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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

She smiled back bearing her pointed teeth a little before grabbing his hand and walking into the hallway searching for the Art class. Finally, she stopped in her tracks and turned to face her mate. "Where am I even going?" She wondered.
He would hold her hand and lead the way to the art classroom where Accelyn is. " Looks like the three of us are the only people in here." *
Her red eyes scanned the room looking over Accelyn and jiro then pouted slightly thinking about what ras said earlier. "Ras was wrong I can definitely not terrorize people here." She giggled in thought about how they scattered all over her old school previously.
Acelynn tilts her head up a bit and looks through her bands at who entered the classroom. The blue haired boy and a girl? Interesting. She thought to herself before leaning back down and continuing her drawing, it coming out very well as her name was neatly written in cursive with an Ace of Spades card popping out the side of the A in Ace. The bell rang for the tardy bell of class, meaning all students needed to be in class or they'd be counted tardy.

The bell made her jump slightly but she sighed very softly and turned off her tablet before putting it and the stylus away. After than she directed her attention forward where a long white screen was with a projector which automatically turned on, having no instructions on it yet, just a bright blue screen.
Moon jumped a little and fumbled for her schedule. She groaned pushing her white hair behind her ears discovering her next period was P.E. As quickly as the bell had rang she made her wasy down into the gym in record time not breaking a sweat. She was used to this only because she'd chase students down the halls with a bloody scythe. Only,if they were late though.
Before they all went to the gym he was already there, for he left early in order for him fo have time in doing his daily routine.He would flip a coin, probably a gold roman denarius and he knew perfectly the timing of when to catch it and what face it was supposed to land. The coin landed in his hand, and it transformed itself into a roman gladius, emanating a holy aura for it was forged in Imperial Gold a metal that can be found from Mount Olympus itself, with Hephastheus being his brother, he did him a favor and forged it for him, so it is a truly top class weapon. "Well I guess this is one of the perks of being the son of Zeus."He would whisper to himself. Jiro would start doing the sword stances that he learned from both of the places he trained in which only a few people know about, with elegance and grace,at the same time with deadly pinpoint accuracy as if he had been to a war and fought in it.
Moon smirked to herself and began stretching before scratching her wrists bleeding black blood and forming it into a scythe. She looked to her surroundings in search for a practice dummy holding her trusty scythe. She had been using this scythe for a while now. Moon was pretty much in love with it. Years and years and it never seemed to fail her. Quickly,she walked to a station with a dummy. Only, it was a moving target, its purpose was to test reflexes. The dummy pretty much launched itself towards her but was sliced in half. Soon after, dummies followed by dummies would flank her at all sides. Moving presumably quick on her feet she leaped upon a dummy's head and slicing the others to pieces. She leaped once more onto the gym floor and raced to the dummy with her scythe at her side. Continuing running,she stopped after being behind the dummy with a sinister,toothy smirk. Almost at the speed of sound she sliced the dummy in the midsection. Moon turned to face the dummy cleanly sliced in half.
Camille had been the first one out of the gym, but she had forgotten where she was going and wandered around trying to find a room number than looked familiar. She knew she was late and suspected that some other kids might be as well, so she made sure to be aware of her surroundings as she walked...finally she came to a room that somewhat looked familiar and went inside. Immediately she saw the purple haired girl from in the yard and the little group of bullies that had tripped her, with a shudder she quickly sat down near the door mostly unnoticed, she hoped
Kat ran out trying not to get caught up in the traffic again. Checking her schedule to see she had Gym 1st Period. Kat Rushed to the gym and sat down next to door and continued to sketch.
Out of the corner of her eye Acelynn notices Camille again. Oh no..I hope she doesn't think I want to harm her.. She thought to herself with a small sigh as the projector in front of the class switched to a white screen with the instructions: "I want to test your skill level. You have 3 days to create something you're happy with. Go!" This caused Acelynn to giggle softly. The art teacher was mostly never here, but left adventurous ideas on his enchanted projector for them to do.

Acelynn stands from her seat and walks down a narrow hallway connected to the art room and opens the supply closet, it being filled to the brim with art supplies. Let's see..what am I going to do.. She wondered as she stood there, golden eyes staring into the abyss that was the art closet.
Gym class was beginning and the teacher was yelling at everyone to "go get dressed into the gym uniforms!" Kat picked up her uniforms and headed to the lockers to change. When Kat got out seeing as no one was out yet she did some stretches then sat against the wall continuing to sketch. While she was sketching Kat wondered how she was going to decorate her dorm room Should I have brought my art portfolio or a place to put my supplies and am I even going to get my own room? Kat then watched everyone else come out from the locker rooms hoping to see Jiro (The Blue haired boy) and wondered how some of them got their own wings through their uniform.
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Ras was walking down the corridors of the school, wearing his trench coat. But this time he wasn't wearing the hood and the collar was down, also it wasn't done up at all, his unearthly appearance being obvious and blantent. As he walked his coat flailed from any breeze or wind to pass him, he had his hands in his trouser pockets and an uncaring look on his face. He decided to go for some training as he made his way as far from the school as possible, bringing a few dummies with him. "This should do" he uttered, lazily.
Moon wondered if she and jiro shared the same classes. It would give them much more time catch up. After all jiro was her childhood best friend,the two did practically everything together. Then one day she never saw him again, it was like he fell from the face of the earth. Of course seeing him now was perfect. Not the type of perfect were she chased students with a bloody scythe or when she replaced the water with blood. This was different it was like he brought her inner child out her. Like she gained something that was lost long ago.

The bell rang and moon strolled to her next class,math. She sat in a seat closest to the window and let her thoughts roam. They were mainly about jiro and that made it all the better. She hoped to get more time hang out with him like the old days.
Ras clicked his neck as he stared at the hundreds of dummies he had set out, and the surrounding boulders in front of a few. He stared down at them, coldly, analysing the battlefield, the wind blew softly causing his dreadlocks and coat to flail. With a sudden sadistic and crooked grin he put his claws out toward then "Heed the contract and serve me, O King of the Skies!

Come forth, Titan-slaying blazing thunder.

Hurl down lightning one hundred times and even one thousand times!

Thousand Thunderbolts!" From the clouds above and the area around them came thousands of bolt of lightning bolts, striking every dummy and the ground around them, reducing it all to a smouldering burnt wasteland. Ras stood and regained his composure, he yawned, boredly "well, that was boring, so easy, oh well, guess they are only dummys" he proceeded to walk back to the school.
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When everyone finally was done changing into their gym uniforms the teacher began to yell at us again "50 Jumping jacks and..... GO!!!" Then we jogged, did pushups, sit-ups, planks, then finally the warm-ups were over. The gym teacher said they were going to play dodge ball. As soon as Kat heard that she let out a little squeal of fear she hoped no one had heard.
The bell rang and moon looked down at her schedule to see that Biology was her last class for the day. Giddily,she walked to her bio class ready to slice things open. She smiled looking at all the gloves,scalpels,forceps,scissors, and dead rodents. She pulled on a white lab coat,pulled her platinum white hair back into a pony tail,and and a pair of blue gloves. Moon sighed softly wondering where jiro is but focused on her instructions about cutting the rat open.
Footsteps were heard, along with soft chuckling from the corridor, she knew straight away who her teacher was. It was her own grandfather, Ras himself. The door eerily swung open as the man entered the room, taking off his trench coat and turning to the class with a sly smile on his face "good evening class, I hope you're not squeamish, ehe...ehehehehehe" he spoke with his usual twisted and sadistic tone of voice
As people were choosing the teams for dodge ball Kat tried to hide behind the bleachers and wait for dodge ball to be over,but before she could make it there the gym teacher spotted her and told her to sit back down and wait to be chosen for a team.

Surprisingly she was not the last one chosen for no one not knowing her "athletic" skills. When the game began Kat didn't focus at all on throwing a ball at the other team. She was just trying not to get hurt by the people who had been blessed with super strength.

Kat then became the last person on her team still standing. The other team threw the balls at her but failed. Kat thinking she had the upper hand threw a ball at the opposing team, but of course they caught it with ease.
CellistCat606 said:
As people were choosing the teams for dodge ball Kat tried behind the bleachers and wait for dodge ball to be over,but before she could make it there the gym teacher spotted her and told her to sit back down and wait to be chosen for a team.
Surprisingly she was not the last one chosen for no one not knowing her "athletic" skills. When the game began Kat didn't focus at all on throwing a ball at the other team. She was just trying not to get hurt by the people who had been blessed with super strength.

Kat then became the last person on her team still standing. The other team threw the balls at her but failed. Kat thinking she had the upper hand threw a ball at the opposing team, but of course they caught it with ease.
{Honestly I want to sneak in and be like "use the force kat or the magic either one works." But my grandfather probably wouldn't let me out of class}
Jaime stood infront of the school looking rather exhausted. he had been running around trying find where he was supposed to be. unfortunatley he never found it. "ah man" he said pouting a little. "im gonna be late on my first day of college and im gonna be embarressed and im gonna get laughed at! this is highschool all over again. x.x " Jaime rubbed his eyes because of the new contacts he wore. he normally wears really big glasses but wanted to look his best. " stupid contacts... wore you guys for nothing. I'll never get a girlfriend at this rate ... hehe.." Jaime Nervously laughed to himself and sighed. "what am i gonna do?" Jaime sets his books aside and sat down for a rest ,feeling rather un-accomplished.
Ras cracked his neck and took a sheet off a large cage with a bird in it. It was an endangered spicies an extremely rare bird, God knows where he managed to get it. From somewhere in the class came on of the students voices "sir.....that's an endangered spicies....." Ras smirked and turned "of course it is, it'd be a problem if the whole spicies died out before I got to dissect one" he said with a sinister and crooked grin cracked across his face. He got out two scalpels and turned to the class "now then, who would like to assist me?" He asked calmly.
"Ahh, very good, come, granddaughter, we can dissect it together" Ras announced, grinning, as the rest of the class seemed too scared to approach the man. He unlocked the cage and striped the bird to a medical table, we started drawing lines as to where he would make the insisions while humming pleasantly. He seems to be having far too much fun, he was quite obviously a mad scientist.
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The Next Round (Same Teams) I was only dodging balls like always when all of a sudden I felt a grip against arms right after I found myself in the air and looked up to see someone had grabbed me and was holding me as if I was her/his show n' tell for gym. Since I was such an easy target I didn't get shot just once nope I got shot 3 times and was the first one to get out.

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