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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

[Late-Night Chase]
Nighttime, Post Arc 1
Aksher Co. Offices, Sound District
Charlie, Minato
Late-Night Chase
While Charlie continued his rampage in the second floor, eliminating any sneaky Minaclone that crossed his path, a similar situation took place on the first floor. While initially a bit hesitant to take action due to the sound of violence above them. Tristan and Alphonse finally decided to move once they heard Charlie's command. They entered the first floor, immediately coming into contact with an unknown gang of triplets. The Minaclones attempted to strike a bargain, but the guards had no intention of turning back now, they were all in this together.

The Minatos attacked, the middle one successfully closing in and stabbing Alphone in the side, the latter grunted, but grasped Minato's shoulder, using his other free hand to deliver a haymaker at the tiger's face. The other Minatos followed closely behind, and the five battled over the course of several minutes. By the end, the two guards sat on the ground, completely battered and bruised, barely being able to remain standing after their grueling, yet successful fight against the Minaclones, Alphonse definitely needed a medical intervention soon, though.

Meanwhile, Charlie had kept fighting off the Minatos, his appareance getting continuosly messier as he kept getting bombarded with more clones that decided to go on the offensive, however, his priorities was always the ones that attempted to escape. Finally he stepped forwards to a small group of clones, arguably the last remaining ones in the offices. He raised his pipe, pointing it forward towards the Minatos, with agitated breaths, he attempted to talk the man down.

"It's over, delete these clones of yours and empty every single pocket hiding spot you have, if you cooperate, I'll let you go because I'm feeling merciful, so you better accept it, if not I'll break every single bone in your body" He honestly wanted to get back at the original for what he did to his colleages, but succeeding with a little intimidation was arguably the best outcome for everyone right now.

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
"Two" is Company
Pre-Arc 1, July 20th 2021
Camila's Apartment, West District
Camila, Minato
Camila gave the the man a coy smile as he eagerly chomped down on his meal, all while every now and then taking a bite of her own plate. She wasn't surprised about his reaction, to be honest, cooking was her thing, she was confident about both her skills and the quality of the ingredients she had casually happened to be holding in her place at the moment. Admitedly, she wasn't terribly hungry at the moment, just a few mouthfuls of pasta would be enough to sate her. She much prefered staring at her handsome company, taking joy in looking at his cute puffed cheeks as he continued to eat.

Well, if she played her cards right, she might be served her main dish soon, at another room of the apartment.

She took a sip of her drink, before initiating a little bit of friendly chatter. "So...Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? You're always running around, taking whatever job you can get your hands on...Although I'm kind of the same in that department" She relaxed, letting her back rest against the couch as she cross her leg over another. "But I never get to see you do things outside of that, and let me tell you...I'm dying to know more about it"

Truth be told, she wasn't really THAT interested, but whatever makes the fish approach the bait is fair game.

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Jackson Reese Alessi
High School To Be Named, East District
August 2018 || Pre-Arc 1
Jackson, Hiachi, NPCs a la miki miki and Brii
Double Displacement

On the top ten list of things that irritated him this girl was making it as numbers 1, 2, and 3. Now he had an even worse reputation all because she couldn’t manage to use her voice. Part of him wondered if she even could but all she was doing right now was tanking both of their reputations. The anger was enough to even push him through his lingering dread at entering the class as he stormed after her.

It didn’t even take much to muscle his way into being seated behind her. Technically it wasn’t his seat but he just had to approach and before the words were even out about potentially switching the mouse student it actually belonged to had already scampered away. He pulled his shit out and resolved to just get through the day. At least burning a hole in the back of her head would keep him annoyed enough to not think of where he was.

The pop quiz wasn’t much either. Did some people find this difficult? Yeah, it wasn’t like As were easy but most of it you could just skate through with a general understanding of math. Why did he even need this class? Maybe if he completed enough of the quizzes he could just duck out of the rest of this class with a C average.

Before he knew it the class was over. He packed and threw his bag over his shoulder. Before she could escape he practically leaped out of his seat to block her. He did a quick sizing up once more assuming she was fine. She’d probably be in the nurse's office if she wasn’t right?

“Okay, once again. What’s your problem? What are you a mute? You need sign language or som’thing?”

The Trials of Belial
Dorm room, New Oasis Central University
Gideon, Jozef

“Well, I think we’d avoid the mean ones anyway!” Jozef laughed, crouching down to add his finishing touches. A smiley face, a winky face, one with their tongue stuck out, one with heart eyes. He looked deep in thought for a moment, before adding a face with sunglasses. It seemed he was just running through his favourite emojis in his head, but it made the circle look a bit more cheerful at least. Realising it was time, Jozef chucked the chalk into a corner — littering bonus! — and looked to Gideon.

He was going to speak but instead stepped within the circle, giving Gideon a thumbs-up of encouragement. The stakes didn’t seem to hit him, as he behaved more like a mom watching her son show her some “cool” trick. Way to go Gideon!!! Unfortunately, despite their valiant efforts, they were plunged into silence when he finished talking. Jozef looked at Gideon, waiting. He wasn’t waiting for a demon, he knew that wasn’t coming, but he was waiting for anything to move things along. Maybe it was done? Oh no!

As much as Jozef didn’t follow Gideon’s beliefs, he was the most supportive roommate you could have. He did his share of the dishes, he helped Gideon revise for exams (it helped when they had the same material to cover), and of course, he was going to help summon this Belial guy. But what help could he give? He was starting to feel a bit of second-hand embarrassment, but then he got an idea. He straightened his arms out stiff like they were being dragged away from him and then squeezed his eyes shut tight with a shudder.

Oops, maybe I should’ve looked at where Gideon was first. Jozef didn’t have time to rehearse as he dropped forward onto his knees, his head craning up till his neck hurt. He was a bit concerned, there was a fine line between “Woohoo look at this possessed person!” and “Oh no I have to call an ambulance because my friend’s freaking out!”. Jozef hoped he had captured the former well. Anything to boost Gideon’s confidence. But something was missing. From the back of his throat, Jozef yelled like he was being stabbed. It might’ve been a bit over the top.

“I. AM.” Wait. What was it again? “BÉCHA-LIAL.” In Jozef’s defence, he had been obsessing last night over the lovely Béchamel sauce that went into a lasagne he made, and he was in food mode thinking about all that gluttony. Surely Gideon would overlook the little mash-up of names. “STATE YOUR DESIRES, MORTAL.” Hopefully this is how summonings went. Jozef wondered if Gideon had met any other demons.

Hiachi Ito
Double Displacement
Unnamed High School, East District
Hiachi, Jackson
Double Displacement
This wasn’t over. Hiachi had felt on edge the whole class. All because this guy was sitting behind her, glaring into the back of her head like he was trying to command it to explode. All class long, she was cracking her knuckles, trying to shake the pit in her stomach.

She couldn’t focus on the quiz, or on what they had learned in the class. She couldn’t bring herself to get up and go to the bathroom. What if he followed her there? Imagine what would happen then. She was knocked over by an elbow to the stomach—she would be dead by the end of the period if he actually tried to hurt her.

The bell rang and she was free to go. Hiachi had packed up her things before then, much to the disdain of her teacher, but she couldn’t care less. She just needed to get out of sight, out of mind, like she always was and always would be. But she wasn’t fast enough. The boy stood up, blocking her path out of the class.

Again, she was asked what her problem was. She had no problem—He had a problem if he was so obsessed with asking her what her problem was. But then he hit a nerve. Was Hiachi mute? It was hard to tell. She was teased about it a bit, but she had never been the talkative type. She had no reason to fix it, most people left her alone.

He was making a scene. Now everyone was staring, because scenes were made to be stared at. It was back to those whispers, but now Hiachi had her back turned on them.

She didn’t like the attention on her. Everything about him was irate and aggressive, and everything about her was mousy and weak. She didn’t want to be a part of this.

“No,” She heaved, avoiding his eye contact—though her gaze towards the ground hardened. “Excuse me. I need to get past you.”

Jackson Reese Alessi
ENP, East District
??? || Pre-Arc 1
Jackson, Devin ( Misuteeku Misuteeku )

"Should I try this?"

He did his very best to not chuckle at the others sudden bravery. Ah yes, a clear awakening indeed. He let the other set the tone waiting on him to show any signs of making the next move. He was starting to realize that while it was clear Devin wanted to be the one to set the pace he couldn’t damn well find the track.

“You’re supposed to close your eyes, after you start the kiss.”

Even so, he leaned in and moved to reciprocate. He’d treat it as gently with the leading as his own first partner did. Granted he was being trained for it back then and Devin presumably wasn’t looking to become a prostitute. Or if he was Jackson would wildly suggest not doing so. Cherries like him get eaten alive. He nimbled lightly on the other’s lower lip trying to guide him into a more sensual kiss.

Jackson Reese Alessi
High School To Be Named, East District
August 2018 || Pre-Arc 1
Jackson, Hiachi, NPCs a la miki miki and Brii
Double Displacement

So she could speak. That’s good. Now would she stay speaking? That was the real question. He didn’t move just yet but he did start to feel a bit worse from her response. Was he that awful that even speaking up to him was an issue? He rubbed at the back of his head looking away slightly from her.

“Right. Well, good. That’s good. So… you hurt?”

What if she was in such a rush because she was hurt? Dammit he didn’t think she was too hurt from it, especially with the way she flew in, but he’d seen people fold for less. He heard the whispers of others start up once more.

What if they’re both just freaks?

Shush don’t let them hear. You’ll end up a target like Yui.

What if she’s his ex and he’s just overly attached?

He felt an irritation bubbling at the last one specifically and whirled around to shout at them.

“Piss off and leave if you ain’t got anything better to do that nose around in other’s business”

He turned back to the girl once more keeping well within her orbit of personal space as the crowd thinned out. Not that he cared. For all he gave a damn they were just some buzzing bees in the background. If they watched how close they came then they wouldn’t need to go offing themselves with a poorly timed personal attack.

“Hey, you. Its cause you don’t say shit they won’t shut up. What’s your name mousey?”
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North District
~2004, Pre-Arc 1
Passeri ( The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit ) Caio
Captives of The System

He didn’t mean to but he was logging it away in the back of his mind. Ten huh? They really were roughly the same age. That’s even worse. He couldn’t imagine what sort of life she was expected to lead when she was so clearly underfed to be mistaken for a kid years younger. If the system could be trusted to do anything he’d consider reporting it but the cops just turned a blind eye to kids like them.

At least she could find joy still? He couldn’t believe it himself. He was already full of anger and it wasn’t even his life. There was being poor and there was desolate poverty. Judging from it all here he was sure she fell more into the desolate when it came to the sliding scale. He didn’t really need much more than to hear that this was her home away from home to guess what busy meant for her.

“So your parents are druggies too then?”

He asked less expecting her to answer and more as a method of showing he got it. It wasn’t like he broadcasted his dad’s habit when he didn’t need to. Ruy always said that they should be mad at the dealers not their dad, but then who did they get to blame when even the dealer was a girl like Brandy?

“You’re sweet. But… it’s all good, no thanks.”

He took a look around the place and while it wasn’t the best it was questionably empty. Which might have been better than what she usually had. He felt a wave of pity, but also jealousy. A place to get away sounded pretty nice.

“What’dya say we make a deal? You let me keep coming ‘round and I’ll help you make this place even better? First order of business, getting some better snacks.”

He pulled a wad of cash out of his pockets he had from the last dealer he’d left knocked out. It was dirty money anyways so it wasn’t like anyone ever came looking for it.

“Well? Hows a little shopping spree sound?”

Hiachi Ito
Double Displacement
Unnamed High School, East District
Hiachi, Jackson
Double Displacement
He asked if she was hurt, and she shook her head. She knew this game. If her brothers noticed that what they were doing got to her, they just did it more. She wasn’t hurt, and it was going to stay that way. He wouldn’t know that he was getting to her, or else he would just continue.

To her surprise, the boy leaned past her to shout at the bystanders. They didn’t all leave, of course, but some of them did. Not nearly good enough for her—she needed everyone in this room to disappear, including Hiachi herself. It’s not like anyone in the class was going to stand up for her, anyways.

When he turned back to her, he looked angrier. His tone was causing her to lose the color in her face. This was exactly everything she had hoped wouldn’t happen. She had bitter hope that somewhere far off, her big brothers would cackle at their predictions being correct.

She couldn’t help but wonder: WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!? She just bumped into him. Was that all it took? The slightest shift in balance and now she had pinned a target to her back?

He was talking like he wanted her to shrivel up and die. And she wanted to, but she couldn’t let herself. She may have looked scared, but she wouldn’t cry. She couldn’t let him have that satisfaction. She swallowed the lump in her throat and gently coughed to clear her throat.

“My name is Hiachi. Not mousey.” She paused to think. Her parents had taught her that apologizing was the best way to fix a situation—even if she wasn’t in the wrong. So maybe a half-hearted apology was in order. “I’m sorry for bumping into you. Excuse me, you are in my way.”

But Hiachi was impatient, and perhaps a bit of a fool. She wanted out of the classroom more than she wanted to think about how her actions were coming across. In the gap between where he had used his arm to block her path and the floor, Hiachi ducked down and tried to crawl her way past the boy.


Gav | Rain On The Mountaintop | Borgo Orecchiette, Fusilli

Despite the trash heap the game show had been, he at least got one good thing out of it.

A new friend.

Granted he hadn't seen her since the incident and they hadn't exchanged numbers, Gav knew with how life often went for him he'd see her around again- eventually. At least that was his own optimistic assumption.

Unlike others, Gav had flown, technically. A call to Altaea and he'd shifted his very self to attain a sense of buoyancy that allowed him to jump with his enhanced form and clear several streets in an instant as he arced through the air, from building to building- street lamp to statue. The rush of wind over his cloaked paranormal form, was refreshing. At the same time- avoiding public transportation gave him the brevity to contemplate his next moves.

He still hadn't told the Dragons he was active yet-- there were reasons for that. One was what he'd learned- the fighting with the Phoenixes. Another was all this chaos he'd been discovering since he'd gotten back and since that show. There was the failed attack on a Serpent Warehouse, this Lancer- who had bombarded drug runners working for the Serpents as they shifted their supplies more over into Central, increased conflict between the Serpents and Dragons, the Phoenixes had apparently, if his connections to the gossip chains were correct- launched a brutal assault on the Tigers on some aimless attack, some kind of bravado show of their strength-- whatever that meant.

So much going on these days, it seemed. He had planned on revealing himself to the others earlier, but now- he wasn't so sure he wanted to get caught up in the whole mess. The only person that knew of his existence at the moment, was his Muse.

And he knew Skunk wouldn't breathe a word of his presence to a soul.

There was so much going on in Oasis- more than when he'd been active as a Dragon. And then there was Idol's actions here, and that shit storm at the game show.

That earthquake wasn't natural, but even he wasn't sure what had caused it.

This meeting though, he hoped to at least find answers to whatever angle this musician was playing at.

Following the bus was easy when he could pick out Milo's very life force within it.

For his part, Gav stuck a landing a good distance away from the bus itself that carried the others towards their united destination and with a thought, Altaea dispersed from his body, in the same instant, the two extra arms he had generated, dropped the two bags he'd been carrying by his side all while his alien form faded into particles revealing his shoulder-length jet black hair, open-buttoned top, and the suit pants he wore.

Entering the estate itself had the veteran mildly impressed with the decorum. It was nice to look at, but ultimately sparked little fascination in him given his own roots of nobility. He'd seen his fare share of riches back home-- and played his own part in ensuring those very riches stayed on their original lands. All of this was nice, but it was merely a distraction for the real goal-- what they were doing here.

The idea of lunch was honestly not a terrible idea. He wasn't hungry, but anywhere they could sit and he could get to grilling on their purpose of being invited here was just something to make things easier. Yet he was distracted by two things.

Peepee, followed by-- I'd hit it.

His expression turned to amusement. These additions would be interesting.

"Ham, you say?" Gav announced to the ears of all in range. "Sounds good" he stated with a overtly loud clap and self-pleased grin. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Mizz."


Interactions: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit BriiAngelic BriiAngelic @Anne Boolean Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

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Crossed Lines
The Mirage Diner, South District
Pre-Arc 1: November 11th, 2014
Vulken, Zane
1 (Current Temp: 600 °F | 316°C )

The sound of glass shattering and subsequently dissipating on the tile flooring of The Mirage crashed into the ears of the few people dining there, and those who turned their heads to locate the source of the noise would see a black boot connected to a long leg that hung right over the now-exposed handle of the door.

Emerging through the destroyed entrance was Draken, the livid Jack of the Scarlet Phoenixes— and he nearly ripped the remains of the Diner’s door off with him as he stepped in. For a moment, he stood there, and the heat that emanated from the establishment’s kitchen was quickly overtaken by that of his own potential.

Orange eyes scanned the restaurant, overlooking many startled customers before finally landing on what he was looking for. There he was. The blonde prick his best friend had told him about.

Every time the thought even did so much as cross his mind, the blazing fire deep inside of him was stoked. The bruises, the blood, the pain that Yong-Yut had tried so hard to hide from him before he pressed it out of her. If it had been just anybody, they would have been a pile of ashes by now. But finding out that it was one of his own—and that YY wasn’t the only person he’d hurt— only made his blood boil more.

And yet, instead of hiding away somewhere like any normal person who put their hands on the Jack’s best friend should have, he was sitting there with that shit-eating grin.

Vulken stomped over to the booth that Zane sat in, looking down on him with vengeful, wrathful eyes. Then, in a heartbeat, a scalding hot shoe exploded from the ground, slamming down and blowing the booth’s table apart, prompting a few fearful shrieks from terrified bystanders.

Get up,” He ordered, his eerily calm voice not reflecting the fury in his expression.

... Or I’m draggin’ you outside.

BluEndings BluEndings

Sang-Cheol Man
The Woodsman and The Duckling
North District, Backstreets
Pre-Arc 1 |
Sang-Cheol, Mimi
The Woodsman and The Duckling

It seemed like the woman didn't enjoy the idea of having a woman projected onto her. Sang-Cheol could never guess why before the wall beside them started to shift. An arm made out of solid bricks grabbed tight onto Sang-Cheol's arm and yanked it away from its mistress. Pain washed over him as having his injured arm grabbed didn't do the lab worker any favors.

"Hehe, my bad. I'm a little lightheaded right now, so I beg your pardon." He didn't have enough time to properly bandage his injuries before dragging the body from the West District all the way to the North. Not to mention that the woman that he was dragging around was pretty heavy. Sang-Cheol winced as he tried to remove his arm from the stone grip the cinder block arm had him in. "If you will, may you please release me?" Sang-Cheol asked the wall.

One thing was for sure this woman definitely wasn't Isobel. The mention of throwing him into jail darkened the Serpent Rookie's mood. His already wet body felt even chillier at the mention of imprisonment. If it wasn't dark outside, then the woman might have seen his pale face. "I'd most appreciate you didn't do that. Call the police, I mean. The North District prisons aren't exactly the nicest." He had personal experience.

"Though, thanks for the tissues." Using his remaining free hand, he brought it over to his restrained hand and had it grab hold of it while he took out tissues. Pressing down onto his body, it soaked with his blood. His injuries ache with every movement, but he pretended as if they weren't there. Sang-Cheol wanted to look capable even in front of a stranger.

"A guide? I don't know if I can do that properly. I don't take drugs either," Sang-Cheol admitted to the woman. "And I don't have any money to help you with your clothing either, so sorry about that." A gloomy look appeared briefly on his face before his face brightened up. "But I can take you to meet the Professor! He makes medicine, unfortunately, but I bet he can help you with what you need." His light up at the mention of the Professor.

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Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Summer Stalking
Mushi Sushi, Central District
Tatsuya (NPC), Guinevere, Kiwi, Takaonna, Akira T. (NPC)
Summer Stalking
“Aight. Good to know.”

The call ended. The phone was put away.

The sun had a warm, direct hit on Kiwi’s face, for the first time in forever. The cool breeze went past her, and the nice scent of freshly-washed hair was breathed in. Burying the side of her head into the cryptid’s hair, she sighed. “Ain’t it a great day, Shinko?”

She ran her small hand through the long hairs on the girl’s head. Kiwi’s legs kicked in the air. “Betchyer’ excited for dinner, huh? I remember you tellin’ me…” she hummed. “Ay, next left, n’ we’ll be there.”

Kiwi and her trusty steed rounded the corner, nearing the restaurant she was sure Shinko was raving about on the inside. “Aight, aight, you’re gonna stop in three, two.. one… steps. There ya go! Now lemme down.”

Carefully, she crawled off of the giant’s back, holding tightly onto the girl’s dress until her feet touched the ground. She grabbed onto one of the long, disproportionate fingers on the other’s hand. She smiled.

Shinko was one of the people Kiwi felt the most safe with. Which was a little silly, because Shinko was one of the people the average human being felt the least safe with, considering the violent temperament and immense strength she had. Kiwi, luckily, was one of the people that the cryptid wouldn’t hurt. And she knew this.

She wasn’t so sure that anyone else wouldn’t hurt her.

Lightly tugging on her finger, she led Shinko into the Mushi Sushi. “You remember what you like? Don’t be touchin’ everything.”

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nobody Special Nobody Special
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Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Add Image
Eminence, West District
Pre-Arc 1, August 1st 2021, Evening
Add Image

Ever-so-slightly, Kiwi relaxed. This guy seemed like a complete non-issue, outside of the whole cheating deal. He seemed like a pretty nice guy. A light chuckle and a smirk, she followed behind him, planting her cane on the ground as she walked.

“Ay, I’m sure you did tha’ best you can,” she nodded, glaring at everyone that passed. Past the random passerby, she could see the beauty of the lobby. It was just as good inside than it was outside, huh?

“Nah, don’t go out much. S’nice, though.” She turned her head to the man, considering his offer to return later. Or, well, pretending to, as her answer was a definite, “Ah, maybe not. Got stuff, ‘n stuff.”

Stepping inside the elevator and turning around, her eyes admired the door. Even the elevator looked nice! “I, uh,” slightly, she tilted her head upwards to remain focused on Sylvie. “Since I was a lil’ teen. Got a big interest in everything ‘internet-y’. Web design was one’a ‘em.”

Other people came and went in the elevator as they made their way up. Once they reached the right floor, she waited for him to step out first, and she again followed closely. “Ay, show me this website I been hearin' so much about.”

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
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Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Post Arc 2
Sang-Cheol, Timothy [NPC], Kiwi
Ay… the stewards? Kiwi… had no clue what those were. But more importantly, she wasn’t even sure if this request was legit. Or if the money was real. Or if these guys were trying to kill her. Or… etc, etc.

Screenshotting the request, she sent it over to her own boss, for an extra precaution, she guessed. To him, she sent something along the lines of ‘if i die its this guys fault’ and then clicked back to the conversation at hand.

She wrote and deleted a few possible responses to the request. It took a little while until she settled on something.

rngesus: k.
but thats a lotta money man
imma need u to get me some of that upfront. 10k good?
besides that.. do u know any more bout them? dunno if i can ctrl-f my way to find information on them. might need leads. thx

She tapped on the side of her laptop, waiting for another ping from the stranger.

Misuteeku Misuteeku ( Nobody Special Nobody Special akira mention so crazy omg !!!)
Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Kiwi's House, West Distric
February 19th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Tak, Kiwi
Kiwi’s pajama-ed legs rested on her desk, the controller that was in her hands just a few hours earlier already put to the side. She’d finished the entire game a while ago, even though the game had just been released. That, of course, was due to the fact that the man she’d been waiting for was gone for just long enough for her to complete the game two times over.

The chair she sat in swerved back and forth. She was pretty happy to take a break, honestly. She had no work besides some cleaning, and she didn’t desire to complete another game. She just enjoyed the sun shining through her window. It was rather pretty outside, too.

The sky was a beautiful blue, and the clouds reflected it. The trees across the road swayed in the breeze. The motorcycle in Tak’s hands shined in the sun. The flowers in harmony with the grass were— The motorcycle in Tak’s hands!?!?

Scrambling out of her chair, she moved to see out the window better. She thought he wasn’t even going to show at this point. Did his bike break down? Damn.

She flinched at the sound of metal breaking wood, and then at the shout of a dumbass outside her house. She sucked her teeth, glaring at no one as she made her way through the building and to the front door, her dogs following closely behind.

Opening it to the mess of a human at her door, an impatient expression crossed Kiwi’s face. “Ya late.”

She slammed the door closed.

… After a few moments, she reopened the door. “Just messin’. Get inside. Leave tha’ bike in the entryway.”

She turned around and led him into the living room, gesturing to the couch, which the dogs immediately took up the entirety of. “I gotta go grab tha’ game. You sit down.”

Just as she moved to turn the corner, she stopped. Turning towards him with a smile, she asked, “ay, ‘fore I grab it, you mind cleaning up ‘round there? S’a lil’ messy.”

thebigfella thebigfella
Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Kason's Mansion, Underground, West District
…But it wasn’t silent for much longer.

A new voice took over the intercom. A girl’s, this time, soft and smooth. But, particularly, unfamiliar.

“...S’this thing on?”

A little awkward laugh, followed by an unsure ‘uhh.’

“Shinkoooo… Shinko-Shinko-Shinko.” She found her name. She spoke it with an air of gentleness. Typing was all that was picked up by the intercom until, “Aight… lemme get this open for you.”

The door, heavy, slowly opened itself up. The air from outside of the room mingled with the air on the inside.

“Don’t you be afraid, now… I’m here ta’ help.”

The voice hopped to the next nearest speaker, the girl clicking with her tongue. “You follow me, right? I’m gettin’ you outta here. Stay quiet for me.”

The voice turned tense, resentment dripping from her next words. “That man won’t hurt you no more after this.”

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Devin Cena
ENP, East District
Pre-Arc 1
Devin, Jackson

Despite being the one initiating the kiss, Devin was the one who started to feel breathless. He let Song guide him through the movements. Admittedly, in contrast to his own rough lips, Song's were incredibly soft. It wasn't too weird considering Song's choice of career, but to Devin, it felt nice to feel. "Hmmmm-" Devin couldn't take much more of it before he decided to push Song against the bed frame.

A blushing mess, Devin tried to catch his breath. The beginner had forgotten to breathe during the entire session. He looked down at the blonde hair man beneath him. As corny as it was to think like this, Devin wanted more. Removing his tie, he proceeded to tie Song's hands with it. Vines escaped his back before he lowered himself to Song's level.

A hand slid underneath the turtleneck as Devin leaned closer. "Tell me if it hurts, okay." The other hand grabbed rested below Song's Stomach. For the first time, he didn't feel like a scurrying rat. Perhaps he was putting too much emotion into this interaction, but he felt that this relationship was real. Ironically, Devin understood now why brothels were visited other than for sinful needs. A faint mental hazed obscure his vision. "Like before, guide me through this, my guide..."

"Ah." Devin stared straight up at the wall. The clarity was coming back to him. Like a rat, he wanted to crawl back into safety and never leave home again. He didn't know when, but his clothes were off somewhere in the room. The sheer shock of reality, however, prevented him from leaving the bed and picking up the clothes around him. Devin was pretty sure he had gone through an entire life crisis, and then within that life crisis laid another life crisis that he had to jump through.

Needless to say, he wasn't going to visit ENP for a while. Between the cheeky receptionist, to meeting Song, to choking Song, to finding out some things he preferred were left buried, and now this. This last thing was the one thing that added the cherry on the cake. If this was how George felt pollinating, then Devin would have to make sure never to let the parasitic plant lay eyes on another plant in a while.

After a while, he turned to face Song. Devin didn't know how to feel about the prostitute. His first wasn't exactly the best, and Song was a prostitute. This wasn't exactly his first rodeo doing it with another stranger. Though deep down, Devin perhaps wanted to make it special. His father and mother often had to push aside their worry for them for his ill sister, so it was nice having someone else's attention, even if shallow. Devin reached and touched Song's hair. It felt nice.

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
Port, North District
July 1st, 2022 | Post Arc 3
Elias, Zach, Taka, Yushui, Kairong, Hiachi, Tak, Sebastian
Warm summer air. A pleasant breeze to drive off the heat. Unlimited slushies. A chance to lounge back and just forget about everything. Ah. Life was good.

Sometimes Sebastian would feel discouraged about his work, wondering if his hard work would all amount to nothing in the very end. But while he wasn't a prosecutor for the money, it was nice to know that if nothing else, the job afforded him an opportunity to spend on a lavish vacation every so often.

But while the sun was nice and warm, Sebastian felt the urge to go inside. Mushrooms like him weren't built to withstand direct sunlight and heat-- he needed a nice cool place to stay. It was a shame how his human genetics and his fungi genetics clashed. Maybe he could get a parasol or something. And if not... there were definitely things to do inside the air-conditioned rooms of the cruise ship.

Strangely though, Sebastian found himself in the cargo hull of the ship. On paper, it made sense-- it was damp and dark. But as for how he wandered that deep down into it, Sebastian had no idea.

Sebastian's hair glowed a bright turquoise, lighting up the way ahead of him as he made his way through the darkness. The sides of the ship creaked as it rocked back and forth by the waves. There was something disturbing about the long shadows that Sebastian's bioluminescence cast on the crates. It was almost as if there was someone else in them, stalking him in the shadows. The prospect felt... exciting.

Then he saw it. A puddle of blood and gore seeped from just around the corner. Was it his mind playing tricks on him? All signs said no, especially when he leaned down and dipped his finger into the puddle, and lifted his finger up to his tongue. Yup, it tasted like blood. Someone had died here. Was it a murder or some sort of gruesome accident? If it was the former... then Sebastian realized with a chill that he wasn't alone down there.

"Is someone there?" Sebastian asked. His voice echoed down the ship hull, eerily empty and devoid of anything but that constant creaking and the vague sounds of people walking above him.

Then he saw it: A tall creature, looming over Sebastian, lanky and terrifying. Long strands of hair flowed down her eyes. Any normal person should've been terrified, but Sebastian wasn't. He was a monster too, after all, even if his exterior appearance didn't show it. Instead, all Sebastian felt was a quickening of his heartbeat, the same as if he was surprised.

"Well, I, um," Sebastian said, not sure what to say. A monster in the dark was the last thing he had expected when he was down here. After a moment of hesitation, Sebastian offered his hand to the monster, "Well then. Greetings, dear lady. To who do I owe the pleasure?"

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Passeri Park
Rain on the Mountaintop
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 28th
Borgo Orecchiette, Fusilli
Passeri, Jackson, Jesper, Pascal, Milo, Gav
Rain on the Mountaintop
In this case, the tendency for a crowd's chatter to mesh together into one large, inaudible mess was probably a good thing. Certain mentions of peepees and who would hit who, were muted by the sound of the former contestants talking amongst themselves, glad to be done with their long trip.

"It's great to meet you guys, too!" She chirped, in response to Gavril's greeting. "If you'll follow me, the dining room is just down the hall."

After bobbing her head in the direction of the room, Passeri was quick to follow her own directions. She hadn't been here much longer than the rest of the crowd, but she had given herself enough time to familiarize herself with the essentials, at least. Any of the more exotic offerings that the villa had to offer, though, were still beyond her.

It was a short walk through halls decorated with fine pottery and classical paintings, before the scent of freshly baked ham wafted through the air. The dining room was lavishly laid with all manner of breads, cheeses, and salads flanking a monolith of cured, glistening pork. The table was already laid with plates, knives, forks, and some other impossibly named variants of cutlery that not even the group's illustrious host knew the name of, and a few non-alcoholic drinks were available.

"Feel free to start wherever you like! Or if you're not hungry you can feel free to start nosing around. There's bedrooms upstairs if you want to steal one early, a pool out the back, and I think there's a rec room somewhere around? I haven't had a look for it yet!"

For once, Passeri didn't have anything planned for the immediate moment. Playing host and being available for her guests, that was all that she needed to focus on for now. As was typical of her she certainly did have things in mind for this trip, but they could wait. Getting everybody comfortable came first. She'd never met anybody who liked to negotiate on an empty stomach.

"I'm going to hang out here for a bit if anyone wants to chit-chat. I've been all over the place making sure everything was ready for you guys, so this is like a little break for me." Passeri said as she dropped into a sofa not too far from the dining table. "Actually, I guess this whole thing is like a break. For the next two days, I'm at your mercy!"

And, of course, they were at hers, too.

@Anne Boolean BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Elenion Aura Elenion Aura The Regal Rper The Regal Rper AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean

NPC Post - 'Thelma'
Rain on the Mountaintop
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 28th
Borgo Orecchiette, Fusilli
Passeri, Jackson, Jesper, Pascal, Milo, Gav, Bolt
Rain on the Mountaintop
"Ted!" Thelma didn't waste a moment before hopping onto the blonde, wrapping him in a large, firm hug. Or at least as firm as it could be with one arm. Their smile was wide, which neatly contrasted the swaddles of bandage that suspended a cast-entombed left arm.

"Good to see you! I figured you'd be invited along to this little, uh, whatever this is. I was looking forward to it! The crew rides again!" Exuberance stained their voice, the earthquake already a distant memory. Fretting about what was done and dusted had never been much their style. After all, it was so much more fun to focus on the here and now, and what a here and now this was! Fusilli! In all their years, they'd never expected to make it to the lovely old nation, much less for free.

That earthquake had been a blessing in disguise for them. What a steal!

"Was your trip alright? I cried on the plane-" It was their first time flying. "-But other than that, it was pretty swell for me! The attendant lady on my flight felt bad for me, so they gave me a free brownie! With nuts! Who even needs Doobie snacks at that point, right?" They laughed, and elbowed Pascal with what little dexterity they had in their broken arm. "Speaking of doobies, what about you? Hungry? I read in a pamphlet on the way here that this region specializes in eggplant, so that could be pretty good. Or...-"

Their eyes lit up as they entered the dining room, and their attention locked onto one of the serving platters. In a flash, they were across the room, barreling right past Passeri and scooping up a wet, sad-looking fish filet.

"Pickled fish!" With a wide smile on their face, they dropped the entire filet into their gullet, and then started to speak between chews. "S'from the neigborin' county. Super-delicacy. They only make, like, one-thousand jars a year. I think. Looks like it at least." Really, there was no way for them to know without seeing the packaging, considering they'd never had it before. "It's uh, really salty, actually." As they swallowed one, they immediately scooped up another and slurped it up like a noodle.

"Really really salty actually." Spontaneously, they remembered that they were usually eaten with something else, and shoved the first cracker they spotted into their mouth. "Ya' gonna have anything? It's pretty decent!"

@Anne Boolean
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Passeri Park
In The Tigers' Web
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 3rd
Nameless Storefront, West District
Passeri, Jennifer, Ezra, Elias, Dagger
In The Tigers' Web
Elias's incessantly casual demeanour never failed to give Passeri pause. His was a double life that needed to be swathed in as many a layer of obfuscation was hers, and yet it was only cool confidence that possessed him. Perhaps it was his Potential that afforded him mastery of that mind that bestowed on him his self-assuredness, or perhaps it was that he'd hardly had to fret about much from the day he was born, given his title as the illustrious Yumin heir.

Then again, she supposed that the other man that had arrived with him called that second theory into question.

"There's an idea! I've actually been meaning to ask if you came across anything after we were separated, Eli. Everything was so, well, you know after the earthquake started." The understatement of the century, that was. In the moment, the cocktail of deadly poison and crazed cultists had kept her mind from the quake itself, but it was really quite a miracle that any of them had made it out of there. Of the vast network of tunnels, it would've only taken one of them caving in to trap them there for eternity.

"Aside from attaining our guest tonight, we didn't manage to get out of there with much ourselves. Between the boulders and being outnumbered like we were, there really wasn't much of an option for us other than turning tail and running." Regret crept into her voice as she counted the events of that day. Wren. Kenji. Isobel. She cared for one of those names far more than the others, but the weight of each of them still weighed down on her. "How did you get away, anyway? I don't recalling seeing any other-"

Bang bang. Once again, the door thudded noisily. That was the second time she'd been interrupted tonight. The sound of Gunnolf's paws clipping against the floor followed Passeri as she once again moved to pull the door wide, and came face to face with who she hoped would be the star of the show.

"At last!" Even if she was late, Passeri still greeted the other woman much the same as she had the other Tigers. "Sorry to call you out so suddenly, but this is... A bit serious. You might want to take a seat."

As she guided Jennifer through the door, Passeri's chipper facade bubbled away and reduced to one of sympathy. The door heavily swung shut behind them, and a sense of still solemnity took the room.

"Right..." Even for somebody like Passeri, this situation was a difficult one. Aside from her lineage, she knew little of the Webber heiress, and even less of her relationship with her father. With her arrival, the room had become akin to a minefield, and regardless of how delicately she stepped Passeri had a feeling that there was no avoiding tripping one.

"I've called everyone here tonight for a reason. Some of you, no doubt, will have already figured that out, while others... I've thought it more decent to inform in person." Carefully, she eyed Jennifer. Hers was a business that dealt in blood, so in an ideal world, she'd be able to handle this with grace. But it was a different sort of blood that had called her to invite the woman here tonight. She just hoped that her act of courtesy here wouldn't blow up in her face.

"Heck..." Passeri sighed, and her expression dropped. There wasn't any point in beating around the bush. "...Your father is missing, no? He's here." Plain and honest. Those were the cards she was playing tonight. "I'm not sure how much you yourself are aware of, but as it turns out, he's gotten himself involved in some terrible business. I'd like you to talk to him about it."

She cast a glance towards Dagger, Ezra and Elias.

"So that they don't need to. Understand?" She eyed the other woman closely. Her eyes spoke words that her lips did not. That this would be better for the both of them. To, please, listen to what she was saying. To not be taken by a surge of emotion of do something that both of them would regret. Despite her distaste for their business, Passeri hardly wanted to make a daughter witness her own father's interrogation.

Then again, this was all assuming that she wasn't involved, too.

@simj26 @Uasal @Lucem QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel @Saturn_moon
[Crossed Lines]
Pre-Arc 1 | November 11th, 2014
The Mirage Diner, South District
Vulken, Zane
The disruption at the entrance hadn’t stolen Zane’s attention, but the bursting table certainly had. What quality grub once rested atop, had suddenly been reduced to a shabby paint job across the wall, floor, and his very person. The wardrobe he had crowed about just mere moments ago, now boasted fresh holes and stains deeper than the blond man’s dense glower.

It would be the dripping nourishment on his clothes that would make the first move, followed by the slow careening of his pointed chin. His jaw was held and his expression addled, but his eyes contained the most of his fervor. They were two gray masses of muddled disdain turned elation the moment the pieces had come together.

A crimson-haired and fiery-eyed devil of a man.

“Draken.” Zane grinned—rising but keeping his head low. “You’ve gone and made a cook cry.”

He pulled his hands out of his pockets, and scattered bills across the diner floor.

“Nothing your junior can’t help out with though.”

His voice was puckish, and his movements free of tension. Either he really wasn’t reading the situation or he truly was that vain. Perhaps it was his self-satisfied smirk, his sardonic tone, or the almost mocking way he tried to play the amenable rookie. Whatever the case, Zane was more than eager to follow the Scarlet Phoenix’s Jack out, or into whatever hell may have followed.
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Passeri Park
Sweet Talkin' Woman
December 22nd, 2021 | Pre Arc 3
The Dollhouse, West District
Passeri, Dagger
Sweet Talkin' Woman
"Indeed!" Passeri thumbed through the album, and pointed out the photo labelled 'Butterfly'. "Look familiar?" She addressed Dagger's new friend, who for some reason she couldn't figure out, was still hanging off of her. "The bartender told me that she was... Occupied at the moment, but that just means that she's here tonight."

A wick of hope lit within Passeri's chest. She'd been half expecting nothing to come of this.

"I was hoping that things would be a little more... Private here, though." Passeri eyed Fleck carefully. She didn't know how much Dagger had filled her in on, but she wasn't exactly keen on anyone who worked her finding out why they were here tonight. "But I guess there's nothing we can do about that."

If the conditions were different, she would've busted down the door to Liz's room already. Even now she was a little tempted. The thought of her friend, as old of one as Liz might have been, being made to work in a place like this made her stomach turn, but there were too many eyes here for her to act so blatantly. She needed to keep her jets cool. The opportunity would present itself soon enough, she just needed to be patient.

"I guess this means we have some time to burn." Her voice was resigned, but calm. If anything truly terrible was going to happen to Liz here, she figured that it would've already occurred. "Do you two want to, um, enjoy the rest of your time together? I think I'm just going to, uh, appreciate the atmosphere myself."

Quite genuinely, she hoped that Dagger would answer no. She hardly considered the morose woman good company, but she was about as keen on hanging about this place alone as she was on making an announcement to the world that she was a gangster.

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Brandy Baker
Captives of The System
~2004, Pre-Arc 1
North District
Brandy Baker & Caio Santana Coelho
Captives of The System
"They're... Um..." Brandy deflated at the mention of her parents, or rather, that the boy had cut so viciously to the punch. Her parents' addictions weren't something that she liked to think about, much less talk about.

"They call it medicine... But..." She nodded, and her eyes avoided the boy's. Years ago, when she really had been six, she'd believed that, but her naivety was only able to take her so far. She couldn't remember how she learned the truth of her parents' habit, but she still struggled to accept it. They weren't nice people, neither Mom nor Dad, but she'd always told herself that it was because they were sick. But every time they popped another pill or drilled another needle into the arm, it became harder for her to believe that, until eventually she no longer did.

That was what Caio was confronting her with.

"Um. T-that sounds nice." Brandy's gaze had returned to Caio's feet. Her heart lifted a bit at his suggestion, but the mention of her parents had already plunged her spirits into the gutter. She wanted to cry. Her fist gripped down hard on the box of cereal, and she willed herself to be strong. It was a fight that she, normally, might have lost, but when Caio pulled the stack of notes from his pocket, her eyes went wide and her thoughts were dashed.

"Are-" She wasn't sure what to say. She'd never seen that much money before. "A-are you rich?" A prince, maybe? Or the heir to a legendary chocolate factory?

"I-" She stammered, and then twin waves of realization and embarrassment crashed into her. Her face flushed red, and she hastily stepped between Caio and the couch that sometimes served as her bed, as if that would hide the entire room's state of dilapidation.

"Sorry!!! I didn't realize! I-" She didn't even know what to do in this situation. Never in her life had she imagined meeting a rich person before. Didn't they only live in Central and the West? She struggled to recall what people did around rich people in the few movies she'd seen, and then spat out the first thing that came to mind.

"C-CAN I TAKE YOUR COAT, SIR?" She was half aware of what she was saying. In the back of her head, a voice asked where she'd even put it. "O-O-OR SHINE YOUR SHOES??? MAYBE?????"

Jackson Reese Alessi
Eternal Night Palace (Pleasure District), East District
April 9th(?) || Pre-Arc 3
Yushui, Peyton, Meirin, Hanji, Jackson
Spicy Juice

ENP was probably the top of his most relaxing places. It was even better when everyone was actually getting to enjoy themselves. He wasn’t planning on coming in today, definitely wasn’t in the mood to work, but he heard that they were getting a little competition as visitors and that was enough to draw his curiosity. Besides he was in the area anyways what with finishing up a little job for the dragons.

He slid in immediately greeting his coworkers as he passed with his usual half-hearted flirts. Keeping up the atmosphere was something he was well versed in. Besides, everyone needed a confidence boost at times especially people who could be dealing with extremely belittling customers at times. Or was that mostly just his clientele?

Ah, whatever.

He slid to the bar seeing their special guests settling in. He slid in across the counter and gave a grin to the group. He wasn’t personally acquainted with the Holy sword but he knew enough to recognize a high-up Dragon like him and gave a deferential nod as he approached.

“Hey, I heard we had some special guests. What’s the occasion?”

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Seaquill Seaquill The Crimson King The Crimson King


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