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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

"That would be really helpful, but it won't get you in trouble will it? I wouldn't want you to get told off because of me." He smiled worridly, not wanting to be the cause of someone else's punishment. Ash- as that was the nickname he settled with- seemed nice, and it would be a shame if she was punished unfairly. He grabbed his bag, packing his stuff up.

Acelynn shakes her head. "Nah. I'm late a lot anyways." She said with a chuckle. "Come on. I'll show ya." She said and headed for the door, her floating canvas following right next to her as usual. Damien seemed like a great guy, and on top of that he was kind of.. cute, but that wasn't really important to her; she was simply happy to have a new friend.

Damien grabbed Flame as he walked out of the door behind Ace, ignoring her complaints. He hoped that his new friend wouldn't mind her coming along, but he knew that she simply wouldn't go to class if she didn't have her schedule. She probably wouldn't anyway, but at least he was trying. "Thanks again Ace." He said.

Flame glared at Damien as he grabbed her arm, not liking being treated like a child who needed to be lead everywhere. "Damien, let go of me or I swear to god..." She threatened, though she was aware that her younger brother wasn't listening. She noticed that he was following someone, and called put to her, "Hi random girl, I'm Flame. Who are you?" She neglected using her real name in favour of her nickname, as she preferred it.

jaime looked at the girl who had run up to him close to tears. she was apologizing for..something?... jaime wasnt entirely sure. he was curious as to what happened after he was bitin. had this girl found him and taken him to the nurse? "whoa- h-hey! " he said startled. "why are you apologizing? " he asked curiously with a small smile. "you took me to the nurses office after all and had me treated! ....oh and my name is Jaime! " he said bowing slightly but not enough to see over the scarf. "u-um.... do you happen to have a twin sister by any chance? ....." he asked nervously. he was sure it was her who bit him but it clearly couldnt have been. she was a normal human with normal teeth and a normal face.

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Acelynn chuckled at the two. "Nice to meet cha Flame. I'm Acelynn. Most call me Ace or Blade." She said simply as she lead the two of them though the halls. "It's really no problem Damien." She said. "I don't mind helping new students. That's kind of the job of Upperclassmen." She replied. Acelynn stopped at the office, the woman behind the front officer counter looked at the three of them. "Those two need their schedules." She said, the woman looking to Flame and Damien. "Names?" The woman asked.

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Damien, being the more responsible of the two, stepped forward, slightly intimidated by the woman, but not showing it. "Um, we're Kateryn and Damien." He spoke clearly, nor wanting to be confused for another student and be sent to English, or even worse- sports.

Flame allowed him to take the lead, standing back to talk to Blade "So, how do you know my brother? What major are.you taking? What's your minor?" She asked a series of questions in quick succession, curious about this girl. It wasn't often she would see her brother smile, so she wanted to get to known the person who had caused it.

Acelynn chuckled once more. "I met him in the previous class. My major in Graphic Design and my minor is Art." She said, not really caring much at all that the girl was asking questions. Could she really blame her? No. Everyone got curious at one point and Acelynn didn't really mind answering questions. "Any more questions?" She asked her, a small smile gracing her features.

The woman at the desk nodded and typed in their named, found them, printed out their schedules and handed them to Damien. "Here you go." She said as the second bell went off.

Diana walked towards the training arena and sighed. She walked inside the weapons room and grabbed a sword. She entered the arena and hit a button. A simulation began and holograms of enemies surrounded her. She looked around, smirking. "You think you can get rid of me Michael? You thought wrong." She said, looking up at the sky. Her wings spread and she gripped the sword.
After getting herself lost, because she was reading her map upside down, Kathlianna found an empty art room. Looking around at all the supplies she smiled and set notebook on a table, tucking her schedule and map inside. 'The view from here is pretty.' She thought, looking out the window over the campus. Sitting on a stool, she began to sketch the scene, humming lightly as she did.
She left her room and ran to the class she was suppose to be in, but she was in a hurry and ended up getting lost with no one around to ask for directions. She wandered around to see if she was near a recognizable spot but she had no such luck. Melody then rested under a tree to think what to do next. She ended up forgetting what she was doing and fell asleep right there under the tree for some time.
Dazai had gotten up from his seat after the first bell and started to make his way back to his dorm room. This period was his studyhall, one he didn't much care to attend and one he was sure they wouldn't care of he attended either. It took him a few moments to get there, but he took the extra time to finish putting his things away and clean up his mess in the room.
Damien nodded a thanks to the woman, speed walking over to his sister. "Come on Flame. That was the second bell, and I'd like to drop my bag off in my room before we leave." He said impatiently, before turning to Ace. "Thanks for the help, but you should probably head off. Don't want to be any later than necessary. I'll see you in study hall anyway." He smiled at her, before forcing his sister's schedule into her hand and dragging her off by the arm.

Flame waved at Blade as she was dragged away, grinning widely. "Bye Blade, hope to see you around some time!" She called out, ignoring the glares from a few faculty members as they passed her. She took a quick peek at her schedule. Sports. She smiled even wider, making her look slightly creepy. She pulled her arm from Damien's grip, running off. "See you in study Hall brother."

Acelynn laughed at the two of them and waved bye. "See ya!" She called before tuning on her heel and heading the opposite direction to potions. Acelynn wasn't really in much of a rush, as she was simply strolling along the halls; the canvas behind her. They seem nice. I hope I have more classes with them. She thought to herself, a small smile on her face as she walked.
Jiro would just go back to his room and stay there for a while because he wad not feelimg well "Those memories make me feel sick, I'd rather not remember them"
Chief Shiro]jaime looked at the girl who had run up to him close to tears. she was apologizing for..something?... jaime wasnt entirely sure. he was curious as to what happened after he was bitin. had this girl found him and taken him to the nurse? "whoa- h-hey! " he said startled. "why are you apologizing? " he asked curiously with a small smile. "you took me to the nurses office after all and had me treated! ....oh and my name is Jaime! " he said bowing slightly but not enough to see over the scarf. "u-um.... do you happen to have a twin sister by any chance? ....." he asked nervously. he was sure it was her who bit him but it clearly couldnt have been. she was a normal human with normal teeth and a normal face. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25374-domxx/ said:
Bella looked slightly confused, "W-what do you mean why am I apologizing?" She said nervously, "A-And no...I don't have a twin sister.." She looked at the ground, sniffling slightly, Was he trying to make her admit out loud that she had bitten him?

"I am so sorry for what happened...Jaime," She mumbled, "If there is anything I can do....I don't want you to hate me."
Diana finished and walked back to the weapons room. She cleaned the sword and put it back in its spot. She walked out of the training arena and through the campus. She looked around at the students and smiled a little. Her wings fluttered and she sighed. She walked up the stairs to her building and went inside. We entered her classroom and sat in her desk, waiting for students.
Damien waved half heartedly at his sister, and started down the corridor. He had Ancient history, one of his favourite subjects, but it felt strange without his loud sister next to him, complaining and being stupid. He reached the class as second bell went, and apologised to the teacher before sitting down in one of the many available desks. He wasn't sure how many other people took the subject, but it couldn't be many.

Flame bounded outside, a grin plastered across her face. In PE she was encouraged to move around and release energy, and thus it was one of her favourite subjects, the other obviously being fashion. She changed quickly, the headed outside and began jogging around the track to warm up. She hoped that some others would arrive soon.
As she drew Kathlianna didn't notice the girl fall asleep under the tree outside the window. She just added her to the drawing as if she was part of the scenery. It was as she started to add colour to the sketch that she noticed the girl. 'Whoops.. I hope she doesn't mind that I drew her..' Kat thought as she worked on getting the colours right.

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"No! Nonesense i- i dont hate you i swear! " he said smiling. "Look im not sure whats going on but how about we just forget about it over some food? Im a decent cook i think " he said nervously. He wssnt sure why the girl was so upset but he was felt guilty for some reason.
Melody woke up from under the tree and looked at the time after remembering what happened. She noticed she slept through her class , she got up and left for her dorm to clean up the dust and dirt on her clothes and skin
Finishing her drawing, Kathlianna smiled and compared the scene in her sketchbook to the one outside the window. The only thing amiss was the now missing girl beneath the the tree. Closing the book, Kathlianna pulled out her map and decided to work on finding her way back to the dorms. 'I can unpack.. Maybe my roommate will be there.. The paper said her name was Jaime.. I wonder if we'll be friends..' She thought as she worked her way back across campus. 'Maybe we can explore later.. Figure this map out..' She started humming as she walked, turning the map over as she tried to figure out which way it went compared to her location.
Diana sighed and looked around. She stood up and walked to the cabinet that held her potions. She took a few out and began mixing a few. She created a super potion and smirked. She put it in the back of the cabinet and hid it with other bottles. She went back to the table and continued to play around with the potions.
Acelynn finally arrived at her Potions class and walked in, looking to her teacher. "Sorry. I was helping a new student" She said before taking a seat in the back and looking forward, hoping this class would be fun and that she could somehow not blow up something with a wrongly made potion. I really hope Damien helps me. I already failed this class once.. She thought to herself.

Diana looked at Acelynn and smiled. "It's alright." She said, cleaning up. Diana looked around at the students in her classroom and smiled. "Hello, everyone. I am Diana Grace, but you can call me Ms. Diana. I am an archangel and I teach magic and potions. I also do combat classes on the side. Today, we will be making a healing potion. After we're done, you can take your potion back to your dorm."
Acelynn sighs inwardly. This might end badly. She thought as she waited for Ms. Diana to give them more instruction on how to do such a thing. Maybe by literally magic I can pull this off..I hope. She thought once again as she put her bag down on the floor and made her canvas lay against a nearby wall.

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