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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Acelynn watched the stage in the middle of the gym, a small smirk crossing her face as she saw a huge black smoke seemed to cover the stage and spread out toward the bleachers. From the smoke emerged long black vines with thorns slithered out, in the middle where all the smoke was the vines made a beautiful arch, sending the entire gym into silence as a woman appeared and walked out from the smoke and through the arch. The woman was tall, her hair long and silver, skin pale as the moon and eyes a piercing blue; her dark red lips smiled. The woman was tall-ish and wore a black button-up shirt with dark jeans and heels. She looked elegant yet scary as hell.

The woman outstretched her arms as if she was embracing the crowd, then brought them down except for one which had a microphone. "Welcome, Welcome students to New Moon Academy." She started, her voice loud and booming over everything but yet sounded so graceful. "I'd like to thank you all for attending this year. As well as introduce you to staff and go over some rules. So let's start." She said and looked around then room, a smile still on her face before directing her attention forward. "First and foremost, I am your Headmaster. You shall address me as Headmistress, Headmaster, Mistress, Mrs. My name in Lydia Dromell. Secondly let's talk rules. There will be absolutely no bullying on this campus. If I am told of any, then I shall personally deal with it and expel the student(s). Secondly please respect all classmates and teachers. Thirdly, clean up after yourselves. You're all assuming-ly adults. Act like them The rest of the rules are within your school handbook, please read them over. While I have your attention I'd like to add that all meals are free and you're all encouraged to get internships but they are not required. Now! Let's move on to introducing teachers shall we?" She looked over to Ras and and signaled for him to come on stage.
He would stop drawing and he directed his direct his attention to the headmistress, who is now in front. "Well they sure do know how to make an entrance." A smile would appear in his face just by the thought.

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Looks at the Headmistress and wonders why the big entrance? it's not like she's in a concert or something but it's quite a good show continues to try to draw with the loud music in the background.
He tuned as she spoke "why not? Why does anyone do anything? It's simple really, I have the power to heal you, so I did, it isn't really that complicated, I do my best for those I can, there doesn't need to be a valid reason to help someone, it's just natural, at least it is to me, I'm not saying I'm one of those goody two shoes fake heroes that goes prancing around saying I'll never let a single person be hurt, and I'm not some bully that'll pick on the weak to make myself look better either, I have no interest in being a villain, and I don’t think that I can become a good person, I’m at a halfway point where I’m not even sure which path I should walk down…but I guess even there, I can still interfere in someone’s life and help bring things to a positive conclusion…" he said all this as if it were normal to him, stating facts as they were, he seemed to be very, complicated. And she could tell he was old, very old and has seen more than most beings could even imagine, and probably couldn't even comprehend what kind of past he might have had.

As the head mistress beckoned him forth Ras calmly walked onto the stage, seemingly not even phased by her appearance. He stood there, looking across to the students, some of whom he already met, some knew him before even entering the school.
Jiro he would take a glance at the girl with purple hair and out of curiousity he would go and approach her to take look at what she is sketching. " You draw pretty well it must had taken a lot of practice for you to have such skill." He would tell her in a straightforward manner followed by a charming smile.
Kat looking up to see the boy with the blue hair standing above her "oh um th-thanks, yeah I sketch any time I get a chance or not... So um I'm K-Kat what's your name?"
Lydia handed Ras the microphone. "Say you name, tell them about yourself and what subject you teach in whatever order you please." She said, her eyes watching him, curious to see what he'd do.

Acekynn on the other hand had taken out her tablet and a small stylus and began preparing sketches for her In-design class. They weren't really much, just fonts that spelled Ace several different ways. Why am I bothering with this?I have art class first period.. She thought to herself with a sigh but still pressed on with the fonts, enjoying how a few of them came out and completely forgetting the world around her as she got lost in drawing. It was so simple for her to do as art was her passion; something she could do for fun and money.
"I'm Jiro Shion,just call me Jiro,and I sketch a lot too actually . By the way, your hair color is really nice, I like that intense shade of purple" He would tell her with a smile, and he was quite happy, for it was quite some time that he talked to someone without having a nervous breakdown.
"Maybe we can sketch together sometime Jiro? and th-thanks I like your blue hair too it's a very rich color." Kat looks back down at her paper and continues to sketch tying her best not to blush so far so good.
Moon stood in the cafeteria tangling her bony finger into her platinum white hair looking around for familiar faces. Soon, she'd exit the cafeteria and walk around campus staring at the new faces taking it all in like fresh breath of air.
Ras put one of his claws on his coat and with one swift movement whipped it off himself for the first time in front of students. He had milk white skin, long white dreadlocked hair read high down to below his thigh, his arms seemed to be made of a black metalic substance, exoskeletal and with obvious protruding joints, sharp claws for fingers and a demonic tail that matched. Folded on his back were large pitch black angelic wings and his body was covered from head to toe in hundreds of scars. His eyes were equally as strange, black sclera, blood red irises and a cat like pupil, coupled with his razor sharp teeth and large build the man looked more monster than person. He spoke after the students were finished gawking at his unholy appearance in his usual distorted metalic voice "good evening, my name is Ras Silas Gideon, I am the first Nephalem, which is half Angel and half demon if you were wondering, and my age last time I counted was somewhere around twenty thousand years, I have been here since before humankind evolved, so I know a lot of things and have seen a lot of things, I will be teaching you science, but not just the big standard regular science, I'd be a bit overqualified for that, no, I'll be teaching you that and the science behind spicies, such as demons, Angels, ghouls, dullahan, wraith, revenants, so on, and the science behind powers, magic, scientific based abilities, on top of that, the science behind combat techniques, how to combine them with your powers, the science behind immortality and the various types, I think you get the idea, I'm a very relaxed guy too, I'm not that strict either, but I seriously don't recommend testing me, could be bad for your health, especially if I'm in a good mood, heeeee" he ended his speech with a devilish grin, surveying the students reactions and wondering which would be the Rebels, which would truant, which would bully and which would be the hard workers.
"Ras,when did you get here?" Moon asked unphased by his appearance. It had taken some years but now she inherited his psychotic grin. The reason, being around him for so long.
Jiro, he would take a glance a bit and see a familliar face. "Moon-chan is that you?" He would ask with a hint of doubt in his voice.
Lydia lightly applauded him, majority of the student body doing the same as she took the microphone back from him. "Than you Professor Gideon." She asked and nodded and thanks to him before turning back to the entire student body. "Students. Head to your first period. You're released." She said before disappearing in the same black smoke as before.

Acelynn on the other hand had completely stopped drawing the minute Ras was on stage. That's who he was. Right. I remember having him. Neat guy, love his class. She thought to herself as she stood up and walked down the bleachers, avoiding larger crowds of people as her long lilac hair flowed behind her. Acelynn clutched her tablet to her chest, the stylus behind her ear as she finally got out of the gym and headed for the art room, glad that it was a rather spacious room and had few people in it.
Ras walked down, off the stage and over to moon. Looking down at her with an eyebrow raised "I got here yesterday, and you're late" he said before placing a claw on her head "and don't go round terrorising the other students, got it? I had enough trouble with you doing that last time dammit" he said before removing his claw from her head, his metalic tail swishing behind him and his arms folded "also....earlier, I could smell an angel in the school, tch, hopefully I was mistaken" he said almost with a tone of disgust.
Moon scratched the back of her head smiling sheepishly. "Only following in your footsteps." She joked."I'm not surprised by any beings here and sorry I was late I had...stuff. She muttered through her pointed teeth. She hugged back smiling softly. "Been a while, eh?"
He would quickly pull away. "How many years was it already, 3 years? 4years? Well it doesn't matter, it's nice to see you and you changed a lot Moon-chan."
He sighed and shrugged it off, knowing she was right "well don't cause me too much hassle, I'm an old man, and I can't be dealing with all that" he said with a tone of laziness in his voice "anyway, off to class, it's your first period and you don't wanna be late....again" he said mockingly, smirking. He soon headed off himself
She scoffed staring at her grandfather walking away then turned to jiro. "Ya think? Also maybe we should walk and talk into my next class my second period is art."
"Yeah we should, I think I have the same schedule as you Moon-chan" A smile would appear in his face, which the only who ever sees it is moon.
Acelynn entered the art room, looking around and smiling slightly at all the art, easels and paints randomly laying around. The room had only four tables each side by side with four chairs at each table. Acelynn walked over to the seat nearest the window and sat down, laying her tablet down on the table and taking the stylus out of her ear and getting back to drawing on her tablet. Thank goodness this room has so much space.. I honestly don't think I could handle people breathing down my neck..looking at my art.. She thought, shuddering slightly.

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