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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Acelynn sighed softly. "I can handle it." She said and raised her hand a few inches away from his eye brow as magic coursed through her and into his wound, a faint mint glow coming from her hand as she healed him. "Anywhere else that needs a little help?" She asked, her voice the same melodic soft tone that it always was.
"wha-..." jaime looked into the eyes of the mysterious girl bewildered and confused as to what just happened." u-um m-.....my schedule flew away and-....." jaime just closed his eyes and laid back down and sheilded his eyes from the sun with his arms covering his face.
Acelynn chuckled and pulled her hand back, the magic stopping and his cut gone; it nothing but a scar now. "I'm a witch." She said nonchalantly as her golden eyes stared back into him, a small smile gracing her features as the tardy bell went off. Well fuck. Looks like I'll be late. Or not go at all. We'll see. She thought to herself. "Now where do you need to go?" She asked him as she tucked a bit of her lilac hair behind her ear.
jaime just laid there thinking. he swore this must be a fever dream from htting his head. but he physically felt it. so i mustve been real. 'but witches dont exist ...' he thought." u-um... i think i-...i think i might be sick..so i guess i n-need to go to my dorm..but alas," jaime chuckled nervously beginning to feel like he was in dream state." i have lost my schedule aswell as the paper containing my dorm number..." jaime just smiled and sat back thinking.
jaime soon temporarily sucumbed to shock and passed out on the ground. he laid there flat on his back snoozin away underneath the sun of second period. it was peaceful and quiet out on the court yard pavement as the majority of students were in class.
Acelynn looked at the boy with raised brows. Does he not know he's attending a school made for mythical people and humans? She wondered as she snapped her fingers and his body as well as her canvas was lifted into the air a foot. "But..I'd better get you to the nurse.." She mumbled to no one particularly as she walked to the nurse's office, the boy and her canvas following.
jaime spoke about 6.5 different languages in his sleep on the way to the nurses office. probably because his headwasnt sure what was dream and reality at that point. he felt as if he were on a cloud and smiled pleasantly and thought of himself flying.
'Maybe I should find my dorm first.' Kathlianna thought, 'I missed first period and I'm already late for second.. And it would kinda silly to drag my bag to class.' She giggled and flipped through her packet of papers, looking for her dorm number and the campus map. 'Here we go, its this way.' Getting up she followed the map towards the dorms, puling her bag behind her, the bell on the zipper chiming lightly as she walked.
Jaime was sound asleep in the nurses office, smiling because of the marvellous dreams he was having.it was one where he was having tea with a walrus in a top hat, a dodo bird with a caine, and a giant woman who had on a bakini. all this accured on top of a purple cloud and jimi hendrix was playing purple haze except it featured kurt travis for some odd reason. jaime was quite the imaginative fellow.

After Kat finished changing out of her gym uniform and into her regular clothes the bell for second period already rang. dang it I was really going for a no tardy this year oh well at least I'll have the hallways to myself. She began walking down the hallway to her second period class, science. When she got there Kat walked in hoping no one had noticed her being late.
Jaime , having a wondeful time in his dream, began to shift around in his sleep. As a result, the goof rolled off the side of the bed and woke himself up. "Ah!... Du fu-....i mean... " jame looked around and rubbed his eyes. He yawned, stretched and rose from the floor not entirely sure where he was. he is often confused when he wakes up.
(Ok so im a bit behind....and I dont know whats going on at the moment)
(second period i think. my character jaime is currently in the nurses office after waking up from passing out. he doesnt know that this is a supernatural school. i think kats character is late to class and is just now arrivng after getting pummeled in gym class. a few of the teachers are in the staff room.)
A loud explosion was heard from the labs as black smoke bellowed out the windows and door, Ras came walking out and with a flaming lab coat, but he seemed quite....unphased by this "hmm, next time, less hydrogen" he said aloud, before putting out his flaming coat and proceeding toward the classrooms. He sat down after entering the science room and replacing his white lab coat with his regular black trench.
jaime sat clrossleeged on the nurses bed thinking. "mmmk. my situation. ...ive lost my schedule...i have no idea where anything is...i dont my my dorm number. Wait i know! i can find that teacher that helped me out! ....but i have no idea what he looks like..or atleast what he actually looks like....stupid halucinations >.<" jaime sighed and scratched his head and looked out the window.
Camille had quickly hurried out of her first period and after a bit of wandering around looking for her second period she had finally just gone to the office to get another schedule.

Once she got the new schedule she skimmed over the whole thing before looking to see what her second period was and with a sigh she mumbled " I hate math " she began walking in the direction of where she thought her class was.

Soon she got lost and glanced around, only seeing the nurses office she shrugged and went into go ask for directions " E-excuse me, Nurse, c-could you tell me w-where math is? " she asked quietly, wings folded tight against her back.

@Chief Shiro
Acelynn had left the human boy in the nurse and found her way to the giant willow tree. Yeah. I think I'll just skip. It's just In-Design. That class is online anyways. She thought to herself as she pointed her finger to the tree ad the floating canvas set itself in front of it, leaning slightly in the trunk as Acelynn took off her bag and set it on the ground then got her drawing pencils out and began to sketch out a rough dragon looking shape. Before long she began to get lost n the intricate strokes of her pencil, the world around her seeming to fade away as she drew, the dragon becoming more and more evident and detailed.
Jaime noticed the girl standing at the door. "u-um i think the nurse is out right now." jaime said smiling nervously. 'man thats a pretty girl' he thought. he didnt notice the wings due to the fact that they were folding in behind her. "i would help ...but.. uh.. i s-sorta lost my schedule " jaime said sounding a bit defeating.
Camille blinked and looked at the boy curiously, being able to sense he was a human she glanced around " Oh, o-ok thank you anyways.... " hesitantly she stepped inside and came a few steps towards him before stopping and half turning to the door shuffling her wings a bit she relaxed and turned back to the boy
Bella walked towards the entrance to the school, tilting her wide-brimmed hat so it slightly covered her eyes. She was nervous, she would admit that. "Just act normal...blend in." She whispered to herself, repeatedly as she walked towards the doors of the school. She took a crumpled up piece of paper out of her dress pocket and opened it. Checklist; Find dorm room, meet new people, just be yourself. She read it to herself before throwing it in the nearest waste bin. What a load of rubbish, She thought, Why did I even write that? That won't help me at all. She laughed at herself before tilting her hat further forward with embarrassment and walking into the school.
' oh no' jaime thought. ' am i STILL halucinating?' jaime look at the girl curiously but quickly gained what small amount of composure he had. "um i was w-wandering..could you maybe help me o-out of a pickle?" he asked nervously smiling.
Camille blinked and swallowed nervously she shrugged " I-i could try " hugging her paper to her chest she waited for the boy to tell her what his problem was, giving a small smile
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Bella walked into the school and took a quick glimpse around before deciding to try and find her dorm. Since she didn't have much to bring from "home" she was carrying a medium sized, brown and embroidered vintage looking suitcase that looked too big for her small frame and she was having some trouble carrying it. She set her suitcase on the floor beside her for a second while getting another piece of paper out of her pocket that had her dorm room number on it. She scanned the piece of paper for a second then returned it to her pocket again, picking up her suitcase and starting to walk down the halls, looking for her dorm.

(@xEmoBunnehx can I just make up a dorm room number orrr...? c:)
"well ya see... i sort lost my scheduale haha ^^" jaime twiddle his thumbs in his lap and looked down a bit embarrased. "you see im sort of ..uh...n-new here and im not sure where evrything is."

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