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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

She got up from her seat with a daunting smile as her red eyes gleamed with excitement. The need to terrorize her fellow students was pretty strong but she fought it slightly well. She grabbed a scalpel and scanned the bird's body. "Where should we start?"
"hmm, let's see here....let,s begin in the ribs and abdominal area" he stated with a look of pure glee on his face. He made an incision as blood came pouring out, using different tools he held the skin open revealing the organs, one of the class members suddenly passed out and hit the floor with a loud thud. "sir" a student's voice came "someone's passed out" he said, with a hint of fright mixed with concern in his voice "already?" Ras relied, swiftly "and we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet, ehehehehehehehe" he said, maliciously "very well then, you'd better take him to the nurse I suppose" he said before swiftly turning back to Moon and the on-going experiment. "now then.....where were we? my granddaughter?" Ras asked, his eyes beaming a blood red.
jaime checked his scheduleand saw that his first class was gym. Jaime however had absolutley no clue as to where the gym was. he noticed a class over to right through a window. he ran over and knocked on it." hey is anyone in their?...u-um i-i was wandering if you could point me in the direction of the gym please?" jaime could barely make out the class in the room for it was dark. he couldnt make out anyones face but he could make out, however vaguely, a Blue footed Boobie laying atop a table, motionless for some unknown reason to jaime, with a tall dark figure standng over it. "holy cow?! is that a blue footed boobie? i thought they were extinct?!...o-oh right. sorry for disrupting! just p-please help me out ! ^^ "jaime said through the glass.
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"Hah I knew it!" Moon smirked then turned to her grandfather. "Who's that dude?" Moon pointed to the guy in the window. "And we were just getting to the good part."
The door to the class slid open as the teacher came out, looking down at Jaime, the man looked very strange, and extremely frightening.

He had milk white skin, long white dreadlocked hair reaching high down to below his thigh, his arms seemed to be made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and with obvious protruding joints, sharp claws for fingers and a demonic tail that matched. Folded on his back were large pitch black angelic wings and his body was covered from head to toe in hundreds of scars. His eyes were equally as strange, black sclera, blood red irises and a cat like pupil, coupled with his razor sharp teeth and large build, being seven foot tall, the man looked more like a monster than a person. "hello there, kid, I'm professor Gideon, and how can I help you?" he asked calmly, his voice was almost as unnatural as his appearance. It was darkly twisted and distorted, had an almost metallic ring to it.
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"He's late,can I chase him around the campus with a bloody scythe?" She asked her grandfather looking as innocent as a four-year old child.
"i- uh....umm...." jaime looked at the man?and the girl? with a bewildered awkward smile and rubbed his eyes.'wtf? ive been playing to many video games latley.or maybe theres something wrong with my contacts' jaime thought. "um..c-could you p-please point me into the direction of the gym s-sir?" jaime said dismissing the man and girls strange looks as his mind playing tricks on him.
"no, granddaughter, you cannot chase him with a scythe, last time you did that we found the student. Some of him in the car park, some in the dormitory and the rest of him was in the bathrooms" he said nonchalantly, as he turned his attention to the kid "sure, I'll walk you there, Moon, you can come too" he said before turning to the class "listen up, I'll be gone for a short while, leave everything how I left it, if the bird is gone when I get back, whoever got rid of it, is my next dissection" the class members gulped at his threatening words, he soon turned and walked out of the class, down the corridor, leading the way for the new student.
"thank you s-sir" jaime bowed a little to show that he was thankful and continued to look down trying not to look at either of them. ' what the heck is wrong with me? why am i seeing this stuff?....gasp! was it that wine i had at my going away party?! i knew that you could get drunk off of the stuff but my brother said itd be fine!' jaime thpught as he walked with the two. he had never had an ounce of alcohol in his life until that night.
Ras walked down the stairs and across the courtyard. They could suddenly hear the voices of some bully's skipping class as the came around the corner "hahaha, yeah, some new guy entered the school, let's go strap him to the flagpole it'll be...." They were cut off by seeing Ras and moon with the new guy, Ras turned his head as his eyes widened and his grin stretched across his face. A sudden shriek came out of one of them "ahhhh!!!! It's the mad professor, and his psycho granddaughter, run for it before he dissects us!!!" Without another word the bullies fled for their lives as Ras chuckled softly. "Ahh, such a pity, they would've made good test subjects too" he said sadistically before continuing his walk to the gym.
After spending the entire class period in the art supply closet, Acelynn emerged with a gigantic canvas. Perfect. She thought to herself as she set the 20x20 portrait size canvas down, sighing as the bell for second period went off. Great. I spent the entire class in there..She thought to herself as she picked up the canvas once more and left the room, headed for her In-Design class next, trying her best to avoid everyone and not ruin the canvas.
Jaime continued to look down over hearing the ordeal. 'damn sucks for that pore sap whoever he is' jaime thought. hes not the brightest of people. 'why are they saying all this stuff to? scythes, dissection?...i must be drunk or something. is this what its like?! why on earth would any one do this willingly?!' he thought again. ya hes DEFINATLEY not the brightest apple in the basket.
"Hmm, the bell had rung, what is your next class?" Ras asked turning to the Jaime with a plain and uncaring almost lazy look on his face.
"oh u-um... hang on lemme see" jaime tried really hard not to look at them and fished the peice of paper containing his schedule out of his pocket. he held the paper up to his face but just as he began to read , the wind seized hold of his paper and carried it of to who knows where. jaime, shocked at losing his schedule, just stood there as if he were still holding the paper with an embarrased look on his face. "eh...um... hehe... ^///.///^"
'oh no! what am i gonna do now?!' jaime thought as all color left his face. 'ill never get to my classes now x.x' jaime whimpered upon thinking this and wandered what he was going to do.
Kathlianna entered the campus and looked around, not sure were she was supposed to be going. Her ears twitched at the sounds nearby and she headed towards a quieter area to check her schedule. Sitting on a bench she pulled her schedule out and started reading it, her tail swishing back and forth behind her.
(Sorry, been a busy day)

Diana walked to her classroom and finished setting everything up. She sat at her desk, waiting for students to show up. As she waited, she balanced a pink orb on her finger and played around with its energy.
Ras at this point, was back in the staff room after his dissection, sipping tea, pleasantly. He looked out the window at all the students "my my, seems we really have an interesting bunch this year" he proclaimed as a smirk made its way across his face.
"that paper had my dorm number on it too" jaime sighed.... "ugh now what my teachers are gonna think im skipping and im gonna get i trouble and-" as jaime was complaining to himself he tripped over his shoelace and fell right smack dab on his face, cutting hiseyebrow and scraping his hands on the pavement of the courtyard. He rolled over bit his lip and whimpered a bit until the pain subsided for the most part. "why is all this happening to me? x.x"
Acelynn had been on her way to class when she saw a boy fall over. "Hey, you okay?" She asked him as she set her canvas down and leaned over him, her hand outstretched to help him up as the bell rang that signaled students had two minutes to get to class. Ah shit. She thought to herself, but shrugged it off.
Diana looked at the clock and shrugged. She stood up and grabbed her empty coffee mug. She made her way to the staff room and saw Ras. Her wings fluttered at his angelic aura and she shook her head. She walked over to the coffee pot and began fixing herself a cup
"o-oh yes thank you." jaime reached up to take her hand but decided better of it since his hand was all scuffed up. he looked up and thats when he noticed that she looked normal...for the most part atleast. there was still something a bit different about her than a normal person. ' maybe that wine i had last night is finally wearing off!' jaime that (even though he only thought he was drunk.)" u-um its ok. i can help myself up b-but thanks for offering! ^^" jaime noticed his cut eyebrow after a bead of crimson slid down the side of his face. "ah man! ..u-um excuse me...but could you please point me in the direction of the nurses office please?" jaime asked the girl standing over him.

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