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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Camille smiled back and blushed " Y-your welcome " she said softly and then giggled a bit
Bella eventually woke up, stretching as she looked at the watch on her dainty wrist. "I must have slept a bit longer than I planned" She mumbled, yawning. She slipped out of bed, brushing off her dress and fixing her hair before putting her hat and shoes back on. Still no sign of my roommate. She pushed her suitcase under her bed and left the room, locking it after her. She felt like just wandering around the school. She walked outside to the front of the school and looked around and, seeing a little roof area, she decided that was where she wanted to go and set off to find a way up there.
Diana took the energy from the orb and walked over to a potion. "With an orbs energy, you can do many things. You can create potions, spells, anything that requires energy." She said, letting the energy trickle into the potion bottle. The bottle glowed and smoke rose from the liquid that was now changing colors. It turned blue and Diana picked the bottle up. "Now this plain old invisibility potion is now an invisibility potion that can last for days at a time, if you drink the whole bottle that is." She explained, smiling
jaime was sound asleep in his dorm. he was snug under atleast 6 layers of blankets and was having a wonderful dream. (off to school! be back later guys!)
Damon sighed as he let himself into his dorm, from the looks of it his roomie was here, lucky him. Stripping his shirt and shoes, Damon flopped back on his bed falling asleep almost instantly.
(@Scheani haha they keep crossing paths ><)

Bella found her way up to the roof and held onto the railing as she looked down at the school. It's nice up here, She thought as a gentle breeze hit her face, causing her to hold her hat in fear that it would blow away. Without realizing, she started humming a piece that she had been working on in her Musical studies and she closed her eyes as the melody made her feel relaxed. She completely didn't realize there was another person on the roof with her also.

@John Crossford
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Kat looked up to see the art teacher saying to all the early comers that "the assignment is to draw something they really treasure or believe in." Kat began to think for a moment and got a great idea she started to draw her sketch with a smile. While every once in a while she stuck out her tongue with out noticing.
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Diana set the potion on a shelf and looked back at her class. She leaned against the table and studied the students. "Okay. You all seem like nice students. Hopefully you aren't troublemakers." She said, smiling.
Kathlianna skipped down the hall following the map. 'Science room where are you?' She thought as she scanned the doors along the hall. 'Ohh shiny!' She stopped dead in her tracks as a sparkling light caught her eye. Crouching down she picked up a small glass bead and turned it in her hands, watching the light sparkle through it. With a smile, she slipped it into her pocket and headed down the hall once more.
(haha! i have returned! ;3 )

jaime slept soundly in his bed exsperiancing yet another one of his bizarre dreams. this time he was underwater yet for some reason he could breath..nor was he wet. a swarm a licorice sea horses galloped by and he excitedly chased after them. they led him to the gates of of strange temple. JAime walked inside the temple to find a full club of people and a psychodelic sounding band playing. the band consisted of 2 mushroom men on guitars,one with a red top and the other with a green, a giant abraham lincoln playing the bass, a 6 armed robot playing drums, and tillian pearson singing, except tillian pearson had wings and a halo. the party goers were drinking only the tastiest liquid sunshine in cups made of diamond! jaime did so lve his dreams.
Acelynn took the canvas. "Thanks." She said an held it close to her, deciding not to freak him out with magic..yet. Acelynn's eyes wondered him for a little bit, then came to rest back on his eyes. "Are you new here?" She asked as the tardy bell went off. I'm late again. Oh well. She thought to herself.
Bella heard the bell go off in the distance and stopped humming, pushing away from the railing. She made her way down from the roof and started walking down the hallways. Her mind had gone foggy and she couldn't remember what her next class was, she seemed to just be wandering aimlessly. She turned the corner and her vision went blurry, her head was spinning as she put her hand on the wall next to her to steady herself. Her fangs grew in her mouth and her mind could only process one thing, When did I last feed? No...that's right, I haven't fed since last night, I was too focused on school. She was hunched over and breathing slowly as she wished for her vision to clear, for her mind to process her surroundings properly again.

jaime tossed and turned in his bed . his dream took a turn for the worst when everyone started laughing at him after he spilled his liquid sunshine on his crotch. this immediatley woke jaime up with a scare. "wh-wha?" jaime said as he sat up in bed. he looked around and saw he was in his dorm and strecthed and yawned,etc,etc. he got up and walked over to his 4th floor window and slid it open sticking his head out to enjoy the fresh air. "ah what a fine day it is ! maybe it wont be as bad as yesterday." he hoped.
"suppose i should get dressed and get going.." jaime said as he heard a distant bell. he quickly got on his uniform and grabed his things. he bounded out the door trying to pull on his last shoe and accidentally bumped into someone. startled jaime immediatly apologized (for he never knew if his death lay right around the corner or underneath his bed). "oh! s-sorry !"
@Chief Shiro

Bella stumbled forward a few steps when someone crashed into her and due to her balance and vision being off at this point in time she could not find the wall again to steady herself and fell to the floor. She turned around slightly to try and see who had crashed into her but her vision was not getting any better the longer she was going without feeding. Her eyes had a slightly red tint around the pupil and soon they would turn completely red if she didn't do something about her hunger, which meant that she wouldnt be able to just fade in with the other students like she had hoped. "S-Sorry.." She mumbled, looking at the ground, her hair covering her face, "I didn't realize that I was in the way.."
"o-oh no its my fault! i wasnt looking where i was going! p-please forgive me!...um ... here let me help you up!" he said full of embarassment . he reached down to help to girl he had accidentally knocked over and noticed she didnt look to well.
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"Really..You don't need to apologize." She insisted, feeling that she should only be polite as to not scare him off. Her vision had gotten slightly better so that she could somewhat make out the boy's face. She spoke quietly, being careful to not show her fangs that had grown in size since he had approached her. She didn't want people at school to be afraid of her but if she didn't take care of her hunger then it was dangerous for her to be around humans. Her eyes had turned slightly redder than before as she could not take her eyes off of his neck.

@Chief Shiro
"um do you..f-feel alright miss? you seem a little s-sick... " he said kneeling down next to her . "do you maybe need help getting to the nurses office? i can take you there...b-beleive me ive spent plenty of time there x.x"
Bella couldn't control her mind as her need for blood was getting so unbearable that it physically pained her. She grabbed the boys arm as a searing pain shot down the back of her throat, "I-I'm sorry.." She mumbled, as she slowly moved closer to his neck, ashamed at her lack of ability to control her hunger.

@Chief Shiro
(For my first post I’m just going to change the colour of the text for dialogue, but once they go their separate ways I’ll write separate parts for them.)

Kateryn was first to the school gates, with her brother not far behind, though it looked as though he was dying.
“Come ON Damien, we need to get there as soon as possible!” She called happily, almost skipping as she ran. She was excited for a new school, and especially to study her chosen subjects at last. Some way behind her, Damien was running, though it was more comprised of stumbling at this point, and he seemed to be coughing up his lungs. For once he was flustered, his need to be as early as he could at this point far overshadowing his need for air. When he heard his sister’s jape, he glared at her distant back and shouted back as best he could “Unlike you, I don’t run for pleasure. So excuse me if I’m running at the speed for a normal human or supernatural being!”

Eventually the two ran to the classroom, Kateryn barely panting while Damien was doubled over and breathing heavily. She waved slightly at everyone “Hi, I’m Kateryn, but you can call me Flame, and this,” She pointed at her brother, “Is Damien.” The male broke from his coughing fit for a second to gasp out “Sorry we’re late. We had to run to school.” He then resumed dying and walked on shaky legs to one of the few remaining desks, Flame following him and finding another available seat. She sat down calmly, smiling, while Damien almost collapsed in his.

@anyone in the class
@Chief Shiro

Bella gently put her lips against his neck. While she was internally begging herself to stop, she just couldn't as it had already gotten too much for her. She had slowly pushed her fangs into his neck, at least promising herself that she would not take more than she needed. Forgive me..She thought, blushing with embarrassment as she fed from a student that she had just met without even asking his permission.
jaime was confused, and in pain. at first he thought he was being hit on by a random girl he accidentally pushed over , but clearly something wasnt right. he was hurting and he was light headed. his vision began to blur and it felt as if all that sleep he had just gained was being stripped away. "what are you-..do-" jaime tried to ask what was happening but soon fell into unconsciousness, falling into the girl before before him.
@Chief Shiro

Bella's fangs shrunk and she caught the boy as she fell into him. She didn't seem too concerned because she knew that she hadn't taken enough to kill him, "I didn't realize I took that much.." She mumbled, as she ran her finger over her now blunt fangs. She licked her lips just to make sure she didn't look anymore suspicious then she already did with an unconscious boy next to her and tried to get up. Her vision and her mind had now gone back to normal and she was feeling much stronger than before as she lifted the boy to his feet, half carrying him. Since she had fully fed she did now have slightly enhanced abilities so that she was strong enough to carry him to the nurses office. Before she set off to take the boy to the Nurse she tilted her hat over her eyes once again as they were the only part of her that could give away what she was, since they were still slightly red.

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