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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

"I like to draw." Kathlianna said, her eyes lighting up. "I also like science.. Mostly genetics." She said with a mischievous smile. 'He seems like a nice person.. And I'm gonna have to get along with him if we're going to live together.' She told herself, not wanting to make things awkward by being shy and closed off to start for she knew that could cause awkward moments in the future.

@Chief Shiro
"gentetics?! wow thats ..uh..something!" jiame hoped he wasnt gonna be exsperimented on in his sleep. "oh hey do you want some chocolate?"he asked.
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When no one raised their hand Acelynn sighs and slouched down in the bad, inwardly hoping Ms. Diana didn't call on her. Please don't..please don't..I'll fail.. She thought to herself as she tried to make herself disappear.
"It can be highly fascinating." Kathlianna said with smile. Her ears perked up at the mention of chocolate. "I would love some chocolate."
jaime went to the kitchen and returned with a bar of chocolate he unwrapped it reveiling the shiny foil and the brown bar of chocolate within it.
"Thank you." Kathlianna said, smiling at Jaime. She rolled onto her stomach on the bed and grabbed her sketchbook. Flipping to a blank age, she began drawing a winged wolf in chains.
"oh wow thats really pretty!" he said looking at the drawing as he scanned it over he caught a glimpse at her cleavage and immediatley looked away red than a red hot chilli pepper.
Melody was leaving the class she went to after going back and get the dirt off from her outdoor nap. She decided to go to the library for her study hall period, but when she was looking for a book to read she noticed some manga in the corner of the library and grabbed it out of curiosity and started reading it. Melody kept on reading one after the other for awhile and forgot what she was going to do originally.
"Thank you." Kathlianna said, blushing lightly at the compliment. She continued drawing, working on fine details, she hummed lightly as her tail swished happily behind her.

@Chief Shiro
"s-so uh what do you like to do for fun?" he said chomping off a peice of chocolate. he couldnt help but to watch her tail swish back and forth. it looked so fluffy.
"Reading, drawing.. climbing trees." Kathlianna smiled, flashing her canines. "I like being active, but also like taking it easy. What about you?"

"um well i like readin and playing video games...and...uh......say um c-can i ask you something?" he said as he continued to watch her tail

Kat had finished her math sheet before everyone else in the class so she decided to ask the math teacher if she could go check out her dorm. The math teacher somehow said yes but told Kat to hurry back. Kat went through the dorm hallways and heard a lot of commotion coming from them, but decided to ignore them.

Kat had finally made it to her dorm and double checked to see if she had a roommate which she did not. Kat went on in and put her stuff down.

"I guess so." Kathlianna said. "I mean if we're gonna be roommates we should get to know each other.. right?" She asked, biting her lip and looking up from her sketch book.

@Chief Shiro
"Uhmmm....c-can i.....touch you tail ?o///.///o " he started bludhing terribly. Why would he ask that?! Stupid!
"M-my tail?" Kathlianna asked, blushing bright red. 'Why would he want to touch my tail?' She wondered. "I.. yes.." She said, not sure and highly self-conscious. She sat up and her tail wrapped around her, resting across her legs.

@Chief Shiro

Hesitantly he reached out and touched it. It was soft. Holy crap! He wad touching a nekos tail! " this is so...cool" he said fascinated.
Jaime stopped stratched the back of his head. " sorry...its jyst im sirt of new to mythical creatures and i was curious..." He was blushing but smiling, awkwardly, but still smiling.
"It's alright.. I understand curiosity." She said, ears twitching. "Having someone touch my tail is new for me too." She smiled at him, feeling slightly less awkward with his hand now gone. 'It actually felt kinda nice..' She though, blushing again at her own thoughts.

@Chief Shiro
Jaime yawned a little "wow im getting tired...i had a looooong day! " he said half awake . he kinda just smiled and then passed out asleep right there on the floor.
"Jaime?" Kathlianna asked, sliding off the bed. She knelt next to him, concerned. 'Whats wrong with him?' She wondered, leaning over him. She pressed her hand against his forehead to see if he had a fever and then tilted her head to listen to his breathing.

@Chief Shiro
Ldybug123 said:
Elihu opened the door and looked at Dazai. "A...are...you D...Dazai?" He said shyly, having trouble pronouncing everything. @Cerin
"Yes?" Dazai blinked when he noticed the familiar face of Elihu, and raised his hand in a small wave,"Hey."

(Sorry for the late reply!)
Jaime slept soundly like a kitten on the floor. It was time for yet another wacky crazy dream of his.
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