head. "Here y'are. Have some clothes. I'll be just outside this door if you need anything." With that, he walked out, closing the door behind him and leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.
Dean wasn't too thrilled with the thought of going to meet a bunch of other people especially other sins. But nodding he followed after Jordan. He'd never been terribly fond of socializing. The more people around the more likely they'd be to start wanting things from him, and he wasn't going to give them stuff. The only time he interacted with crowds much anymore was when he went gambling.

As they walked he was careful not to lose her even while he looked around at all the odd things this place had. Besides that when he stayed to far from Jordan's side the demons around would give him looks that were quite off putting. As though they were almost hoping he get lost in some alley where they could take their time picking him apart and devouring him.
Once she walked up to him Zeen had woke up though didn't show it,keeping his face buried into the arm of the couch he listened to her talk. Groaning when he was poked he sighed as he looked up resting now his chin on the arm of the couch,facing over to the girl he could see her pretty well through his hat." Oh....tiger chick....great..." He sighed." Alright.....I'm listening..." He said calmly as he flipped back over lying on his back,though he had some questions he figured they'd be answered sooner or later so he didn't bother asking them.
The words he uttered the moment he stepped through the doors shocked Persuilla immensely. Gluttony? Okay, so she could see that, she was a total pig. Demon Realm? Yeah well, it's never been scientifically proven that there wasn't one. But the whole My Lady thing had to go. She crossed her arms in front of her chest like an X and shook her head, the twizzlar she was currently chewing on, disappeared like spaghetti to be replaced by another. "I'll go with ya Vincent, but try your hardest to refrain from callin' me, 'My Lady' 'kay? Makes me feel all strange." She shuddered as though the words made her physically uncomfortable. "So how do we get there and what's a familiar? Oh yeah, why are we goin'?"
"Yay! Luke is a hero!" Karoku rejoiced, before following Luke to his house. Before Karoku could even say anything about the words, clothes were on his head and Luke was out the door. He put on the pants and the shirt and then looked around at all of the horrible words that were written in red... Silent tears welled up in his eyes about how poorly his Familiar was being treated, Luke was his, and these Demons were demeaning him.

He slowly opened the door and look at Luke. He walked forward and simply leaned his head down on his shoulder, sobbing a bit. Words couldn't describe his feelings.
"Hmm.. Lust? Sounds right, lead the way pet~!" Mal grabbed a sack she kept incase of emergencies, it contained a change of clothes, a sexy change of clothes, and a bottle of anti-pregnancy pills. "Shall we go, dear?"
Luke was shocked by what was going on. Why was he crying? What had happened? "Master? What's wrong?" It didn't occur to the redhead that the words written on his walls would have upset anyone but himself. Of course, he didn't show that they upset him. Because they didn't. Not really, not as much as they used to, at least.
Karoku hugged Luke now, wrapping his arms around the shorter red head.

"They wrote such horrible things about you... They are... Terrible..." He replied, sniffling a bit in between. Karo could only imagine how Luke must feel, being the one these things are directed at and everything.

"I don't want them upsetting my familiar..." Karo said, stressing the "my" for emphasis.
"D-do you need me to h-help you clean up first?" She was genuinely concerned. She couldn't take her Sin back to hell, looking like this! It hadn't even been an hour, and he was already covered in cuts and blood. This won't do! She frantically searched her human figure for the handkerchief she always carried with her. Finally producing it, she looked around for a source of water, but was unable to find one. Finally, she licked the end of the handkerchief, and looked up at him, awkwardly holding the handkerchief up. "Erm.. May I, your Wrathliness?" She hesitated, waiting on instruction. She would take him somewhere "fun", after she'd had a chance to clean him up a bit. That is, if he permitted it. She hoped he'd like Hell. Threats were only threats, if they didn't end up being promises.
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"Well, I could turn into an acctual tiger...with wings, if you wish." Tora said. "But, that's not important right now. What is important, is that lucky you has become a sin demon! Sloth to be exact!" She said this in her most enthusiastic fake happy voice she could muster up. "And, you get lucky me as a familiar! I will protect you with my life!"

'Oh great, I think I'm beginning to get into this torture. That was almost believabley happy news. . . I hate this. . .'

She thought.

'Why couldn't my punishment have been something else? This is terrible!'
Blush coming back full force, Luke cleared his throat a couple times, swallowing dryly. "Ah--don't worry about it, Master. I'm... I'm used to it..." Shaking his head, Luke stood straighter. After a moment, he wrapped his arms around the taller male and squeezed softly, then let go and gently pulled Karoku's arms off of him. "We should really get going..."
Zeen just stayed completely still as he listened to her explain." ....alright..." Is all he said,she had answered his questions and he was all set to go he thought." Now can I get back to sleeping?..." He asked not really seeming to get the whole he's the master deal, he saw her more of as a new room mate or something. But it wasn't as if he didn't understand anything she said,he got it all,he just didn't really care though he was a bit surprised at himself for not being shocked or whatever. But what's happened happened and it didn't seem like it was going to change so he figured he'd just deal with it.
"I'll try not to worry but..." Karoku said, trailing off. To be completely honest he was pissed at these Demons, and if he ever met the ones who did this he would give them a piece, no a whole chunk, of his mind.

"Ok... Alright, lead the way again Luke..." He said with a sniffle and a wipe of his red eyes.

"These clothes are really comfortable by the way." Karu added with a small smile. They fit him pretty well, and it was just a simple plaid button down shirt and some black pants.
Tora sighed, "Of course you may get back to sleeping." She said. "It's not like I can tell you otherwise. But, we will have to go to the demon realm eventually." With that, she began to look around.

"Hey, master? I can help myself to any food, right?" She asked. She had to make sure, because she was hungry, and she had to call him master just in case. Unless he gave her anything else to call him, that was what she was going with.

She untied her hair, and tied the ribbons around her left leg, so she could keep up with them.
Luke grinned a bit, though it didn't seem to reach his eyes. "Yeah, I only wear comfy clothes." He started back down the stairs, getting back on the street they'd been on before. Some of the demons outside gave him looks, but the redhead ignored them, as he usually did. He had to focus on getting his master back to the meeting hall in one piece.

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