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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Camille yelped and took a strong step back turning her head away and closing her eyes tight her energy spiked up as she flapped her wings lifting off the ground a few inches, she slowly opened one eye and looked to Jaime " P-please d-don't d-do t-that " she tried cery hard not to cry...but with all the yelling and Jaime grabbing her she felt tears come to her eyes showing just how sensitive she was
CellistCat606 said:
"I have question, what is the definition of augment?" Kat then began to stop trembling and stood still. She then began to think well it is only the first day so I think what I heard was just rumors so I probably can calm down now.
"Augment means to multiply, make stronger, Crete more" he stated, turning to the girl, before turning to the rest of the class "any other questions? No? Good, come with me then" he announced before walking out of the room, the class sat there, bewildered before following him.
Pushing off of his desk, Damon followed the man at a leisurely pace, wondering briefly where he was talking them to show them his 'augmented' skills.
jaime, a bit startled, let go of camille and fell on his butt. "o-oh im so sorry o///.///o" he said. after a few seconds he began to snicker and laug. "this is just amazing. i cant beleive a place like this actually exists."
He eventually lead them to a barren area with some trees, a few rocks and already set up dummys "okay, we've arrived, are we all ready? He asked, with a tired look and two of his vials in one hand.
Camille hovered a few feet in the air wiping her face she heard Jaime laughing and her energy shot sky high making her angry she she looked down at him " Ya your a human surrounded by a bunch of creatures that could potentially kill you in ways you cant even imagine " she didnt even notice she spoke till she was finished then she gasped and quickly covered her mouth " Im sorry! I shouldnt have said that! " she said immediately after wincing slightly at the energy build up she sucked in a sharp brearh and dropped a few inches presing a hand on her side to ease the pain
Damon nods slightly as well, hands stuffed in his pockets as he waits expectantly on the teacher to do something.

(Yes its fine, I appreciate it ^^)
jaime stopped laughing and noticed camille was in pain. "oh i- ...are you ok?" jaime felt as if he should apologie but wasnt sure for what.
After a while of drawing, the world seemed to come back to Acelynn and she looked up, her drawing of just a dragon being done. I can't wait to finish this. She thought to herself before nearly jumping out of her skin at the bell for the end of second period. Oh well..at least I did something productive. Now I have Prof Ras. Awesome. She thought to herself with a small chuckle as she snapped her fingers and the canvas levitated again. Acelynn put her bag back on the began making her way to Ras's room.
Camille really needed to release her energy and she dropped all the way to the ground letring the energy quickly escape in a blast the knocked everything qway feom her and shattered all the windows in the room, she was breathing hard and had gone pale she usually didnt let energy out that quickly and she felt herself shaking
"u-um...m-maybe you should sit down" jaime moved aside and gestured towards the nurses bed. he hung his head slightly low trying not to provoke her any further

Kat was a bit disappointed to see she didn't get to see what was going to happen in science class and left for her Advanced art class. When she got in there she sat down and then compared her drawing and the science teacher and noticed how different they looked Well my idea was far off oh well. Kat then sat down at a desk and waited for the late bell to ring.
" S-sorry....I-i d-didnt m-mean t-to d-do t-that " Camille was crying again and her knees buckled, she sighed as she collapsed on the ground and passed out
Jaime heard the bell ring and looked out and then back at camille laying on the floor. "u-um....hello?" jaime leaned down and rocked her with his hand to see if she was awkae. when he saw that she wasnt he said "well i guess im not gonna be getting my schedule anytime soon x.x" he looked at her and then shifted his attention to her wings. hesitantly, he reached out and touched one of them." woah..." he stopped and looked at her and sighed. he then proceed to try and pick her up and eventually he got her unconscious body onto the nurses bed.
"i suppose i should probably try to find this office she was talking about." jaime looked at camille one last time before walking out of the nurses office. he thought about what she said about how could easyily be killed by anyone there as he walked down the hall.
jaime made his way out to the courtyard andlooked around for anyone who may could help him. He clutched his books to his chest and took a deep breath as he though tof things.
jaime walked the schools grounds searching for some assistance. unfortunatley it semed everyone was in class. "im ...never... gonna... find... that.... office" he said panty form running around.
Camille finally woke upnand blinkefma few times, she yawned and rubbed her eyes as she sat up. Stretching her wings fully extended and she suddenly remembered what happened, with a gasp she jumped up and darted out to go find Jamie. Once outside she jumped and took off soaring low to the ground she followed his presence.

When she found him she sped by and got in front of him holding her arms out she landed in feont of him, wings still extended she said " Stop! "
Acelynn fell to the ground as well, her canvas dropping behind her as well. "Ow..what the?" She started then looked over to a guy who seemed to be new. "Oh hey. You okay?" She asked as she stood up and offered him her hand not really caring that he'd bumped into her as the second bell rang, meaning students had 2 minutes to get to class.


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