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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Camille giggled a bit " Im new too... sorry im not familiar with the school either " she watched the boy shyly twiddle his thumbs...she thought it was cute and remembered she hadnt introduced herself. Quickly she steppedoup in front of him holding her hand out " Ops s-sorry I forgot to introduce m-myself, im Camille, b-but you can call me Cam...I-if you want " she blushed at her stuttering and shuffled her wings again. Then quickly she added " I can take you to the office to g-get another schedule "
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"REALLY?!" jaime said jumping forward and grabbing her hand enthusiastically with boths hands. "PLEASE THANKYOU! ^^ o-oh and im jaime DeLacey. nice to m-meet you Cam." Jaime upon hearing the news that he could get his scheduale back, completely disregarded his "halucinations."
Camille squeaked when Jaime eaised his voice, her wings fluffed up and immediately exrended with a small gust of wind. She blushed hard when he shook her hand with both hands and her wings gave a small flap " U-uh... " she scrambled for something to say and blinked, wide eyed she was tense and ended up just squeaking again in an adorable way
Dusting off his hands as Damon looked over his handy work, the books all aligned in some sort of fashion, be it laying, standing or stacked as both, taking up the entire five shelf bookcase with the occasional knick-knack. Glancing at the watch wrapping his wrist, Damon sighed, rubbing his hands on his pants he turned to the door. "Late, late, late for a--" He laughed a bit stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him. Glancing back he read again- partially out loud, "394.."
jaimes hair flew back a little. 'ignore it jaime! ill never drink a sip of wine again' he thought. "shall we?" he ask with a enthusiastic smile as he crawled out of the nurses bed and headed towards the door.
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the door flew open, as Ras the seven foot Nephalem stood, he looked down at Jaime "oh, it's you again, the crazy kid that can't believe anything he sees" he said, quite bluntly. He walked over and got two vials of strange liquid, he turned back "so did ya find your schedule?" He asked, plainly.
After wandering the halls for a good amount of time Bella thought she had found her dorm. She took out the piece of paper again and double checked the door number. "Yep..seems right." She said to herself as she put down her suitcase to get out the key. "I wonder what my roommate will be like.." She said out loud to herself, as she pushed her long hair all to one side so she could open the door. She put the key in the keyhole before hesitating, "What if my roommate is already there?" She thought out loud, suddenly feeling nervous.
Camille blinked a few times before she shook her head and relaxed a bit as she turned to the door " o-ok " she walked over to the door, folding her wings back up she wondered if Jaime had ever seen a mythical creature cause he didnt seen suprised about her wings.

When the door flew open and Ras came in she squeaked and her wings flared bepack up behind her flapping as she stumbled back a bit her energy spiked up in Ras's presence before she relaxed and it wenr back down. She stopped flapping her winfs and floded her wing's, though a feather had come off and it drifted towards the ground

Minutes were going by and still no sign of the teacher. Kat began to think Maybe the teacher won't notice I'm late or will he? well I should continue practicing. Kat pulls out her sketch book and turns to a new page and sketches how she thinks the science teacher will look like.

"o-oh! Hello! And no sir i didnt find it...hahha...BUT this young lady was just taking me to get a new one!" jaime said to ras as he barged in the nurses office.
Damon had passed a girl on his way to the main building, hardly sparing her a glance as he tapped down the hall. From memory he seemed to recall a bit of his schedule, and with a bit of walking, he found his second period, Science. Walking in he glanced around, almost like he was waiting to be reprimanded for his tardiness.
Scheani said:
Damon had passed a girl on his way to the main building, hardly sparing her a glance as he tapped down the hall. From memory he seemed to recall a bit of his schedule, and with a bit of walking, he found his second period, Science. Walking in he glanced around, almost like he was waiting to be reprimanded for his tardiness.
Ras made his way back to the science rooms and opened the door, he walked in and turned to the class. He had milk white skin, long white dreadlocked hair reaching down to below his thigh, his arms seemed to be made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and with obvious protruding joints, sharp claws for fingers and a demonic tail that matched. Folded on his back were large pitch black angelic wings and his body was covered from head to toe in hundreds of scars. His eyes were equally as strange, black sclera, blood red irises and a cat like pupil, coupled with his razor sharp teeth and large build the man looked more monster than person "Okay then, the lesson has started" he announced in a darkly twisted and distorted voice, with a metalic ring to it. He got two vials out and put them on the desk "anyone know what these are?" He asked, waiting for any responses.
Bella took a deep breath and turned her key in the door, slowly pushing the door open. "E-Excuse me." She murmured quietly, hoping no one was in the room. To her relief the room was empty. She walked in and threw her suitcase down onto the empty bed. She soon realized she was exhausted, she hadn't fed on anything all day but she had no energy to worry about it now. She climbed into the bed, fully clothed and closed her eyes. No one will mind if I miss a few periods...

(Going to bed~ I will post in the morning c:)
"u-umm what?" jaime , beng naive and stupid, wasnt sure how to interpret this. he stood in the doorway with a nervous smile on his face and began to feel extremely nervous.

Kat thinks maybe he grades on participation? oh well. Kat puts away her drawing and raises her hand "Water?" She immediately gulped after saying what she thought it was.

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Camille blinked seeing Ras go and she snorted, now disliking how many times she had been startled today, she bent down and picked up the feather thwt had falen and she sighed murmuring " I hate when this happens " she halfway folded her wings and looked to Jaime seeing how nervous he was she got worried and asked " Y-you didnt know about mythicals? " she held the feather out to him " they are real...j-just like me, im a Nephilim " she extended and folded her wings to adjust them
CellistCat606 said:
Kat thinks maybe he grades on participation? oh well. Kat puts away her drawing and raises her hand "Water?" She immediately gulped after saying what she thought it was.

"No, not quite, they are magic catalysts, ever heard of them?" He asked, waiting for her response. He had his claws in his coat and a vacant, uncaring expression on his face.

"No I haven't sir" she said while trembling a bit. Kat began to think are we supposed to know this? well I'll figure out if I live to tell the tale.

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jaime slowly reached out and grabbed the feather. "so it was all real then?..." jaime looked around the room and walked over to the window and looked all around. "so your real, and he's real, and that girl from yesterday..that was real..."
Having seated himself before the entrance of the teacher Damon gave him a once over finding nothing to being a surprise he looked down at the items he had on his desk. Catalysts.. He thought blankly blinking, Great, apparently I'll be as lost here as in the misted forest. Glancing over at the trembling girl his eyebrow raised a bit, Sure the guy looks weird and all but really?
Camille nodded " Yes " she said quietly and walked over to him slowly " S-sorry if that scaees you...w-wiuld you like to g-go get y-you schedule n-now " she felt like she had done something wrong and her stuttering got worse
CellistCat606 said:
"No I haven't sir" she said while trembling a bit. Kat began to think are we supposed to know this? well I'll figure out if I live to tell the tale.

Scheani said:
Having seated himself before the entrance of the teacher Damon gave him a once over finding nothing to being a surprise he looked down at the items he had on his desk. Catalysts.. He thought blankly blinking, Great, apparently I'll be as lost here as in the misted forest. Glancing over at the trembling girl his eyebrow raised a bit, Sure the guy looks weird and all but really?
"They are magic catalysts, used by witches in particular. A magic catalyst is a potion they amplifies a spell, it can augment it to up to ten times to original, creatures that use spells find them very useful like witches, warlocks, Mage's, Wizards, or Nephalem, half Angel and half demon, like me. That's what they are, today, you'll be getting to see how they work first hand" he explained in a simple manner. He turned to the class "any questions?" He asked, not really expecting any.
jaime looked down at the feaher and twirled it in his fingers. "so im going to a school with supernatural people then...thats...thats....FREAKIN AWSOME! OMG this is amazing ! ive always dreamed of something like this! its like something out of a manga!" jaime grabbed camilles shoulders and looked into her eyes excitedly. "do you know what this means?!"

"I have question, what is the definition of augment?" Kat then began to stop trembling and stood still. She then began to think well it is only the first day so I think what I heard was just rumors so I probably can calm down now.

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