New Sins [Inactive]

Vincent's bright blue eyes trailed down the crack that the door had been opened. There was a girl wearing glasses and munching on something. It wasn't surprising at all considering he'd already been informed he'd be working for Gluttony. "Yes, I am." He said after taking a quick moment to work out just what she'd said. The people around him seemed surprised that the door had opened, and they seemed hopeful that at last they'd be let inside the church. Personally Vincent could do with out going inside any churches, though this one deffinately seemed more bearable then others. Likely because it was empty of worshipers. As a matter of fact it seem pretty much the only thing inside was this girl.

As for Dean . . .

Dean paused looking at this person who'd spoken to him. It was a girl with dark hair and purple eyes. "Yeah, as a matter of fact I did. You here to tell me what happens next?" He asked anxious to learn more, and sure she had the answers he needed, or could at least take him to someone who did. He craved that information. His eyes searched her for clues about what the job would be. As his want to know nawed at him threatening to become a need.
What a great day at the park! Lasarra was enjoying herself thoroughly, playing in the fountain, rolling in the grass, and exploring through the weeds. But something inside of her kept trying to ruin her fun. She suddenly remembered the task at hand, as the elder Dire Wolf spirit within her scolded her for being such a fool. She sighed, and decided it was time to leave the park, and meet her new Wrath, heading in the direction the spirit within her was urging.

"Why couldn't we have gotten someone better? I'm sick of this job," the pup whined aloud to the elder inside of her. To the humans passing by, the pup appeared to be whimpering aloud, probably looking for food. " I hear Sloth's a pretty great guy. Let's ask if we can trade!"

The elder spirit seemed to sigh at this. "Sloth? Of all people, you would choose Sloth to serve, for the rest of your existence? You're pathetic. Wrath has always been good to us, though your simple mind probably doesn't realize it."

The pup's spirits fell even further. Releasing a sigh, she wondered why she had to share a body with such a mean spirit. "Very well. Let's go meet our new Wrath." She scurried down the road, ready to meet her new master.
Malissa stumbled back onto her bed, unbelieving what she had seen. "What the- who- how on earth... I must be drugged." She decided, face planting back onto the beds pillows.
Luke grunted a bit and nodded, not sure how to respond. "Well... I guess I'm sorta like your servant, or a pet or something..." He admitted after a little while of deliberation. "I protect you and stuff..." He nodded a bit. "Nice to meet you too, Master Karoku. You've been accepted as the new Sin, Envy. Congrats, sir."
Persuilla glared accusingly at the boy, and made the crack even smaller. She wasn't sure she could trust the boy, who looked seriously suspicious. She chewed slowly, debating frantically in her head, on whether or not she should let him in. He could be some crazy stalker worshipper who was using this as a method to get in and mow down on her stashed food. For a brief moment she wished she was the owner of a restaurant, not some shabby church, but her mind instantly returned to the problem at hand. She pushed the outrageous thought away and opened the door almost all the way, then snaked her hand out. She curled her fingers around his shirt and tugged on it to try and pull him through the door. "Hurry up and get in here before I get mobbed!" She hissed angrily.
Dina had been holding onto Malissa in an embrace, as the Sin stumbled back, and landed with her on the bed. She looked up at her with a smile, but hurried to let go when she saw the flustered expression. She might have been too excited. “I apologize, master.. or miss!” she hurried to say, and then stood back up, so she was standing in front of the bed, her bright red eyes watching her calmly now, and she put her hands behind her back. “My name is Dina, and I will be your new familiar,” she informed, pointing at herself.

“Your add has been read, and you have been confirmed as the new Sin, Lust,” she clarified. “I will be your familiar from now on, to make sure that nothing will happen to you. Nice to meet you!” She bowed her head.
Servant or pet... Ooo I wonder if 'pet' means that he's some kind of animal! But that doesn't make too much sense... Karoku you've been watching too much anime lately, you should lay off... He thought, having a small conversation with himself.

"Pro... Tect..." He said the word slowly... Turns out Karo did know some stuff about Sins. When he heard the word, or rather name, Envy, he kinda knew exactly what it meant.

"I.. Am.. Envy..." He said, again very slowly as if trying to process too much information at once. To be completely honest this made sense to him. Karoku had always been envious and jealous of what other people had...

"Hmm? Oh, you can lose the 'Sir.' It makes me feel old, I mean, I am only 20..." He said, walking over to Luke and bouncing back from his thoughts.

"So... What happens now?" He asks, at a lose for any other kind of words...
Jordan smirked a little at his unrelenting stare. A curious fellow, hm? Then she remembered she was supposed to respect this guy. Not that Jordan had obedience issues, but it would be weird to have someone her age as a master. It probably wouldn't kill her to lighten up, especially if she was supposed to make him come back to the demon realm with her. Jordan produced a faintly kind smile and bowed her head. "Well, I am here to inform you that you have been accepted for the position of Greed. My name is Jordan, and I am here to serve and protect you, Sir. But as for further instructions about your job, I'll have to ask you to follow me."
Smiling a bit, Luke nodded, turning towards the door. "Now, Master, you come with me back to the demon realm." With that, the redhead opened the door, gesturing for him to leave first. "The entrance, or one of the entrances, is in an alley not too far from here."
Demon realm? He questioned inwardly, before voicing it out loud.

"Demon realm? Huh, wow..." He said as he walked out into the hallway and towards the elevator.

"Lead the way.. I guess..." He said hesitantly with a gulp, still in his hospital gown and slippers. Karoku didn't think much about his clothes at the time, as he never really wore normal clothes anyway. He could only recall a handful of times.
Nodding, Luke made his way out of the hospital, completely ignoring the cries of nurses as he had to practically drag Karoku out of the hospital. Apparently he wasn't well enough to venture outside just yet, according to those silly humans. Some of them even questioned if Luke himself was alright, he did seem to have a rather serious twitch in his hands and face. Luke tried to ignore them, but his face heated up and his tics became more pronounced as he snapped at them that he was fine, and so was Karoku, he was just taking the guy out for some fresh air. They finally made it out of there, the redhead still scowling with a burning face as he marched back to the alley he'd come from, still holding on to his master's arm.
Vincent stood patiently as the girl seemed to debate whether or not to let him in before grabbing his shirt and pulling on him, with that and and an order to hurry up Vincent quickly stepped across the threshold and closed the door behind himself. "I am your new familiar, my name is Vincent Kilen. I've come to inform you that you have been accepted for the position of Gluttony." Said said bowing to the girl before straightening back up. "As soon as you are ready My Lady I am to escort you back to The demon realm where details of the job will be disclosed." He looked around the church, it didn't look like much. More like the old abandoned churches he'd seen rather than one's with people still around.

Meanwhile . . .

How exciting. Dean thought. To protect and serve me. Whatever's going has got to be really big if they send you people like this. "So your like a body guard or something?" Dean asked as he ran back to his house lock the door tight. Nobody would be getting his stuff while he was gone. Then stuffing the key back into his pocket he rejoined Jordan on the lawn. "Ready when you are. Oh, by the way you can just call me Dean. All that sir stuff is to formal for my taste." He said as a million different things ran through his head, including what exactly Jordan had meant by accepted for the position of Greed. But he figured they would be asnswered when they got where ever they where going. And if not he could simply pose the questions himself.
Karoku chuckled a little bit at Luke's frustration, as well as the nurses who were panicking about him. Even though he had assured them that he felt better than ever, they still tried to insist upon him staying indoors. Luckily Luke was around and able to get them both out of there, albeit red as a tomato while he did. Karo couldn't help but comment on it.

"You should have seen your face, it was like a little grape tomato. Aww, it still is!" He said with a kid-like smile. Karo reached out with his finger and poked Luke's red nose.
"Yes exactly, mean, Dean." Jordan paused, grateful she wouldn't have to speak to quite so formally all the time, but she was used to speaking to her higher-ups that way. "That's a good way to put it, I am your body guard." Jordan smiled slightly. "I may not look like much, but I can assure you I've lived through some pretty dangerous things. It's my job to make sure nothing happens to you." Jordan lead him toward the nearest portal, responding as they walked. Maybe she shouldn't have said that. She didn't want to make him question or worry before they even got to the demon realm. If he balked after everything was explained, well then it wouldn't be her problem- she would have at least brought him to where he was supposed to be. However, Dean seemed so eager and accepting of what was happening, Jordan noticed. It was a little strange to her. She was quite the thinker, observing and planning rather than acting out of impulse.
Of course, this did absolutely nothing for the redhead's burning face, only making it worse, if that was possible. "Sh-shut up..." Stupid nurses... This was all their fault... If they hadn't commented on his condition, Karoku wouldn't have felt the need to poke and tease him, because his face wouldn't have been red! "Not my fault those stupid humans don't know how to--" He was interrupted as he was suddenly caught in a full-body flinch, accidentally squeezing Karoku's arm a little too hard as a reflex. Quickly letting go once he had control (mostly) of his body again, he crossed his arms over his chest. "S-sorry, Master... I will take any punishment you see fit to give me..."
"Oh." Tora replied. "Well, then I'm coming in!" She opened the door, and walked over to the guy. "This can't really be the guy. Although I was told I was getting sloth." But, she rubbed off the thought quickly.

"I'm here about that job you called in for." She said. "It's very important that you wake up, and listen, new master. I hate being ignored." She poked his arm, as she tried to wake him up. "Come on, wakey wakey. If you don't wake up right now, I'll get angry."

Her tiger ears twitched slightly, and she stood back up straightish.
"Whoa, it's like looking at your hair~" He said, continuing to poke a bit of fun at Luke. Right as Luke was complaining about the nurses, he stopped mid-sentence and squeezed Karoku's arm, making him wince a little bit.

"It's fine... Punishment... Hmm, well..." Karoku thought mischievously...

He walked in front of Luke, who was slightly shorter than he was, and ruffled his long red hair. It was really soft to the touch.

It's so smooth and silky... I can't help but be a bit jealous... Well no, maybe I'm feeling envious... He thought as he reached the ends.

"You have nice hair Luke." Karo said with a smile as he withdrew his hand. Don't blame him for being a completely oblivious idiot. it's just a part of who he is...
Luke spluttered a bit, twitching madly with his mouth hanging open. "I-well-I-that is--" Cutting himself off, he shook his head, face burning even brighter as he turned to continue walking to the alley. "C'mon, we're gonna be late..." He mumbled, hunching over himself as he walked quickly away, trusting that his master would follow, if for nothing else than curiosity's sake.
"Okay, okay!" The albino said in a chipper voice. It's not like Karoku knew that he was embarrassing Luke, and he probably didn't know much about what that word even meant. He followed down the alley, trying to keep up with Luke's demanding pace, and slightly failing to do so. Karoku still hadn't fully transformed, so his body still felt some of the effects, such as shortness of breath.

I hope I'll be able to be really fit and strong one day. Like Luke! Then maybe he won't have to try and protect me as much... Karoku thought, finally closing the gap between their walking distance.
Luke slowed his pace slightly as they neared the entrance, face finally having cooled down a bit. Once they were far enough into the alley that no one was going to see, Luke stopped and turned to look at Karoku. "I warn you now, demons are really different from humans, and most of them hate mortals. They may try to put you down because you weren't born a demon. Just... Be ready for that..." That said, he opened the portal to the demon realm, standing aside to let his master enter first, partially because he wouldn't yet know how to close the portal behind himself.
"well... To be honest I don't think it will effect me too much..." Karoku said with a dry chuckle.

"I've always been looked down upon, so it's really no different." He added, faking a small smile. Karo is probably a master at faking emotions by now, mainly because of all the lies he's had to tell to the nurses that he was "alright." or "fine."

With a deep breath, Karoku stepped through the portal, not knowing what exactly to expect.
Luke watched him sadly. Always looked down upon... Not like this... Sighing deeply, the redhead stepped through the portal after him, closing it on his way through. "Humans may be cruel... But demons are the embodiment of cruelty..." He murmured to himself, breathing deeply through his nose and holding his head high. He couldn't show them weakness, demons preyed on that. If they caught wind of just how much they could hurt Luke by picking away at his condition, they would not hesitate in the slightest to take full advantage of that. The redhead had no doubt that even the other Sins' familiars looked down on him for his so very human weakness. Even though he was now the familiar of such a powerful being, a Sin, he would still be seen as that one that couldn't stop twitching...
"A sin? I'm a sin now?" Mal looks at her new familiar, "Urgh, I only applied for a help wanted job... Oh well, at least you're a cutie." She winked at the animal. Mal leaned back rubbing her temples, "So what do I have to do?"
"Hm? Dangerous situations like what?" Dean asked Jordan as they walked. He was curious and there was something else along with the curiosity though he wasn't quite sure what it was. Fear, excitement, nervousness, something else, a mixture of these emotions. For a moment he slowed walking as he considered stopping to sort out his emotions. But if he did someone else might take the job and he couldn't have that. It was his job, his. Shaking his head he picked up the pace again to catch back up with Jordan.
Dina nodded her head to confirm it. “Yes. You are a Sin. Lust to be exact. But you will have to follow with me back to the demon realm to claim your job,” she informed her brightly, as if that was a perfectly normal thing. She flushed a little red when she was called ‘cute', not used to compliments. “T-thank you."

Then she cleared her throat and reached her hand out. “Will you follow with me? I promise to be by your side all the way. So you don’t have to worry about anything.”

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