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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Diana yawned and stood up. She made her way across the campus to the training arena. She walked into one of the rooms and looked around. "I have some time to spare." She said to herself, tying her dark hair back. She slipped off her jacket and walked over to the weapons table. She grabbed a few small knives and looked at the row of dummies along the wall. She took one of the knives by the blade and aimed it at one of the dummies. She threw it and it stuck inside the dummies head. She smirked and threw the rest of the knives. She looked at the dummy, who was now riddled with knives. She looked back at the weapons table and sighed
Camille shuddered and sat up wincing she held the back of her head and gently moved her wings around to make sure they where alright as she stood up herself, though when her left wing hit a certain position she gasped as pain rocketed down her spine making her stumble and quickly let her wings go slack as she swallowed wiping her face " C-Camille ...my name I-is Camille " she gently rubbed the back of her head as she moved away not making eye contact to either of them
He would continue walking not paying attention to where he is going, as he was thinking about what he was about to draw next.He would bump into Acelynn and immediately bow in a appologetic manner, after he realized what just happened." I-I'm , sorry" he would say with his voice shaking because he was a bit nervous, and had a trauma with girls ever since he was a kid.
Acelynn sighed. "I'm Acelynn, most call me Ace or Blade." She said calmly, hoping not to scare the girl more than she probably already was due to the teacher. He was slightly scary, and any first years were sure to be terrified of him their first year. Interrupting her inner monologue though, was a mild bump causing her to look over to the one who did it, her lilac hair falling over her left eye. "O..oh it's fine." She said to him, slightl uncomfortable due to all the people who seemed to be close.
He shifted his vision to Acelynn as he addressed her "Acelynn, huh? Interesting" He then returned his attention to Camille "also, what troubles you girl? You were crying from what I saw" he stood as the breeze blew his coat to the side slightly, his gaze locked on her, yet it seemed lazy and free of care. Apart from his hands nothing could be made out from the man, his black clothing and cost obscured almost all.
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Diana finished up in the training room and grabbed her jacket. She walked out if the arena and back to the building. She saw the crowd of people out front and bit her lip. She hesitated before walking over there. She saw Ras and tilted her head a little. Her wings fluttered, sensing angel energy from people in the group
Klaus opened the doors and took a big step into the academy with a grin on his looking for where to find his classes as he aimlessly just walked around hummjng to himself as a flash back to a sad time in his life as he shudders trying to get the memory of it out of his head. He would shake his head slightly as he conitnued on his way through the school as he gets himself turned around multipe times as he finally decided to enter a random classroom
As Kat walks into school seeing all kinds of races she sticks her head down hoping not to get noticed by anyone who could hurt her and goes to get her breakfast and sits down at a table to eat. Then looks at the clock to see when the first bell is gonna ring for class.
He would back away a bit from them and decided to watch them for a bit, wondering what is this commotion all about. After realizing what was happening he decided not to get involved in this and walk away. " Thank the gods that they didn't pay a single a bit of attention to me" He would start thinking to himself as he headed outside to check where the place he would be staying would be.
Camille looked at all the new people arriving and she felt fear rush thought her, causing a spike of very powerful energy to surface as her body reacted to protect itself from any danger. Now pulsating with angelic energy she squared her shoulders a bit and attempted to look Ras in the eye, which failed since it only made her more scared which in turn made her more susceptible to unleash her power on those which her body found dangerous at the time.

She glanced to the guy leaving and relaxed ever so slightly as she slowly extended her wings preparing to fly away " I-it was nothing....I-I just tripped thats a-all " she explained to Ras as steady as she could at the moment
Kat leaves the cafeteria after finishing her food then as she is leaving she sees a boy with blue hair and stares at him with curiosity. It seemed she was staring at him for hours but after looking at the clock realizing it only has been a few minutes then quickly rushes away to the library hoping the boy didn't notice her staring at him.
Acelynn let's out a small sigh, though she hoped their little group didn't cause more commotion and people to flock toward them. Acelynn might seem a little rough, but she hated crowds intensely. As students took notice of them, they stated to gather, trying to see exactly what was up until the bell rang for everyone to head to the gym for orientation which made Acelynn breathe a sigh of relief. Saved by the bell.. thank fuck. She thought to herself as she turned on her heel and headed straight for the gym in a hurried motion, hoping to get a seat away from everyone.
Hearing the bell Kat walked away from the library heading to the gym hoping to see the boy with blue hair again and maybe saying hi to him then noticing all the wings and such around figuring she wasn't gonna be able to see anyone if she didn't get out of the hallway fast.
Jiro would hear the bell,and head straight to the gym. "Thank the gods I made it in time"He would enter the gym but he would keep his distance from the others, he'd like to be alone instead of being with a group that might just treat him like an outcast.
Ras simply stood there for a moment, almost as if he had lost consciousness. Suddenly, he sniffed, catching a scent on the wind ".........Angel!" He announced in a low and quite aggressive growl, he turned, allowing Camille the space she much needed, as he headed off toward the gym. Although he was keeping his composure and staying calm on the outside, inside he was practically bursting with intense wrath and furious anger from simply knowing there was an angel at the school.
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As Kat walked into the gym she saw the boy with the blue hair again. Trying to motivate herself to go talk to him then figured if she talked to him he would also ask about her purple hair. Kat then decided to try to talk to him during lunch and sat down at a desk with hopefully no wings in front of her.
As Acelynn hurried into the gym, she took notice of the same blue haired boy from before and a girl with a much more intense shade of purple hair like her's. Huh. Colored hair is a thing this year. Cool. She thought to herself as she slowed herself to a walk and sat in the back corner of the gym. Several people were arriving now, many sitting in the front and some in the back, but thankfully no one where Acelynn was.

Acelynn looked over the gym, trying to find the headmaster, but she couldn't seem to find the woman at all which was quite strange since she was normally the easiest to find due to her rather...interesting appearance.
Camille furrowed her eyebrows and her own growl bubbled out of the back of her throat as Ras left, she swallowed and sighed as her legs gave out and she fell back to the ground rubbing her head and wing...she didn't care about the orientation, she didn't even want to get up anyways...her head was killing her and she was sure she had torn a muscle in her wing, Great! Just! Great! her first day of school has gone horrible and she hadn't even gotten to class yet.

She felt her tears come back and she hid her face as she cried, by herself, till the sadness turned to rage and she had too big of a energy build up. wincing hard she leaked her power out by levitating rocks and throwing them as hard as she could till she stopped hurting and crying.

Cam got up and slowly made her way into the school, fixing her hair and dress, making sure her wings where folded up and out of the way she fully relaxed and peeked into the gym through the door window...just to watch
Jiro, still kept his distance from the crowd. It's not like he hated being with people like his childhood friend, but just being surrounded by strangers makes him feel uncomfortable. He noticed that the girl from before, took notice of him, so he looked down trying to avoid anybody's gaze, with quite a cute expression in his face.

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Ras entered the gym, passing cam as he went "c'mon, it'll be fine, girl" he said as he walked past her and watched, he lent against a wall, surveying the students gathered around him and looking to see who the principal might be, not having actually seen them before. He sighed as thoughts raced through his head about the Angel he could smell, memories came flowing forth from the depths of his soul, seeing the faces of Michael, Gabirel and Apollyon, he shook his head and wiped the thoughts from his head, he had to focus.
While waiting for the bell to ring Kat starts to sketch an image of herself. She has a hard time focusing because she is thinking of what she should say to him should I say like hi I'm Kat short for Katelyn what's your name or should I just sit at a table with him and hope he talks to me? Ugh... Why is this so complex!
Camille squeaked when Ras passed by and she watched him go in and lean on a wall, curious she watched him, her wings fluttered and she titled her head...Ras wasn't like other Nephilim...not that she knew many other Nephilim, it was just the way his presence seemed to always scare her making her shudder and go cold...which also made her more curious about him. Still outside the gym she gently opened the door and poked her head into the gym, getting a blast of air she shivered and jumped inside quickly closing the door, her body naturally changed temperature to make her more comfortable as she glanced around the room before going back to watching Ras
Jiro, while waiting for it to start he got a piece of paper and a pen and start drawing, a cherry blossom tree,with a child underneath it who was all alone. "I kinda wish that I can interact with these people, but it seems I can't muster up the courage to do so." He would think to himself.
He glanced over at her, noticing her damaged wing, he immediately walked straight over to her and stood before her "be still" he uttered, simply. He then put one of his black claws out toward her and began incanting a spell in an ancient language, as he did so she felt a light and warming sensation as her pain faded bit by bit and her injuries healed "Tui Gratia Jovis Gratia Sit Cura!" as her injuries fully healed he tuned and walked back, lent against the wall once more, and continuing to observe those around him.
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Camille went ridged when Ras came over and soon relaxed as he healed her, confused she furrowed her eyebrows and stepped forwards...she followed him back to where he had been leaning on the wall"' Why did you do that? " she was glade she didn't stutter as she spoke, her wings flutters as she looked up at him head tilted as she pulled her hair out of her face

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