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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*


The time was up for everyone's drawings. The teacher than said "who would like to go first on sharing their project?" Trying not to seem the odd one out raised her hand to go first. "My Sketch is on Friendship, I know that sounds cheesy but I really treasure it so I drew me and a couple of my old friends sketching together." Kat then sat down at her desk and watched everyone else present their projects.
jaime made his way quickly to the court yard. here he stayed behind a pilar making sure to hide the bandage around his neck with his breifcase. he squeamishly looked out at the court yard with dread. he had to cross it to get to the dorm building he was assigned to but its here where all the class windows looked into. he was a nervous wreck. "what if someone sees me?! do i just run through and hope i dont get spotted?! or should i just act natural?!" jaime looked out once more and sighed. he made sure the bandage was hidden and proceeded to slowly walk into the court yard .
Dazai turned in his work paper when the teacher asked and put his pencil away, propping his chin up with his palms. He looked around the room with a bored expression, at least until he notice Elihu was watching. It was odd, but he didn't know what else to do but stare back.

Elihu quickly looked away, noticing it might have weirded Dazai out. He got his drawing and turned it in before sitting back down. @Cerin
"slow and steady, your doing ok-k " said jaime to himself while sporting a nervous smile. "almost there" hw was about halfway through the court yard now and thankfully he hadnt be noticed yet.
He mentally shrugged it off and began lightly tapping a rhythm onto the desk with his fingers. It wasn't loud at all, but it kept him from squirming around in his seat.
Dazai's attention was caught by Elihu again, only this time he was apologizing for something he didn't think was worth an apology. "Hm?" He stopped tapping his fingers and looked back to Elihu,"For what?" It never really bothered him when someone stared, he simply didn't know how to respond to it.

"Nah..don't worry about it." He shook his head lightly and glanced around. Dazai was relatively used to stares, but it was a little different when in a classroom or confined space. He gently clicked his rings against his teeth before inquiring about the school,"Do you like the classes here so far?"

jaime was so close to crossing the court yard. he could see the door to the dorm building about 300 yrds away. his anxiety began to subside however he continued to cover his neck for fear of someone seeing the bandage and getting the wrong idea.
Alexandria walked in lazily to 3rd period late. She honestly didn't care if she was late or not. To be honest she hated it here but she had to be shipped off by her mom. Alexandria looked around the room which was quite boring. And decided to plop down into some seat next to somebody, not saying a thing and staring blankly ahead with a exasperated sigh.

He didn't expect much of an answer coming from someone who seemed to be a bit quieter person than himself, but he wasn't sure what to make of it either. The male simply nodded and looked back to the front of the class. Dazai rubbed the underneath of his head, feeling of the shaved area and letting out a quiet sigh. This class felt like it was taking forever, though he was unaware of how much time had actually passed. He began quietly tapping again, using it as an outlet for his restlessness.
Diana walked out of her classroom and watched students pass by. She walked outside and sat on the steps. She spread her giant white wings and sighed. "Didn't expect me to go this low, did ya?" She mumbled, glaring at the clouds. A small lighting bolt struck the ground in front of her and she rolled her eyes. "Grow up, Luci." She said, standing up
Damien thought for a moment. Personally he wasn’t a magical being, but he had dabbled in potions out of interest. He hadn’t hurt or killed anyone while making them, nor did they have unwanted effects, so he smiled slightly. “Sure, I can help with that.” He whispered after a moment, glad he was able to help her in return. “Study hall sounds good, after all, that’s what it’s for. If you want, I could ask my sister to help as well. She’s a fire spirit, so she’s better at fire potions than I am.

Acelynn giggles. "Trust me. Once you see how I make potions, you'll think I'm good at it too." She joked, a small bit of laughter escaping her, causing the teacher to shush her. "Ha..oops." She said as the bell rang for forth period and she stood up, gathering her things. "So. I never introduced myself. I'm Acelynn. Most call me Ace or Blade. What's your name?" She asked and stuck out her hand for him to shake if he wished to.

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Damien shook her hand, glad to know someone on the first day. He laughed softly. “I’m Damien, it’s nice to meet you Acelynn.” He looked over at Flame to check she was ok, and then nodded slightly. “We should probably go to next period. Don’t want to be late. What do we have next? I just got here, so I haven’t had time to get my timetable.”

@xEmoBunnehx (I have school, gotta go.)
Acelynn shakes his hand back then retracts her's. "Nice to meet you Damien." She said with a smile to him before thinking a moment. "Well. I have Potions next, but if you'd like I can take you to the office to get a new schedule?" She offered and nodded her head toward the door. He seems really nice and I'm glad I've made a friend unlike last year. She thought.

Melody woke up and was checking what time it is when she noticed she overslept.She then started to get ready in a hurry to get to class but she then looked outside and saw that it was dark outside.Melody then looked at the clock and saw it was switched to 3:00 instead of 8:00 when she knocked the clock over." Now I need a new alarm clock cause I don't want to wake up every time and start panicking again"she complained and went back to bed.

Kat picked up her sketch from art class and got everything else to see her next class was going to be math great... she thought. Kat once again ended up in the hallways having to go around tails and under wings. By the time she got to math class she was out of breath Kat then sat down in a desk and waiter for class to begin.
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Bella soon woke up, stretching. She frowned as she looked around and saw that the boy had long gone. "He's probably scared of me now.." She sighed, "I don't blame him.." She was about to leave the Nurse's room when she realised that she probably looked slightly messy after sleeping in all of her clothes. She decided to plait her hair into two plaits and she would change when she got back to her dorm. She hoped her roommate was back at the dorm because she really wanted someone to talk to. She brushed herself down and started to head back to the dorm.

jaime was in his dorm worriedly looking in the mirror. he was examining the two small holes on the side of his neck. "so it was a vampire then....but it couldnt have been the girl in the nurses office... "jaime went to touch the bite and winced. he started to whimper. "whats gonna happen to me?... " he wondered . he had seen tons of movies and read many a book about vampires...ofcourse he assumed it was all fiction... jaime worried if he'd also turn into one, or if he was going to die in a few days, or if he was going to be revisited in his sleep. He suddenly remembered what camille had said about him being surrounded by death at all times. "she wasnt kidding... i gotta hide this.." jaime re-administered the bandages and went over to his dresser and got dressed. he put on his uniform except this time he wore a scarf around his neck to hide the bandage. He stuck his head out into the hall and looked around. after seeing no one was outside he walked out of his room and left, clutching his breifcase to his chest.

@Domxx @wolfborn4
@Chief Shiro

Bella was walking back to her dorm to change when she saw the boy from before just leaving his dorm. She ran up to him. "H-Hey.." She said, panting as she tapped his shoulder, "W-Why did you just leave earlier? I really wanted to apologize!"

She suddenly started tearing up, "P-Please don't hate me.." She whined, "I can be completely honest with you and tell you that I hadn't been taking care of my needs and when I met you I was probably close to...d-death." It was true. When she had met the boy, she had been in a very bad state. "Can I at least have your name?" She asked, "I will do anything to make it up to you!"

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