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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Having overslept the first two periods of the day, Dazai was finally awoken from his rest after hitting the floor head first. He sat up and looked at the clock before rushing himself to get up, not bothering to make his bed or finish putting his things away. It was his luck that he ended up falling asleep before classes started for the day, having traveled the entire previous day- jet lag was never something for him to praise. Dazai simply pulled on the first set of clothes folded up and shoes he saw, grabbing his school bag, and leaving the room towards third period without much of a second thought. He already had his hair pulled away from his face, and the eye patch covering his right eye, both of which he had ended up sleeping in. The male didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, making his way into class and settling in on one of the open seats after apologizing to the teacher.

Dazai looked towards the front of his class with his hands clasped lazily in his lap. There was really no point in moving here if I'm just going to miss classes, he thought, scolding himself. Holding back a yawn, he grabbed a piece of paper from his bag and began to draw, following the instructions given.
jaime was once again in a dream. he was floating. there was nothing around him but darkness yet he seemed to be reflecting light from somewhere. he looked around , confused. why was he back here so soon. he turned and came face to face with a girl. "oh hello !' he said waving as he he had trouble staying still in this zero gravity state. the girl on the other hand was before him as if she were standing straight up on a solid surface. she said nothing. "um who are you?" he asked the girl. again she said nothing. all she did was lookup and from beneath her hat jaime could see the brightest, reddest eyes. She grew in size soon surrounding jaime turning the black emptiness into a red nightmare. she emited a evilly terrifying sound that followed jaime down as he was no longer floating but falling at an incredible speed. he was trying to scream but couldnt breath. evry where he loked he saw the eyes malicously staring back at him. he fell for such a long time that he was no longer sure which direction he was even falling.
Flame didn't really care about the lesson they had at the moment, and so immediately started doodling. She waved when someone else entered the class, and grinned as she put het feet up on the desk in an effort to be less bored. She couldn't wait to do sports later.

Damien on the other hand, was hanging on to every word the teacher said. Much to his sister's frustration he was like this in every lesson, and his one goal was to do what you came to school for: learn. However, after a while even he got bored, and began sketching random people in the class to entertain himself.
Elihu walked into the classroom, ashamed he was late. He walked over and sat next to Dazai. He looked over at him and saw he was drawing something. "What are...you doing?" He asked, on his planet people never drew. @Cerin
Bella was taking longer than expected to take this boy to the nurse's room because every time she started moving, her long hair would fall in front of her face and she had to move it to be able to see, but she eventually got him there. The nurse didn't seem to be there at the moment so she did her best to get the boy onto a bed and tend to his needs. She felt his neck, Cold but there is a pulse, She sighed in relief and pulled up a chair next to the boy's bed and sat down, looking at him. She really wanted to apologize, since she was so embarrassed of what she had done. She held both of the boy's hands in her own, thinking that it might help because after she feeds her body always gets really warm so she thought it might help warm him up a bit. She didn't like the silence in the room so she soon started singing, in a very delicate voice, what she had been humming earlier but this time it had lyrics.

@Chief Shiro
Dazai looked up when he heard someone speak to him, turning his head to glance at Elihu. He looked from the half-finished drawing of his bass to the other male and blinked, speaking in a rather hushed and slightly confused tone so that he didn't disturb anyone around them, "Drawing?"

Jaime,still sleeping laidupon the bed, endured his nightmare wandering when it he was going to escape. he was in a deep sleepso there was no telling when he'd wake up . (sorry gotta go guys be back in a few! @Domxx )
Bella continued to sing to herself, making herself sleepy as she did so. She ended up falling asleep with her head laid on the bed and the boy's hands still in hers.

(@Chief Shiro I'm going to bed now but i will reply in the morning!)
Camille wasnt supprised when she found herself in a tree, waking up tomthe morning sunmin herneyes. This was normal for her, she usuallt took a flight before bed and sometimes didnt get home before she was too exhausted to stand so she fell asleep in trees often.

Sitting up Cam glanced around before getting up and jumping down to the ground she began walking towards the school eubbing her eyes
Acelynn walked into class rather late and sighed. "Yeah. I'm late." She mumbled as she snapped her fingers and made her canvas float over to a seat next to Damien; her following behind it then took her seat next to him. She wasn't too crazy about this subject but she had to take it, unfortunately. Her canvas with a fully drawn dragon on it floated next to her, but low enough so people could still see the board, as Acelynn looked over at Damien and whispered softly to him. "What did I miss?" She asked, hoping he'd be paying attention.

Damien jumped slightly, looking over to the girl next to him. "Oh, not much. This teacher does seem to go on a bit." He muttered back, flipping his paper over to make it loom like he'd been working. "I like your dragon," He gestured to her canvas, admiring it. "Your lines flow very well. Do you take it?"

Acelynn nods, a light pink blush dancing across her cheeks at his complement. "Thanks. If by take it you mean Advanced Art, then yes I do." She said as a hand came up and started to play with a bit of her lilac hair. She'd never been complemented before, probably due to the fact she hi most of her work and never let anyone see it if she could help it. "Do you draw?" She asked curiously.

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"A bit, though I take it so I guess it's more like a lot. I'm not as good as you are though, I take it more for fun than anything." He looked down at his work, making a few notes on what the teacher was saying, though they weren't very good. He figured he could make them better later, as at the moment the lesson was boring, and he was glad to be able to talk to someone about art for once. "My sister designs clothes as well, so she kind of draws."

Dazai watched Elihu's reaction and blinked before reaching grabbing another printing paper from his bag and offering it to him, "Want to try?" It was a bit odd to him that he didn't seem to know what it was, but he didn't think there was any harm in offering.

"S...sure..." Elihu said, taking the paper. He got out a pencil and began to draw the planet he lived on before coming to Earth. @Cerin
"That's cool!" Acelynn excitedly whispered, she'd never meet a fashion designer major before but she always saw a lot of their closes and was quite envious of how they could sew. "A-and if you'd like..I can help you draw.. maybe give you some tips?" She replied sheepishly. Acelynn wasn't one who tutored; therefore, she wasn't too sure how well she'd do if he accepted the offer but nonetheless she'd try her best to help him if he really wanted.

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Damien looked down sheepishly, nodding. "If it's ok with you that would be really helpful..." He trailed off slightly at the end, not wanting to ask her for something withour helping her out in turn. "If you need any help in other subjects, I'd be happy to help you out with them in return!" He resisted the urge to exclaim in happiness that he'd found something to trade with.

(Sorry it's a bit short, I'm about to go to bed)

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Acelynn thinks for a moment, trying to remember if there was any subjects she needed help with. "Potions.." She mumbled, her blush increasing to a bright red hue. For a witch, Acelynn was horrible at making potions. They always exploded or caught on fire, which granted was pretty freaking epic but also the reason she failed the class last year. "I have Study Hall seventh period, if you do too then maybe we can meet in the library and tutor each other?" She suggested, a small smile gracing her features.

((It's fine. There's no line requirements.))

Dazai smiled slightly and nodded, turning his attention back to the sketch on his paper after glancing at what Elihu had begun to draw. He picked his pencil back up and continued to doodle his bass and moving on to other random things that came to mind, still listening to what the teacher was saying.
Elihu was also listening to the teacher. He wanted to color his picture in, but didn't know what to ask for. "U...um...do you have any...colors?" Elihu asked Dazai uncertainly. @Cerin
Dazai quietly checked his bag to see if he had brought his coloring pencils or markers with him, but they were no where to be found. He figured he must've left them in his dorm room, "Ah..I'm afraid I don't have them with me, Sorry, but you can always use shading to add effect to the drawing...Or if you really want to color it, I can get some for you after class?"

jaime sat up slowly as he was very sore and felt very light headed. it took a minute for him to realize he was in the all to familiar nurses office. he noticed a girl asleep next to him leaning against the bed. it took him a minute to realize who she was and what had happened. his neck was really sore and he had a tremendous head ache. he looked at the girl and then slowly he leaned down to get a check at her teeth. they looked completely normal. jaime was sure that she mustve been a vampire but he is a human. what would he know about mythics? maybe shes some kind of mythical being who likes to bite peoplevin the shoulder. who knows. jaime suddenly felt the bandage around his neck. He began to feel a bit nervous as he had thoughts that people might mistake it for him hiding a hickey or something instead of him being nipped y a cannabalistic being. "i gotta get back to my dorm!" jaime said as he grabbed his things and quickly rand out the office. he stuck to the shadows hoping he wouldt be seen on his way back to his dorm room. he pooped the collar of his uniform and held his breifcase high on his chest to hide the bandage as he walked. "oh no whats gonna happen if someone sees this ? what am i going to say?! " jaime whimpered just a little as he began to fel the anxiety from his first day coming back to haunt him. @Domxx
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Twirling his pencil between his fingers, Dazai tried to ignore the itch he had to leave. The class itself was unsurprisingly boring to him, and the exhaustion that held him wasn't helping much. At least he'd met someone who didn't seem to be trouble. He lightly scratched at the back of his head in thought, wondering if the next class would be the same. It was school, after all, even if it was teeming with new people and creatures. Yes, he would simply have to wait it out like he did with every other class, or skip and add to his already unkempt record. Bah..

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