New Sins [Inactive]

Jordan was glad to see that Dean was staying with her and not wandering off to explore. It was a dangerous place, and Jordan was always on her guard. Now she had to look out for both of them. Jordan never stopped walking, heading toward the meeting hall. However, she turned her head every few seconds to make sure Dean was still with her.

"So you're a Familiar now? But I guess for you, even slavery is an improvement."

Jordan glared at a demon as he passed in front of her. "Shut up and get lost," she hissed back. It was true she had done some pretty low-end jobs in her lifetime. When she got lucky, she was employed as a bodyguard, but a lot of her jobs had included cleaning up other demons' messes, both in this realm and the human world. But Jordan didn't let things get under her skin- being part of this world was sort of family curse, but she accepted it without complaint. Since it couldn't be changed, she might as well accept what was given to her.

"It's a dark world we live in," Jordan said. "A cold, heartless world. Just be prepared for anything, and don't expect a fairytale ending around every corner," she told Dean. She led him into the hall grimly. Now that they were here, there was definitely no turning back, so he might as well know the truth. Sometimes when people came here, they felt as though they had died and entered the afterlife. But this was far from heaven.
Karoku would have stared daggers at all of the demons looking at him, but he didn't know how things exactly worked here, and he didn't know his place yet... He wished that he could comfort Luke more, but at the moment he wasn't sure of what he could do and that bothered him a lot. Karu settled for holding onto Luke's arm, because for one, he didn't want to get lost. And two, he didn't want to become demon food or whatever..

"So... If I remember correctly there are 7 Sins right? which means 6 other than me... Will I get to meet them?" He questioned curiously.
Zeen smiled happily when she said he could sleep, but when he called him master he pouted. Raising his hand he pointed at her and shook his finger from side to side as he spoke." No master nothing.....Zeen." He said liking his name a lot more then master," and have whatever you want,don't care...." He sighed resting his arm over his face as he slowly started going back to sleep. But then he jumped up,

" wait....demon realm?....Uhhh just how far is that and how long will it take to get there??" He asked.
"You plan on cleaning me up with saliva?" Cethin's voice was unamused, but that was to be expected. It sounded worse out loud and in that monotonous tone. Did she really offer a Sin of the highest echelon (although he may just be biased) a spit filled handkerchief? I'd rather stay bruised and bloodied forever. Ahhh.

The Wrath Sin gave a flick of his pale, wiry wrist, waving away her completely sanitary medical treatment. Absentmindedly, he licked some blood of his lips. Whoops, using saliva to clean wounds.

"Just take me somewhere that has a shower. Of water. Not goddamn saliva. Then we'll have fun." Cethin spoke slowly, as if he had to make that clear. He smiled at his kindness; she was one the first people he'd talked to without hurting. Well, he was forced to. But such trivial details didn't matter.
"Okay then." Tora said, but right as she was about to go raid the fridge, she heard Zeen speak again. "Yes, demon realm. I'm not sure exactly where it is. And, don't worry, I can find some portals that are pretty close by."

Pulling out any food she found appealing, she sat down, and began to eat. "Mmm. . ." All she could say about human food was that it was delicious, it wasn't at all as filling as what she usually fed off of. But, it would do just due to the flavor.
Luke nodded solemnly. "Yeah, you'll meet 'em... Some of 'em, you'll wish you hadn't, I'm sure..." He replied, expression slightly protective. I swear, if any of those a**holes touch my master... He thought, glaring at some point straight ahead just as they reached the meeting hall. Seeing that one of the others had beat them here, Luke glanced around. "Are we the only ones that made it back already...?" He mumbled. Shrugging, he walked up to the other two, pausing a little ways away from the other familiar and nodding to her, then to her Sin, in greeting. "Jordan. Greed."
Hearing that it wouldn't be hard to get to Zeen relaxed again falling back on his back and sighed." Ah good....." He yawned." And what do I do exactly?...." He wondered figuring he had to have some type of purpose or task with this job,and being this Sloth demon thing he figured that meant he wouldn't be doing much,right?
"Oh.. I see..." He said just before reaching the meeting hall. He looked around the large space, also taking notice in the fact that besides them, only two other had arrived. Karoku stood kinda behind Luke, with his hand still holding onto his arm. These people were apparently Greed and a familiar named Jordan. He looked over at Greed and blinked, before swallowing. Karo was a bit nervous and shy to be meeting another Sin, but Greed was slightly similar to Envy wasn't it?

"Uhm... I'm Karoku... Or Envy..." He said quietly to the two, wishing for just some miracle to happen and give him a bunch of confidence. Confidence would have been a great thing to have... Gosh if only.
"Sup, Sins?" A chick in short revealing clothing came in, followed by a blushing familiar. "I'm Malissa, lust. You can either call me Mal or the girl of your dreams~!" She said sitting on a random object.
"Well, you'll need to talk to some important demons in the meeting hall." Tora said, sticking a spoon in her mouth. "But, that's about all I know. They don't tell us familiars much, just must know things only."

Her tail sat beside her, a bit hanging off of the seat. "So, you should hurry up with that sleep." She said. "The big guys don't like waiting."

'All I did was punch one of the important guys. And, he deserved it. I don't want to be punished even more for making them wait.'

She thought.

Yay! The awesome Ren is back!-

Heading to the bathroom, Ren got the towel wet, and then used it to rub the blood out of his hair. He wasn't just taking a shower, because he still felt that someone he should talk to was nearby, and since he couldn't get to sleep, he was going to hurry and check it out.

When he was finished, he dried off with a different cloth, and then started cleaning the other towel, because it was stained red with blood now.

But, he couldn't wash it off, so he just set the cloth to the side. With that, he walked down stairs, ignoring the other person who lived there.

He exited the house, with his hood pulled up, and looked around. He didn't see anyone he recognised. Maybe something was telling him a person with that job he'd signed up for was there. Though he had mostly signed up just for attention, he was eager to get said attention, so he figured he must just be getting tired of waiting.

So, he turned, and reached for the door nob, ready to go back inside, and sit with Muffinz, if the cat was still there.
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Lasarra flinched at his refusal, awaiting that blow that never fell. She peered up at Wrath with one eye, surprised. she decided she would take him to her residence in Hell to get cleaned up, before taking him to the meeting with the others. She began to lead him to the nearest portal to hell, somewhat clumsily. She hated this human form, and was fairly certain she'd never make the adjustment.

Sneaking a look at Wrath, she couldn't help but admire him a bit. Wrath was one of the most respected Sins of Hell. Of course. Why shouldn't be be? He was Wrath, after all. As difficult as her job was at times, she was chosen to safeguard one of the most important beings in all of Hell. She couldn't help but grin in delight, as she realized, that she was... Well, she was kinda an important person! Cirith's mood lifted, and she began to skip along the street toward the portal, blissfully unaware of everything around her, save vaguely for her Sin, trailing just a few feet behind her.
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Zeen huffed," fine...let's get this over with then...." He sat up and turned putting his feet on the floor and just sat there." Uuhhggggg.....I don't wanna..." He said falling sideways back on the couch,his arm hanging off the side and his feet still on the ground." Do I really gotta to to this thing?..." He really didn't want to get up right now,course if he had something to motivate him this would be a lot easier.
Jordan narrowed her purple eyes, wondering where everyone else was. She didn't have to wait long, though. Before long, she spotted Luke's bright hair as he entered with his companion. Luke seemed nice enough from what Jordan knew of him, he was definitely nicer than most people in the demon realm. Most of this world's inhabitants weren't worth the trouble, but the Familiars all seemed pretty decent in Jordan's opinion, probably as good as you'd find down here. "Hello, Luke. Your master, I presume?" Jordan replied, nodding to Luke and then glancing at the other male. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir," she replied after Karoku had introduced himself. I hope, she added silently. Karoku didn't look menacing, but anyone involved with the demon realm was not to be taken for granted. Jordan noticed others coming in and stepped back toward Dean. Social situations never really gave her the warm, fuzzy feelings they were supposed to.
"What a warm welcome!" Mal said sarcastically, "So, who are you people and what in hell are we supposed to do?" She asked, not meaning anything bad, but they were in literal hell now.
The Sin caught her looking, but didn't give much of a reply. He had other matters to contemplate. For one, he was paired up with the most irritating, excitable yet harmless creature alive. Too bad her Familiar was a dog. How would it protect him exactly? Perhaps by barking away other Sins? Or biting Cethin's enemies to death? The prospects! Ah, amazing. And no, that wasn't sarcasm. Seeing a female dog fight would indeed be an experience.

"You didn't tell me where we're going, wench." Cethin spoke in swears; it was nothing out of the ordinary. He strolled after her at his own pace, taking the time to enjoy the spring petals, the gentle breeze and the sound of chirping birds. The Sin couldn't help but muse how these chirpy birds would react with a toothpick shoved through their tiny, hollow figures. Other humans gave them stares, being the odd couple they were, but they weren't all of utter curiosity and disgust. More than a few times the giggles of school girls (and even boys) could be heard followed by blushing and pointing his way. Cethin found that repulsive. Despite being human, he didn't
feel human. He felt like a demon. And now his outsides matched his insides. yay.
Luke sighed softly and turned to look at Lust, when it seemed no one else was about to respond to her. "I'm Luke. This is my master, Karoku, Envy." He jerked his chin in Jordan and Greed's direction. "That's Greed and his familiar, Jordan. For now, we wait until the others arrive. Then, you Sins will be told stuff that I don't know about." He reached up a hand to hold down and rub slightly at his eyelids, his eyes having begun to hurt from the constant blinking.
Tora nodded, "Of course you gotta." She said. "The head guys said you called in, and now you've gotta do it, no take backs." She crossed her arms, and frowned.

She was a bit lazy, but they did need to get a move on. As she had thought before, she didn't want to get into anymore trouble, they'd make her life way worse than it already was.

With that, she stood up. "So, are you ready then?" She asked. "Now, that you know you have to go, because, of orders from the big guys?"
Zeen moaned and groaned,then sighed as he sat up again this time getting up onto his feet." Alright....let's go...." He said walking away from the couch before he fell back on it,walking to his poor broken down he opened it and huffed." Lead the way...." He didn't sound very happy about going now but seeing as these big dudes were important and what not and wanted them to get there he didn't seem to have a choice,so he just rolled with it hoping they'd have a place he could lay down there.
"Alright then." Tora said, walking out of the apartment. She led the way to an allyway, the most favorite place of the portals to the demon realm.

"Okay, right here." She said, touching the ground, the portal opened. "You first."
Lasarra stopped in her tracks. Oops. "Weeeeeeeellllll," she said, "We're going to Hell. I've got a shower at my place you can use, before we take you to meet the big-importants. It's still a little ways once we get through the portal, but once we're in Hell, we'll be able to move much quicker. Lasarra frowned at his demeanor, though she hadn't expected any better. In fact, she had expected worse. She just wished she had a Sin she could relate to, a little bit better. Wrath despised her pup. She already knew that. She could sense it. It was quite natural. Wrath didn't much care for cute & cuddlies. Very few had ever taken to her. As for Lasarra, herself, he seemed a bit more indifferent. Well... Not quite indifferent. He hated her less. Yes, that was more accurate. The majority of the previous Wraths had taken an extreme liking to Vixen, the Dire Wolf spirit that resided within the same vessel as Lasarra and the pup.

Vixen was a malevolent spirit. She enjoyed destruction, slaughter, and just about anything that would upset the pup, and to a smaller degree, Lasarra.

As they neared the portal, Lasarra could feel the anticipation growing within Vixen. While Lasarra was the dominant one in the body, Vixen was necessary to its survival. She was the defender of the Sin, and she took great pride in it. She was a fearsome beast, even among those in Hell, and most creatures respected her enough to leave her alone.

As Lasarra approached the portal to Hell, Vixen let loose a howl of glee, ready to be freed. The howl was so violent, Lasarra herself couldn't contain it, stopped, and howled in the middle of the street. She managed to cut the howl off mid-way through, in a choke of embarrassment. She looked back at Wrath sheepishly. "Err.. Sorry about that. That's Vixen. She's excited to meet you!" She once again skipped off, in the direction of the portal.
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Zeen had followed behind her with a lazy pace every now and then a yawn would escape from his mouth as they walked,finally stopped Zeen watched her opened some portal deal. Not even waiting for her to say 'you first' he had past her and walked straight in with no hesitation,on the other side he stopped and looked around as he waited for her to follow. He didn't show any normal emotions that people would show after seeing all this,he just acted as if none of it was of any interest to him. He had to admit it was new and he was curious,but he was too tired to care right now. He figured maybe after his nap was done he'd sneak around and check it all out, but definitely not right now.
She wasn't sure why she hesitated. It was either Naria just didn't like this idea, or she felt like standing there and watching in the shadows. But she knew that she had to somehow finish her first mission. Else, it'll be on her. All would be on her. Her scarlet cat-like eyes narrowed upon spotting her soon-to-be master. Why, it seemed that a few changes have been on him too, as expected.

Here goes nothing, she slowly approached. But it seemed that he was getting back inside. She couldn't have that.

"Wait!," she called and scuttled towards him, without realizing that right now, she was a slightly-glimmering little cat... who could talk. Upon realization of that, Naria immediately transformed into her (kind-of) human form, and walked towards Pride -- her master. Even if she had cat ears and a tail, at least it would look less weird than what she was earlier.

Where to start, she wasn't sure. But for now, she knew she should at least do

The half-demon bowed.
"You called," she mumbled calmly.
Dina had been pleasantly surprised when her master had been so willing to go to the demon realm. She had luckily gotten a courageous master. As they arrived in the great hall she noticed that a few others had arrived and were standing around, waiting for instructions. Dina had stayed in her human form for now. She scanned the room curiously. So, this were all the sins. Well, some of them. Her sister didn’t seem to have arrived yet with her sin.

She looked over when Luke spoke to her master, red eyes measuring him up and down. “I’m Dina, the familiar of Lust,” she greeted him, staying close to her Lust, with a passive expression. Then her eyes when to Luke’s sin… taking in his features and build, so this was Envy. Her head tilted. “Nice to meet you, Envy.”

She was at least polite to other sins.
Envy wasn't very amused by Lust and her comment, but he wasn't about to say anything to get on her bad side, so he just simply stood there looking around. It took him a minute to realize the fact that someone had spoken to him.

"O.. Oh... Nice to meet you!." He said quickly, turning in the direction of Dina. Poor Karoku was just a bit slow when it came to things.....

If only I could just be smart sometimes... If only... If only, if only if only if only if only if only if only..... He chanted in his head while he offered a small smile on the outside. they didn't even seem like words to him anymore...
"Well, it' since to meet you all also, but only 3 out of 7 so far?" Mal leaned back, eyeing everything in the room curiously, "Dina, darling, any chance I could get a bite to eat? Wait makes me absolutely famished." The sin reached up from where she sat and held the familiars hand.

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