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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Being Broke 101 (Pre-Arc 3)
West District, Hiachi's Apartment
Tak, Hiachi ( miki miki )

“When you’re so low to the ground, you start to really understand how things work.”

The recognizable tone and timbre of a brute opened the scene, the perspective slowly moving down from its position up high of Hiachi’s apartment complex to finally reach the ground level, finally ending to show the pair standing on the sidewalk.

With his hands in his pocket, casual as ever, Tak looked at the smaller Hiachi with a laid-back look and a lack of life in his dull eyes.

“Think of stuff that lives on the ground. Worms, snails, turtles, babies. They’re pretty damn slow, aren’t they?” Tak asked the question towards Hiachi, leaning in closer as his eyes widened for emphasis.

Hiachi still had no idea what the hell this man was going on about. He started off sounding like he would make sense—but then he started listing organisms and he had completely lost her. She didn’t know what was going on—in fact, she didn’t even know what his name was.

But now he was waiting for an answer, and they were getting nowhere if she just remained silent. “...I guess? But what does that have to do with me having no money…?”

“Point being, Hibachi, you’re like a slug. A beady-eyed, gooey, slimy black slug. And slugs like you can’t eat trash all day and be happy! You need stuff like… lettuce and such. Do you feel me!?” He exclaimed, leaning in closer to the point their foreheads were nearly mashed against each other.

“My name is Hiachi…” She mumbled.

“Anyway,” Tak began, ignoring what Hiachi said as he leaned backward, briefly closing his eyes in thought. “If you’re gonna be crawling around all day, you gotta learn how to do it without feelin’ like a slug, even if you are one. It’s all about the mindset.”

Sliding a hand out of his pocket and raising a hand beside his face, his eyes snapped open as his hands spread to splay 5 fingers wide.

“In the lifestyle of being broke, there are 5 main lessons you must follow if you hope to live a fulfilling life covered in dirt! Each lesson follows one of the five tenets of brokenness! Brought to you by Professor Tak!” So he preached, showing enthusiasm he hadn’t displayed since smashing into her door, visible black streaks appearing in the air as he shouted.

Turning away from Hiachi, his track jacket flowed delayed against his motion, floating behind him like a brilliant cape as he glanced at Hiachi over his shoulder, a gleam tracing over his eye. His surroundings became black, and he was engrossed in a cloudy blue.

Unlike before, words left his lips in sage-like resonance, like tea leaves flowing down a river of pink petals. “Come with me, and I shall show you your first lesson.”

Hiachi stood awkwardly on the edge of the sidewalk, pupils moving side to side to avoid looking directly at him. This way, she could see everything around him. The strangers on the sidewalk simply moved around him, unwilling to give him a fraction of their attention. Hiachi didn’t want to be clumped in with the weird man crouching in the middle of a walking path, but she had chosen this. And he had done her the favor of not killing her. So she gave him a vague nod of the head.

With that, Tak walked forward…

Only a few steps, stopping in front of his scooter and bringing one leg over to hop on top of it. He quickly grabbed the helmet in front of him, bringing it up and holding it above his head before slamming it down with a *pop*, swallowing his messy hair entirely. Despite how intimidating he looked before, he looked like a total dork with his helmet on.

With a turn towards Hiachi, he patted the back of his seat, surprisingly friendly and polite. “Come on, hop on,” he invited her. Considering how brash he had been up to now, it was a change of pace. Plus, it seemed he cared enough for motor safety to wear a helmet. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all?

That said, Hiachi had never ridden any sort of motor vehicle. She approached it cautiously, standing awkwardly stagnant as she squinted at the scooter.

In return for her squint at his moped, Tak cocked his eyes at her in return, confused by her behavior.

“What the hell are you starin’ at it all weird for! Are you afraid it’s gonna fall apart or something? I just took it to the mechanic last year, so don’t worry!” Tak assured her, patting his scooter to punctuate his point.

The slight jostle was enough to cause one of his mirrors to snap loose, falling onto the ground and shattering.

“...Anyway, just get on and hold onto something. Just make sure you don’t let go, whatever it is.” Tak ignored what happened, shifting to look forward as he expected Hiachi to board his raggedy scooter, “Once you do, we can get started.”

She didn’t like being scolded, so Hiachi lifted her leg over the back of the scooter and hopped up on the seat. She wasn’t very concerned about the broken mirror—her dad insisted on driving a car with busted rear lights longer than she had been alive.

She herself didn’t have a helmet, but she wasn’t really thinking about that either. It wasn’t like it was a sports motorcycle, right? She doubted they would be going that fast.

What was it that he said? Hold onto something? There wasn’t really anything to hold onto, other than the man in front of her, and she didn’t feel comfortable grabbing onto a stranger.

Though, there was one thing that gave her a twinge of concern. This really didn’t feel like the same man who had just busted in her door, and to Hiachi, that was a problem. She couldn’t place why it bothered her, but a feeling struck her saying it should.

Feeling the slight bounce on the back of his scooter as his new student finally got aboard his ride, Tak reached up to grab the goggles resting above the bill of his helmet, bringing it down over his eyes as the thick protective acrylic hid his eyes.

“Listen up!” He hollered, making sure Hiachi’s attention was on him as he reached ahead and grabbed onto the handles of his scooter, pulling on the triggers to let the engine roar to life, tiny puffs of gas coming out the exhaust.

“When you’re down to your last cent, there’s one thing you gotta always keep in mind whatever you’re doing! It’s the first tenant of Broke 101!”

A black paint streak splashed across the screen as text slammed down on top of it.



“Wait, what——!”

With a twist of Tak’s hands, the wheels skidded against the road, rubber burning from the heat of the friction and kicking up smoke and pebbles, before the acceleration pushed the scooter out from its parking spot in a burst of speed, soaring down the residential road as the colors blurred together and wind rippled the eardrums.

Wind flowed through the openings of Tak’s clothing, his white shirt scrunching in the wind while his track jacket flapped around wildly. His focus was kept forward on the road, his body leaning forward as he put all his weight into the ride ahead.


Tak shouted his lesson above the constant windforce as the pair sharply turned a corner, the momentum carrying them ahead as the whole scooter tipped sideways, almost like it was about to crash, just for it to straighten back out, leaving a trail of dust behind.

All the previous assumptions Hiachi had made were proving to be one of the worst mistakes she had ever made. She had nearly fallen off the bike from the force of the startup, and was now only balancing from the sheer speed they were going. Her stomach had dropped into a state of dread and anxiety, and her head was buzzing with panicked static. To keep herself from flying off the bike, she abandoned her preconceived notions about personal space and locked her arms around his abdomen.

She started screaming at the top of her lungs. “WHY ARE WE GOING SO FAST!? WE’RE GONNA DIE.”



The street ahead continued downhill, extra speed being found in the assistance of gravity as the wheels moved around in a constant motion. At the end of the road was a four-way intersection with a streetlight to guide traffic, the bright red bulb pointed directly at the two as cars rode past.

“Traffic already! Damn! Wasn’t expecting to have to get serious this early!” Tak growled about the oncoming cars, leaning forward more as his eyes narrowed behind his goggles, a toothy grin spreading across his features. “Guess I’m gonna have to go right through it!”


Hiachi should have known. This was the same man who had reduced her front door to pieces mere moments ago.


She couldn’t get off, because the force with which she would be stopping would probably kill her. Asking him to stop was futile. All she could do was pray today wasn’t the day she would die in a motor accident.

“ORRRAAAHHHHH!” Tak bellowed his roar of confidence as he twisted on the handles of his scooter, turning up the heat as the engine shot out a cloud of smoke. It accelerated faster and faster as it approached the intersection, the blur of cars ahead.

Time seemed to slow as the pair grew closer, showing a close-up shot of Tak’s crazed smile and Hiachi’s terrified expression before showing the perspective above as the scooter sped towards the intersection.

In one smooth motion, without stopping, it blazed through the middle. Appearing as segments across the visuals were the different expressions of the drivers, each realizing what was going on and looking shocked in unison as they promptly slammed on the brakes.

Screeching tires and burnt rubber kept Tak and Hiachi from splattering across the pavement in a mess of metal, flesh, and bones as the scooter flew forward and left the chaos behind.

“Heh! I was almost worried there for a second!” Tak gloated about his success with a grin. Then, back to smooth sailing and even ground, Tak cruised through the residential streets. His eyes lit up in realization for a moment, realizing he felt a weird pressure around his waist, almost like he had a seatbelt.

He glanced down to see Hiachi’s arms wrapped tightly around him, “Oi, oi! You’re holdin’ on pretty tight there! I didn’t scare the piss outta ya, did I? Because if so, you’re cleaning it up!” Tak questioned Hiachi’s status, at least having the sense to keep his eyes on the road as he did.

Hiachi was too stunned to speak. What the hell is he talking about? He just ran right through traffic—who WOULDN’t be scared!?

Him, apparently.

“I can’t feel my heartbeat anymore.”

“Well, don’t worry too much. We’re almost there because I’m aboutta take a shortcut,”
Tak divulged his plan, snapping a finger before pointing forward. The only problem was that there was no road ahead. Instead, a wide-open gate led directly into a skate park!

He wasn’t gearing up to turn, so that either meant Hiachi was about to experience the sharpest turn of her life, or they were headed straight for a skate park. You know, ones with people in them.

“No. No. No. No. No.” Hiachi mindlessly repeated the phrase, her tone becoming more and more panicked with every second he wasn’t turning.

“Calm down Hibachi! You're in safe hands! I’ve only gotten into 10 crashes in the past year!”

Unstopping, Tak sped through the gate into the skate park, blazing a trail as he watched the surprised skaters dodge out of the way of being hit, watching in shock.

His expression didn’t change as they dipped into one of the bowls, the momentum of going down then soaring upward, causing the scooter to hop up in the air and slam back onto the solid ground.

“Man, I don’t get how people enjoy stuff like this,” Tak sounded completely uninterested as he drove the scooter up a pair of stairs, causing it to shake and vibrate as the wheels kept moving up and down until they finally reached the top of a ramp. Then, everything went silent as he loosened his grip on the handles, allowing the contrasting peacefulness of the surroundings to take over. Birds were chirping as a gentle breeze flew past, but the impending doom of the massive ramp ahead of them was prominent.

Hiachi looked around wildly, unable to take in any of the serenity. This was it—it was over. She couldn’t ever breathe correctly anymore.

Reduced to tears, Hiachi started banging her head on Tak’s back. She hated having to actually fear for her life.

Even as he felt the impacts on his back, he didn’t bother to turn around and address it, his empty eyes blinking as he stared forward. “Looks like there’s a bit of turbulence.”

Without care, Tak turned the handle to send the scooter forward; it quickly built up speed and careened down the massive ramp, leaving a streak of rubber in its wake as it finally reached the end and took off, flying across the air like Santa’s sleigh.

And just like that, Hiachi was in a state of shock. She sat without saying anything. The dread sat in her throat, but no reaction ever came. She watched the world go by, overcome with anxiety and a sense of understanding. What did she understand? She didn’t know. But it was certainly a horrible and clarifying feeling.

And then gravity happened.


The scooter came crashing down as if it had been shot out from the sky, the rushing air blowing everything upward as it was pulled down to the surface. It seemed like they were prepared to crash and burn, as if Tak had decided to clip his wings, slam into the pavement, and bring Hiachi along with him.

A sudden abrupt slam shook the scooter and caused both of them to pop off the seat slightly as the force traveled through the wheels to the scooter. They had once again hit something solid, but from how high they had flown, it couldn’t have been a road, couldn’t it?

The sound of wood cracking under the weight of the scooter spoiled it before Hiachi even got a chance to realize she wasn’t dead and look around; wooden shingles getting tossed and splintered under the wheels of Tak’s scooter as he drove across someone’s roof.

“Ehhhh!?” Maybe Hiachi shouldn’t have been confused at this point, but it was too damn ridiculous to ignore. “Why are we on a ROOF.”

He rose up one side and dove down another to leap across to the next roof that moved down the slope, sending debris that landed on the sidewalk and cracked windows as the scooter jumped rooftop to rooftop like some kind of video game. This continued for 3 blocks, and, with trained accuracy, Tak committed numerous property damage that would cause any homeowners association to implode.

After a long continuous journey of breaking numerous street laws and going against all conventions, Tak drove the scooter off one roof to careen back down onto the solid ground with a slight bounce, moving only a short distance to park the scooter on a dead patch of grass, letting go of the handles and reaching up to take off his helmet.

“We’re here,” He stated, turning over to look at what their apparent destination was.

Hiachi almost fell off the scooter. There was a considerable part of her that wanted nothing more than to fall to the floor and merge with it—and never rise from the ground again. But she had made it this far, and her pride refused to let her vegetate in the middle of a public space. She turned her head in the direction that Tak was facing.

It was a two-story apartment complex placed awkwardly between the numerous rows of standard residential housing. Its lawn was nonexistent, replaced with sand and dead grass that was only decorated by a gravel path that led to the pair of rusted green steps toward the second floor. Some doors had bullet holes, and others had faded numbers and rusted door knobs. Spiderwebs hung to every crevice you could imagine, and the bricks had become stained by numerous graffiti marks.

“My apartment.”

Hiachi’s mouth was a straight line. She didn’t mean to be judgemental, but she was starting to understand why Tak claimed to be such an expert on being broke. It looked abandoned. There was certainly no one around to maintain the building.

But Hiachi didn’t have anything nice to say, and she wasn’t about to pretend she did. She looked back and forth between Tak and the building without saying anything. Not showing negativity or positivity, rather just exhausted by how stress-inducing the last minutes of her life had been.

Crossing his arms with a neutral frown, Tak glanced back at Hiachi, “I bet you’re wondering why I brought you here. But don’t worry, it will all be revealed soon.”

His head turned back towards his apartment, his expression intensifying with deep shading and a sheen over his eyes as he scowled.

“The intense lesson 2 is about to begin! This one’s the most dangerous, so get prepared!”

Once again, like someone dragged an over-saturated brush across the screen, it appeared as a blotch, bold font popping on top of it.



After Tak’s enthusiastic shout and introduction to the apparent second part of this ongoing curriculum, the perspective swapped to one of the apartment doors, snappily zooming in on its cracking veneer and chipping paint, before it abruptly slammed open.


Hiachi physically jumped at the noise before turning 180º to look in the direction of the sound. Blaring with irritation toward Tak as soon as she opened the door, her eyes already bloodshot without even having looked at him was an elderly lady with her graying black hair tied up in a knot, a large mole on the side of her face accompanied her loose wrinkly skin, and dried lips that were only moisturized slightly by the purple lipstick she wore. Wearing a white robe with slippers and a still lit cigarette between his fingers, it's clear she had just been interrupted in the middle of her leisure time.


Tak responded to the direct vexation with his own malice, the color gone from his eyes as his teeth went jagged like a demon as he dragged himself off his scooter, stomping over towards the elderly lady with the same gait and posture as if facing off against a powerful foe.

“HUHHH!?” The woman wasn’t deterred by his approach, sporting her own riled expression as she had gone completely blind with anger as well, the ashes falling from her cigarette as she began to walk towards him fearlessly. “I’M SURPRISED YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY BEEN SHOT AND LEFT TO DIE IN ALLEY, YOU DAMN LEECH!”

Their heads reeled back in unison, just to fly forward and slam into each other's forehead, mashing against each other in equal force as they raged at each other like two rabid dogs.


Tak tried to dominate the scenario, pushing his head forward to gain a bit of momentum, only for a second before the old bag responded back with her own force, her loud rebuttal dwarfing his size.


Tak gritted his teeth at the landlady as she verbally trampled all over him, his left eyebrow twitching as she shouted, but as soon as she stopped speaking he spat back his own venom, his head growing in size to show his upper-hand.


To a bystander, the scenario must have looked insane—Hiachi knew this because she was currently bystanding and almost considered if she had died on the ride there and was now stuck in purgatory. Using her basic self-preservation skills, she stood awkwardly on the sidelines, eyeing the duo as they continued bickering.

Tak’s superiority only lasted a small minute, before the landlady matched his same energy, both of them going back to being equally matched as visible sparks shot off between their eyes.



It was those words that when they left Tak’s mouth that the atmosphere suddenly changed, the surroundings visibly grew darker.

Tak took a cautious step back, watching first hand a vicious dark aura began to emanate from the landlady’s body, a red glow flashed into her eyes as she hunched over, his fists clenched as she brought them in towards her body, before raising her head upward as her neck muscles strained.


With a roar she called out a cutesy name, one that Tak immediately realized and caused him to defensively raise an arm in front of him, a wavy, nervous smile on his face as his right eye twitched.

From the shadows of the landlady’s door, a pair of deep crimson eyes sparked to life near the ground, a rumbling growl accompanying them. before a ferocious dog burst out from her apartment, the spiked collar it wore and muscular frame completely contrasting its cute name.

Tak immediately turned on his heel, taking off like a sprint as he dashed away, blitzing past Hiachi, only leaving behind a gust of wind.

“RUNNNNN!” Tak shouted behind him, as Daisy charged right towards Hiachi, drool pooling out from its sharp teeth as it barked and leaped towards her with its mouth wide open.

Fun fact about Hiachi—even though she’s a HP, she’s got the physicality of a twig. She’s fast, sure; but useless without a quick reaction time, and still weak. While a normal HP might be able to take a tackle from a dog, Hiachi can’t. So it’s safe to say she half expected it when she was fully knocked over; but the other half let out a shriek before hitting the ground.

The only thing saving her from being mauled was an adrenaline induced instinct to lunge her hand at the dog’s mouth and attempt to clamp its jaw shut. Was it effective? Barely. But barely effective was enough for Hiachi to take her attention off the rabid dog to shout:

“HEY! GET BACK HERE!” Hiachi’s heart leapt out of her chest as Daisy’s jaws clamped open for a second, her bark echoing before the snarl she kept as her mouth was forced shut. “AND HELP ME!!”

Hiachi’s shrill cry for assistance caused Tak to look back over his shoulder, not at all slowing down as he had already begun to open his mouth and spout some excuse for why he couldn’t help Hiachi.

“HELP YOURSELF! IT’S SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST OUT HERE THAT’S LESSON 3!” He screamed towards her, completely ready to ditch her and let her be a chew toy for the dog, but just as he prepared to turn around, his eyes widened in realization, blinking before a smirk crawled across his face, incredibly diabolical as a shadow covered the half of his face, sharp jagged teeth accompanying his grin on the other half.


Suddenly, Tak ran back, skidding to a stop as he kicked up dust to overdramatically point at the current scene going on, rather than helping Hiachi.

“Oi! Your rabid mutt is attacking her!” Tak stated clearly, before bringing his hands up to his mouth like a megaphone, “Witnesses!? Witnesses!? Does anybody else see this!?” He shouted as he spun around, making sure all eyes were on him, just before reaching out and pulling his phone out and snapping a bunch of pictures as he moved around left and right, bending his knees up and down as he did, the numerous flashes of his camera blasting Hiachi and Daisy as she was still being attacked.

The camera flashes only aggravated the dog even more. Every time Hiachi tried to push her off, she would double down with her claws.


“Oh, man! This is really bad news! I think I see some blood! We might need to take her to the hospital! She might need stitches! Think of the emotional distress!”
Tak continued to nail the point home as he continued to take pictures, just to calmly slide his phone away and--


Abruptly swung his foot forward to slam right into Daisy’s side, the force causing the dog’s chest to compress and push out on the other side as the air around visibly vibrated, before momentum caught up and sent it flying through the air back towards its owner.

“DAISY!” The landlady screamed out in surprise, raising a hand in front of her mouth in shock as she watched her beloved dog fly through the air, and come crashing towards the ground, only for the dog’s eyes to suddenly open wide, spinning around midair like an experienced acrobat and landing on all four legs like a cat.

Seeing her precious pet was okay, her attention immediately turned to Tak, fury returning to her expression as cross-sectioned cartoonish veins appeared beside her head.

“Hey! Just what the hell do you think you’re doing attacking someone else’s pet!?” She fumed at Tak, but unlike last time when Tak met her anger with his own, instead, he stood there casually with his hands in his pockets, a disgustingly cocky grin on his face.

“Oi, oi. You sure you’re in a place to talk to me like that, hag?” Tak rhetorically questioned, taking one hand out of his pocket to run it through his messy hair, “After all…”

He suddenly held his phone in front of his face, its position in the scene covering half of his arrogant simper as a slideshow of the various angles of Hiachi getting attacked played by, “I got all of this evidence of your rabid dog trying to attack a poor innocent girl, after all!” He spoke with clear snark, his tone dripping with a vicious taste of conceit, “Hmm! I wonder what a judge would think of these pictures…”

The cigarette that was still between the old woman’s fingers fell to the ground as her expression went slightly pale, nervous sweat starting to form at her brow as she realized the situation at hand, “Now, now, there’s no need to get hasty…” She tried to calm the situation down, her aggressiveness leaving suddenly like she was a sweet old lady.

“Yeah, you’re right…” Tak let his overzealous vanity disappear from his expression as he nodded his head in agreement, looking at his landlord with a deadpan expression as he still held his phone in front of his face, “...I’ll delete a picture for every month of rent you let me not pay for,” he bluntly extorted with no remorse.

“Wha-- that’s basically robbery!” She quickly tried to argue against such a bold demand.

“Ohhh! Damn! I wanted to go ahead and delete the picture but instead, my fingers slipped to the “share” button! My fingers are just so sweaty from being around such a dangerous animal! I’m so damn nervous!” Tak continued to lay on the pressure, leaning backward as he dragged his finger across the screen.

“Fine! Fine! I get it! Just don’t share those pictureeeeesss!” The landlady submitted, reaching her hand out towards Tak as she pleaded for forgiveness. Immediately, Tak stopped what he was doing, sliding his phone into his pocket like nothing had happened.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” He said, giving a curt nod like a gentleman before walking back over toward Hiachi, leaving the old lady to drop her head and slump weakly as her dog nudged against her leg.

Tak didn’t even bother looking at Hiachi as he walked past, only acknowledging her with words. “C’mon, let’s move, there’s still a bunch more I gotta teach you.”

Hiachi swung her upper body off the dirt, pulse racing from the attack she just faced. She stared daggers into his back as he walked away.

What is wrong with him!?

But Hiachi didn’t end up saying anything. She just got up and dusted off the dirt she had accumulated on her clothes. She had to admit she was curious—what the hell was his plan!?

His plan? Well, that would be something Hiachi learned quickly that usually didn't exist, as the next few hours of her life would be ripe with the chaos of being dragged around to utter insanity.

As the focus panned to Hiachi’s face, watching her intrigue but also bewilderment, the scene would suddenly change.

Tak and Hiachi had shoved themselves underneath a pair of vending machines, their strained hands stretching out in unison to grab the last shimmering coin under the darkness.

“C’MON HIBACHI! YOU REALLY GOTTA REACH FOR IT! LIKE IT’S THE LAST COIN YOU NEED TO PAY FOR THE WASHING CYCLE IN A LAUNDROMAT!” Tak shouted enthusiastically towards Hiachi as his face smashed against the cold metal of the vending machine, shoving his arm far deep into the abyss as he could to try and get the last coin.

But Hiachi could see the coin within the darkness that was beneath the vending machine, and knew that there was no rational way she was getting to it. She rationally knew how ridiculous she looked. However, now she was committed to the silly mission, so she looked around for a stick she could use to poke the coin within grabbing distance.

She grabbed a long-ish stick and jammed it underneath the machine. It took a bit of angling, but eventually the coin skidded out from underneath the vending machine and glinted in the light. She walked to the other side to pick it up. Upon picking it up, the corners of her mouth tugged upwards as she brandished it like a kid. Of course, she almost instantly looked at the ground with a bit of shame before quickly tucking it in her pocket.

“Uh. I did it.”

Pulling himself out from the vending machine himself, Tak gave Hiachi an enthusiastic slap on the back, nearly knocking her forward. “Knew you had it in ya!”

With a large bundle of copper wire lifted above their heads, Hiachi and Tak were frozen in time in the middle of running away from a construction site, a whole drove of angered construction workers chasing behind them.

“Get back here you bastards!” One of the voices shouted out among the cacophony of angered shouts.

“Keep it movin’ Hibachi! Copper wire sells second-hand like crazy!” Tak explained the reason behind his crazy plan he had forced Hiachi in as the furious blue-collar workers were on their tail.

Hiachi kept looking forward and backwards repeatedly, trying to keep track of the distance between them and their pursuers. They had a good distance, but that was the lesser of Hiachi’s concerns. “How many of these involve running!?”

“As many times as we get caught! Keep those shrimp legs movin’!”
Tak responded back, not making any attempt to reassure her as they pressed on.

Now the pair sat on a street corner, both wearing sunglasses and holding canes as if they were blind, a single plastic cup filled with coins and bills sitting in front of them as people moved past them and threw in their spare pocket change.

Tak placed a hand up to slightly tip down his sunglasses, glancing over toward Hiachi from the corner of his eye, “Keep the act up Hibachi! At this rate, we’ll be able to make a killing at the arcade!”

Hiachi adjusted the sunglasses as she felt a sweat drop form at her forehead. “Isn’t this… immoral? I feel like I’m stealing from actual blind people…”

“Don’t be an idiot!”
Tak shot down her worry immediately, pressing his glasses back up as he crossed his arms, “Actual blind people get support from the government! We’re basically worse off than them!” He stated, clearly not worried about the moral issues.

After running around the West all day, dealing with Tak’s antics and numerous haphazard plans, the sun had finally set, the moon taking its place up high in the sky.

Tak gazed up at the sky without a care in the world, his hands in his pocket as usual as he strolled along a dimly lit alley, despite all he had been through his track jacket or white shirt wasn’t any more dirty than it had been when they started.

On the contrary, Hiachi looked more roughed up than she had in the morning. It’s not as if she started the day looking particularly nice, but it was now clear that she had been run through the dirt—quite literally. Her hair stuck up in a few places, and a few tiny scratches littered her skin. She kept her hands shoved in her pockets as she ambled next to him.

“Man, that sure was a lot. Things are a lot different when you’re doing it with someone else, we got a lot done today,” Tak boasted about their success with a slight smirk, before finally turning his attention downward to look over his shoulder at his partner in crime, “How you holdin’ up, Hibachi?”

Never better thanks for asking,”
Hiachi lied, all in one breath. She held a shaky thumbs up, even though it was clear that she was exhausted. Yes, she had just spent a week cocooned up in her room; But this was the most physical activity she had done in years. Her chest rose soft and slow, her exhaustion trying to lull her to sleep.

But she had a question, and not a forced one to fill the silence. She considered if it was impolite, and then promptly decided that she was too tired to argue with herself about social laws.

“You do this… every day?”

“Every day? Nah, how would I fit in naptime if I did all that shit all the time? I just did it to give ya some ideas,” The messy-haired ruffian explained, raising a hand to scratch through his scalp as he stopped walking, pausing as he closed his eyes and bore a disgruntled frown, almost as if he didn’t want to say what was gonna come out of his mouth.

“There’s gonna be times in between jobs where you ain’t got much money comin’ in, hell you’re gonna even have to take jobs that are crazier than what we did today and make even less, but it’s all part of the deal when you're a Tiger,” What seemed like genuine advice and consideration came from Tak’s mouth as he opened his eyes, “I just wanted to prepare you for what it’s like, in my own way, just from one rookie to another.”

Hiachi hadn’t really considered it before—you know, given that she had nearly died on multiple occasions—but he had gone out of his way to help her, hadn’t he? It was a nice sentiment, she supposed. But it soured with the notion that he was right, in a lot of ways. She felt as unprepared as she likely was. The last thing she had wanted was to be involved with the Tigers—but she ended up there anyway.

Tak let his hand drop from his head back down to his side, he let out a yawn, even though he didn’t show it, the number of things they had done seemed to affect him as well as he smacked his lips.

“Anyway, I’m gettin’ hungry, so let’s get a bite to eat. This will be your last lesson, and the most important one, so pay attention,Tak warned her as he started walking once again.

Hiachi’s head fell like a ten ton weight fell on her neck. Another lesson didn’t sound nice. She felt like she could pass out at any second. But she was about to go three days without eating anything, so it would have been stupid to deny.

It wasn’t much of a saunter through the narrow and dimly lit alleys, walking past weeds that had formed out of the cracks of concrete and stray litter until finally, something had broken up the monotony of brick walls. Like an oasis in the distance, a brightly colorful lantern hung outside of a small hole-in-the-wall building, its design made up of numerous patterns and shapes, paper threads hanging from the bottom of the lantern as they shifted slightly in the wind.

Tak walked up to the door like he had been there many times before, not even bothering to look up at the old wooden sign propped above the sliding door that read “Zeyar Curry” in mudded and fading paint, the sound of it rolling across its rails accompanied the shifting perspective to show the door opening from the interior, slamming as it reached the end of the rail and Tak stepped in with his hands in his pockets.

The aroma of spices and savory broth flowed along with the warmer air that flowed outside. The slightly dirtied white tiles of the floor were covered with a welcome mat at its entrance, remnants of dead leaves and dried dirt matted through its fabric.

A small walkway split between both seating areas, a pair of wooden tables and chairs on his right, and the counter with bar stools, paintings of bright flowers adorned the walls, while a statue of the Buddha sat on the middle table.

In the middle of the restaurant was a tall man with white hair, a cigarette hanging from the corner of his lip as he held a broom in his hand, while sweeping up a small pile of dust before noticing the new entrants into his restaurant.

“Oh?” He perked up, leisurely raising himself off from his slouching position as he looked toward the door with a soft grin. “Well if it isn’t the neighborhood freeloader. Welcome.” He greeted Tak aloofly, as he let go of the broom to dust off his apron.

“Yeah, don’t act like you’re surprised to see me again,” Tak responded to the man’s jab, but for once his words didn’t hold any form of malice or bitterness.

Hiachi’s eyes were everywhere but right in front of her. She took in the warm interior design, out of a habit she made of absorbing her surroundings. The second she caught the smell of smoke and seasonings, she felt her mouth water.

Upon seeing the shorter girl follow Tak inside, the older man brought a hand to his chin, a minor amount of surprise dripping onto his face, “Hooh. Did you bring a chick with you? Been ages since the last time you did that, you finally gettin’ back in the game, huh? She’s different from your usual type,” He didn’t attempt to hide the snark in his tone as he watched Tak walk over to the counter and plop himself onto one of the wooden stools.

“Shut up. You know I got better taste than that.” Tak scoffed at the notion, resting his arms on top of the white-painted countertop, focusing his attention on the kitchen and the large steel pot bubbling on the stove, steam rising from its top as the flames bristled below. “Just give us both a bowl of the good stuff already,” Tak demanded.

“Let me guess,” The other man began, leaning on the handle of his broom as he returned to a casual simper, “You ain’t got any money to pay?”

“Course I don’t! Hurry up and start pouring some curry! I’m starving over here!” Tak snapped, glaring from out of the corner of his eye. Despite the hostile response, the white-haired man only chuckled in response, “Once a roach always a roach, huh? Comin’ right up,” he relented, pushing himself off his broom to walk into the kitchen.

Hiachi narrowed her eyes at Tak. Even if the atmosphere was relatively calm, Hiachi couldn’t get through the rest of the night without more bullshit.

And yet she sat, because she felt physically incapable of doing the impolite thing. She lightly swung her legs as she reflected on the day. Once she did, she felt as if she had come to her senses. This is ridiculous. Why am I here with a man who can’t stop himself from insulting me every two seconds? How did I get here?

Hiachi didn’t like thinking about that, so she decided to shift her focus to something else. She twiddled with her thumbs in her lap as she looked around again. She hadn’t been to a restaurant in a long, long time. It was a solemn memory, actually. The last one she had been in was the one where her father worked. The last time she saw him, or her mom, or her sister. It had the same latent life within its cracks and furniture.

Not such a great thought, either.

It didn’t register with Hiachi how deep in her mind she had gone, or how long it had been with only the machinery buzzing in the background.

There was a certain serenity at the moment, as Hiachi was occupied with her thoughts, and Tak wasn’t occupied with any, at least it seemed that way. He absentmindedly stared forward into the kitchen, watching as the food was prepared, the sound of the ladle stirring around in the pot before it was lifted out, the slightly red liquid being spooned into a black bowl.

“You gonna have your socks blown off by this shit,” Tak commented, turning to look at Hiachi as he leaned forward on the counter towards her, unintentionally breaking her out of her thoughts, “There ain’t no better curry in the country.”

“Don’t let him get your hopes too high little lady, Roach over there only says that because it's the only curry he’s ever had, he can’t afford anything else.”
The white-haired man joked in the background as he loomed over the huge pot on the stove, the sounds of clattering utensils out of frame as his shoulders moved.

Hiachi couldn’t say anything to that—she was essentially in the same spot. So she nodded to acknowledge she heard him, but part of her remained lost within herself.

Tak clicked his teeth, crossing his arms as he sat back up straight on the stool, “It was always your old man who said it was the best in the country, Arkar,” he reminisced, seemingly soured by the fact Arkar wasn’t carrying on the tradition.

Arkar didn’t immediately respond, instead focusing on picking up the two bowls in front of him over to the counter, “I know, that’s why I don’t call it the best curry in the country. I still haven’t been able to figure out how to make it as good as him,” he explained, before placing the steaming bowls in front of them as the spoons dragged across the rim, “Even if it ain’t the best curry in the country, I hope you enjoy it.”

The curry had a bright orange color, and the smell of ginger, turmeric, and coriander was the most prominent among the numerous notes that emanated from the meal. Large chunks of chicken were piled in the center, garnished with scallions and fried shallots.

Tak immediately titled his head down toward the bowl and had begun to shovel the curry in his mouth, loudly slurping it up.

“Damn! It’s hot! It’s burning the fuck outta my tongue! But it’s so goddamn good I can’t stop!” He shouted, barely getting his words in between spoonfuls as he sent small splashes of broth everywhere.

Hiachi instinctively shielded away from the splashing. But she would be lying if she said she didn’t feel the same way on the inside. Her eyes were wide as she shoveled food in her mouth, losing the edge of her manners with every bite. The burn of the spices and temperature hurt fantastically.

In less than a minute, most of the solid food was gone. Hiachi lifted the bowl to her mouth and downed the broth like it was water, and she was one of the kids who forgot to bring a water bottle on field day.

She slammed down the bowl, shaking a bit. It was practically empty.

Watching Hiachi gobble down the bowl of curry even faster than Tak certainly was a surprise, Arkar’s mouth hung open as his cigarette threatened to drop out of his mouth, “Y-You musta been real hungry, huh…?” He weakly acknowledged Hiachi’s gluttony, then shook his head and snapped out of shock.

“So,” Arkar leaned against a nearby wall, pulling the cigarette out from his mouth to blow a puff of smoke as he held the cig between his fingers, “Why is someone like you hanging out with such a pain in the ass? He doesn’t just bring anyone here,” Arkar questioned, putting his cigarette back into his mouth.

Hiachi avoided his gaze. The one thing she failed to consider was covering up her affiliations.

“Uh…” Hiachi cringed at herself. “Uh. It all started when he broke my front door.”

Hiachi, out of habit, was incapable of telling full lies without preparation. If she got any detail wrong, she’d be finished. So it was best to start with something that was true. She wouldn’t blame Arkar if he didn’t believe it—but he probably would, considering he knew Tak long before she did.

“There’s no need to beat around the bush with him, Hibachi,” Tak abruptly forced his way into the conversation, looking at both of them from his position currently inside the bowl of curry, he stared at Hiachi for a pause, before moving his attention over to Arkar.

“That guy…he’s an ex-Tiger.”

Hiachi turned her head at a breakneck pace to face the man in question. She was glad she hadn’t fully lied, but still—she didn’t want to interact with even more Tigers if she could help it.

But that prefix, though. Ex. There was a way out of this?

“Man, can’t keep anything secret around you, huh?” Arkar quipped, giving a carefree shrug, then crossing his arms as he tilted his head forward in Hiachi’s direction, “Guess that means you're part of the Tigers? Hate to see a young girl like you gettin’ dragged into that mess.”

He leaned forward, bringing a hand up to shield his mouth from Tak’s view, but barely spoke above a whisper so he could easily hear it. “Too bad you ended up workin’ with Roach over there, huh? He’s a real pain.”

“I can hear you, bastard,”
Tak growled at Arkar, wiping his mouth with his sleeve as he leered at the older man, Arkar only chuckled in response, standing back up straight, “Your lucky that you didn’t meet him 2 years ago, he probably woulda ripped your head off by now.”

Hiachi shuddered at the thought of her head being torn from her body, but she couldn’t really imagine the man in front of her doing it.

Hiachi tilted her head at the man, of whom looked as carefree as ever. “Ex-Tiger? How… did you leave?”

Hiachi's question caused Arkar to rub the back of his neck, his usual laid-back sneer disappearing as his mood visibly down turned, he was silent for a moment as he went to look up at the ceiling.

“I got lucky…” He began, blowing out a plume of smoke from his lips as the end of his cigarette sparked alive again, “I was one of the idiots who joined willingly by paying my way in. Wanted to be a big man, and make some real money instead of carrying on the family business, and almost got myself pulled into that “Spiral”, when you start wanting more and more that you’re takin’ more than you’re giving, losing more than you’re gainin’. By the time you’re at that point, it’s usually too late,” Arkar reminisced, hesitating to continue for a moment as he mulled over what to say next, glancing over at Tak “and by that point, you start to drag other people down into it with you.”

Tak averted his gaze from meeting Arkar’s, he seemed more intent to stare down into his lap, hands gripping tightly, clenched at the fabric of his pants, gritting his teeth. He kept himself from responding, even if he wanted to, a rare moment of humility for him.

The words weren’t hers to bear, but Hiachi felt the weight regardless. Her greatest fear at any given moment was death, but her deepest fear was dragging her family down with her. It haunted her—the idea that even three years of distance couldn’t save them from drowning if she sank.

Arkar watched Tak with a slight frown, sighing and closing his eye before continuing, “The only reason I got out when I did was just the perfect storm. I ended up taking a job that caused me to lose my eye…then my old man died a few days later,” Arkar opened his view up to the world once more, looking at both Tak and Hiachi before continuing, “I’ll spare you the sob story, but it was those two things that woke me up and helped me remember what was important. I got off easy because I had already lost enough as it is, the Tigers I worked for weren’t intent on letting a broken man keep workin’ for them, so long as I paid my debts.”

Taking his cigarette out of his mouth, and snuffing it into the ashtray on the counter, his white hair covered his eyes as he spoke again, “I don’t know what situation got you in the Tigers…but just make sure you avoid the “Spiral” at all costs,” he raised his head, the smoke from his recently snuffed cigarette floating above his face as he bore into Hiachi’s eyes.

“Never forget what’s important to you, little lady.”

And she wanted to take his advice—she wanted to follow this instruction to a T, and never face having to involve her family with her mess. But she just didn’t know. She wasn’t a Tiger by choice, and the risk was bigger and greedier. Unless she paid it off herself, her debt would spread like a disease. Hiachi was worth less dead than alive.

“Right. I… I’ll try.”

Before she could ask anything more, she was interrupted.

“And that ends the class!”

Tak abruptly interjected, suddenly standing behind Hiachi, placing both of his hands on her shoulders, “I didn’t think ya had it in you, but you passed Hibachi! If I carried around stickers, I’d give you a gold star!” Tak enthusiastically continued to pat her shoulders, to the point he was almost beginning to mash her into the stool.

She jumped up like a cat before being pushed back down on her seat. Then pushed again. Again. Hiachi’s face went startlingly pale from the shock of being slammed on the shoulders over and over.


Curbing his excitement, Tak stepped back and slid his hands into his pockets, a sly smirk on his face, “Man, can’t believe we got to this point from me debating on caving in your face and calling it a day. Goes to show ya never know where life will lead you, or somethin’ like that! Broke 101 was a great success!” Tak crowed about the success of his curriculum, casually skirting by his violent statement, starting to laugh as he placed his hands on his hips.

Arkar stood there entirely confused about what was going on, blinking as he tried to piece together what Tak was talking about, “Broke…101?” He reiterated, before slowly turning his gaze to Hiachi, “What’s he talkin’ about?”

Hiachi returned the blank stare back at Arkar. Right. What was he talking about anyway? A saga where she was taught the ins and outs of being… broke.

“Ahahaha.” Hiachi started to laugh. “Hahahaha!”

She slapped her knees; it wasn’t really that funny.

“AHAHA! Haha… Haah…”

And Hiachi’s unconscious head hit the counter with a thunk!

Tak’s guffawing stopped immediately as Hiachi’s skull cracked against the counter, his head snapping over to look at her with eyes as big as saucers.


He quickly rushed over to her, attempting to shake her.

“Hibachi! HiBACHI!” He continued to jostle her, but received no response, she was gone.


Arkar looked on with a nervous sweat going down the side of his face, a half-smirk as he watched the scene play out.

“I don’t think that’s her name…”

The final perspective showed the outside of the restaurant, before everything faded to black.
Pavel Orlov
Dragon's Teeth
Post-Arc 3 - June 6, 2022
The Azure Dragon's HQ, East District
Pavel, Jessamine, Kanna, Jesper, Meirin, Yǔshuǐ, Omar
Dragon's Teeth
The Queen's words rung through Pavel's head as if the words were bestowed upon him by a goddess. Fucking people up was his bread and butter. Getting to exercise it on a day like this couldn't be better. "It will be done." Without saying another word, he made his way out of the chamber and into the halls. While he wouldn't mind doing the mission alone, some of the other dragons could use the experience. Show them how things truly ran within the organization. The other members have already been notified, all they had to do was meet up with him. The mission was quite simple really. A delinquent brothel refuses to pay their dues to the dragons. All you gotta do is get that money by any means necessary, even if you have to crack a few skulls. These were the type of missions that Pavel loved. Letting loose felt good, especially when you want to let out some stress. This brothel doesn't know that there is a storm slowly approaching.

His walk through the building eventually led him out the door and onto the steps. They were all to meet at the citadel and from there they would go to their target. That meant that Pavel could sit and indulge in some of his vices. He reached into his jacket pocket, retrieving a bottle that contained pills. He took one out, slipping the bottle back into his jacket. He split the capsule open, letting the contents fall into his palm. If he was going to have some fun, he didn't want to be sober. He snorted the capsule contents, shaking his head as he felt himself get dizzy from the initial kick. He didn't really know what the pill was. He got them from his doctor and he was supposed to take two a day. He usually just snorted them throughout the day. It made him feel good. "That hit the spot. Can't get any better than that." He let out a few rough coughs as he retrieved his other vice, his cigarette.

After lighting it, he let out a long draw. What followed was another cough but that never stopped Pavel. The doctor told him to stop but he never listened. With a cigarette dangling from his lips, he reached into his pocket and looked at the list of people who were to accompany him. "Jessamine, Omar, Kanna, Yushui and Jesper? Who the fuck is Jesper?" He said, letting out a cloud of smoke. He wasn't familiar with many dragons, he wasn't the type to go make friends. He just did his job and that's how he got to where he was. This Jesper fella better be a fighter, he didn't want any dead weight. He knew a few of the other names from the list but they were just names to him. He could only match a face to one or two of them. Looks like he was going to learn a few new faces today.

Luckily, the brothel wasn't far from the citadel since it was on the edge of the pleasure district. Pavel never really liked going to pleasure district. The last thing he wanted to do was pay for sex. You can get it for free if you're not a dickhead. He looked at his watch, noting the time. Things were going to kickoff soon, something that he was going to enjoy very much.

Dante Aguilar
CS Link
Returning Back Something You Don’t Own Is Basically Childbirth
April 3rd, 2022
Blast-Off DVDs, West District
Shishido Takakazu ( thebigfella thebigfella ), Dante Aguilar
Returning Back Something You Don’t Own Is Basically Childbirth

Dante had to do a double take, just to feel like he finally had both feet back on solid ground.

The wave of focus came sharp, sudden— it was the wrong type refreshing, the type to make your head throb at the mere recollection of everything. Yet, in some weird, demented way, he felt his chest brewing with triumph. He felt his breath quicken at it, pure satisfaction as the golden eyes studied the planes of neon hues ahead, squeezing to slits at the sharp jabs of light.

His hands went to his pockets. A short sniff, lifting the chin up.

And he felt that quiet type of cheerful, the braggy type, inviting itself over and tugging at the corners of his mouth — “Heh.” — His face was wholly unguarded, loose and without his usual stern. He chuckled, finally processing Tak’s comment about swiping his sunglasses through his crack — “I’ll take that fuckin’ pile of cobwebs outta your head and knit me a sweater, you dumb bitch.”

The mood swing was instant, a full release. He walked beside Tak with renewed airs, an unusual, almost uncanny grin gracing his factions— making shearing motions with his hand as he went.

They’d made it…

Holy shit they’—

image-removebg-preview-removebg-preview (1).png

He heard a beep coming from his pocket, then the words came back to him, echoing— “It closes at 10…”

As if that alarm had hammered right through that aching dome of his, he recoiled, flinched hard, arched forward like he’d caught an invisible fist. He felt the air rush out of his lungs, mouth parted. He froze mid-step, mid-breath, mid-everything.

It wasn’t a gasp that came out of his mouth. It was a long, guttural croak. For a while longer he stood there like a statue, the statue with the dumbest expression plastered on it. Up until the store clerk waddled on out like she hadn’t just shattered his soul in a million pieces — “There…There’s no fucking way…”

He winced, sharing looks between Tak and the girl. He cackled then, damn near loosening his grip, voice almost cracking. All that brag was starting to leave him— “Y-You’re joking…”

Dante’s arms slumped by his side, he heard the world thundering a ‘fuck you’ right behind him, the light left his eyes. In contrast to Tak, who looked like a rogue demon that’d crawled out of the depths of hell, Dante looked like a ghoul with grey, gloomy eyes gloating indifferently at the living.

His eyes moved from Tak to the store clerk, sheepishly, as each spoke out.


“Seriously. “


He forgot how to breathe, merely standing there with his mouth wide open — “PFFT—HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” — Sprinkling salt on the festering wound, Cerb was there at his subconscious, laughing her ass off. He didn’t have the heart to react, not even a petty frown.

“Just fucking kill me already…” — Dante cupped his face with both hands, a shaky trail of cold breath snaking his way through the openings between his fingers. He was inconsolable. Broken. All hope was lost.

How the mighty have fallen…

Was this really how things ended...?

“No…” — Therein the darkness veiling his face, you would’ve caught a glimpse, nay, the merest whisper of a fireflies’ worth of golden light. A spark, shinning through, vengeful. Dante looked through the slits of his hands at the woman with quiet, sullen rage — “Not today bitch…”

“Hooo~?” — The wolf gawked at the world through his eyes, fixated in dog-like intrigue as she caught onto Dante’s train of thought.

No, it wasn’t over until he said it was over. Not yet. This one’s for the story books, for the epics. They’d be telling tales; about the lengths two men would go to…

just to not pay their late fees.

A quick — “Fwheep…!” — Left Dante’s mouth, he tossed his phone to the empty void in the parking lot, the one place that hadn’t caught any light from any streetlamp. A dark blur passed by, and the phone didn’t even get to hit the ground.

“Ey,” — He reassembled his poise, amping himself up and barking up at her — “Listen, man,” — Dante sighed, scratching at the back of his head, one hand still in his pocket.

“I know you don’t get paid damn near enough for this shit.”— He snatched the plastic case right out of Tak’s hand, emphasizing his words— “But this movie was dogshit. It’s criminal how fuckin’ bad this movie was. He looked over from Tak to the woman, not really knowing what the hell he was saying anymore. Dante was just letting it flow, speaking from the heart.

“Point is, I’m not paying for this.” — He said, deadpan — "So, just… Tell us what you want. Maybe that stick of gum’s not enough, but we’ll do anything! Just pretend like we arrived 10 minutes earlier. Who’s gonna know, man, c’mon! Please…?”

He was getting desperate; a trickle of sweat ran down one side of his face. Dante was taking in his situation, drawing a nasty blank that made his head ache even harder. His eyes darted around as he weighed his options.

Should he tell her that they were Tigers? Scare her off? — “That’d be fuckin’ dumb…”

Should he bribe her? Give her all he’s got on the wallet? — “That’d just beat the purpose of what we came here for in the first place…!”

Prostitutio— “Woah there.” He had the body for it, that’s for sure, but he also had a sense of dignity. It was out of the question.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fu..—"

They were down to his very last option. Dante could only rely on the smoothest talker he’d ever met. That is, if one of his clones even arrived this late at night.

Dante kicked at the groveling man at his side, nodding at the store clerk — “Help me out, man…”

At a nearby alley, cowled in the moonlight, the sound of a phone dialing and heavy, animalistic breathing could be heard. The wolf propped herself on one of the grimy, damp wall. Waiting. Twirling a handful of fur on one hand as her tail wagged, a rhythmic, restless cadence.

When it finally picked up, her smile stretched to no extents. She croaked, huffed, got the vocal cords all set up.

“Heeeey Min-Min~! It’s Cerbie, sweetie, how are ya?” — Her voice was light and mellow, a honey-eyed dulcet that felt like a feather on the ear — “Did we wake y’up, hmm? M—Awwwe~” — Cerberus chuckled, leaning further into the blue-light of the phone, damn near toppling the dumpster where she’d propped it. All twelve of her blood-red eyes crossed over her snout and fixed on it, her smile growing even larger.

“Anyways,”— She continued, dropping the girly tone with a laugh — “Dante’s got a bit of a problem ‘ere, he wanted me ta’ ask if y’could pitch up one of your clones to come help ‘im out.”

Waiting a bit between replies made her all the more impatient, hyper, but she was there listening

“Ke~ha! Whatchu gotta do, eh?” — Five claws tapped at the metal lid — "Mmm, it’s just this rando—this one chick, it’ll be quick. You just needa get her away from here, distract her a little”

“Invite her out, make her feel special, break her heart— I dunno, dude, work your magic!”

“Y’want me to come pick ya’ up, honey? Hmm? Ke~hehehe…”

Last edited:
Kanna Katsura
[Post-Arc 3] Dragon's Teeth
The Azure Dragon's HQ, East District
Pavel, Jessamine, Kanna, Jesper, Meirin, Yǔshuǐ, Omar
Dragon's Teeth
Kanna was already in the room when Pavel had arrived. She and the Dragon Queen were discussing the growing situation beforehand.

One of the many establishment under their watch recently stepped out of line. Refused to cooperate, despite numerous opportunities. Repeatedly they claimed that a lack of money was the reason they couldn't pay their dues to the Dragons. But data and observation said otherwise. Now, the ball was in the Dragons' court. And they were going to return it at full force.

The Dragon Jack remained quiet as the Queen issued her orders. Once Pavel had stepped out, Kanna straightened herself out, making sure she had everything she needed before following after him. She wasn't originally assigned to this task, instead volunteering herself. But, this was Pavel's assignment, so the Jack would step aside and let them take the reins. She would be there in case any guidance or other support was needed.

As she walked down the hallways of the Dragon's HQ, her staff lightly bounced against the side of her leg. Kanna's eyes glanced around, taking in the decorations that lined the walls and ceilings. She had seen the same fixtures for years now, but there was always a sense of resolve and belonging whenever she looked at them. In a way, it helped the Jack find her center and refresh their mind.

It didn't take long for Kanna to meet with Pavel, who was at the steps outside of the citadel. The smell of tobacco hung in the air, but Kanna paid no mind. She made her presence known simply by her footsteps, eventually coming to a stop beside her fellow Dragon. Her eyes stared out into the streets, the bright glow of nighttime lights looking back at her.

Now, it was just a matter of waiting for the others. In the back of her mind, Kanna hoped that this would be over with quickly. It would be a shame if the Dragons had to shutdown one of their establishments. But there was another part within the Jack. The one that was mentally prepared should things escalate.

Slav Slav simj26 simj26 QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Vahn Vahn Seaquill Seaquill
Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Hot and Bothered
Post-Arc 2 — January 11th, 2022
South district, Phoenix HQ; Fitness Hotspot
Boltius, Charlie
Three months… Three months ago, Boltius donned the title of Ace, and he had never felt so proud yet humbled at the same time. So proud and so humbled that it almost felt like guilt.

He didn’t know what he would have to feel guilty for, so he stomped that feeling down fast.

Today, he wanted to start frequenting the Phoenix’s athletic hotspot over his gym in Central. That would be the more Phoenix thing to do, right? Boltius thought so. He’d been here many times before but only ever with someone else. Call him spoiled, but a single glance told him that the gym in Central had much more to offer.

He could deal without.

These days his workout regime prioritized cut over bulk—lower weight, more repetition, fewer calories in his diet, but he fully intended to retain as much muscle mass as possible throughout the cut’s duration.

Finishing his last set of squats, Boltius racked the bar and wiped his face with a black sweat-towel. He snatched his water bottle off the nearest empty bench and took a modest sip, licked the water and sweat from his lips.

It had been a month since he and Milo patched things up by the riverside; though, Bolt couldn’t lie, he still had questions. Nagging little thoughts that tickled the back of his brain. But he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. Not now, at least, when things were good.

Orange hues gazed down with vague expectancy. The name displayed across his phone’s screen reflected in his eyes—Milo Nagisa—and he wondered if they would talk today, too.

Just then, as his thumb hovered over the ‘Y’-button, a familiar voice called out to him. “Oh, Bolt! Hey there,” it started. Boltius turned his head and removed the single earbud he’d been wearing—spotted Charlie, too, mid-approach.

“Oh, shit. Yo.”

“—it's been a while! You here to pump some iron too?” Charlie asked.

Boltius smiled. He draped his sweat towel around his neck and held onto both ends, shrugging playfully. As he spoke, he made some perfunctory hand-gestures out of habit. “Shiiit, you know it, dawg… Actually, I’ve been here a minute. Were you around or are you just pullin’ up?” Asking the question, Boltius let his eyes slide down Charlie’s form. She was a tomboy, for sure, and he was digging it.

(Interacting w/ Charlie)
(Mentioned Milo)
Roda the Red Roda the Red ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )

𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐
𝒜𝓈: 𝒩𝒶𝑜
Scene: Getting Bigger Means You Get Worse At Hiding Small Things
Time: Pre Arc 1 || 2021

I am here: Northern District
With: Tak

"When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely"

Naomi's face flushed when Tak asked if she had played soccer, or if it was just the pure coke in her veins that let her kick him so hard. God, why did she tell him that? She normally had a better hold of her temper than that! Nao was about elegance and sophistication, but here she was acting like Omi! She decided not to grace that statement with an answer, offering the magazine instead which he rudely snatched away. "You're welcome," she said, her tone a little sour. She knew better by now than to expect a thanks from him, but well...that didn't stop her from wanting one.

Her face flushed again, this time more from anger than embarrassment. "I have a temper but I don't hold onto it!" she protested, shuddering a little as he rolled a booger. Did he really have to do that in front of her? His words surprised her, though. No good from troublesome men? Heh, if only he knew half the truth. Sometimes she was the troublesome man that women should stay away from. "You're not the worst man I've met," Naomi told him, a little back-handed compliment. But genuinely, it was the truth. All things considered, Tak had been very "respectful" towards her. She didn't come out of their interaction much worse for wear, just a little dirty.

Her jaw dropped, however, when the word thanks came out of his mouth. Her hands flew up to cover it, and her eyes became a little dewy. She had finally gotten it! She was going to ride that high for a little while, ignore that he called her troublesome and a hassle. "Two troublemakers make for a fun time!" she called to his retreating form. She was a little sad to see him go--while she had felt many things in the brief time they had been together, boredom was not one of them. "I'll find you again, just watch me!" Naomi said again, ducking into her car.

She took a moment, leaning back in the seat, to catch her breath, eyes closed. When she opened them, Tak was gone. She threw the little baggy of cocaine in the glove compartment, out of sight out of mind. She had had enough excitement for today. It was time to go home and take a long-ass shower.

((ooc: ))
((Mr. Jones))

thebigfella thebigfella
I Would Like to See Your Permit

Lorette LècuyerCS LINK

Scene:I Would Like to see your Permit.

Time:December 2021, Night.

Location:Lower Central, Public Square.

Participants:Eric, Lorette.

There were too many people walking around for her to have heard him coming. That's what she told herself, and that's what she assured the thing gnashing its teeth in frustration at her lapse of attention.

She had no way of reasonably ignoring whoever it was that stood just behind her. Not when he was so close, and it was obvious that he'd been watching her for a while.

Lorette fought the instinctive tensing of her shoulders and turned to face the person. He was young, but his face didn't show the inexperience and ignorance typical of a man his age. He regarded her with a pointed interest that verged on authoritative. This man was used to asking questions and being answered promptly. It was the kind of confidence that few people had. And it was this threat that immediately had the Beast bristling.

"Oh, this had better not be a fucking cop." Lorette seethed. She knew damn well that he was, of course. The people living in the slums did not ask questions where they weren't needed, especially of strangers.

Lying her way out of the situation was not an option, not to a supposed officer of the law and not in the way that she was used to. Attempting to brush him off would only cast suspicion on herself and have the man digging his heels in further. Lorette had no choice but to play along for the time being. As always with a predator, treading carefully was the best means of survival.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked, putting on a mildly perturbed expression. It wasn't that far from her true feelings. She could only guess at the man's intentions.

"Oh. That." She said, head canting in the direction she'd just come from. The small group she'd been speaking with had dispersed almost immediately upon her exit, not needing to hang around afterward.

"I represent one of the local charities. I find it better to see just where our funding will be going for myself rather than waiting around an office." She said drily.

Roda the Red Roda the Red
Learning your stripes.

Lorette Lècuyer CS LINK

Scene: Tigers B-side. Learning your stripes.

Time: April 10th, 10:00 AM.

Location: West District. The Silver Spoon.

Participants: Lorette,Hiachi.

It was a little unnerving to watch the girl go from nervous to shooting as if she'd been doing it for a lifetime. Hiachi's first shot was slightly off, but Lorette didn't care. The girl had learned in mere moments what might have taken weeks to grasp the basics of. For a person who'd never held a gun in her life, shooting came to Hiachi as easily as breathing.

"Ah, I was right then." Lorette mused. She was content to stand by and watch the girl shoot for a spell. There was a tightness in Hiachi's form as she removed the empty clip to quickly replace it. The expression on her face was one Lorette was all too familiar with, having worn it herself countless times. Hiachi was a good shot, but not good enough in her own opinion and that pissed her off.

It was somewhat comical, the ways that the small woman reminded Lorette of herself when she was younger. To Lorette, it almost appeared as if Hachi was seeing something or someone in place of the cardboard target, and it was that which had drawn the girl's ire. Rage had a way of making Snipers out of amateurs. And under the proper tutelage, rage could be molded into a variety of useful tools.

Hiachi's inner turmoil had its place, but Lorette would first need to shave off her rough edges.

"I've seen enough," Lorette said curtly after Hiachi emptied the second clip.

"As I expected, you have an excellent Potential. You've impressed me, Hiachi." She said gently. Praise was not something that Lorette liked to give away frivolously, as she was quite picky about who she wasted her time on. But even a 'weak' Potential like Hiachi's could be made into a devastating force in the right hands as she'd just proven. The girl was an investment worth pouring money into.

Lorette glanced at the target, pockmarked with holes. The shots clustered fairly evenly at the center, and she made a sound of approval.

"I believe that it's quite clear what I'm seeking from this arrangement. But you...What do you really want from all of this? Aside from being able to shoot whoever you please, something tells me that there's more you could gain from all of this. Be honest, I am the last person on Earth to judge the motives of another person."

miki miki
Peter Picked a Party for a Pointless Pizza Picnic
Afternoon, Summer 2022
Ruined Playground, North District
Kaiga, Naomi, Sill, Julian, Kisara, Taka, Haley, Raph
Raph laughed when the food spilled everywhere. He'd always had such inappropriate reactions to things. Inappropriate, of course, depended on who you asked. To him, he laughed because it was funny. Any sensible person would have agreed if they weren't all such fucking cowards. The situation was only made funnier by the look on Rem's face: disbelief comingled with abject horror. Priceless.

Not very much later...
Raph was sprawled out on one of the tabletops, occupying every inch of its weather-worn surface. His gangly legs draped over one end, his boots grazing the ground underneath, while his torso spanned the full width of the table. His arms were splayed out, his fingers brushing against the bench seat on one of the sides. His dark hair hung loosely in the air, swaying lightly with the gentle breeze.

"Twenty?! Ugh, kill me."

His back was arched against, the rough tecture of the wood pressing into the fabric of his jacket. Raph languished from his position upon the tabletop, clutching his stomach in mock-starvation as he let his head dangle off the end as he watched Rolos tinker.

Raph, for his part, had never met a seat that he couldn't sit in wrong. It was almost a talent, one that his fellow Serpents surely appreciated. After all, how couldn't they?

"If you want real exposure, why not do something... Daring," Raph suggested, though refused to elaborate further. That didn't stop him from imagining a few potential high concept artistic endeavors.

"Well, fine, but you'll have to come lift me." Raph let his limbs fall limp, one hand resting on the flat of his stomach as he rolled from side to side in a show of affected weakness.. "I'm too famished to move on my own. ~" Raph moaned, upside-down eyes finding Noam before his gaze flicked to the tray of delicious, mind-altering goodies that his one-time paramour had laid out.

This was shaping up to be quite the feast.

Cleaning Duty
Nighttime, February 19th 2022, Post-Arc 2
Central District
Inigo, Eric
The batter cringed and closed his eyes in reaction as a cluster of of tiny crystal shards showered his face, a few small ones even managing to lodge themselves into his cheeks, small specks of red starting to surface from the micro injuries. Slowly, he reopened his eyes one after the other, the pain from the shards was noticeable but not particularly distracting either. However, his recovery of eyesight did not last long in slightest, as the bottom of his jaw was met with a solid chunk of crystaline rock, coming into contact with him in a powerful and quick upwards motion.

The blow launched him high up in the air, the strong concussion momentarily deactivating most of his voluntary bodily functions for a split second while in mid air, letting his weapon go free from his grasp. He landed on the floor unceremoniously, a few bloody removed teeth also falling near his vicinity, he was certainly not going to recover for a while.

Eric, on his end, was flanking a few of the other delinquents, most of them still busy focusing on shooting down the crystal pillars. He shot a few bolts of light, making sure that the force on them wasn't too high, at least light enough to not be lethal towards an NP. That was probably one of the most annoying parts of having to deal a random group of random delinquents, you never knew who were HPs and who weren't, it was all a matter of going easy on them and experimenting on their reactions. They all fell on the ground, heavily affected by the projectiles, except for the girl with the pixie cut, who was able to resist the blow of the attack, despite groaning in response. Visibly enraged by the attack, she charged towards Eric with knife in hand.

The blonde delinquent yelped in fear as he watched his friend being sent through the air by the uppercut. This was not what he signed up for, they were meant to be safe thanks to their numbers! "FUCKING DIE, YOU ASSHOLE" he screamed as he grabbed his gun from the floor, shooting multiple times towards Inigo's direction.

simj26 simj26
Lin Kairong
Happiness & Prosperity
白春花茶莊, East District
Isaiah, Amari, Jesper, Kairong, Levi, Meirin, Ruriko, Silva, Ottilie
Happiness & Prosperity

It was lively. By this time, Elvis was regaling some of the neighbours with his own tales from outside New Oasis, while Alyssa and Crystal’s resemblance to Jingyi were being remarked on. The latter two were clearly unsettled by this, unsure of what to say, but Elvis was in, as the kids would say, his element. Kairong leaned back on his chair, observing all of this from his seat, a small smile playing upon his lips.

For a long while in his life, he lost this experience. He had no family to speak of, and for some of those days, he would continue to hone his craft. He had almost lost sight of who he was, blinded by the ambition to become...whatever he had wanted to become. He played the shield and the spear of the Dragons, but to be just their tool of war was not a fulfilling one. It was only after he had laid his weary eyes on Jingyi, that he saw another future for him.

A future without her would have costed him his life, he reasoned. Without someone to fuel his will to live, and to fight, and to protect, he would not have had the strength to push on, even if it was to stagger back home. He clasped his hands together, and closed his eyes. The children before him would not know that feeling just yet, but he prayed dearly that each and every one of the youths present here today would one day learn of it. The desire and will to live, so that they can protect those that were dear to them. He prayed for their happiness, and for their prosperity.

His eyes snapped open at the call of his name that reached over the throng of voices. “Ah, is that so?” He rose slowly from his seat. Alyssa, seeing the opportunity to break free from the other elderly present, darted over to his side, clutching onto his arm and helping him stand. He did not need her help- his body was still strong. Still, even if it was an excuse to extricate herself from her present company, he appreciated her gesture. “Thank you, Alyssa,” he nodded to her. She only managed a grunt as she led him to the door. “Well, what are you waiting for? Invite them in! The more, the merrier, no?” He laughed and, for quite the long time, mirth was present in his staccato chuckle.

Sang-Cheol Man
I Prefer Water
North District, Mysterious Black Site
Post Arc-3 | Chapter 1
Sang-Cheol, Teddie, Bash
I Prefer Water

Sang-Cheol stopped and sighed. If anything, he took Bash's earlier comment about being able to sniff out Snake as an exaggeration. Last time he checked, Bash's potential was potential canceling, not dog boy's. Though, it would suit Bash being a mutt considering how much he snarled at people.

"Look, we don't have any time; I'd appreciate it if-" Turning around, Sang-Cheol was about to criticize Bash's 'distraction' until he realized what that distraction was. In Bash's hand was a pendant with a black plant as its centerpiece. If Sang-Cheol didn't know any better, he'd refer to the plant as a flower. Though, he had been told that flower was a type of nightshade known to be rather poisonous. A belladonna.

Sang-Cheol wasn't a botanist, nor was he a florist. The only reason why he knew about that specific type of plant was that he saw Snake carrying out a strange pendant around. Though when he tried to compliment Snake's choice of accessory, the feedback that he received from Snake was less than positive. It did, however, leave with Sang-Cheol with a deep impression.

Now that pendant was right in front of him. Without even asking, Sang-Cheol gently took it out of Bash's hands with the utmost care and examined it. "This is Snake's pendant." The scientist muttered. Some part of him was grateful to have found such a big trace of Snake within the abandoned facility. Another part of him was fearful; this pendant was a reminder to Snake. For his arrogance and for what his potentiality had done to those he had cared for. If he were to be part of it, would that mean-

"...Let's go. We got what we needed. This is more than enough to track down, Snake." Sang-Cheol finally said after a long silence. They had accomplished their adjective, and now all they needed to do was get the hell out of there. But before he could, something happened.

A chill rushed down the halls. It sent a shiver down Sang-Cheol's spine. That wasn't what shocked him most. The broken lights suddenly flickered on as if they were fully operational. "What-" before he had a chance to react, he could hear footsteps coming down from where they came from.


A figure in black appeared before them. They raised an unconventional firearm at the three of them. Their finger is on the trigger.

Instinct kicked in before thoughts, but Sang-Cheol didn't do anything. Normally, he'd take out his own firearm and fire back at the figure, but he couldn't do anything. Any hostile intentions vanished as Sang-Cheol stood there like a deer in headlights.

Bash: "You're strong, so I bet you don't even need eyes to fight"
-Bash's strength is increased doubled, however he can't only see from Sang-Cheol and Teddie's Perspective.
Teddie: "You're made out of tar, so you should act like tar!"
-Teddie is 200% more sticky, but he cannot move.
Sang-Cheol: "Take a chill pill, really."
-Sang-Cheol's durability is doubled, but his fighting spirits has vanished.
Camila Gaspari
Tigers B-side: The House Always Wins
West District, The White Tiger
Hiachi, Ryutaro, Camila, Alice, Jennifer
The House Always Wins
The sharp, keen eyes of the veteran continued to shift and move ceaselessly around her peripheral view. No matter how much she tried, absolutely nothing seemed out of place, even after making several laps around the lounge. No one looking at the table their target was in, no one in a particularly strange position or deep in thought, it was all the same bunch of losers trying to make a quick buch under the mercy of lady luck, or pathetic people who wanted to feel like they lived a life of luxury, as fleeting as their illusion may be. The possibility of someone using their ability in a more remote manner, from a position outside of the Casino itself wasn't null, but firstly, such an ability is EXCEPTIONALLY rare, at most a handful of people in the entire city would be able to do something like that. But secondly, and arguably more importantly...Something in the eyes of that girl, the look in her face. Camila had seen it before, it was the face of someone who felt like they were facing the world and all of its adversities on their own, that fine line between fear and bravery that only someone resolute, yet lacking the companionship as a back up could make. Camila knew that expression well, as it was constantly in her own face as little as a year ago at most.

It was almost a shame, the Tiger could in fact relate with the little rebel, having to crush her spirit, and possibly her body as well, wasn't something that Camila felt like she would enjoy, but alas, it had to be done, one way or another, the house was going to win in the end.

"Hey there~ you're that girl that's been on a roll tonight, right?"

Camila had decided to now enter the fray on her own accord, quickly approaching the game table, greeting Hiachi with her signature fake smile and cheerful tone. "Here you go, our special herbal tea, it'll clear your and let you focus better, it's on the house!" As Camila leaned over to leave the drink next to Hiachi, shemade sure to get as close as possible to the girl's ear. "You know...I kinda hate all these pretentious rich jerks, you know? Do me a favor and wring them dry, okay? Serves them right" Sweet, mind bending tea from the gang's goose of the golden eggs, couple with some empathetic honeyed words might just be what they needed to loosen their target just enough.

miki miki @joshuadim
Hiachi Ito
The Hard Way
NOPD, West District
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 4, 2022 | Daytime
Hiachi, Mugen
Hiachi’s eyes were restless, as they always were. Looking at trees. Looking at birds. Looking at passers-by—which was actually important, since she was waiting on someone.

She mentally reviewed his image. Daunting eyes, really tall, spiked up hair. Like it had been hit by a current of static electricity. Kind of like that man, who just passed the entrance of the park.

She did a double take—her vision wasn’t usually wrong, but this seemed like an instance where it could have been. But once she had a chance to really look, she was certain of it without a doubt. That was Mugen, who just passed the meeting point, not a single thought in the direction of the meeting point.

Take note, Hiachi thought with a sigh, doesn’t follow instructions…

And now she was gonna have to follow him. Perhaps he forgot about her, but now was not the time to feel bad about herself. She was the higher up in this case, even if she didn’t feel like it. She had enough of an authority to walk up to him and ask where he was going.

Her quick steps were outpacing his steady beat, but he was still quite a few paces ahead. Hiachi kept him in her sight as she continued onto the street. She had to lean over some people to make sure she didn’t lose sight, but she could spot him.

As she saw the way he was walking, it clicked. He was probably going to the police station, with his waltz of intent and direction. The location they were supposed to be at after meeting at the park

She didn’t want to call out to him. That would draw attention to both of them, and far too close to the station for her liking. Luckily she was drawing closer to him, to the point where if she chose to put in the effort, she could reach out and tap him on the arm.

Maybe she could convince him to turn back for a bit so they could be on the same page. As experienced or inexperienced as he was, she still needed to know what was going on with him.

Something felt foreboding. There was a cloud around Mugen, metaphysically. An unknowable force to his thoughts. She thought about his look of ire, his defensive stance, and tapped him quickly on the arm—twice.

Passeri Park
The Idol Fanclub Trials
Pre-Arc 2
Highreach, West District
Shishido Takakazu, Passeri Park
The Idol Fanclub Trials
Passeri blinked, baffled at the convolution of it all. Scruffy, whose proper name she'd not yet registered, raved like a lunatic. He reminded her of the flea-ridden strays that'd lived around her apartment block as a child. Noisy, desperate, sad, and hungry. The difference was that, while she'd felt bad for those skin-and-bones abandoned pets, Scruffy incited no such feeling of sympathy within her. She didn't have a good measure for what sort of person he was, but as far as animals were concerned, rather than a cat or a dog, he reminded her more of a rambling raccoon.

"You know, if you're going to keep saying such mean things to me, I might just hike the price up for this. Your Captain seemed so nice! I already feel dreadful about conspiring against him like this." Passeri took Scruffy's hand with a sullen look. Obviously, the pair's ruse didn't actually bother her very much. Tall, dark and smelly hardly had anything on her, so if she really objected to helping him out, she simply wouldn't have.

But she had an image to maintain.

That, and she found the man's incessant tirades just a bit entertaining. What could she say? It'd been a boring day.

"Hmmm... Actually- How much did you say you owe me again?" Something glimmered in Passeri's eye. A spark of mischief that normally would've found no purchase. "Fifteen?" But today, as mired in dry mundanity as it was, that spark caught fast. That arid boredom that'd pooled in her gut acted as the kindling and a small fire of, dare she say, fun, started to lick away at the inside of her chest.

"How about we make a game out of this? It'll be three challenges, right? For every one of them that you manage to pull through without my help, I'll waive ten dollars from your debt." She hesitated for a moment before explaining the basic math of that, before remembering who she was talking to. "That means that even if I need to help twice, you'll only owe me five dollars! Any more than that, and I'll pay you instead. Think of it as a prize!"

It was a generous offer, she thought. In fact, maybe it was generous. For the sake of one of her upcoming projects, she'd recently taken to watching gameshows, and all of the best ones employed both the carrot and the stick, so to speak. It was just a better way to raise the stakes.

"...And on the other hand, if you need help with all three, then you'll have to throw in something extra." She hadn't a clue what. She doubted there was much that Scruffy had to offer her. He was already paying her in vending machine food, after all. "What do you think goes well with pork rinds? Maybe you could throw in a side dish~"

August's Home
Friday, March 29th, 2013 - 4:15PM | Pre-Arc 1
August, Peyton
August reacted strangely to Peyton's paper bag, covering his lower face with his hand before leading Peyton up the stairs. Peyton didn't think much about this though, and he simply followed August.

The bedroom that August led him in was as expected, wowing. A symphony of quality bedding and pleasant nerdiness greeted Peyton. But what immediately captivated Peyton's attention was the bookshelves full of literature on the wall. What sort of books did August read? Did Peyton recognize any of the titles?

But before he could ask, his attention was pulled away by the sight of August leaning down to Peyton's level as he explained the Wu Gi Oh cards. Peyton's own chilly blue eyes were captivated and warmed up by August's deep teal ones. Tanned skin, rich as praline, captured August's handsome looks, from his jawline to his snow-white hair. Yup, a handsome prince who was definitely out of Peyton's league.

Then, suddenly, there was a tap on the tip of Peyton's nose like a spark of electricity, causing him to blink in surprise. The next moment, August had straightened his back and had his hands in his pocket as if nothing had happened. But Peyton knew that he hadn't mistaken it. The satisfied and pleased feeling within him was proof of that. Rather subduedly, Peyton shared a bemused, embarrassed, and happy smile with himself. But he still had to ask, "Why did you do that? Do I remind you of a doggy?"

As rare as a Wu-Gi-Oh card. It was probably a flattering compliment, although Peyton's residual interest in Wu-Gi-Oh made it hard to understand its value. The last time he had touched his Wu-Gi-Oh decks was in middle school. Peyton wondered if he even knew how to play them anymore.

"If you really wanted to, you're free to touch me more. I like hugs!" Peyton added. With his mood brightened, Peyton sat cross-legged on the bedroom floor, marveling at how soft the carpet was. From the paper bag, Peyton took out several takeout containers filled with assorted food. Leaf-wrapped sticky rice, shrimp dumplings, and egg tarts, all leftovers that the shop had made the day before. Some fried goods had become soggy with moisture, but they were still edible.

"Dig in! They taste better when they're warm," Peyton said, opening up a leaf of sticky rice and using a plastic spoon to take a portion out. After chewing on his bite, Peyton took another spoonful and held it out to August. It was a bit of an audacious move, sure, but Peyton was curious as to whether August would take it or not, considering how he had previously booped Peyton on the snoot. "Give this one a try. It's my favorite!"

As Peyton ate, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander back toward August's bookshelf over and over. They were far enough away that Peyton couldn't properly make out the titles of the books. But he didn't want to get off the floor to check.

"You've got a nice book collection there," Peyton finally said, "What do you read?"

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
St. Steinburg, Lower Deck ---> St. Steinburg, Upper Deck
July 1st, 2022 (DAY 0) || Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1
5:20 PM
Elias ---> Callista
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage

Tak was completely ready! He was about to run around the deck two times over! Shakedown suspicious people! Maybe patrol around some of the restaurants! And make sure to frisk some of the sexy ladies! All for the safety of the ship, of course!

Of course, despite his big talk and bold claims, defending the ship had quickly begun to drop down the list of importance, getting his worth out of this summer and the fleeting ten days were his top priority, and there was a lot for him to enjoy while he had the time.

He was feeling good, and the sly smirk on his face showed it. Well, at least it did until bushy black hair and widow’s peak forced themselves in front of his vision. He instinctively recoiled a slight bit, putting weight onto his back foot as this random guy got up in his face, trying to dick measure with him about their job of protecting the ship.

Just listening to him talk caused Tak to clench a fist, this guy was definitely punchable! And his hairline looked like a car window with windshield wipers! For some reason, that pissed him off too!

Before things could intensify any further, a robust clap from Elias broke the two away from concentrating on each other, Tak sharply glanced over toward the man ringleading this whole thing, exhaling out of his nose as he unclenched his fist. Looks like windshield wipers would get it off easy for now.

“Well, if that’s all then I’ll be goin’,” He turned away from the rest of the group, shoving his hands into his pockets as he strolled towards the stairs to the higher decks. “It’s about time I get acquainted with the layout of this damn thing.”

Of course, there was no getting acquainted with the layout for Tak, he probably couldn’t even read a map.

So as he mentally noted about the party happening in the evening in the ballroom, his head tilting to the side slightly. “Doesn’t really sound like my scene, but maybe I’ll check it out, He openly pondered as his steps echoed through the empty staircase, the real question wasn’t if he would go, but if he could even find it.

The thought immediately vacated his mind as he felt the sun hit his face, briefly blinding him as he raised a hand to shade his from the glare, the faint sound of gulls in the distance as they flew above the ship, attracted to the food that was already beginning to spread around the ship from the numerous people on it.

“Alright, time to find a buffet,” Tak immediately decided, his gaze narrowing along with a pair of black bars that closed in around his eyes, showing a visual representation of his resolve and immediate choice, despite the large number of things he could do on this ship. He was pretty hungry, and he was gonna need some fuel to keep him running at full energy and enjoy the rest of the day.

Just as he prepared to wander around and let his nose lead him to some food like a starving rodent, he suddenly froze in place, mouth hanging open as his eyes widened, a stifled gasp coming out of his throat as his fingers splayed open, the slight twitch in his digits being the only movement coming from him as he was completely starstruck.

She was approaching his direction, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen! Just the way the sunlight glistened off her clear complexion and how her clothing accented her waist and bust, and how her long blonde hair bobbed along with her sashay, ignited something in Tak, he became insanely aware of his status as a man in an instant.

His mind was blank for a long moment before he remembered to breathe. His brows knitted together, a small sweat going down the side of his face. Was this the type of bombshells money attracted!? Damn, he hated being poor! How the hell was he supposed to stand a chance among such amazing ladies when there were no doubt hundreds of rich guys walking around with their pretty looks, like Elias? He didn’t stand a chance!

Such a sobering realization made him scowl as it seemed like the gap between him and this stunning woman was worlds apart despite their distance between each other quickly closing. He was duly reminded of how little his existence actually mattered in the face of excellence.

But, as he placed a hand in his pocket, prepared to drop his head and walk past with his eyes hidden behind his hair, the crinkle of expensive paper touched his fingertips, his eyes flickering to life as he remembered.

He pulled the platinum ticket out of his pocket, bringing it in front of him as it waved in the wind. This thing, just for these next couple of days, made him different. He wasn’t the normal “nothing worth talking about” Tak! He had a ticket that could buy him anything he wanted on this ship!

For once, just for this time, he was better than a few cents in his pocket! Booze, beautiful women, delicious food! It was all within his grasp, and like hell he was about to shy away at the first chance to see how far he could go!

Bolstering himself, Tak placed the ticket back into his pocket with renewed confidence, staring dead-ahead at the blonde as she approached, she was in earshot now, it was do or die time!

“Yo!” Tak curtly waved toward her, hoping to gain her attention as wore a toothy not caring how disheveled he looked, from his messy thick hair and wrinkled clothing, and spotty stubble as he tried to talk to the woman who was leagues out of his.

He had already got the ball rolling, he just needed to stick its landing. Now wasn’t the time to get cold feet!

“Damn, you’re pretty!” Tak bluntly stated, leaning a shoulder against the nearby edge as he prepared to state his intentions plainly, no point in awkwardly beating around the bush “Think I could treat you to some--”

As he prepared to finish his statement, his eyes drifted away to look over toward the shifting ocean, waves splashing against the hull. All of a sudden, he became aware of the fact they were sailing and moving across the ocean.

Huh, for some reason that didn’t sit right with him. Why does his throat feel so tight all of a sudden--


Tak leaned over the side of a ship as a blur of mosaic-blurred green and brown chunky sludge spewed out of his mouth and splashed down into the ocean below in a long stream. What had just happened? Tak didn’t know as he weakly stepped back away from the edge, evident bags under his eyes as his color had considerably paled in his sickness, a stray strand of vomit hanging from the corner of his mouth before he wiped it with his sleeve. He shakily turned to look back at the woman he had attempted to hit on, laughing nervously.

“Looks like….I get seasick…” He faintly spoke, all of his confidence from earlier had left along with his bowels.

So much for this being his big break!

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel W I N T E R
Carry On My Wayward Son
Feralia Art Gallery, Central District
Charlie, Christina, Hector, Milo
Carry On My Wayward Son
"Got it." replied Christina to Hector, giving them a nod. How hard could it be? She was sure there'd be a place around she could grab. She'd go looking in a few days, maybe bring one of the others along with her. Get to know some more of the gang.

She remained quiet as the others spoke, continuing to take note of Hector's tone and actions towards Charlie. Just what happened between those two? Or did Charlie do something Hector didn't like? She tilted her head slightly, raising an eyebrow for a moment. Maybe she'd find out eventually from Ashley. For now, though, she could only guess.

Soon enough, Charlie stood. Break was over, and they needed to get back to their job. Guard duty. She honestly wondered if anyone would even show up to try and do anything. If they did, they'd get one hell of a beating, that was for sure. She'd need to make sure not to fire herself up, though. Didn't need to torch the building or damage the paintings.

"I'll check this side again, then move to the north side. Gotta make sure the doors and windows are still secure. If I spot anything, I'll yell." said Christina, as she stood herself.
Walkies ("Dog" Walkers Needed)
Silva Residence, East District
Nero, Hiachi, Silva, Nicole, Renjiro, Ottilie
As Nicole stepped up onto the porch, stopping just short of the door, it suddenly swung open. Catching her completely off guard. She sidestepped, barely avoiding the sprinting woman as she flew past. What the heck was that about? She watched her run off, flying down the street, before turning her head to face Nero inside. He spoke up not long afterwards, offering a welcoming smile.

"Hope she doesn't run into any traffic down there. A car's not a fun thing to get bumped by." she said, taking another glance down the street, before turning and stepping in through the doorway. Her eyes then fell on the hazmat suit. A look of confusion washed over her face, as her red eyes shifted between the suit and the one whom had been wearing it. "You certainly came prepared." she said, with a faint chuckle and a smile.

She then returned her attention to Nero. "Yeah, I'm here because of the ad. Felt like it'd be something fun to do on one of my days off."
Hiachi Ito
Tigers B-side: Learning Your Stripes
West District, The Silver Spoon
April 10th, 2022 | Daytime
Hiachi, Lorette
Learning Your Stripes
Lorette’s command snapped Hiachi out of her trance of focus. She had emptied two clips, all bullets having passed through the target. Her heart raced; Hiachi was shocked by herself. She hadn’t critically thought about shooting a gun. Over the minutes, it became a task to be completed. Mastered.

But only she hadn’t. The other part of herself was annoyed. She scoffed at the target she had been shooting. Some were close, but none were exactly on target. It seemed stupid that her potential wouldn’t even let her get one bullseye felt unfair.

When Lorette claimed to find her potential excellent, Hiachi looked away. It felt like a scintillating lie. It was nice to think she had a good potential, but she would always know the truth deep down.

Lorette was happy with it, though. She looked at the target, pleased (she likely couldn’t see how far off Hiachi actually has been).

She changed the subject to a topic that Hiachi had to actually think about. What did she want? Initially, she just didn’t want to piss her off. And then, she wanted to protect herself in the hellscape that was the Albino Tigers. Both of those things were undoubtedly true, the way Lorette asked made Hiachi feel like there was something else.

Hiachi brought herself back to the moments where she was shooting. It was equally exhilarating and frightening, the way she felt when she pressed down on the trigger. It was a power she hadn’t felt before.

“I think…” Hiachi quietly said, “I don’t want to be weak. Anymore.”

There was a lot behind her words, but she couldn’t express it beyond the sentence. Instead, she patted her arms at her sides in a rhythmic pattern. “…Thank you.”

Takahiro Sugita
Pre-Arc 1 || Dancing the Night Away
North District, Ecstasy Nightclub
August 17th, 2021
Takahiro, Raph ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )
Dancing the Night Away
The vibrations, lights, and music of the Ecstasy nightclub would be daunting for somebody first stepping into the fray. Luckily, Takahiro was seasoned when it came to nightclubs. In fact, it was one of his favorite places to relax. Straightening out his choker, he beckoned over the bartender, ready to make a request. "Hey, can you get me two whiskey sours? Leave a cherry out of the second one." He reached into his pocket to grab some cash, handing it over to the bartender. "Keep the change." While Takahiro was waiting for his drinks to be made, a blonde male approached him, causing Taka to roll his eyes.

"You seem awfully lonely. You should dance with me tonight, I think it'd be fun for the both of us." The blonde haired male tried to flirt with Taka, but he quickly shot him down. "Sorry, I'm with someone else tonight. You're not my type anyways." The blonde haired male was frustrated at Taka's answer, but Taka shooed him away with his hand. The man finally left him alone, allowing Taka to turn his attention back to the bartender. Taka grabbed the two drinks that the bartender placed, thanking him before he left. Now it was just a matter of getting back to Raph.

Taka began his journey through the jungle, weaving through the crowds of people. He's been in this club of few times, being familiar with the layout. He had a general idea of Raph's location. It wouldn't be hard to spot him, he always had a frown on his face. Taka almost spilled the drinks on a few occasions, dodging the best he could so the contents could remain in the glasses. Finally, Taka caught a sight of Raph's face, bringing a smile to his face. He was just hoping his makeup was still holding up well at this point.

He approached the table Raph was standing at, placing his drink in front of him. "Here you go cutey, that should liven your mood." Taka took a sip from his own drink, placing it across from Raph. "You should be glad that you weren't at the bar. Some asshole tried flirting with me and he was at best, a four. You probably would have decked him." Taka said, adjusting his hair. He wanted to make sure he looked his best for Raph. The last thing he wanted to do was make a bad impression.
"Two" is Company
Pre-Arc 1, July 20th 2021
Camila's Apartment, West District
Camila, Minato
Minato was halfway through his next bite of pasta when Camila posed her question. He glanced up, an amused smirk playing on his lips, though it fell just shy of reaching his eyes. Setting down his fork, he leaned back in his chair and stretched, one hand raking through his hair as he considered her words.

"Outside o' work, huh?" he said, his gaze thoughtful. "Well, y'know me," She didn't. Not really. "I like ta' keep it real simple. Long walks in the park, maybe hit the gym for a bit, or cozyin' up at home with a good book. Ain't nothin' special, but hey! I'mma simple dude." Mostly lies.

His eyes twinkled mischievously. "But, ya know, there's one thing that keeps me more entertained than anythin' else right now. And she's sittin' right across from me. Lookin' like a snack." He could be convincing when he wanted to. When he really turned it on.

He reached across the table, taking her free hand in his and bringing it to his lips for a quick, playful peck. His smirk widened, and he continued to hold her hand, fingers playing with hers.

"Now, how 'bout you, Camie? Don't be stingy! I told ya mine, now you gotta tell me yours." He asked, his voice taking hard turn toward unabashed flirtation. "How d'you get down when you're not whippin' up a storm in the kitchen?"

Minato's eyes held hers, full of 'genuine' interest. Tigers were often good business partners, but they were seldom good friends. He didn't know much about Camila, all things considered. What were her interests? Her hobbies? Did she really even exist outside of their mutual employer? Did he really care?


The Doppelgänger
Late-Night Chase
Nighttime, post-arc 1
Aksher Co. offices, South District
Charlie, Minato
Minato stood, alittle wobbly, in the face of the Phoenix he'd been 'more-or-less successfully' avoiding all night. Beads of sweat trickled down his face, as his chest swelled with deep, exhausted breaths. A trickle of blood ran from a broken nose. Two of the last remaining clones stood behind him, their mirrored expressions of wariness reflecting his own.

He sized up Charlie, the pipe-wielding Phoenix, noting the determined glint in his eyes, the strain of physical exertion rippling across his body. It was a standoff, and he was outnumbered. Minato had dispatched his back-up. Though Charlie didn't seem all that concerned. Minato's instincts screamed at him to flee, to save his own hide, but the rational part of his brain urged him to consider his options. To play the long game. To take one for the team.

His hand tightened around his own switchblade, knuckles whitening, as he locked eyes with Charlie. He let out a humorless chuckle, the sound resonating through the tense silence.

"Well, ain't this a predicamento," he mused, his voice surprisingly calm. "Don't much like the sound o' broken bones, ya' see. But at the same time, I ain't keen on givin' up just yet."

His eyes flickered towards his comrades; they were all pretty banged up. They were down, but not out. Not yet. There was still one last ace in the hole. They formed a united front, grim smiles etching across their identical faces.

"Guess you'll have ta' make good on yer promise, big fella," Minato said, the smirk widing across his face, his white teeth bared like fangs, stained red with blood. "Cause we ain't goin' down without a fight."

With a flick of his wrist, he brandished his blade, his clones mirroring his movements, their collective gazes filled with a violent fervor. It was all or nothing now. They charged forward together as one, the echoes of their war cry resonating through the now desolate offices of Aksher Co.

Minato had made his choice. He was ready to face the consequences. The final showdown was now in motion.

CS Link
Carry On My Wayward Son
Nighttime, Post-Arc 3, June 25th 2022
Feralia Art Gallery, Central District
Charlie, Christina, Hector, Milo

Seemingly satisfied with Milo’s answer, Hector nodded in agreement, turning back to the other two as they announced their next moves.

“Mhm, no good having us all standing here. That ain’t what we’re getting paid for. I’ll patrol this end.” Hector waved his torch toward the western side of the building, already moving towards it. “Any trouble, just shout, I’m sure we’ll hear it. Virtuoso, you got the other end covered?” More of a demand than a question, Hector called back to Milo, enough faith in him by now to leave him to it. If there was any trait he appreciated in the rookie, it was that he wasn’t a slacker.

In a moment, the Queen was out of sight as he went around the corner, his thunderous footsteps growing fainter in volume as he strode away.

Pre-Arc 1 || Dancing the Night Away
August 17th, 2021
North District, Ecstasy Nightclub
Takahiro, Raph
The bass thrummed a driving beat. It drowned out all thought and drained all trepidation from a person. Like a siren's song, it beckoned one to unleash their latent desires. To let loose, and unshackle the caged beast that lurked within all men, yearning to break free.

The lights of Ecstacy Nightclub were low, and it was dark within. It was the kind of dark that one could barely see through, except for when the flashing light of the strobe lit up the scene. It was the kind of dark that shielded those within from judgment, anxiety, or self-consciousness. It was the kind of dark that invited you in, asking only that you be your true and naked self before it, real and raw, unbound by the trappings of the civilized surface world. All men are animals.

The air was clouded over with a haze of steam. It rose up in thick tendrils from the dance floor, generated by the heat of countless bodies pressed up against each other, skin to skin, like a million perfect circles entwining.

The air was heavy with the scent of spilt liquor and stale cigarettes.

Bodies glistened with sweat that fell like diamonds to the grimy floor—a mess of cracked tiles and broken bottles, sticky and slick—and painted the dingy walls.

The DJ unleashed a carnivorous beat, and suddenly the dark became relentless. Dim lights cut through shadows as the frenetic strobe danced frantically in and out of existence.

Everything coalesced. It was a dizzying, nauseating overload of the senses. It was the intoxicating brush of skin on skin.

Raph felt like he belonged here. It was raw, unfiltered, and dangerous. Just like him.

He liked the danger. He liked the filth. He liked feeling as if anything could happen in a place like this, and none of it good.

He may as well have been a king, and this his sanguine kingdom.

"Cheers, darling." Raph scooped up the drink that Taka had brought him and took a hearty gulp. It didn't taste like anything. That could only be a good sign. He leaned back and gazed at his partner for the evening, a cruel smile tugging at his lips. "And why would I have done that? Are you my property, or something?" He said with a cocked brow and a cavalier air, though his grip on the whiskey tumbler tightened. It took a concerted amount of his restraint to keep from shattering the glass in his hand.


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